In the Black: Black Star Security

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In the Black: Black Star Security Page 17

by Cynthia Rayne

  “There’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do for her. Nothin’.”

  “I can see that.” King nodded, and there was something almost approving about it.

  Before he could reply, King bent over Zane and scooped him up in a bone-crushing hug.

  “Ugh! Ouch!”

  “Right. Sorry.” King pulled back and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “I guess I don’t got a choice now.”

  “About what?”

  “You. Just so we’re clear, I don’t think you’re good enough for her.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t think anyone is.” Zane didn’t take it personally.

  “Damn straight. Besides, I can’t watch her 24/7. Ellie might kick my ass.” King sounded put out, as though he’d seriously considered it.

  “The lady’s frown on stalkin’, so I’m told.”

  His lips twitched. “Yeah, but you ain’t so bad. I could probably learn to deal with you.”

  Zane could hardly believe his own ears. “Does this mean I have your blessing?”

  “Don’t push it.” He grunted. “It means I ain’t gonna stand in your way. And I won’t beat you up again unless you deserve it. If you ever hurt her—"

  “I know. They’ll never find the body.”

  “Are you done threatenin’ him?” Ellie stood in the doorway, with two Starbucks cups in her hands.

  “No,” King said dryly. “Why don’t you come back in a bit?”

  She didn’t even look at King. Instead, she focused on Zane.

  His heart clenched. Zane had thought he’d never get to see her again, and here she was, like a dream or a mirage.

  “Leave, Tommy,” Ellie said.


  “Go!” She pointed to the door and pressed a travel cup into his hand on the way out. As soon as he was gone, Ellie tossed her purse down, dropped the coffee on a nearby table and was by his side in a matter of seconds.

  Ellie leaned over Zane, cupping his cheek. “You could’ve died.”

  “I didn’t.” He closed his eyes, drinking in her touch.

  “You got lucky.”

  “I made a calculated risk.”

  “You are so…” Ellie drifted off with a sigh. “So, what happens with you and me?”

  “You tell me.” He held his breath.

  They’d said a lot of things to one another in the past few days, while under extreme conditions. Did she feel the same way after the heat of the moment had passed?

  “I love you, and you love me. But do you wanna give us a shot? I mean a real chance, no backin’ out or pullin’ away, even if you think I’d be better off without you.”

  “Are you sure you wanna be with me? You’ve seen me at my worst, Ellie.”

  “And I’ve witnessed your best, too. You were willin’ to die for me, Zane. A girl can’t ask for anything more.”

  “If you’ll have me, I’m yours. I guess I always have been.”

  “Then I’m yours, too.” She leaned down and kissed him.

  And just like that, all the pain went away.


  Three months later…

  The waves rolled in, crashing into the shore with a whoosh.

  Ellie closed her eyes, delighting in the sound. She sat in a lawn chair next to Zane. They were on vacation, and while they weren’t on the same beach they’d gone to all those years ago in California, it was just as wonderful.

  They’d gone to Virginia Beach for the weekend.

  It was mid-September, Indian Summer, and it was forecasted to be in the mid-nineties today, but Ellie didn’t care. She was wearing her brand new pink bikini, and Zane wore a pair of board shorts which showed off his cute ass. They both smelled like coconut from the tanning oil they’d slathered on.

  It was perfect weather. And she couldn’t remember ever being this happy.

  Maybe it’s because she’d experienced disaster, so she could be grateful for the good times. Ellie was still on probation, but she’d been given special permission to leave the state for the weekend.

  Ellie was going back to school and then she planned on getting a better job. For now, she worked full-time as a pharmacy technician at a local drugstore. The pay sucked but handing out pills to old folks was way better than killing mice all day, every day.

  “How’s your vacation so far?” Zane asked.

  They had bottles of Corona between them in a bucket full of ice, and he handed her one, after twisting off the cap.

  “Fantastic. Thank you.” She clinked her bottle against his.

