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Her Reluctant Bear: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 5)

Page 8

by Vella Day

  After Jillian started the car and turned up the heat, she called Dalton.

  “Hey, I thought you’d be home for dinner by now,” he said without preamble.

  “Me too. Listen, I decided to have a talk with Brian about something, and I stayed longer than planned.”

  “I thought he didn’t like you, which was why he kept running away from you.”

  Perhaps telling Dalton everything hadn’t been smart either. “I wanted to change his mind, but then things got a little out of hand.”

  “You slept with him?” Anger laced his tone.

  She wasn’t going to take any of his shit. It didn’t matter that her brother had been wonderful and let her stay at his place. “No, but even if I had, it would have been between consenting adults.”

  “You’re right,” Dalton admitted after a long pause.

  “Besides, having sex wouldn’t have caused this problem,” she said.

  “What did you do or rather say?” Now he sounded like the exasperated brother she was used to. “You didn’t tell him Elana was a shifter did you?”

  “Worse. I shifted in front of him.”

  “Oh, Jilly, why?”

  Her pet name almost made her cry. “It’s a long story. I need to explain a few things to Elana, and when I return to the house, I’ll give you all the gritty details. Can you give me her address?”

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  There was no way she’d be able to give any details about her being naked in front of Brian. However, since she had shifted, it kind of implied it. “No, thanks.”

  Once she had the directions, she headed for the shifter compound. Too bad, her stomach was tied up in knots. Normally, she would have called instead of just showing up at Elana’s door, but explaining something like this over the phone wouldn’t have been good.

  Following Dalton’s instructions, she found the home easily. It was situated on a nice piece of land. With the house lights on, it looked so cozy, like her home, but she refused to dwell on what she’d left behind. Unless Whitlaw was caught, Los Angeles would be too dangerous to be in right now. Not to mention that after what happened there, her house might never be cozy again.

  Once she parked, Jillian figured both Kalan and Elana knew they had company. The borrowed car would not be given high marks for being quiet.

  Kalan answered on the first knock. “Jillian, what’s wrong?”

  Why did everyone assume something bad had happened? Perhaps it was because the first time she’d met him, something had. That or she had the look of tragedy on her face. “I’m sorry to barge in, but I need to speak with Elana.”

  “Come in. She’s in the back with Aiden. I’ll get her.”

  Jillian should turn around and leave, but this was too important. “Thanks.”

  A minute later, Elana came out from the back wearing a maternity top with a clean diaper over her shoulder. She looked down and plucked it off. “Sorry.”

  “I just came from Brian’s. We need to talk.”

  She stilled. “Is everything okay?”

  “More or less. Can we sit and chat?”

  “Sure.” Elana took the lounge chair and propped up her feet while Jillian sat in the comfy leather chair across from her.

  For some reason, Jillian was more nervous telling her tale to Elana than when she’d approached Brian. “There are a few things that I think you should know about your brother.”

  Jillian explained her theory as to why Brian had left the party at Teagan and Kip’s house. “I’m not trying to be egotistical, but I think he was attracted to me and didn’t know what to do about it.”

  “That’s possible. I don’t think he’s dated a lot. Certainly not since he’s moved here.”

  Elana didn’t seem upset with the idea of Brian liking her, but Elana wasn’t pleased either. “However, my reaction to your brother was much stronger. In fact, it was so intense that I’m convinced he’s my mate.”

  Heavy footsteps sounded down the hallway. Kalan must have been listening. “Your mate?”

  Great. Now she had a true disbeliever. “Yes. It wasn’t planned. You know how it is.” She glanced from Elana to Kalan. “When you first saw Elana, weren’t you surprised when your body went haywire around her?”

  He glanced away for a moment. “Yes. I really thought the goddess would have paired me with another shifter, but I thank her every day for giving me Elana.”

  At least they seemed to understand that mates were pre-destined. “You can imagine my surprise when I found out my mate was Brian. But here’s the thing. Because I’m his mate, I could sense that he is also a shifter.”

