Her Marine Next Door

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Her Marine Next Door Page 12

by Burke, Aliyah


  “Hmm?” She clicked her pen top and wrote down the answer to the clue. HAMLET.

  “Look at me.”


  “Tell me more about your parents.”

  She didn’t want to. “Why? We’re not a real couple. It’s not necessary.”

  Thunder rolled in his gaze, but he didn’t let it go. He reached out and took her hand, lacing their fingers. “We are friends.”

  She didn’t respond, and he blinked a few times.

  “Right? We’re friends, and this is what friends do. They talk and share.”

  Telling him she was tempted beyond belief to say no and erect the walls she needed to keep herself safe danced on the tip of her tongue. However, when she opened her mouth, all that fell out was, “Yes.”

  His smile was incredible, like she’d given him the moon.

  It was like he truly was interested.

  “Talk to me.”

  “I lost my parents my junior year of high school.” The familiar ache when she thought about them resurfaced but didn’t overwhelm, as it had done in the past.

  He tucked some curls behind her ear using his free hand, never taking his gaze from hers. So she continued.

  “Mom and Dad were out, celebrating their anniversary.” A sad smile turned up her lips as she remembered seeing them dressed to the nines. “A fancy dinner followed by a night at the opera. It wasn’t something they’d do often. My parents, well, we didn’t have a lot of money. This was something he always did for her, do the anniversary big. My dad wouldn’t ever be gone on a business trip that would keep him away from her on their anniversary.”

  The endless motion of his thumb stroking along the back of her hand calmed the storm within her, helping her through this.

  “The cops called it a robbery gone wrong.” She flattened her lips. “I don’t care about the reason, and a lot of people couldn’t understand why I didn’t. All I knew was I lost my parents. To me, if the ones doing it wanted their money, car, didn’t like them for the color of their skin, it didn’t matter. They’d been taken from me.” Her body trembled, and he squeezed her hand, offering silent support, all the while not taking his eagle-sharp gaze from her. “And my life changed, all the way around, from that one night.”

  Chapter Nine

  Parker could never tire of staring at Skylar. It was more than her looks; there was a glow about her, an aura that pulled him. Drew him like a moth to a flame, and he never wanted to leave.

  It was harder and harder for him to focus on their arrangement being temporary. His parents would be helping with Cullen when he passed his physical and returned to duty, but it was more than that. He didn’t want to go back to just being neighbors with this woman.

  Last night they’d stayed up late with a movie neither really watched, and talked. She told him about some of the pieces she’d commissioned, and he could hear in her tone how much she loved what she did. It was her Recon. He understood the drive, the need, the utter satisfaction she got when it went right.

  She still didn’t talk much about what brought her here, to the house she was in now, just said she’d needed a change. He didn’t push. While he didn’t like the lingering pain in her tone, he hadn’t wanted to ruin the night. He’d tried nudging a few times before, but she completely shut down, refusing to budge, and he had to respect that.

  It had been amazing.

  He wanted to do things that allowed him to get this woman, the open, carefree one. The one who accepted a Scrabble challenge and played until the wee hours of the night because she had a competitive streak as wide as his.

  Right now, in this parking lot, with him settled between her spread legs, her core against his rapidly thickening cock, he wanted to reach down, free himself, and sheath deep within her. To hell with laws about what people should do in public.

  “We missed lunch.”

  “And are capable of eating at home.”

  As always, his heart rate picked up when she mentioned home, as if it were a shared unit and more than them playing at it.

  “Indulge me.” He dipped his head and captured her full lips beneath his. Need pumped through him with every second he was pressed against her. Her taste reminded him what it was like to be alive. “Unless you’re scared to eat in a bar with me.”

  “A lot of talk for a man who couldn’t go buy a vehicle on his own. This isn’t a date.” She pushed against his chest, and he hid his smirk when her touch lingered.

