Filthy Desire

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Filthy Desire Page 10

by Sebastian Ex

  I increase my speed as I tilt her hips and hit a new spot inside her. Her silky smooth lips engulf my cock, as she tightens her cunt and releases with a cry. My balls draw up and I’m only a few strokes away from coming. I let go of her hair and reach around to finger her clit. Ella’s hips are rotating wildly. She releases her breath on a long groan and she concentrates on the way I’m fucking her.

  I raise her leg higher, and thumb her clit. “Come, my little kitten.” I press my thumb against her clit again and buck hard into her.

  “Matt,” she sobs and her body goes lax. Her calling me Matt sends me over the edge and my cum floods the condom.

  A couple more thrusts and I’m spent, totally done. I slide out of her, lower her leg and turn her to face me. She looks like she’s been royally fucked. Her hair is a mess, and her eyes red and puffy as tears stream down her face.

  I crash my mouth against hers, stopping her thoughts of self-loathing, making her accept me and my dominance of her. My tongue glides inside her mouth, tracing the contours of her lips as I take over and tell her with only the kiss, that everything’s okay. My hands cup her cheeks and my thumbs wipe the tears from her face. The kiss lasts until I can feel her submit, not to me, because she’s happy to do that, but to the pleasure I’ve given her, shutting down her mind.

  When I feel her soften in my arms, I stop kissing her. As I pull away, I notice she’s more composed then she was when she came.

  I look into her eyes and kiss the tip of her nose. “Go to the bathroom, and meet me in the kitchen for dinner,” I say as I envelop her close to me.

  “Okay, Matt,” she says and nuzzles into my neck. She’s not ready to let go, and I’ll keep holding her until she realizes she can trust herself to let go.

  A moment may have passed, or maybe even an hour. All I know, is when my girl is ready, she’ll walk away.

  “Why did you want me to wear red lipstick?”

  “Because after dinner you’re having my cock for dessert.”


  It’s been a week since I fucked Ella, and every day since, I’ve kept fucking her. Whenever my filthy desire for her takes over and my cock gets hard, I take her.

  Tonight, we’re at the club and it’s at capacity. There’s a line at the door and we’re two waitresses down. I forgo doing any real work in my office. Instead I’m sitting in the VIP section, watching the floor and the show. More the floor, making sure it’s running smoothly with two girls off for the night.

  The crowd’s enjoying the show. The dancing girls seem to have an extra spring in their step and they’re working their butts off. All in all, a good night, so far.

  The girls go off stage for a half-hour intermission and the ‘fill in’ act comes on, comprising a half-hour of two stand-up comedians. They’re not a bad duo, and the crowd seems to appreciate them.

  I look over to the bar, and the bartenders have been going pretty much non-stop. When I look around the floor, I spot Ella cleaning off a table.

  I’ve noticed in the last month since she’s been working here, she’s able to hold her head higher and her back straighter. She’s been gaining confidence slowly, and has even begun speaking with some of the other staff. Last night, she tried to wave over Dianne, but she was so busy she didn’t see Ella. Ella took the initiative and went to the bartender to ask for the cocktail a customer wanted.

  I could tell by the way she carried herself when she gave the woman her drink, she was incredibly proud of herself. I was proud of her too. She didn’t know I was watching. But I was, and when we got home, I rewarded her initiative by pushing her face down over the island counter in the kitchen, propping her leg up on one of the stools, kneeling before her and eating her pussy. Twice.

  “Hey,” she says as she comes into the VIP section and grabs my glass. “It’s so busy tonight.”

  “It is. That’s good.” I grab her hand and drag her down to sit on my lap.

  “Matt, I’ve got work to do. I just came to say hi.” She tries to wiggle free of my tight embrace.

  “Sit still or I won’t fuck you tonight when we get home.”

  Instantly she stops trying to fight me. “I like it when you fuck me,” she leans in and whispers. Her warm breath touches my jaw. “And I like it when you don’t shave. The prickly feeling across my pussy is nice. It makes me want to drive myself harder into your face.”

