Her Marine Next Door

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Her Marine Next Door Page 4

by Burke, Aliyah

  “Why would I do that?” Skylar kept her focus on the wood and the floor beyond it. She had to stay calm and not light into him about this situation he put her in.

  “Because you’re injured.”

  He was directly behind her, his warmth surrounding her, making her eyelids flutter. His large hands trailed down her arms to her hands. She bit her lower lip and compared the tan of his skin against hers as he took her hands, treating her injured one gently. As he turned them over, she trembled at the brush of his calluses against her palms.

  “I still have a job to do.”

  He clenched his jaw, then made short work of unloading the rest of the wood. He looked damn good doing it and finished up much faster than she would have. Shame, though, he’d put on a shirt.

  “We need to talk,” Brodie said. He wiped his hands off on his pant legs and moved around the sawhorses, approaching from behind.

  The brush of his breath against her cheek was heaven. However, it lost the battle against ice balling up in her stomach. “About the lie you told.”

  He was silent, and she turned to face him. He didn’t back up, so she remained blocked between him and the sawhorse. His green-blue gaze watched her, shiny with heat. Parker reached out and tugged on her hair. “It wasn’t a lie.”

  She cocked an eyebrow, amusement skating through her despite the enormity of the situation she faced. “Really? Is that what driving a woman to the hospital and sleeping on her couch turns into in this day and age? An engagement and living under the same roof?”

  His kissable lips kicked up in a grin. Hot damn, he was potent.

  “I should apologize about that, but I won’t. I need your help with this. She’s claiming that Cullen is mine. And he may be—protection isn’t a foolproof guarantee—but I need to know. I can’t live in the same house with her. I won’t.”

  He added another finger to the curls he was stroking.

  “And the reason that we are having to be engaged…?” As well as why you can be here with me, interrupting my life as opposed to being over there with her. “Why can’t you use one of the numerous women who were here? Then again, perhaps that’s what she is, and that’s what got you into this to begin with. That man-whore behavior.”

  She hated the fact that he’d slept with that woman while all she got were forbidden fantasies.

  His eyes glinted. “I’m using anything I can to keep her at arm’s length. If he is my son, I don’t want him in a hotel. He needs something more stable than that, regardless if he’s mine or not.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Despite whatever is going on between us, Skylar, I know I can trust you.”

  Dammit. He trusted her. Fact was, she trusted him as well. “You said a lot of things, always trying to borrow things for your party.”

  Another wicked smile turned her insides to knots, melting that big ball of ice. “Really? So, you’re telling me that you don’t remember me mentioning how we’d discuss us? I know you took your meds today, but they’re not as strong as what they gave you in the hospital. Skylar, do you recall that? About both of us coming? Multiple times?”

  Her knees trembled. She shook her head. “We don’t get along. Period. If you have a son, and right now you have to assume you do, how is it best that you’re here? In my house with me.”

  “You’re right. And if I know Gemma, she’ll be over soon. I mean, I don’t know her, but she strikes me as the type who would be.” He sobered and backed up a step. “We can get along, though. I’m positive.”

  While not much, she still missed him against her. Foolish, Skylar. Don’t fall for this. This man wasn’t going to be anything but heartache.

  Still, she couldn’t say no, even when every single self-preservation instinct screamed at her to do so to protect her heart. Losing her son had been incredibly painful. And this little boy could just as easily wrap around her heart—how would she manage when he was no longer in her life, either?

  Yet, bottom line, it had to do with the kid. He was the innocent. The adults could fight all they wanted, but he didn’t deserve that. If she could help one child, maybe it would begin to heal her deep-as-shit guilt for her inability to be there for her own.

  He hadn’t thrown the baby momma and the kid out on the street; he just didn’t want to live with them. He was willing to figure out if the boy was his. That alone made him fucking heroic.

  And…she’d always had a thing for single dads.

  “I can’t do the parties like you have. If you stay here, those are out.”

