Her Reluctant Bear: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 5)

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Her Reluctant Bear: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 5) Page 21

by Vella Day

  “I haven’t seen him much.”

  That didn’t sound good either, but hopefully her brother was merely in the dark. “How’s Anna doing?”

  “Good.” He looked away.

  “Have you seen her?” From his short response, Jillian wondered if there might be a budding relationship between them. Nah, Dalton was too straight-laced for the likes of her.

  “I stopped by the flower shop once, and I was pleased that I couldn’t see any evidence of the fight.”

  “I’m happy to hear that.” The lack of physical scars, however, was only part of the issue. Jillian worried more about her mental state. “Did she ask about shifters? It had to have been quite the shock to see me human one minute and an animal the next.”

  “No, she didn’t bring it up.”

  And he didn’t think to question her? Something was going on, but even if she asked him, he wouldn’t tell her. During the ride home, he told her that he’d finally met Aiden and what a cute little baby he was. He then updated her on the new building for McKinnon and Associates as well as a case he was working on. She noted how he avoided anything to do with Anna.

  An hour later, they finally arrived in town. To her disappointment, Dalton drove right passed Blooms of Hope. “Ah, did you forget where I live?”


  She blew out a breath. After arriving at the airport two hours in advance then sitting on a plane for hours, she wasn’t in the mood for this mystery stuff. “Where are we going? I’m tired.”

  “You’ll see.”

  When Dalton turned into the shifter compound, she feared he’d drive them to Elana and Kalan’s house for some kind of surprise party. Not that she didn’t want to see her friends again—she did, just not tonight. For days she’d dreamed of being with Brian.

  When he drove past their street, Jillian became more confused. “What’s going on?”

  Instead of answering, Dalton pulled down a long, unpaved driveway that needed some serious repair work done on it. At the end of the drive sat Brian’s red pickup truck, and her pulse sped up. No sooner had Dalton put the car in gear than Brian came out of the lovely one-story log cabin. Exhaustion must have clouded the logical part of her brain because she couldn’t figure why out he was there.

  “Go,” Dalton said. “Brian has a surprise for you.”

  Her head swam. Jillian rushed out of the car and charged up to him. While she wanted to ask him what he was doing at this person’s house, that question would have to come later. Right now she needed to absorb everything about him—his scent, what he looked like, and how he felt in her arms. She hugged him then kissed his lips, nose, eyes, and then returned her attention to his lips.

  Dalton came up behind her. “Here’s your suitcase. I’ll set it on the porch. Talk to you later.”

  She lifted a hand and waved goodbye. Jillian would thank him properly later—once she stopped kissing the man she loved.

  “I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you,” Brian said after breaking the kiss. His lustful gaze drank in all of her. “Come on in.”

  When she stepped inside, she pretended interest in the all-wood interior so as not to appear rude. She noted a cute kitchen sat to the right with a dining room table in front of it. A comfy sofa and chair faced a lit fireplace, and off to the side was a mattress. “This is nice.”

  Brian slipped off her jacket and let it fall to the floor. “You’re nicer. Oh, Jillian I’ve been going crazy without you.”

  “Me too.” Keeping her gaze on him, she kicked off her shoes then began to unbutton his flannel shirt. While she was fumbling to undo it, Brian unzipped her jeans and then dragged them down her hips.

  As the seconds passed, their movements turned more frantic. Finally, he stepped back. “I can’t wait any longer. I’m sorry. I know how much you love foreplay, but I’ve been dreaming of this for weeks.”

  “So have I.” Jillian was happy he didn’t want to spend a half hour kissing and touching and driving her crazy. Her tiger for sure would have emerged.

  Once they were both naked, Brian growled and swept her up in his arms. The skin-to-skin contact made her crazy with need. She dragged her nails down his chest, loving the texture of his hair on top of his muscles. He rushed them over to the mattress that was next to the fireplace.