  Fuck me! This girl’s grown a filthy mouth. “If you don’t behave yourself, I may need to fuck you in my office.”

  Her arms wrap around my neck and she nuzzles closer into me, “Yes please, Sir.”

  She wants to play hard tonight. Gladly. “I have yet to use the flogger I bought. Tonight I want to test it on you.” Immediately her body becomes rigid and she stops peppering my face with kisses. “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then why the apprehension?”

  She remains quiet. I can’t even tell if she’s breathing. She’s fighting the demons inside her mind, the ones which tell her sex toys are used to administer pain. She doesn’t need to use her mouth to tell me; her body language screams dread and anxiety. “I can try,” she finally concedes.

  “And when will I stop?” I smooth her hair over her shoulder, playing with the tresses, calming her, giving her the power back.

  “If I safe word.”

  “Good girl. Now kiss me, and think about what my tongue will do to your gorgeous, wet pussy when we get home.”

  She leans in and kisses me. I force her to take the lead, to control the pace of the kiss. She needs to know just how safe she is with me.

  The music starts up again and the burlesque dancers come back on stage. I hear them, I can even hear the patrons clapping as the girls start the second half of the act. Another fifty-five minutes and the second set will be over.

  She keeps kissing me and I get lost in the way her tongue strokes mine, how she hungrily takes what she wants. When the crowd claps, she pulls away and I notice we were kissing for the entire first routine. “I better get back to work, the boss may fire me.” She adds a wink as she stands to leave the VIP area.

  I sit back and keep watch of Ella’s fine ass as she walks away from me. The swagger in her hips is clearly intended to tease me, making me crave her. I drag my eyes away from her and turn my attention back to the show. Dianne brings me another scotch. “No more, just a water,” I say as I hand the tumbler back to her.

  Brandon’s upstairs in his office going over his spreadsheets to see if we can afford to buy the old pool hall next door to expand our business. We’ve been talking about expansion for a while, and it seems the logical next step.

  As I watch the crowd, and Ella, I notice a guy toward the front of the stage becoming more and more rowdy. I call Dianne over, “Sir?” she questions as she looks at me.

  “The guy down in the front carrying on, how much has he had to drink?”

  “I’ll go check with Sarah. He’s in her section.”

  I nod and flick my hand at her. I turn to Ted, one of our bouncers, who’s manning the VIP section tonight. I gesture for him to come over. “Mr. Weston, is there a problem?” His eyes go straight to the crowd, he’s scanning to see what threat I detect.

  “Most likely not, but the guy down in the front of the room, toward the right…keep an eye on him.”

  “Yes, sir.” He lifts his right arm and speaks into the walkie-talkie system each of the security staff carries. I stand too, and slowly make my way closer to the guy. Dianne spots me and comes to me, “Sir, he’s had quite a few.”

  “Cut him off. If he asks for another drink, I’ll handle it.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll let the bar and Sarah know.”

  I stand with my back against the wall, one leg flexed against it and my arms folded in front of my chest.

  I keep watching him but he seems to be just a merry, drunk guy. He’s dancing around in his seat, wolf-whistling, and occasionally yelling some inappropriate things at the girls.

two things happen simultaneously. Ella goes to his table to clear his empty glasses, momentarily standing in his line of sight.

  He jumps up, pushes her into his table, and leaps up on stage to grab one of the girls.

  I bolt over to Ella who’s toppled over the table. I pick her up and have a look at her. “Are you okay?” I ask as my hands grip her shoulders. She simply nods but I can feel her tremble and she’s begun to revert back to being a frightened little kitten. I sweep her behind me to protect her as Ted and another two guys run toward the stage. “Go up to my office and wait for me,” I bark at Ella. She’s frightened. I can see it as her eyes dart around frantically trying to find an escape. “NOW!” I shout at her.

  She takes off toward the staff door, and I jump onstage to pull the drunken guy down.