  His grin was nothing more than a patented design to have women toss their panties at him.

  There went her lady parts again, right on cue, swooning.

  “Done.” He pulled out his phone and placed a call. As it rang, he laid the phone flat between them in his palm and put it on speaker. His fingers continued to drift through her hair.

  “Talk to me,” a thick, cultured voice said without a simple hello.

  “No more parties, Ioan. Tell the others, find another place.” He didn’t look away from her.

  “The fuck, man. What’s going on?”

  “It is what it is. I mean it. Later.” He hung up. “Anything else?”

  “You’re sleeping in the guest room.”

  His eye color deepened, and he moved his gaze from her eyes to her lips and back again. “We’ll see.”

  Her throat went dry. How was she supposed to remain furious at him for inserting himself into her life when he was so damn sexy? And trying to do right by Cullen?

  “What do you have to eat around here?” The shrill voice of the woman called Gemma splintered the small bubble around them. A flash of irritation moved over his face, but he didn’t drop her gaze.

  “Like I said, I spend my time over here. No real reason to have a lot of food over there. Why don’t you go shopping and get what you need?”

  Skylar shook her head. This was going to be difficult. “Go meet your son.”

  “You’re coming with me.”

  This time, she caught a hint of uncertainty in his words, and the wall around her heart softened.

  God. She was going to be nothing more than a slimy pile of goo if he kept getting to her like that. She carried a hell of a lot of baggage, but she couldn’t say no.

  “Not like this.” I need more time.

  His heated gaze had her double-checking if she even wore clothing. Content that she wasn’t standing in her garage naked, she sidled to the left and paused when he followed.

  “We’ll be over in about ten minutes, Gemma. Get yourself unpacked in the guest room, and we’ll go from there.”

  Even as he issued his orders in a hard voice, he never took his gaze from her, and Skylar swayed toward him, needing more contact. He didn’t stop her. In fact, he encouraged her to settle against his chest. The touch of his hand along her nape was so protective and proprietary, it brought tears to her eyes. She swore her body temperature ratcheted up, and she had to name it something, so she called it lust.

  Skylar longed to explore him. All over.

  Shaking off the feeling, she turned and headed inside, aware he was behind her. So close.

  Alpin met them at the door, and she couldn’t help the smile when Parker knelt down and began petting her dog.

  “What’s this guy’s name again? Alpin, right?”

  “Alpin. Yes.” Loves dogs and is taking responsibility for a kid who may or may not be his. Crap, he was like the perfect guy.

  No hint of the asshole neighbor who seemed to pride himself on pissing her off or just being an annoyance.

  “Hey, Alpin,” he murmured.

  She took the moment to bolt, needing to get some space between them so she could work this out. Unfortunately, the plan didn’t go how she’d envisioned it would. He gripped her waist and halted her in the doorway to her room.

  “Skylar.” />
  If it was her turning toward him or him doing it for her, she’d never know. All she did know was they were once again face-to-face, and her body was rebelling against reining in the lust coursing through her.

  She flicked her tongue over her lips and watched the green in his eyes deepen as he stepped closer. “Yes?”

  “Thank you.”

  A million more appropriate responses flew around in her mind than the one that came out. “Kiss me.”

  Skin heating the moment the words fell from her mouth, she squeezed her eyes shut and held up her hands. “Forget I said that.”

  His deep laugh tugged on her clit. “Not a chance. And I want to kiss you, more than anything, but Jesus Christ, Skylar. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop, and we have to go over there and make sure they’re not doing something to my house.”

  That was the reality smack she needed.

  “Your son won’t do anything. He’s a boy, not a vandal.”

  He dragged his gaze up from her chest over her lips and on, until their eyes locked once more.

  “I have a feeling I’m going to get a lot of lectures from you. I’m looking forward to it.” He braced one arm beside her head and put his lips on hers in a light caress. “So much so.”

  She gulped. “I have to change.”