  After hiring a private eye to find his mother and sister, Zane had reached out to them. He’d sent each of them a letter, and they’d both written back to him. While he hadn’t seen them in person yet, Zane had spoken with both of them on the phone, and the broken relationships were beginning to heal.

  It would take some time, but Zane was headed on the right path, and it brought him some measure of peace.

  Dave and the rest of the living sovereigns had gone to federal prison. Although, Dave’s sentence was considerably lighter than the rest. He was up for parole in five years, because he’d testified against everyone else in a closed-door hearing.

  Things were going well for Black Star, too.

  They’d gotten a dozen more contracts. OH, and her brother had bought a huge diamond and was preparing to propose to Savvy while she was on stage at her next big concert. Ellie planned on throwing her an amazing bridal shower.

  And then she noticed a creepy crawly crouched in the sand.

  “Oh my God! Spider!” She jumped out of her chair and pointed at it. Lurking by a rock, was a brown and black thing with spindly legs. It jumped closer, and she shrieked.

  “Don’t worry, I got it.” And then Zane stomped on the little sucker. “You never have to worry about spiders around me. I’ll protect you.”

  Once again, he made her heart flip. “You mean it?”

  “Of course. You’re safe with me. Always.”

  She grinned.

  “You don’t think this is a bad omen, do you?”

  “No, it’s just a bug.” Ellie was on the right path, headed toward a bright future.

  “I think so too. The worst is behind us.” Zane held out his hand for Ellie, and she took it. “Now, let’s head over to the water. I’ve gotta wash the damn thing off my flip-flop.”

  Ellie snickered.

  Together, they walked over to the ocean’s edge.

  “Oh, and tonight?”

  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “After everyone on the beach has gone home, I’m gonna lay you out on those blankets and fuck you until you can’t stand.”

  Ellie shivered. Yeah, today is perfect.

  Nothing but blue skies overhead and no danger on the horizon.


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  Black Star Security is a rapid release series.

  A new release every month.

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  Keep reading for a sneak peek.

  Black as Night

  Coming June 25th


  Black Soul

  Nox is an ex-Army Ranger sniper who’s only good at one thing. Killing. It never bothered him. He was willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good. But what does get under his skin is women.

  And that’s why Nox keeps them at arm’s length, preferring to play kinky sex games rather than date anyone, and let them get to know the real him.

  Until he meets Vanessa. Nox can’t get close enough to her.

  Black Heart

  Growing up wealthy, Vanessa had every advantage, every privilege, and she gets her own way. Vanessa only cared about two things. M
oney. And her sister. But when Amy went missing, she asked the cops for help. Only they couldn’t find her.

  So, Vanessa hired Black Star Security to find Amy, but Nox is a real pain in the @ss. Unlike everyone else, he doesn’t jump to do her bidding. In fact, he gives her orders. And when he’s in charge in the bedroom, it melts her. But can they deal with each other in the cold light of day? And will they find Amy?

  Black as Night

  Logan Knoxville woke up alone.

  Sleeping by himself wasn’t something he did often. Nox preferred to wake up next to a pretty girl. Sex before breakfast was his favorite. He yawned and stretched, before grabbing his cell phone off the nightstand. Nox scrolled through his text messages, deleting most of them. Nox always let the girls down easy, but he got regular booty calls, from women trying to reignite the flames.

  Too bad. So sad. I’m over it.

  Some people would say he had the attention span of a gnat, and maybe they were right. Instead of the flavor of the month, he had a flavor of the week, or the day, as the case may be.

  What can I say? I get bored.

  Not that he was one of those player, misogynistic douchebags. On the contrary, he loved women. Maybe too much.

  The last text message got his attention. It was from West.

  Everyone else is busy with a case. You’re meeting with a new client at 9 AM.

  Typical. West hadn’t asked, he’d told him. Then again, he’s the Chief. They had just started the business a few short weeks ago, but it was already taking off. According to West, they were in the black.