  When I grab his shoulder, he turns and swings at me. I side-step and duck as he pulls his arm back to throw another punch. I hit him with an uppercut, he goes stumbling back and shakes his head. He charges for me again, but this time Ted intervenes and grabs him.

  The crowd all claps and the girls huddling around the curtain look horrified. “Did he touch any of you?”

  Stephanie steps forward. Her costume is torn from the breasts down. She’s holding it up and crying. “Me,” she says.

  “Come on.” I put my arm around her shoulder and take her off stage. The music starts again and the show resumes, a girl short.

  “Are you okay?”

  “He lunged for me and grabbed my costume. I’m sorry, Mr. Weston.”

  “What are you sorry for?”

  “He ripped my costume.”

  “It’s not your fault. Do you have someone you can call to take you home? Take the rest of the week off and relax.”

  “Are you pink-slipping me?” she asks tearfully.

  “No, of course not. I just want you to be ready to get back up on that stage. So go home, relax, and when you’re ready to come back, call me.”

  “I can’t afford to be off, sir.”

  “Take the week off, paid. I’ll send your checks to your apartment until you’re ready to come back.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll call my boyfriend to come get me.”

  “Okay. Are you alright or do you want me to stay with you until he gets here?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Fresh tears fall from her eyes. She won’t be fine.

  Ted comes to find me backstage. “He’s been escorted from the building, sir. We have his details. We put him in a cab to go home.”

  “Good. Stay with Stephanie until her boyfriend gets here.”

  “Yes, sir,” he says as he takes a protective stance in front of Stephanie.

  “Call me next week,” I say to Stephanie as I turn to leave.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  I need to find Ella. She’s my main priority and I need to make sure she’s safe.


  “Ella,” I call as I walk into my office. At first glance I can’t see her. I’m about to go downstairs to look for her when I hear her whimpering.

  Slowly, I step further into my office and close the door. The crying continues over near the desk. She’s probably hidden under there, retreating into herself. This is where I need to step up and show her she can get past this. She’s frightened and it’s bringing back memories of being hurt the way her ‘boyfriend’ used to abuse her. But now she’s at a crossroads. If I soothe her and tell her it’s all going to be okay, it’s only words. I need to show her she’s safe, make her feel it, and assure her I’ll always care for her.

  I rub a hand over my face, not really liking this part of being her Dom. This has become a pivotal point for her. She needs to break the association of anger with pain and punishment. What happened downstairs is not a normal situation. It was a man who drank too much and got carried away. He probably won’t even remember in the morning what the hell happened.

  She’s sobbing steadily, with no break in the way her breath catches in her throat. Her eyes are most likely puffy and red as her tears continue to fall. But she needs to realize how strong she actually is.

  “Ella,” I call her as I step around the desk.

  She’s curled up in a small ball, rocking back and forth, arms wrapped around her legs and her face is buried against her knees. She looks on the cusp of a breaking point, which would mean she’ll also lose the small amount of self-esteem she’s gained since she’s been with me.

  “Ella,” I say once more. This time I use the voice I know will drag her into the right mindset. This will take a while. I can see from how her arms cradle her body she’s struggling. “Little kitten.”

  Ella’s slight rocking ceases. Her head remains down but I can sense I’m starting to penetrate the barriers she’s rebuilt so quickly, recapturing ground we’ve already covered. It’s my role to help her deal with her pain, to let her know I’ll be there to help her, and to free her. All she has to do is trust me.

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmurs without lifting her head.

  “Look at me.”

  Her head lifts slowly, and she looks into my eyes. Silently they’re begging me. They’re pleading with me to release her and free her from the hurt she’s feeling. “Sir,” she says again, her puffy eyes and the pained croak of her voice begging me to help her.

  “Get on your knees, but watch your head,” I tell her in a steady, low voice.