  “Don’t let me stop you.”

  What was he doing? She recognized the challenge in his eyes, glinting.

  “Okay.” Sliding by him, she lifted the hem of her shirt and began pulling it over her head.

  “Fuck.” His guttural, near animalistic, growl raced along her skin.

  She dropped her shirt beside her feet and peered over her shoulder. Cocking an eyebrow, she reached for the waistband of her dirty jeans. He swallowed a few times but didn’t move. At least not until his phone rang. Only then did he step away.

  Her hands trembled as she finished changing, then headed to the living room where he was still on his call. Retreating to the kitchen to provide him with a bit more privacy, she refilled Alpin’s water dish and gripped the counter with her uninjured hand.

  Can I truly do this? Or will I crack and let my past pour free? She flexed her fingers. This isn’t anything permanent. We’ll agree on that. No need to get attached. Just get my rocks off, maybe a few times, and put up with a man in my life for a short time.

  Short was relative, when she realized she had no idea how long it took to get DNA results back.

  She could do this. The important thing was to make it easiest on the boy. She had enough of her own demons and past; what was a little more discomfort if it made it easier for Cullen?

  “Ready?” He smoothed his hand along her cheek. Almost like he couldn’t stop touching her.

  And I’m a sucker who’s going to fall for it.


  He paused, one eyebrow slowly rising.

  “I don’t know a single thing about you, Mr. Jax.”

  His kissable lips turned up at the corners. “We’ll learn. There will be all these upcoming nights for us to talk and learn about each other. You know, before we get to the more physical activities for the night. All you need to know right now is I’m head over heels for you. And you can’t call me ‘Mr. Jax.’ My fiancée wouldn’t address me as such. ‘Sexy’, ‘hotness’, ‘my one and only’, ‘god in the bedroom’, those are all acceptable nicknames.” His thumb teased her lower lip, sending electrical impulses through her.

  God, she’d be such an ass if she backed out now because of her own insecurities. She struggled not to laugh at his suggestions. Pushing away that desire, she gave him a steadfast look, hoping he understood she wasn’t going to roll over with her legs spread for him every time he stared at her like he wanted to eat her and then some. Maybe that should be any time.

  “We need to set some ground rules.” I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.

  She was in so far over her head, it wasn’t even funny.

  It was because of the child. There were demons she couldn’t outrun, no matter how hard she tried. This was one of them. If it meant making a deal with the devil, she’d sign on the bottom line.

  His gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips and back. The spark was nothing but trouble. “We can discuss those tonight.” He pressed closer. “Before all the lights are turned off and we head to bed.” Another panty-soaking grin. “Then again, I’d love to have all the lights on.”

  Her knees wobbled. Hell. That’s where she was. Hell.

  He tapped a knuckle to the end of her nose. “Let’s go.”

  Parker waited by the door as she grabbed her keys, made sure the garage was shut, then joined him. Together, they went over the short-manicured lawns connecting their properties.

  The closer they got, the tenser he became. The fact that she could pick up on it told her she spent entirely too much time watching this man. Ignoring the gnawing of her own past horror and pain, she took a chance. Reaching out, she grasped his hand in hers.

  He turned those intense eyes on her. A brief tightening on her fingers from his strong grip.

  She followed him in, hands still connected.

  “You need to listen to me, Cullen. Behave or we won’t have any place to stay. Do you want to be the reason we get kicked out again?” The shrill voice cut through the house, and Skylar bit back a protective growl.

  “Easy.” The single word was low and commanding. The man knew how to read her, for sure, as well. “Gemma?” Parker pitched his voice louder.

  “We’re coming.” Nothing but sweetness and light now.

  They were in the living room when mother and son came back in.

  Skylar’s heart went out again to the boy. Undernourished and frightened, his fingers dug into the bear with everything they had.