  Dropping to his knees, Brian set her down then crawled on top of her. “I don’t know where to start,” he said. “My bear is beating and kicking me inside. I don’t think he’ll ever be satisfied now, no matter what I do.”

  She smiled. “That makes two of us. Now shut up and kiss me some more.”

  And kiss her he did. Resting on his elbows, he lowered his body on top of her with the perfect amount of pressure. The first dip of her tongue into his mouth had her blue glow nearly overpowering the yellow hue from the flames in the fireplace. Brian sprouted some facial hair and his teeth sharpened. If he didn’t watch out, he’d shift first.

  Their kiss intensified. It was as if she’d been deprived of fresh air for days and she’d finally been given an oxygen mask that was cranked up to high. She cupped his face and held him still, never wanting to let him go. When one of their bones began to crack, they broke apart.

  “I’m sorry,” Brian said. “I want you too much.”

  “Don’t ever be sorry for wanting me.”

  As if he was a bit peeved at himself for almost losing control, he slid lower and captured her nipple between his rather sharp teeth. The brief shot of pain morphed into delicious desire, and each tug and pull made her nails grow longer and her bones crack. “Lower,” she pleaded.

  Brian lifted her legs over his shoulders and supported her butt as he licked her. Dear goddess in heaven, but what he was doing tantalized her beyond belief. He flicked, sucked, and flicked her clit over and over again, causing her moans to come out louder and louder. Trying to connect more deeply with him, she dug her nails into his shoulders.

  He looked up at her. “You taste so fucking good.”

  “Then take me, please.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Brian eased out from under her legs, and flipped Jillian over onto her elbows and knees—a vulnerable position that excited her. Leaning over her back, he cupped her tits and massaged them while twisting her nipples. Not only did sparks shoot through her and then jump off her body, her tiger purred. As much as she loved the attention, she didn’t understand why he was taking his time. Her need was escalating to epic proportions with each pinch and pull.

  His cock edged close to her entrance, and she pressed her hips back.

  “Easy, Jillian. I’m really working hard to keep my control.”

  She totally understood how difficult it was to stay in human form, but shit, that was why he needed to take her. “Bri-an!”

  His hands slipped to her waist and when he plowed in, it was as if she’d been set free for the first time in her life. Every hormone flooded her body, and her blue glow intensified. The fire crackled and lights flickered, but she couldn’t be sure it wasn’t her mind playing tricks on her or if her desire really was that high. Jillian lowered her head and forced in a big breath. He slowly withdrew then drove right back in, heating her to the core.

  Brian kissed her shoulder and then trailed his lips up to her neck. “Jillian, Jillian, Jillian.”

  Excitement sizzled at his words as he pounded into her over and over again. Each time he hit her back wall, she edged closer to her climax. This time she feared that when she came, her tiger would burst forth.

  He ran his hands up the side of her body, and the feel of the calluses on his palms nearly did her in. His scent invaded her cells, and his cock totally possessed her. When he growled and then sunk his teeth into her neck, her release shook her so hard, that she nearly collapsed. His hot seed spewed, claiming her fully.

  He held her tight, while it took a few minutes for his cock to stop pulsing. By then, her limbs had weakened. Brian must have sensed her inability to remain upright for he wrap
ped his arms around her waist and rolled them to the side, his chest to her back.

  “I love you, Jillian, more than you can know. You are my everything,” he whispered as he kissed the back of her head.

  Tears leaked from her eyes, and she wiped them away before he could see them. “I love you too.”

  “Are you crying?” Brian slipped out of her, rolled her toward him, and then lifted her chin. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong. Absolutely nothing. I’m so happy I can’t stand it.”

  He smiled. “Really? I guess I have a lot to learn about you.”

  She cupped his cheek. “Just keep being as wonderful as you’ve been and you’ll have nothing to worry about.”

  “I can do that.”

  Jillian lifted up on her elbow, loving that she was back with Brian. “Care to explain why you’re in this cabin?”

