The Lost Time Probe

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The Lost Time Probe Page 2

by V Bertolaccini

  In the room next door he had his dinner, instead of in the dinning room, watching them at work, waiting for something to happen or them to reveal something.

  The scientists finished setting everything up around the room and in the shaft and he suddenly spotted that they had in fact detected something, and checked if they were just testing the equipment out.

  The scientists were packed together and talked over theories about it and he spotted one filming what was happening, and he considered an earlier idea he had about setting cameras up around the building to check for anything they might have missed, especially at night.

  Chapter 5

  The Disturbances

  “Presumably supernatural presences will act on things and produce effects to indicate their presence,” the paranormal investigator moaned, as he entered where Eisenberg was, in the room next to the room with the scientists at work at their equipment, monitoring beneath the cavity.

  “Perhaps even influencing the air, scents, sound waves, static, the light spectrum ...” the paranormal investigator continued.

  Eisenberg realized he could not properly grasp anything, and he knew they were keeping what they were doing and the majority of their findings confidential.

  “This is highly advanced and far more than anything I’ve encountered!” the paranormal investigator gasped. “Going by what one of the scientists told me the equipment can scan and check everything that is about to a far greater degree … Presumably to find out if they are missing anything!”

  “Perhaps they don’t want to say anything more because they do not actually know what it is!” Kurt announced, entering the room, “They do not like saying anything until they can prove their assumptions …”

  “You believe they have something and have found something new?” Eisenberg continued, wondering if they had altered their perceptions of what was there.

  “Going by what I’ve heard, I’d say if there is something there, whatever it is stopped them detecting it and they have to use interdimensional scanning technology!” the paranormal investigator continued. “Which leads us to the next question! Why whatever is there is hidden away there?”

  Eisenberg realized he had been frequently hearing gasps from the scientists at the shaft, and he immediately watched them there as he considered what could be behind it, and the power of it, with it being able to create such power.

  They seemed confused and considering what they had and Eisenberg considered going in and finding out.

  What was he missing? What were they missing? What were they doing there? Could they be about to revive more vampire creatures or something?

  “It seems to be really heavy stuff …” the paranormal investigator silently announced curiously.

  “What could it be?”

  “The vampires killed large amounts of humans … We still have not found their full identity …”

  “The original occupants, who must surely have put whatever it is there.”

  “This was a Transylvanian castle … The books and the library are from there and the original building …”

  “What else?” he gasped, realizing its identity again.

  “Well they seemed to be really reputed and mind-boggling and they seemed to have some form of science, even a new and ancient unknown science, which I’ve been trying to grasp … Some stuff is really far out … I’ve not fully grasped what as they give little away, and what they fully were or were doing, and what happened …”

  “Which leaves me wondering what they were and doing …” he whispered, confused, not fully grasping what was about to happen.

  “These are my updated notes I’ve taken of things I found …”

  Eisenberg took his notes and started reading through them carefully, ignoring things that were irrelevant, and sat down staggered at some recent findings, and realized how deadly the place actually had been, and might return to in the near future.

  Chapter 6

  The Confidential Project

  Eisenberg sensed something and sensed that the scientists were not saying something new, and it gave him shudders, as he sensed it was deadly, and he tried to grasp what they thought was deadly.

  While he watched the equipment they had he considered what was being detected and could happen, and heard two scientists talking and realized how far they were going to avoid saying anything, and covering something up, and he realized they were also avoiding putting their foot in it by making unwanted claims.

  The scientists kept grabbing his attention as they were more highly advanced, and seemed even all to be chosen for being highly advanced, and perhaps even being leading scientists in what they did.

  “Is this stuff classified?” Kurt finally asked one, examining the equipment about his front.

  “It’s highly classified …” he replied.

  “But we’ll surely get stuff, eventually …”

  “Since you’re going to get stuff anyway, you can sign our secrecy document and we’ll give you some of it … And what you should actually know …”

  Kurt nodded his head, and so did Eisenberg and the paranormal scientist, and the scientist left and quickly returned with the documents, and Eisenberg read through it, surprised at some the stuff in it, and how far it went, and he, Kurt, and the paranormal scientist eventually signed the document, wondering what the hell they were up to, and how exaggerated it was.

  The scientist showed them some confidently documents and Eisenberg read through them swiftly, and the scientist told them, “We don’t always deal with classified projects and most of our past projects have only helped some, and we have handled some eminent stuff …”

  Eisenberg started to realize there was little, than he already knew, and he was sure they were exaggerating it, but realized they were still not saying stuff, and perhaps for other reasons, and he wondered how they originally intended doing what they intended without it becoming known, and he realized what they had discovered was an underground magnetic field or form of force, but he read on trying to get what was being hidden.

