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Hot Property Page 17

by Carly Phillips

  Amy had spoken with Micki earlier and Cassandra had given her hell for sequestering her son and refusing to discuss his whereabouts. Micki had assured Cassandra that Roper was fine and taking care of himself for a change. She’d offered the woman anything she needed from advice to reservations. She just wouldn’t give Cassandra the one thing she wanted. Her son’s current address.

  Amy looked into Hannah’s eyes and said, “Just remember it’s your life. If you don’t take control of it, everyone else will.”

  “Sound advice,” Roper said, coming up behind them.

  “It is. It just isn’t easy,” Hannah murmured. “I should go talk to Mike. We’re supposed to go over some things for this summer’s upcoming concert. We’ll talk later,” she said to Amy.

  Hannah worked her way over to her band and, with great finesse and a lot of sex appeal that included swaying hips and a full pout, managed to extricate Mike from the rest of the guys.

  Impressive, Amy thought.

  And when Roper strode over and cornered her, she hoped she had the nerve to act as boldly as Hannah had. What a difference a week made. Now Roper glanced at Amy with a devilish grin, all evidence of his anger at being tricked gone. So when he turned his sex appeal her way, it wasn’t hard to believe in herself and her ability to act on her feelings.

  Because Amy was finished fighting the attraction between them.


  ROPER STUDIED AMY, HER tight jeans and sexy loose-fitting top, and realized she fit right in here. The woman who’d been uncomfortable earlier in her one-piece bathing suit was gone. In her place was the siren who called to him day and night, in his dreams and when they were wide-awake. Like now.

  She shoved her hands into her pants pockets. “So have you calmed down?” she asked.

  As if he hadn’t had a reason to be upset with her, he thought wryly. He wasn’t fooled by her attempt to put the onus on him. But he didn’t mind it, either.

  He leaned against the wall, just plain enjoying her. “You mean, have I forgiven you for dragging me up here against my will?” He was teasing. He just wasn’t sure whether or not she knew it yet.

  She stepped closer until they were inches apart. Her scent, strawberry shampoo and pure woman, overtook his thoughts and all he could concentrate on was taking her in his arms and kissing her senseless—with no cell phone, Treo or family member interrupting them.

  “I was looking out for you.” She met his gaze with those huge brown eyes that broke down his defenses.

  Not that he had any left when it came to her. “I know that now.” He treated her to a slow, easy, genuine smile meant to relax her and put all conflict behind them for good.

  She released a puff of air, her relief that he was no longer angry evident. “So what made you come around and finally understand?”

  “You did.” A stray curl fell onto her forehead and he plucked it off with one hand, allowing himself the pleasure of smoothing his palm down her head in a gentle caress. “Deep in your heart, you aren’t a manipulative sneaky person. Some time up here alone, no one to bother me, a workout and a whirlpool, and I relaxed enough to remember that.”

  “Wow. You’re complimenting me.” The corner of her lips turned up in a cheeky grin. “Not only have you forgiven me but you’re pretty mellow.”

  “And you seem to be enjoying yourself, too. You must be pretty relaxed yourself.”

  “I wasn’t, but I am now,” she said.

  He hoped the reason was his forgiveness, but he couldn’t be sure and raised an eyebrow in question. “And what’s so special about now?”

  “Your calmer attitude, for one thing.”

  “And the other thing?” he asked.

  She shrugged, her attitude playful. “Isn’t a girl allowed to have secrets?” She bit down on her lower lip.

  His gaze followed the movement, his gaze drawn to her sensual mouth. So she was playing coy. Miss All Business was suddenly flirting, he thought, amused. Hmm. Well, he couldn’t say he minded.

  She was one of the perks of being here. “I took a walk earlier and discovered an amazing place. Want to see?” he asked.

  She glanced over at their hostess, who appeared pretty tied up with her drummer. “I don’t think they’ll miss us,” she said, a mischievous glint in her eye.

  “Come.” He took her hand and together they walked through the lodge’s main lobby where people wandered, some alone, some in small groups, while others gathered around the big-screen television at the bar.

  “Do you want to stop first and have a drink?” He gestured to two empty stools in a private area.

  She shook her head. “I’d rather have all my faculties tonight. Nothing to drink. But thanks, anyway.”

  He inclined his head and kept walking. Normally he’d think her unwillingness to indulge in alcohol was her way of reminding him they were only business associates, but something was different about her tonight. It wasn’t just her light mood or her teasing. It was her. She hadn’t removed her hand from his grasp and there was a sudden confidence emanating from her he hadn’t seen since meeting her at the wedding. Whatever had brought on the change, he was thankful for it. And he had the sudden hope that her unwillingness to drink had more to do with her desire to remember each and every minute between them.

  He led her past the gift and sundry shop to a point beyond the restaurants. While working off his frustration earlier, he’d come upon a solarium that was being cleaned. He let himself inside and found himself viewing a winter wonderland beyond the glass. It was a place he’d spent a quiet, contemplative hour.