  Right there—he was the sole reason she was agreeing to this. She could put up with anything thrown at her if it meant he didn’t have to suffer. Children should be allowed to enjoy childhood, not have to worry about where their next meal was coming from or whatever other horrors he had to go through.

  “Cullen, this is your father.”

  That was it. The extent of Gemma’s introduction. Letting go of Parker’s hand, Skylar stepped back so it was about them, not her. As he took a knee, she caught a satisfied and hateful smirk from Gemma.

  Served him right for being in this situation. Maybe if he didn’t sleep around so much, he’d have been better able to meet the person he had a child with.

  Deep within her gut, a wave of anger and the need to protect Parker rose, but she refused to make a scene.

  We’re just pretending. They may very well end up together. Especially if Cullen is his. They should work it out for the boy’s sake.

  Some days she wished to be more like her best friend, Ryliee, who wouldn’t have let it go.

  “May I see your bear?” Parker asked in a tone that reminded her of how he’d checked on her injury. When he wasn’t roaring at her, that was.

  The moment the little boy handed it over, Skylar had to get out. The grin on Gemma’s face curdled her gut, but she exited quietly and ran home.

  She went to the backyard with Alpin and paced, fighting the tears burning her. Squeezing her hand, she swore at the pain radiating across her palm. Skylar sank to the ground, pushing her uninjured hand into Alpin’s wiry coat, and allowed the tears to fall free.

  I don’t know if I can do this.

  She fumbled for her phone and pressed a preset button. She didn’t expect her best friend to be able to answer but she had to try. Her tears had barely slowed when the call was answered.

  “Hey, beautiful. What’s shaking?”

  “I’m posing as my hot-ass marine neighbor’s fiancée, because he now may quite possibly have a son, and the baby momma is staying at his place, so naturally, he told her he was staying with me.” It all came out in a rush like
she had a serious case of verbal diarrhea.

  Silence before a long whistle. “I need far more detail than that.”


  Parker stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He’d needed a moment to find his bearings. Meeting Cullen had hit him. Hard. He wasn’t sure how to process this.

  “I fucking have a son,” he muttered. The words felt foreign falling from his mouth. Not wrong, just different.

  He placed his hands on the sink and frowned as he shoved makeup aside. Already, Gemma had spread her things all over the bathroom as if she’d been there for months, not hours.

  “I have a son.” The words fell once more. Nope, didn’t feel any more natural this time.

  “We have a son.”

  He snapped his gaze up and found Gemma watching him in the mirror. The gleam in her eyes was one he recognized from the night she’d come to his bed. He wasn’t attracted or impressed now.

  “We’ll see.” Pivoting to face her, he crossed his arms. “Where is he?”

  She shrugged. “Backyard?”

  How could she not know? He pushed by her and hurried through the house to the yard. All sorts of images hit him of what could happen.

  Cullen had bypassed the pool and was at the fence. Peering through the spacing between the boards. His teddy bear dangled at his side. The boy had his fingers touching Alpin, who leaned against the fence.

  Parker smiled. “Like dogs, do you?”

  A wary nod met his inquiry. Alpin ambled off, making his way to the sliding glass door that would take him inside. A place Parker wanted to be as well.

  “Would you like to go meet him?”

  This time, there was a bit of hope, followed by a nod. Holding out his hand, Parker waited. To his mind, he could hear every second tick by, and it was an eternity before Cullen put his small hand into his.

  The emotion slamming into him wasn’t anything he could describe or had expected. He cleared his throat before heading to the house. He recognized the burn of tears and blinked them away.

  Gemma met them at the front. “What are you two doing?”

  Good question. What was he doing? Why was he accepting her word this was his child? She bore the signs of a habitual drug user, possibly a liar as well. He didn’t even have to look in Cullen’s direction to know he’d withdrawn into himself further. He could feel it. While he knew he should keep his distance, he hated that this boy showed fear of his mother. Every fucking protective instinct he had rose in defense of this child. So whether or not he was of his blood, he should be protected.


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