  “What?” they said in unison.

  Jillian held up her hand. “I sensed it, only I had no idea that Brian didn’t know he was one.”

  “That’s impossible,” Elana said.

  “Is it? Were your parents so in love that one of them couldn’t have had an affair? Or perhaps they adopted Brian. Do you know the real story behind your brother’s birth?”

  Elana looked up at Kalan. “I guess not, but he looks like my mom. He has her nose.”

  That wasn’t conclusive evidence. She explained about the hearing and sight tests she’d given him. “He passed with flying colors.”

  “Did you mention shifters to him?” Kalan asked.

  Now came the hard part. “Worse. I showed him.”

  Their wide eyes said it all. Elana placed her hand over her heart. “How did he react?”

  “About how you would expect. He was shocked, stunned, and disoriented, but he seemed to accept the reality, though it would have been kind of hard not to when I shifted into my tiger form and then turned back again right in front of him. The part he wouldn’t accept was that he was a shifter too. He just laughed at me when I told him.”

  “That sounds like Brian. Maybe I should see how he is,” Elana said, slipping her legs off the lounge looking as if she planned to drive over to his place right now.

  Jillian raised a hand. “I think he needs time to sort through everything. Before I realized he didn’t know about his heritage, I asked him why he hadn’t told you he was your half-brother. Brian didn’t like that question and tried to throw me out.”

  A small smile lifted her lips. “He’s come a long way. The longer he’s here, the more convinced I am that he really does care about me.”

  “He cares a lot. You’re all he has. Since I was the one who poked the hornet’s nest so to speak, what do you think I should do?”

  “Are you positive Brian’s a shifter?” Kalan asked. “I never sensed anything.”

  “Dalton said the same thing. I think his inner animal is hidden so deeply inside him that only a mate could sense it.”

  Elana reached out and clasped Kalan’s hand. “I’ll speak to him tomorrow,” she said. “It’s time I tell him the truth about us anyway. In a way, this might be a good thing. It’s been hanging over my head for months, but I was afraid he’d become unglued and never recover.”

  Jillian hoped that wouldn’t happen. “I’m not sure Brian will forgive me. If we really are mates, I’ll have a steep hill to climb.”

  “Be careful,” Elana said. “All he’s known is disappointment. I hope he doesn’t have a setback.”

  “Me too, but if he didn’t realize he was a shifter, it might explain why he acted out growing up—or so he told me.”

  “How would knowing have helped him?”

  “Without being aware of his heritage, he would have become increasingly frustrated by all the shifter hormones in his body. He’d have no idea how to handle the strange feelings.”

  “Jillian might be right,” Kalan said. His support helped.

  She faced Elana. “Do you know what really happened to him growing up?”

  “Not really. But it’s Brian’s story. He needs to tell you. I don’t want to put any more strain on our relationship.”

  “I totally understand. I just need to find a way to reach him without doing any more damage.”

/>   Once she filled Dalton in on this conversation, she hoped he’d be able to offer sound advice.


  Despite taking more medication, Brian couldn’t fall asleep for the life of him. At least this time, he understood why he was so restless. It wasn’t every day a person saw another human being change into a tiger then turn back again. His worldview had definitely been altered, and he wasn’t sure for the better. What other crazy things hadn’t he’d known about? If tomorrow Jillian came to him and proved that aliens existed, he just might have to dig a hole and hide in it for the rest of his life.

  All night, he debated whether he should contact Dr. Patterson about changing his meds, but what would he say? Doc, I think I need a different drug because I truly believe this woman I have the hots for is an animal in disguise? Yeah, no. They’d come for him with a straight jacket, ASAP.

  At first, Brian had dismissed everything Jillian had said about him being a shifter, but then some old memories came floating back that could prove her right. His only childhood friend, Danny Reverlo, and he loved to play hide and seek. Brian always won because Danny was noisier than ten squirrels fighting over a nut. They’d often play late into the evening and Brian could never believe his friend hid where everyone could see him. Looking back, Brian found Danny because of his excellent hearing and eyesight. But that alone didn’t mean he was a different kind of freak—one who could shift.