  There was another message from West. And don’t fuck it up.

  “Thanks, brother. I needed the vote of confidence.”

  The text had come in at ten o’clock last night. So, whatever the situation was, it must be urgent. Nox hadn’t seen it when the text came in. He’d been at the local honky tonk, the Hooch and Scooch, chatting up the cowgirls, but he’d struck out.

  He checked the time. Damn it. It was nearly 9 o’clock.

  Nox got dressed and headed downstairs. Mack was seated at the table, surrounded by paperwork.

  “What’s all that for?” he asked.

  Her lips thinned. “Trust me, you don’t wanna know.”

  “It’s about John Doe, isn’t it?” Nox could see right through Mack and her obsession with the robber. It’s not like he was judging. Girls love a bad boy.


  He chuckled. “Don’t take this the wrong way, darlin’, but you’re a shitty liar.”

  Mack politely changed the topic. “I let the new client in. She’s waiting for you in the meeting room.”

  “Then I’ll head on in.” After grabbing a cup of coffee, he walked into the conference room, prepared to be polite and professional.

  Yep, it’s a plan. I got this.

  It was an eye-catching place. There were three brick walls, and one large floor to ceiling window, with a breathtaking view of the woods behind the property.

  In the center of the room, stood a farmer’s table surrounded by several brown leather chairs. There were a series of framed posters on the wall, all of them featuring motivational sayings. In the center was the Navy warfare special insignia—a golden eagle clutching a trident, an anchor, and a rifle.

  He glanced at the sayings, seeking a little inspiration.

  The only easy day was yesterday.

  Don’t run to your death.

  All in, all the time.

  No plan survives first contact with the enemy.

  Standing in the center of the room was a tall, cool blonde.

  Stunned, Nox sucked in a breath.

  Everything about her was perfect, and he’d only got a glimpse of her features in profile. She wore a white dress with a matching jacket, high heels. She had a willowy body that wouldn’t quit, the kind attained by putting countless hours in.

  Judging by her shapely legs, Nox bet she was a runner. Her champagne blonde hair was pulled up into a tight bun at the base of her neck. She wore wire-framed glasses, which were perched on the tip of her snub nose.

  Just then, she turned to look at him. Her eyes were a grayish blue, like a winter sky.

  Christ Almighty.

  “Are you Logan Knoxville?” Her voice was cultured, imperious.

  Nox wanted to put her over his knee and smack her bottom.

  “Yes ma’am, but please call me Nox. And who might you be?” He held outta hand, and she shook it firmly.

  “Vanessa Kent. You may call me Ms. Kent.”

  His lips twitched. Something else twitched in his pants, too. Vanessa was beautiful, cool. Untouchable. And used to being in control.

  Nox wanted her immediately.

  He had a kinky streak a country mile wide. Nox love to dominate women who controlled every facet of their lives. The ones who were lawyers, doctors, leaders. Women who always got their way, who gave dozens of orders all day, every day.

  They needed the release he could provide. And he’d only be too happy to oblige her.

  Vanessa didn’t know it yet, but he was going to seduce her.

  “And what can I do for you, Vanessa?”

  Her nostrils flared. “You can find my sister. She’s missing.”

  Pre-order Black as Night

  About the Author

  Cynthia Rayne is the USA TODAY bestselling author of the Black Star Security Series, Lone Star Mobster Series, and the Four Horsemen MC Series. While Cynthia was born and raised a damn Yankee in Ohio, her parents hail from Dixie, and she grew up on homemade buttermilk biscuits and southern wisdom. In her spare time, she enjoys shopping, reading way too many romance novels, and drinking a truly obscene amount of coffee.

  Social Media






  Dixie Darlings Facebook Group


  © Cynthia Rayne 2018

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review or book discussion, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part is forbidden without the written permission of the author.



  End Line Proofing

  Cover Art

  Book Covers Creative


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are the product of the author’s wicked imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and frankly a bit creepy.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1A

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12





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