  He rolled his eyes and allowed her to slip down. Parker hated how she liked to push the “not a date” bit with him. Even though she was maintaining the rules better than he was. He scrubbed a hand down his face as he locked his new vehicle and pivoted, skimming over her taut ass in her black pants.

  Making sure they walked in side by side, he scanned the area the second they were inside. Despite the run-down appearance outside, the inside was nice and clean. Music played, and he lifted a hand in greeting to the man behind the bar.

  “Well hell, look who’s decided to grace me with his presence again. Parker Jax. How the hell are you, man?”

  After hugging the man at the bar, Parker grinned when he stepped back. “Better, Marc. How about you? Place is looking good.”

  Marc Chariz shrugged and looked Skylar over and flashed one of his signature and patented sexy smiles. Known all over the world to get women to drop their panties. Parker wanted to punch him.

  “Marc, this is Skylar. Skylar Radford, the second-best damn marine I’ve known, Marc Chariz.”

  Marc offered his hand and took hers with a smile. “You’re a delightful pleasure for this place. Nice to meet you.” The next second, he’d pulled her into a hug and whispered something into her ear. “You didn’t do her justice when you told us about this stunning woman, my friend. I used to serve with this old codger. If I need a stand-in fiancée, can I hire you?”

  Skylar laughed.

  “Don’t let her go, and we’re no longer friends.”

  Marc released her hand with a chuckle.

  She looked between them. “He knows the truth, Parker. We don’t have to pretend around him. Besides, we said this wasn’t a date. Now, I want to know who the first best marine is that you know? It must be your father. You said he served.”

  Marc tipped his head back and released a full-bodied laugh. “Good lord, I love this woman. When you tire of him, come back and I’ll—”

  “Be dead if you don’t step away from her,” he growled. “You said it wasn’t a date. I didn’t. Get us some burgers and fries.”

  With a kiss to her cheek, Marc did, and even retreated back behind the bar. “Burgers will be up soon. Go pick a table and I’ll have them bring it out when it’s ready.”

  “Parker!” A svelte bleached-blonde woman launched herself at him. Catching her instinctively, he hugged her back. “Tiffany. Didn’t think you were here.”

  “In town to visit my brother.” She leaned back and looked by him to where Skylar stood. “Who’s she?”

  “Skylar,” his woman said without hesitation. “Only a friend.”

  Marc’s eyes sparkled with amusement. Setting Tiffany down, Parker tugged on Skylar’s hair. “Who’s on a date with me.”

  “Not a date,” Skylar said. “Nice to meet you. I’m going to go grab a table.”

  He could feel it when she was away from him. There was this fucking emptiness that grew within his chest. And he hated it. Moments later, Marc was beside Skylar. Instead of a table to sit at, the duo headed to the far wall and the waiting pool table.

  “Who’s Miss ‘Not-a-Date’ that you can’t keep your eyes off?” Tiffany leaned against him, arm around his waist—she’d always been like a younger sister to him. “Because from where I’m standing, you’re thinking this is very much a date.”

  “When did you start thinking you kn
ew how to read me?”

  She snorted and elbowed him in the side. “Please. I spend my days surrounded by marines. Despite you lot pretending you give away zero emotion, you’re very easy to read. Don’t assume because I have blond hair I’m an idiot.”

  His cock kicked to life at the sight of Skylar chalking her cue. She and Marc carried on an easy conversation, and he hated that she was with his friend at the moment, but his jealousy was calmed by the fact that she just looked like she was having fun. At least that’s what he was telling himself.

  “Far from an idiot, Tiffany.” He began walking to where her brother and his woman were starting their game.

  She stopped gripping his arm, so he did also. “Stop the lies, this farce between you. There are real feelings there with the two of you. A blind man could see it. Tell her how you feel and settle down with her before you lose her forever. It’s so much more than you and her. There’s your son, your friends, your parents.” She kissed his cheek, and he glanced to find Skylar watching them. “Let’s play some pool. I haven’t won any money in a while.” She walked ahead of him. “Skylar, are you okay if it’s us against the guys?”