  Jillian was right about his ability to smell. The moment she’d arrived at Teagan’s party, his interest had piqued—okay, his body had gone crazy—when her scent had seeped deeply into each and every pore. Even now, he could smell her lingering scent, but he wouldn’t tell her that. She held enough power over him.

  The big question that had him tossing and turning all night, was what was he supposed to do now? Jillian seemed interested in him, and it would be a shame not to see where that could lead. If she decided he wasn’t the person she imagined, or rather the animal she believed him to be, at least he’d have spent time with her. He had no doubt that time would be highly enjoyable while it lasted.

  He smiled. Dr. Patterson sure would be proud at his willingness to risk his emotions—to grab the ring as his therapist liked to say. Knowing how strong-willed Jillian was, she’d probably pester him over and over again to get him to shift. He wouldn’t, of course—or rather, he couldn’t because he was human—but it might be fun to try playing her little game. His whole life he’d been hesitant to go after a woman as beautiful as Jillian, but she’d been the one to put the moves on him. So why the hell not grab that brass ring?


  Work the next day was harder than usual since it took all of Brian’s efforts to pay attention to what any of the customers asked him. Everything Jillian told him was bouncing around his head like a steel cylinder in a pinball machine, making it hard to concentrate. He couldn’t take his mind off the concept that shifters existed. What was he going to tell Elana? By the way, people can turn into animals, and worse, Jillian thinks I’m one. How about them apples, sister?

  Elana would probably suggest he return to Ohio and check in with Dr. Patterson, but Brian wasn’t sure what his therapist could do. It wasn’t like he could erase Brian’s memory.

  As the day progressed, Brian became more anxious. More images from the past flickered through his memory, but he never remembered seeing an animal, other than a dog or cat, anywhere near the house. His parents couldn’t have been shifters.

  From experience, he knew the best way to calm down was to get this off his chest. He needed to speak with Elana and tell her the truth: Jillian, a newcomer to town, wasn’t who his sister thought her to be. That was a shame, since Elana really seemed to have bonded with her.

  At five, he clocked out and went to the grocery store to pick up some oatmeal raisin cookies. Elana had briefly mentioned those were her favorite. Perhaps with some sweets in hand, she might find comfort after he spilled the beans about this alternate life form. Because he hadn’t found the right time to take her the cradle, he carefully placed it in the front seat of his truck and headed over.

  If he thought it would do any good, he’d pop one more anxiety pill.

  Suck it up, Brian. Be a man.

  His little pep talk didn’t help. Ten minutes later, he pulled in front of his sister’s house. He eased out and walked up the front walk, thankful the snow had melted. He rang the bell.

  Kalan opened up. “Brian, come in.”

  Why didn’t he sound surprised? That set him further on edge. “Is my sister here?”

  “Hon?” Kalan called. “Brian’s here.”

  He set the bag of cookies on the coffee table and placed the cradle next to the sofa. A minute later, Elana came out with the baby in her arms, breastfeeding Aiden. He should look away, but it was a rather beautiful sight. His sister looked so happy.

  “I made you a baby gift.” He picked up the cradle to show her. The sides he’d left varnished, but the two ends had the Murdoch tartan colors of green and blue.

  “Oh, Brian, it’s amazing. When did you make this?”

  “After work. I thought you’d figure it out since I was making so much noise that day.”

  “Is that what you were doing?” she asked. He loved how her eyes shone with such joy.


  “I’d give you a hug, but my arms are full. I hope you don’t mind if I feed Aiden while we talk.”

  “Not at all.” He put the cradle down then nodded to the bag on the coffee table. “I thought you might like some cookies. They’re oatmeal raisin, your favorite, right?”

  She smiled, just as he’d hoped. “They are, thank you.”

  While he’d rehearsed what he wanted to say, he wasn’t sure now where to begin. His therapist said to just start talking. “Jillian stopped by my apartment last night.”