  Chapter 7

  The Underground Discovery

  Eisenberg read through some of the documents with surprise wondering what the hell they were really up to.

  From what he read they dealt with potential extraterrestrial encounters as well, and going as far back as the seventies, and he even questioned the scientists if they were investigating the vampires and was surprised that they never knew what they were talking of, and he questioned them about the deaths in New York done by them and they immediately stopped saying anything, and he realized they might be investigating them, and was sure they never thought they were vampires or of supernatural origins.

  They seemed to be only involved in potential alien encounters, and he wondered if they had actually encountered them, and in the end was left confused, and he noticed they were trained to deal with them, and communicate with any extraterrestrials through communications, which went far beyond physical communication.

  “You’ve the technology to communicate with extraterrestrials?” Kurt finally asked the scientists, who seemed to be only interested in communicating with them.

  “And perhaps make a first contact situation occur …”

  “With what?” he moaned back, at their lack explanations.

  “We haven’t found a way to communicate with it though!”

  They all stood staring at him wondering what he was talking of, and the paranormal scientists refused to say anything.

  When they never said anything, the scientists continued, “It has not replied to anything we’ve done, which we have gone by the instructions we have … We’re unsure what it is …”

  Eisenberg smirked and replied, “So we are trying to find a way to talk to something of extraterrestrial origins now …”

  “We believe so!” he replied firmly, hoping for an answer. “What else could it be?”

  Eisenberg gasped, wondering what they were investigating, and if they were trying to communicat
e with something of supernatural origins, and wondered if it was connected to the vampires.

  “Thanks!” the paranormal investigator replied firmly. “If you want my thoughts … I’ll add that I believe that what’s active there is the equivalent to our subconscious mind, while it might be in a type of sleep or suspended state, which acts as its defense and carries out functions. I think it can be reawakened …”

  Eisenberg wondered what the hell they had found, and if they thought it was something else, and was unsure what he should say.

  “So we’ve to contact its subconscious?” Kurt replied, also wondering what they were talking of.

  “Right!” the scientist replied. “We have tried to communicate with it telepathically, using some special equipment …”

  Eisenberg wondered how it functioned, and wondered if they could have used it on the vampires, or still use it on them if the got close enough, and wondered what the hell the things would think.

  “It must have a physical presence then?” the paranormal investigator asked.

  “Of course!” the scientists replied, surprised, wondering who he was. “Why would it not? We’ll find it down below …”

  Eisenberg sensed there was far more, and he could not grasp why it was there, whatever it was, and he knew he was still avoiding saying something, and he knew they would have to wait for them to tell them what it was, and he kept wondering if they were in danger and how dangerous it was, and realized how he had underestimated the vampires, and he wondered again if they were something else, and of what origins.

  While he considered what could happen and what to do next Kurt and the scientist started consulting, and he joined in, trying to get more on it, and made an agreement with him on what to do, and he realized he had given them permission to get whatever was there, and he wondered if it could destroy the old mansion, which he was sure was now worth far more, especially with it being known as Dracula’s castle.

  Chapter 8

  The Lost Treasure Discovery

  Eisenberg rushed in the mansion library watching the paranormal researcher, sitting silently at work, deeply engrossed in something, and exploring books piled up in front of him, and Eisenberg sensed something, and noticed that he had recently made some form of discovery, and he watched Kurt enter.

  “Have you found anything new?” Kurt moaned, at the paranormal investigator. “Tell him what you found earlier!”

  The paranormal investigator glanced up, and reluctantly placed the book he held down, and replied, while examining him, “This place astounds me, and these books are beyond anything I have encountered … They also seem to hold things about things I cannot grasp … They are either avoiding saying things or they do not know what …”

  Eisenberg sat down and listened on confused and realized how long he had been away from them, and he realized a lot of things had not yet been uncovered, and perhaps happened, and he asked, “What’s been happening since I’ve been away …?”

  Even though the ghost visitations of the mansion were no longer occurring he still sensed something was there, and some form of presence buried away somewhere, and that something might occur, and though it was Dracula’s castle, rebuilt into the immense haunted mansion, it was as though something else existed there, and as though a combination of two supernatural presences existed there, and it was as if they reacted separately, but on occasions seemed to combine in a complex combination.

  “I’ve found a great deal …” the paranormal investigator eagerly answered, determined to give an answer to what he had been trying to solve for hours. “But what I want still has not emerged!”

  “Much of it is supernatural stuff …” Kurt replied first.

  “Stuff such as witchcraft, magic, devil worshippers …”

  “Ancient stuff!” he moaned back.