  “Do you like it?”

  “It’s incredibly charming. Did you rent it for my homecoming?”

  Brian looked pleased with himself. “Nope. I bought it from Kalan’s dad.”

  The words took a few minutes to sink it. “You bought this place?”

  Brian sat up. “I did. I saved my money and wanted a nice home for us.”

  “That’s wonderful, but I thought we’d find something together.”

  His face fell. “Oh, shit. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s okay. Maybe if you give me a tour, I can figure out where everything will fit.”

  “Yeah, about that. Except for a small loft upstairs, this is it, but don’t worry, I plan to expand. I was hoping you could help me redesign the place.”

  Jillian sat up as excitement raced through her. “Seriously? How big are we talking about?”

  “At least three more bedrooms and a workshop for me.”

  She clasped his hands. “When I sell my house, I’ll be happy to pay for the expansion.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  Brian didn’t get it. “We’re a team now. Fifty-fifty. I want to do this.”

  “Really?” She nodded. “In that case, I’ll give you free reign to replace anything you want.”

  She envisioned her California furniture in this space, but somehow the white sofa and chairs, as well as the glass table, didn’t seem to work in a rustic cabin in Tennessee. “Maybe we should keep this stuff for now.”

  “Or we can buy new furniture—whatever you want.”

  “We have plenty of time to think about it.”

  He grinned. “That calls for a celebration, and I have an idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You up for an evening run? I believe it’s a full moon, and you can’t get any more romantic than that.”

  Jillian stood. “What are you waiting for?”


  The field where Brian had first tried to shift was only a short walk from Silver Lake. He parked near the field, and they walked in together holding hands.

  “Awesome. I’m so ready for a run,” Jillian said rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

  The weather had warmed significantly, but she’d just returned from California, so it made sense she’d be chilly here. “Let’s head near the lake. Those boulders should block the wind as we undress.”

  They trotted down the path until they reached a cozy area where they could change. As quickly as they could, they disrobed, folded their clothes, and placed them on top of the rock. Brrr. It was bitter cold even for him.

  “I’m shifting,” she said a second before her beautiful tiger form appeared. He loved her sleek body as well as the intricate patterns on her fur.

  As soon as Brian shifted, he stood on his hind legs and roared, pretending he was the Alpha. If Jillian had been in her human form, she’d be laughing.


  He froze. Her words seemed to manifest itself in his head. “Did you just say cute?” He nudged her head with his snout.

  “Oh my goodness. It worked. It really worked!”

  His heart pounded against his ribcage. His view of the world kept being altered. “How is it possible that we can talk to each other with our minds?”

  “It’s because we’ve mated.”

  That didn’t explain anything, but he wasn’t going to argue about it now. Brian just wanted to enjoy the experience. “Race you to the field,” he telepathed.


  During the time she’d been away, Brian had gone on many runs. With each one, he found he was able to move faster and faster. When he’d mated with Jillian, he’d inherited some of her Wendayan genes—or so Finn had told him. At first, he thought he was imagining things, but then he reminded himself that nothing was what it seemed around Silver Lake, Tennessee.

  “Take it easy on me,” he communicated to her. “How about we aim for the far side of the field?”

  “You’re on.”

  Knowing she could move faster than the eye could track, he took off, but when he emerged from the forest, she was already at the designated spot. Damn.

  “Brian? You moved really fast.”

  “I’m part Wendayan now too, remember?”

  “I was told you might inherit my talent, but I didn’t know you’d be so good at it.”

  He opened his mouth in the hopes it looked like a smile. “Lucky, I guess.”

  Wanting to return to normal speed, he took off across the field, and Jillian followed behind him. A second later, she landed on his back, surprising the hell out of him. She nipped his neck. Wanting to spend time playing with her, he stopped then rolled to his side. She jumped off and licked his face. That almost made him want to shift into his human form and make love with her, but she’d never go for it. When it came to living in the cold, Jillian Garner was a lightweight.