  “Hell no,” Marc bit off. “If this is two on two, I want the pretty woman not related to me on my team.” He took their food from the server who brought it back to them and placed it down so Parker and Skylar could eat when they wanted.

  “A few games, then,” Parker said. “I get to play with her, too.” He held her gaze as he said that and loved how her brown eyes darkened with desire. Tiffany’s words bounced around in his head. She’d known him forever, so maybe she did see something that others didn’t.

  “Somehow, I feel that already happens,” Tiffany muttered beside him.

  He didn’t dignify that with an answer even though his lips twitched because Tiffany had the right idea of it.

  Walking behind Skylar, he swiped his own pool cue, deliberately brushing against her. No denying her sharp intake of breath. That’s right, baby, I’m going to make sure you know I’m here.

  His teasing her was a double-edged sword. Each time he did something to her, she affected him just the same, if not more. Then there was how she bent over the table, lining up for her shot. He made it through two games, but now it was the third, and he didn’t have much control left. This was girls versus the guys.

  The three of them had regaled Skylar with stories of how it had been when they’d first met and all the trouble they’d found themselves getting in. It pleased him to no end when she shared a few stories about herself and Ryliee, her best friend. There were times they had to pause in playing because they were laughing too hard.

  He missed times like this and thought about how Marc was doing after he had gotten out of the marines. The man had done so well for himself and seemed to have his shit together. He made a note to speak to him, if it turned out he wasn’t cleared to go back in the field. Marc had lost a limb and knew all about not being able to get back to what you loved.

  Where did Skylar end up in all of this? Did he want to leave her? No. He liked being with her in the evenings, cooking dinner with her, and just spending time together. He didn’t miss going out and drinking with his friends like he thought he would.

  “You’re up, Skylar,” Tiffany said, snatching some fries from her plate and popping them in her mouth.

  “Okay, I have to put my hair up. Time to get serious. No way we’re going to lose to these two troublemakers. Then again, perhaps delinquents would be a better word given the stories I’ve just heard.”

  Tiffany whooped while he, along with Marc, frowned. His instinctive denial rose upon his lips. Both for her hair comment and the one she made about Marc and him.

  Parker loved the way her natural curls tumbled around her. Especially when they were spread out on the pillow as she tossed in the throes of the shared passion between them. Or when he watched her sleep. It was the time he thought about all the things to say to her that he couldn’t while she was awake. The things he struggled to say because he’d been brought up to believe saying them made a man weak.

  She stood before him, no pool cue in hand, staring up at him with those amazing eyes she had that never failed to sear him to his soul. He cocked an eyebrow, forcing himself not to reach out and push those very curls away from the soft curvature of her face.


  “My hair thing?”

  He blinked. “What about it?”

  “You keep one in your pocket. Can I have it?”

  Damn. Giving in to his urge to touch her, he skimmed his palm along her cheek, pushing his fingers into her hair as he moved. Her full lips parted with a small mewl.

  She’s so fucking responsive to my touch.

  Pulling the tie out of his front jeans pocket, he stretched it between his fingers. “Here you go.”

  Without breaking their eye connection, she reached out and gathered up her hair, exposing the graceful lines of her neck and those aristocratic cheekbones. As usual a few tendrils hung free, and she held her hair in one hand using her other to pluck the tie from him. Three swift moves and it was piled up high, leaving him wanting to take it back down.

  Her tongue flicked out, dampening the plump bottom lip that was a distraction to him. “Thanks. Time to kick your ass.” A hesitation and a smirk. “Again.”

  She was right; when she and Marc played they’d won. He wasn’t sure if it was her skill or the fact that he was too damn distracted by her.

  Skylar smiled, turned her face to his palm, and he swore she kissed his skin, but then she was gone, leaving him with nothing but a need and a memory.