  The door was closed and he knocked once. When no one answered, he pushed it open and led her inside. Instead of turning on the lights, he kept the room dark, and when the door slammed shut behind them, he quietly turned the lock, giving them complete privacy.

  “What is this place?” she asked.

  “A sunroom,” he said. “I asked Lisa and she said it’s usually only open during the summer. But when I walked by, a crew was dusting and I peeked inside.” He’d looked out the wall-to-wall windows at the snowy landscape beyond and immediately knew he wanted to share the sight with Amy.

  She strode to the windows and stared outside. Instead of looking at the scenery, he watched her. Eyes wide, she stared at the frosty view, lit up by outdoor lights and the ski trails in the distance.

  “Wow. It’s beautiful,” she said in awe. “I’ve never seen snow like this before. I mean, I’ve seen the dirty slush in the city this winter but nothing like this.”

  He hadn’t realized what she’d missed growing up in Florida. “Then I’m going to have to get you outside to experience the snow for real while we’re here.”

  “Ooh, I’d love that.” Her voice dropped to a deeper husky sound that resonated inside him.

  He stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and looking out from over her shoulder. White snow covered the bare branches and stars filled the night sky. Without even realizing it, he eased himself forward so his body pressed more fully against her back. His hands splayed across her stomach, and of its own volition, his penis grew hard and aching. It thrust against his jeans and pressed insistently against her rear end.

  She sucked in a deep breath, but she didn’t protest or try to escape his hold. Obviously much had changed and he wasn’t about to question why.

  He rested his chin on her shoulder. “It’s beautiful,” he said, turning his head slightly and nuzzling his lips against her neck.

  “Mmm. Growing up in Florida, I always thought I had it all. Sunshine and beaches, warm weather. But now I know what I was missing. Will you really go outside with me? I want to touch the snow and feel it between my fingertips,” she said, her excitement rising.

  He was rising, as well.

  “I want to make a snow angel like I’ve seen on TV,” she continued.

  Her enthusiasm was contagious, and he felt as if he were experiencing the same surge of emotions as Amy—all for the first time. “I�
�ll take you anywhere you want to go,” he promised her.

  She tipped her head backward. “I believe you,” she whispered.

  She stared out the windows some more while he continued to nuzzle her neck with his lips, which quickly turned to suckling her soft skin. He couldn’t get enough of her taste, her scent, all of her.

  He slipped his hands into the waistband of her jeans. She didn’t object, so he let his fingertips dip lower until he passed the low band on her panties and brushed the soft hair beneath.

  She sucked in a shallow breath, and at the moment, he let his waist jerk forward, seeking relief he knew he wouldn’t find just yet. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy and he intended for her to do just that.

  In the silken silence that surrounded them, he unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper, never once turning her to face him.

  “John?” she asked, her voice uncertain.

  “We’re alone,” he reassured her. “I locked the door. Besides, no one comes back here. And with the thick trees out there, no one can see in. It’s just us,” he promised her. “Isn’t that what you wanted for me? Peace and quiet? Time to focus on what’s important?”

  He let his words settle, let her make of them what she would. He wasn’t about to think or dig too deeply into his meaning now. The words had escaped, and right now he meant them.

  Before she could back away, he picked up where he’d left off, easing her jeans just low enough on her thighs to give him access, but not too low that she couldn’t pull them up and get decent if she wanted.

  “Trust me,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I do.” Then, as if to prove it, she shifted and spread her legs slightly, opening for him.

  He’d been waiting for this moment, more desperately than even he’d realized, and as he slid his fingers past the triangle of hair and down to her damp heat, desire the likes of which he’d never known swept over him.

  A soft moan escaped her lips.

  “Do you like that?” he asked, already knowing the answer. Proving his theory, he pressed his forefinger between her dewy folds. Moisture licked at his skin and a rush of heat suffused him from inside out.

  If this is what nearly entering her with his finger did to him, heaven help him when they made love. And they would. Soon. But her pleasure came first. He shifted positions and slid his finger inside her.

  She shook and trembled, clearly already on the verge.

  “I’ve got you, so don’t be afraid to let go.” As he spoke, he pushed his fingertip into her, then slowly eased out, making sure his thumb hit on the tight nub of desire with each slide.

  She clenched her hot, wet inner walls around him, which only served to increase the friction of his finger’s glide. Unable to control his own body’s reaction, he began to pump his hips against her back in a steady rhythm.

  He had control, but barely.

  And then without warning, she turned toward him, releasing his finger from between her legs, taking him off guard. With shaking hands she reached for the zipper on his jeans and pulled them down.

  She glanced down and stared. “Commando,” she practically stuttered.

  He shrugged, then grinned.

  Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck, but he kissed her first, reveling in the sweet welcome of her mouth. He didn’t know how, but he held on to some last shred of sanity, enough to know they had to be fast. The longer they stayed, the more risk of someone wandering back here by accident, as he had this afternoon.

  “We should hurry,” he said.

  Amy nodded. “Please tell me you have protection.” She wished she’d asked before she’d acted on impulse and yanked down his pants, no matter how impressive the sight.

  But her entire body was on fire, desire pulsing through her and begging for release.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” He bent to extricate a condom packet from his pocket.