  Like the beautiful woman she is, she moves straight to her knees in front of me, still under my desk. This isn’t going to be about sex for us, this is going to be about establishing a deeper connection. One that melds us together, and finally defines our roles of Dom and sub. She’s my little kitten who’s bravely called on me to help her, and I’m her Dom whose primary responsibility is the protection and welfare of my sub. And my partner.

  “You’re so perfect,” I tell her as I wipe away the tears clinging to her cheeks. I can see she doesn’t believe my words. And truthfully I wouldn’t either, especially considering how I treated her when I first met her. “You really are perfect.” I cup her face in the palm of my hand, my thumb rubbing the swollen skin beneath her eyes. “But now, give me your pain.” Her eyes betray her. She’s fighting to try and hold on to everything. She has to understand she’s no longer in danger, and I will not allow her involvement in any situation that could cause her harm.

  Ella continues to look up at me, all the tension of a thousand hurts right there on her shoulders. All the years of pain she endured are about to rip out of her chest and consume her once and for all. The cruelty of a man who treated her like nothing more than holes to fuck for his and his associates’ pleasure is still torturing her.

  “Unzip my pants,” I calmly tell her as I shift in my seat to make the task easier for her.

  With gentle fingers, she does as I’ve asked, and looks up at me, waiting for my next command. Her shoulders are still high and tight, her thoughts visibly continuing to swirl. I watch her mouth thin out into a straight line. Her gaze is focused on me, but the way her eyes keep darting around, her mind is still on the incident downstairs.

  “Take my cock out.” This command snaps her back to the now, momentarily interrupting the negative emotions burning through her. “Now suck me, little kitten.”

  Her head descends to my cock. Her silken tongue licks the head, though I can tell she’s not enjoying it.

  Lacing my fingers into her hair, I guide her around my cock. “That’s it, my beautiful little kitten. I love the way you take me in your mouth.” I give her the words I know will encourage her and ease her into the right mindset.

  Her lush, warm, wet mouth takes me all the way to the base. “Yes, just like that,” I continue to praise her as I fist my hands in her hair. Finally, I begin to feel her mouth relax, and her shoulders lower as the demons inside her back down. She’s beginning to concentrate on me instead of them.

  My hands leave her hair and I send Brandon a message. This is the crux, the push for her to know I’ll never hurt her or even have anyone else hurt. I type
a quick message to Brandon. ‘Come to my office, we’re going to talk about business. Ella’s sucking me off. I need you to act like you can’t hear her. I’ll explain later.’

  Within seconds Brandon’s knocking on my door. I look down at Ella and smile, her eyes are wild and all the tension has overtaken her again. “Shhh, little kitten. It’ll be okay. Just trust me.” I smile again. “Come in,” I add as I pet Ella’s head. I encourage her with my touch.

  Brandon opens the door and walks in. He’s got a big smile on his face as he comes and sits in the chair opposite me. Ella stops sucking and twirling her tongue around my cock. I lean down and lovingly touch her face. Her head turns into my palm and she kisses it before looking up at me. I nudge her back to my cock.

  “Hey, I’ve run the numbers to buy the building next door and I think we can swing it,” Brandon says, though he keeps trying to peer over the desk. I weave my fingers into Ella’s hair, and move her mouth down my cock so she knows I want her to continue sucking.

  “That’s great. Have you worked it into the budget?” Ella’s lips flow over the wide crown, and she hesitantly resumes fucking me with her mouth.

  “I think we can get a loan and buy it immediately, or we can look at forgoing our bonuses this year and add them to what we have in reserve and we can purchase it outright within the next few months. That might leave us cash poor, though.”

  My concentration wanes as Ella resumes sucking me off with gusto. She slides her mouth off me, then back on, in and then out, all while her tongue twirls and plays with my cock to the accompaniment of small, wet noises.

  “Have you found out if there are any other offers on it?” My voice sounds slightly off. Her fucking mouth is affecting me. After a few moments of silence I feel Ella’s luxurious lips curve into a smile.

  “There is one other party who’s interested. Apparently they wanna open another strip joint. But he doesn’t look like he’s got the cash or the equity for it.”


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