  “We know,” Elana said. “She felt terrible about shifting in front of you.”

  Of all the things he expected her to say, that wasn’t it. “She told you?”


  “Weren’t you shocked that she shifted in front of me?”

  “Totally.” Elana glanced up at Kalan. “Can you join us?”

  “Sure.” Kalan slid next to Elana, and the threesome warmed his heart. This was a family the way it should be.

  “Brian, there is so much that we need to explain to you.”

  “What more could you tell me other than Jillian is a white tiger shifter?”

  “Kalan and I are bear shifters.”

  “What the fuck?” His vision blurred, and he stuck his hand in his pocket hoping to find something to take, but he came up empty. A band tightened about his chest. When his hands began to shake, he fisted them.

  Kalan jumped up. “Can I get you a beer or a whiskey?”

  He shouldn’t drink given how many pills he’d taken, but he needed something to take the edge off. “Whiskey would be great.” He returned his gaze to his sister.

  “I’ll explain.” She told him how Kalan, who’d been assigned to protect her after their parents were murdered, had turned out to be a bear shifter. Yes, she’d been shocked, but she had known about shifters from her friend Izzy. After she and Kalan agreed to be with each other, he bit her neck as a way to ensure a lasting bond between them. That action allowed her to inherit, if that was the right word, his abilities.

  “So, you’re saying a human can become a shifter if another shifter bites that person in the neck?”

  “I guess you could put it that way, but it’s way more than that. Love is involved.”

  Those details weren’t important at the moment. “Does that mean you can shift like Jillian?” She nodded. “I can tell you this, I’ve never been bitten, so I know I’m not a freak. Crap. I didn’t mean that I thought you were or anything.”

  “I understand.”

  Kalan stood. “You need to see what Elana found this evening. It might change your mind.” He walked down the hallway and returned a minute later.

  Brian recogniz
ed the box from the ones he’d removed from the attic. “You looked through Mom’s things?”

  “Yes.” She adjusted Aiden so that he was feeding on the other side. “After Jillian came and said you were a shifter too, I was in a bit of denial, but her logic was sound.”

  “Are you saying Mom and Dad were shifters?”

  “No. That’s why I was human.” She pulled out what looked like a diary.

  “Why would Mom keep a log of her life, especially if there was something as revolutionary as shifters in it.”

  Elana held up a hand. “Just listen. Dear Diary, I’m not sure if I should even be writing this. In fact, it’s taken me days to have the courage to put my thoughts on paper, but I have to get this off my chest. While Richard is a wonderful man, he doesn’t thrill me like he used to. However, that’s no excuse for my actions. I didn’t plan it. It just happened.

  Richard and I were in Bangkok buying artifacts, and he was spending an inordinate amount of time with our suppliers. Usually, he invites me along, but this time he thought it was safer if I stayed in the hotel.

  One night, while having a drink in the restaurant, this tall, handsome man approached me. He looked at me as if I was the most beautiful woman in the world. Until then, I hadn’t realized how much I missed having a man look at me like that. Now, I can see that he was merely using me, but at the time, I was desperate for affection.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the mother who raised me. She was bitter and unaffectionate,” Brian said.

  “This might explain why she changed.” Elana flipped to the next page. “Darren, that was his name, was so sweet and charming. When Richard called to say he had to travel to a neighboring town to look at some merchandise, and that he wouldn’t be returning until morning, I gave into Darren’s charms.”

  “So she had an affair with him?” The thought of his mother having sex sickened him.

  Elana closed the book. “Yes. I won’t read the rest since you don’t need to hear the sordid details, but the bottom line is that you were the result of that dalliance.”

  “Did Richard know?” He could no longer call him Dad.

  Elana shook her head. “No! Mom was too ashamed of her behavior to tell him. Apparently, Darren left in the middle of the night, but only after stealing all her money and some of her jewelry. The affair was bad enough, but she couldn’t tell Dad that she’d been robbed.”


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