  Though relieved, a part of her wasn’t sure how to feel about the fact that he had a condom on hand, ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  “Amy?” he asked as he took care of the situation.


  “Wipe the frown off your pretty face and look at how old this thing is.” He held up the ripped packet, obviously worn from being carried around in his wallet. “My father knocked up my mother in a day and age when it just wasn’t done. I promised myself a long time ago I’d never get caught without one.”

  The frenzy had momentarily lapsed in favor of deeper, more important talk. She couldn’t suppress a smile. How could she be upset with a man like him?

  “You’re one of a kind,” she told him.

  He grinned. “You are, too, freckles.” He tapped her cheeks.

  She ought to be embarrassed, but he said it in a way that made her feel cherished.

  “Listen, I’d lift you and be inside of you already but I could never explain reinjuring my shoulder if I did.” He grinned, but she couldn’t mistake how deep his voice was, how much his need matched her own.

  “Good point.” She glanced around the dark room, lit only by outdoor lights creeping in. To her right was a covered bar and stools that looked just the right height for what she had in mind.

  What the heck? she thought. In for a penny, as the old expression went. She was already tempting fate by letting out the bad girl she always had a hunch was inside her. She pointed to the covered stools.

  Next thing she knew, Roper had pulled her over and positioned her on one of them, in the most vulnerable way she could imagine, legs spread wide, waiting, just for him. But she didn’t have time to think too long.

  Condom on, he pulled her toward him and tilted her back against the chair. His gaze never leaving hers, he thrust into her completely.

  Amy saw stars, and not only because it had been so long since she’d had sex. He filled her body in a way that reached up, up through her throat and threatened to make her head and body explode with the perfection of the feeling.

  A low groan escaped from his throat and his big body reverberated inside hers. She grabbed on to the seat of the chair and held on tight as he slid out, then thrust deep once more. He repeated the motion, and to Amy’s surprise, each time she felt fuller, more intense pressure inside her.

  Together they quickly found a rhythm and the pleasure built higher and faster each time his body connected completely with hers.




  With each successive thrust, she felt more of him. Took more of him.

  Gave more of herself.

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her long and hard, branding her even more than his body was doing. His tongue swept through her mouth, taking possession as he took control—gliding out of her body slowly at first, easing back in deep, not stopping to let her catch her breath. As the passion and yearning grew, gentleness gave way to more pressure, deeper thrusts that brought her ever closer to completion. She couldn’t do anything more than squeeze her body tight around his and ride out the masterful storm he created.

  And just when she didn’t think she could take anymore, everything inside her exploded in bright lights and the most intense pleasure she’d ever known. The sensations took her even higher, rocking her world until finally, they subsided in slow, sweet passion.

  She opened her heavy eyes and found Roper staring at her, his expression intense. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern in his voice.

  “Never better.” The pulsing continued throughout her system as she struggled to catch her breath.

  “I thought our first time would be in a bed.” His gravelly voice told her he hadn’t yet completely recovered, either.

  “I think I’d have killed you if you stopped to go find one.”

  She thought about his words and their implications, which summed up the kind of man he was. For so long, she’d been consumed with avoiding anything happening between them. Meanwhile, he’d thought about their first time. He cared about where they made love.
br />   Was it any wonder her feelings for him continued to grow?

  He leaned his head back and groaned. “I locked the door, but we shouldn’t continue to tempt fate.”

  She laughed. “Good point.”

  He slid out of her, his regret at leaving her obvious. After he pulled up his jeans, he gently helped her stand and fix her clothes until there were no telltale signs of dishevelment to give her away.

  He then smoothed his hands over her hair and pulled her close for a long kiss before breaking apart once more. “There’s a bathroom on the other side of the room. I’ll be right back.”

  While he was gone, she stared out at the landscape, the snow and glittering lights. She was light-headed and in shock, as much from what she’d done as from the feelings attached to what she’d once considered merely a physical act.

  If asked, she’d have said that she cared about the few men who’d come before Roper. Until tonight she’d have been telling the truth. But now, post-Roper, she realized she’d been so naive and ignorant.

  There was sex. And there was making love. And though she’d obviously liked the men she’d been with in the past, none had ever induced such a cascading flood of emotion.

  She pressed her hands against the cold window and then used her palms to cool her flushed face. But nothing eased the internal heat and nothing stopped the sudden realizations that came next.

  She’d never felt this way before. So right, so uninhibited, so free. Only with this man. And that was what she’d feared all along—that the overwhelming desire he fueled in her would overwhelm common sense. That she’d act on instinct and satisfy her desires at the expense of the consequences.

  And those consequences in this case were clear. She risked losing her heart to the wrong man. A man whose life meant cameras and public scrutiny. All the things she’d been hiding from in Florida for years.

  Roper released the wildness in her she’d repressed for most of her life—the part of her that was so like her mother and aunt, making public spectacles and taking risks. Tonight she and Roper had been in a secluded place with minimal to no risk of being caught bare-assed having sex in front of wall-to-wall windows, she thought.


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