  Marc rested his shoulder against his. “Right, nothing there at all.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “I’m thinking you’re not my type and I’m not yours.” Marc cursed under his breath.

  “Stop looking at her ass or I’ll knock your fucking teeth out.” Parker didn’t have to move his gaze to his friend. One, he, too, was staring at her ass, and two, he knew his friend well.

  “A woman like that shouldn’t be single.”

  He flexed a fist. “She’s not.” Parker moved up behind her as she was lining up for her shot, pressed the backs of her legs against him, and bent down, bracing his hands along the edge, boxing her in. Nuzzling the nape of her neck, exposed once he moved her escaped curls away.

  “Wrap this one up, baby. I want you. I need you.”

  A delicious tremor moved through her, and he stepped back, allowing her to take her turn. Her hands shook, but she made her shot. She swiftly finished up that game and with a wave and hug to both Marc and Tiffany, they moved through the darkness to his vehicle.

  Chapter Ten

  Twice in one day! Skylar stewed in silent fury as she looked over the destroyed table in her living room. Any lingering happiness about going out with Parker yesterday had vanished. No doubt in her mind that someone, who didn’t like her around her son, had come into her house and done this. All the other smaller issues had been leading up to this, and she was finished. She’d left Alpin outside, after she made a pass over the entire yard, to make sure that bitch hadn’t put anything poison down for him.

  Now he sat out there, enjoying a doggy ice cream in a cup. And she stood over her broken table.

  The destruction was crude but effective. She didn’t have proof other than her gut that it was Gemma, and she needed to make sure the locks were changed on her house. There were too many incidents since she’d shown up. It wasn’t just locks she needed, but also cameras.

  Stepping over the broken leg, she picked her cell phone up off the counter and scrolled through her contacts until she found the number she required.

  “Joe’s Locks and More. How can I help you?”

  “Charlene? It’s Skylar. Is Moses out on a run today, or would he have time to swing by? I need a new set of locks.”

  Skylar ki
ssed his cheek and waved as he drove away an hour later, a piece of pie in his belly and a firm date for a lunch on his phone, to appease the wife. Turning her head, she slowed her return inside as the garage door to her neighbor’s house rose.

  Parker Jax, stood there, rock-hard body exposed inch by tantalizing inch as the door lifted.

  Just wasn’t fucking fair.

  He looked at her and sent her a grin that wasn’t good for a damn thing other than wetting her panties and making her long to throw them at him. This morning he’d taken Alpin out and let her sleep in. She hadn’t slept well, tossing and turning because of nightmares about Reggie and Brennen.

  He’d asked her what was wrong, but she’d put him off—she wasn’t ready to let him into that part of her life. Physical was fine, but to the place where she was the most bare, most raw? No, she wasn’t ready.

  Not yet. Maybe not ever.

  He waved at her and strode toward her. Locking her knees and bolting down her lady bits, she waited for him to near. Lord knows if I go to meet him partway, I’ll end up running and jumping on him, which won’t be good for me. At least not for my image. It may be very good for me.

  The closer he got, the warmer she got. Suddenly living in the Arctic wasn’t such a bad idea; she could deal with the cold. Anything to bring her core temperature down.

  Pausing before her, he raked his gaze over her, kicking her internal temperature to the stratosphere. Feet shoulder-width apart, he crossed his arms and canted his head to the left.

  “Still mad at me?”

  Even though they’d had a row about the baby momma again today, she was learning how apparently being mad had nothing to do with wanting to fuck him. “Does it matter?” Dammit, she wanted to be pissed off and hurt at his actions. There was a little part of her that did a shimmy when he bestowed that look in her direction. The one that could have nuns waving their panties in a bid to get his attention. And it was all for her.

  “Of course it does.” He reached out and smoothed a large hand down the side of her face.

  She literally had to force herself to remain still to keep from swaying into his touch and doing what she could to establish more of that against her cheek.


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