  Eisenberg examined the library roof overhead, and the work of the workmen, who had only recently completed repairing the library roof, where they dug through into the hidden library from the floor above, and he examined how clean the library was now, especially with all the rubble gone, and the recently completed new doorway into the outer room.

  The paranormal investigator briefly examined him, with a glint of horror, and reluctantly put the book he now held back on the table, and asked, “This all astounds me, and the stuff in the books is beyond anything … I cannot grasp something … Could you tell me anything else you know of this place? Anything unknown of your uncle and this place … Any history …”

  “Well, where will I begin … I’m a New York private eye and I inherited this immense ancient mansion, which I believe is built far differently than anything I’ve encountered, and I’m engrossed in exploring it, for many obvious reasons – especially after the discovery of that ancient treasure map, and I’m still exploring all its strange rooms, and all the occurrences, and legends, trying to solve what actually is here, and our encounters with the strange unidentified hauntings, as well as the extraordinary ghostly energy formations of the vampires, and Dracula, and think that we still have not explained the strange hauntings the vampires made, and it is unheard of, and does not fall into what is known of them ...”

  “So that’s why we are here!” he moaned back. “The leading paranormal scientists and investigators still at work here, searching for something they do not quite grasp …”

  “Correct! Some still do not think anything supernatural has occurred, and their explanations are startling …”

  “They go to any length to discover proper proof of the existence of what they really believe is here – with the foremost in technology and equipment to investigate everything properly, and regularly investigate the recordings and information from the encounters – and the strange extraordinary ghostly formations, and the source in the lost chamber, where Dracula’s lost tomb was uncovered, and they accidentally revived it ...”

  Eisenberg still could not believe that his uncle, Howard Eisenberg, had them chasing after Dracula’s treasure all along – as it never added up – and he believed that the real treasure was somewhere else – and he still attempted to locate it!

  The whole affair seemed a jumbled mess, and even the media reports of what was there was astonishing, as they never believed anything of the occurrences.

  He intended to one day solve everything, and what Howard Eisenberg had hidden away, as the treasure chest he had buried away was said to contain something else, which was part of the treasure quest competition he had given them, and he could not believe the outcome.

  Howard Eisenberg, the fanatical billionaire, the vast business owner, had died and had gathered them, him and his six cousins at his New York lawyer’s office, where his lawyer had played an old video Howard Eisenberg had made many years before, and he had given them all one of his mansions, and he, John Eisenberg, had inherited the immense haunted mansion, and Howard Eisenberg had given them a treasure hunt competition with it, which the winner was to inherit all his businesses from, and they were given a clue, which led them to another clue, which they found at a lake, which led to other clues that led to his haunted mansion, and the last clue had been a treasure map – of the top floor.

  The paranormal investigator lifted his book up again, and asked, “So you’ve still not heard anything new on your uncle, Howard Eisenberg?”

  “Correct! His lawyer has given nothing on who is to get to run his businesses, and the others are confused by the events, and the lawyer refuses to say anything or reply to any communications ...”

  “Maybe I can help you …” Kurt replied, and picked up his phone and walked out into the outer room, and had a silent conversation with someone, and eventually marched back in.

  “Howard Eisenberg is still alive!” Kurt announced, and Eisenberg gasped and looked up startled.

  Eisenberg was astonished but never fully believed it and thought he might be up to something, as he was reacting peculiarly, and he decided to find out what it was.

  “How do you know?” the paranormal inve
stigator asked, after nobody said anything.

  “I was talking to him on the phone …”

  Eisenberg sat shocked, as he had not seen him reply as authentically to anything without it being true, but he had been at Howard Eisenberg’s funeral and his lawyer would surely know.

  After a long time, the paranormal investigator asked, “Where is he then?”

  “He’s in his office, running his businesses …”

  Eisenberg knew it was true and gasped out loud, and then at all the things that had happened, and he wondered if the mansion he had inherited would be given back to him, and he realized that it might even be a good idea as it would solve many future problems.

  “Where was he then?” Eisenberg finally asked.

  “Hiding! I’d guess …”

  “Hiding from what?” he gasped, studying Kurt’s face, and he wondered what the hell he was talking of.

  “Mainly us and the media …”

  “You think he was …?”

  “He was …”

  “Well, I think you should explain, if you can – and what is happening …”

  “He faked his death … Did it legally … I think! One reason I believe he did it was to get us to do what he wanted …”

  “Which was …?”

  “Other than a few major business things he was finally doing it for, I think he wanted to find the treasure or whatever it was, and perhaps sort out his death before it occurred. He told me we still own the mansions he gave us, and has now worked out what to do with his businesses after his death … And who to have run them, and what who should own …”

  “And his lawyer knew of it all along …” Eisenberg gasped, realizing that he had known he had been alive.


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