  Using his big bear paw, he stroked her front leg. Once she began to purr, he wanted them to stay in their animal forms forever and just play. She reached out and ran her paw down his face. Even though she was a beautiful white tiger, he could see the expression of love on her face.

  While he wanted to continue petting and licking her, it was time to take a romantic walk around the lake. He’d spoken with Dalton about what their next step could be, but the man hadn’t offered any advice. He just said that once two shifters mated, that was it. Well, Brian wanted more. The problem wasn’t with other shifters; it was with the rest of the world. He wanted everyone in Silver Lake to know that Jillian and he would be together forever.

  Brian lumbered onto all fours and headed back to the path. Jillian appeared in front of him.

  “Slow poke,” she teased.

  Using his ability to move fast, he was beside her in a flash. He wasn’t sure which was more fun—shifting or moving fast. When they reached the rock area, they shifted back into their human form, and quickly donned their clothes.

  “As much as it’s fun to communicate with you just by directing my thoughts, I rather enjoy talking to you.”

  She hugged him. “I like talking too, but sometimes I like to communicate in a third way.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. It is too cold to be making love outside.”

  She stepped back. “Silly. I wasn’t talking about now.”

  He was. “Come on then. There’s something I want to show you.” Actually, there was something he wanted to ask her.

  He led her down the path to the lake. With the moon at its fullest, the light made the water glow, almost from below.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said.

  He turned toward her. “As I’ve said before, not as beautiful as you.”

  Jillian wrapped her arms around his neck. “You always say the sweetest things.”

  “Let’s hope the next thing I say goes over as well.” He dug his hand into his pocket and extracted the ring. He stepped back and clasped Jillian’s left hand. “I know this might be silly for two shifters, but remember I grew up thinking I was human.” He inhaled, but the deep breath failed to slow his rapidly firing heart.

  “Nothing i
s silly when it’s about love.”

  He opened his palm to expose a ring that contained a white diamond next to a chocolate one. “Will you, Jillian Garner, marry me?” He swallowed hard.

  She took the ring from his palm and slipped it onto her ring finger. “It’s incredibly beautiful.” Jillian sniffed. “Yes, I’d love to marry you.”

  He couldn’t believe it. Okay, he figured she’d say yes if only to appease him, but he could actually feel her awe and excitement. Not only could he understand her thoughts, their emotions seemed to compound each other’s.

  She drew his face to hers, and when she kissed him, the cold air turned warm and the lake’s waves beating against the shore ceased to exist. It was as if they were the only two people on earth. He would have continued to explore this wonderful woman had it not been for the glow off to the side that distracted him.

  He broke the kiss. “Ah, Jillian?” He turned her around. “We have company.”

  The glow faded, and all of a sudden, a woman with shimmery long white hair in a light-colored long dress appeared twenty feet in front of them. She moved toward them as if she were floating on air. When the apparition came closer, she transformed into something fully human.

  “Hello,” she said. “I’m Naliana.”

  Jillian grabbed his hand and did a small curtsey. Not knowing the protocol of being in front of a goddess, he cast his gaze downward and bowed the upper half of his body.

  “You don’t need to bow,” the goddess said. “I wanted to meet you two in person.”

  Really? “Thank you for all you’ve done.”

  “I love happy endings, and both of you suffered when you were young. If anyone could understand best what you each had been through, it would be each other.”

  Brian looked down at Jillian, truly seeing her strength. He could only hope he would be as strong one day. “Is that why you paired us?” he asked Naliana.

  The goddess smiled. “I’m not sure why or how I pick who belongs together. I just go with my gut.” She patted her stomach. “I came tonight to warn you, Brian.”

  “Me?” Was someone out to harm Jillian again?

  “In time, your new hormones will make you whole in every way, but in the meantime, be careful of your newfound abilities. You will grow stronger with each new moon.”


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