Eyes Wide Open (Healing Hearts #2)

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Eyes Wide Open (Healing Hearts #2) Page 34

by Renee Dyer

  She sits next to him, her hip nudged up next to him. I notice that they have to be touching through the whole meal. It’s completely different from the way he was with Victoria. Not just in physicality. They could be rooms apart and it wouldn’t matter. These two occupy the same space, they breathe the same air, they are each other’s heart. Watching them, I see an entire movie script playing out in my head. They’re inspiring.

  I no longer wish to question her. She may not have figured out that she loves Tucker, but it’s written all over her face. It’s in the way her body turns into him. It’s in the way her eyes follow him when he moves and the way her hand finds his leg when they sit next to each other. It’s in every smile she gives him. She’s in love with him and I know it’s only a matter of time before she realizes it too.

  Tucker saw the smile and he was right to buy the ring. It may not ever be right for me, but I’m glad he found it.

  Chapter Forty Three


  My weekend with Tucker ended too quickly. He had to work most of that Saturday, but I did get to see him act in person and he showed me around the set. Not as glamorous as I had it pictured in my head. Cammie was a doll. I could picture her and I being friends if we lived closer. Tucker’s right about Grant. He has some weird animosity toward Tucker. The angry stares were making me uncomfortable. They only got worse when Tucker worked with Cammie. That guy gave me the creeps.

  I loved meeting Eddie and after a couple beers and lots of coercing, I think I talked him into coming to visit sometime. I told him I’d gladly show him around.

  It’s hard to believe it’s already been a couple weeks since I saw him. Now, I’m getting ready to head back to Canada, but not to see Tucker. The ladies and I are heading there for Mick’s bachelorette party. What they don’t know is I have a surprise for them while we’re there. The guys will be in Montreal too, but we told them they need to stay at their party and we’ll stay at ours.

  Mick has a theory that every couple about to get married should go out with a bang, not literally bang someone, but there should be strippers and wildness because it’s your last hurrah. She thinks you need that last night to stare at nakedness, get crazy, and then remember you have the real thing at home.

  She made it very clear to us after she got engaged that the theme for her bachelorette party was cock and balls in the face and that she had better get lap dances. We all laughed, thinking she was joking. Blake told us she was not. She then informed the guys that they had damn well better get Blake some tittie facials or they were fired. You know it’s true love when they can agree to cock and balls in the face and tittie facial parties and still want to marry each other.

  I was worried Dee wouldn’t be able to make the trip, but she’s been feeling a little better the last week or so. She insists that she’s sticking it out even if she has to carry a puke bag around with her. I hope it doesn’t come to that. She said she’ll take the max dosage of her Zofran because there’s no way she’s missing this, we need to send Mick off the right way. I felt better after she got the doctor’s okay.

  I also feel better knowing Kale and the guys are going to be within a cab’s ride of us if anything were to happen. Even if one of them isn’t really happy with me right now.

  “You did what? Why would you do that, Adri? She’s gone this long with him not in her life. Why would you throw him back into her life now? What were you thinking?

  I watch Pres pace back and forth in front of me. He rams his hands through his hair. Anger seeps out of his pores and his brown eyes have darkened to almost black. I hate when he gets this way. He’s being unreasonable.

  “Pres,” I say, trying to coax him at first, even though I’m pissed that he can’t see the jackass he’s being, “he’s her best friend. Don’t you think you’ve punished him long enough for caring about her? She chose you. She loves you.” I keep my voice low, nothing but love coming from me as I talk to him. I need him to hear what I’m saying.

  “But… he’s in love with her.” The pain lacing his words hits me in the gut. I know how hard it was for Preston to give control of any part of his life to anyone, to open his heart and let Alahna in, but it was just as hard for her. He needs to remember that. Yes, her best friend was in love with her, but she walked away from him after they were friends their whole lives because she loved Preston. It’s time he let it go.

  I inch my way closer to my best friend and I wonder what it would have been like if I had been in that situation. Could I live without Preston in my life? A resounding, “hell no!” rings in my head. I love him too much. He’s more than my friend. He’s family.

  Close enough to touch him now, I reach up, place my hand on his cheek, and turn his face so he looks at me. I hate when he gives me those damn sad, puppy dog eyes. Breaks me every time. But, I have to help him see because I love Alahna, too.

  “Pres, I’ve learned a few things since losing Alex.” I see the visible intake of air, it’s like I sucker punched him. I feel like every time I say Alex’s name to him, it will be that way. His eyes tear up and guilt overtakes me because by now we should be able to openly talk about Alex without all this agony between us. It’s my fault we can’t. “The biggest thing I’ve learned is life is short. We don’t want to regret anything or miss out on people we care about and love. Don’t make Alahna miss out on her best friend.”

  His eyes move back and forth over my face. I can see the begging in his eyes. He’s begging me to stop. I know he is, but I can’t. Alahna deserves what I’ve planned as a surprise and Preston needs healing as well. What I’m doing, I’m doing for both my friends.

  “She chose you the moment you two met, Pres. You two may have tried to fight it because you’re two of the most stubborn people I’ve ever known, but it was love from the first second. She’s not going anywhere. I promise you that.”

  “I don’t know that I can do this, Adri.” His voice is so low. It’s a vulnerable side to Preston that only three people in his life have ever seen—Alex, Alahna, and myself.

  “You can, Pres. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You love her and she loves you. That’s all that matters. Show her how much. Let her have her best friend back. Stop all this jealousy bullshit.”

  “I’ll try, Adri. That’s all I can promise you. But, if that tatted motherfucker tries anything—”

  “I’ll drop him to his fucking knees. You have my word.” Preston roars in laughter.

  “I love when you act all big and bad. My tiny bad ass,” he says, pulling me into a hug.

  I know I’ve done the right thing planning this surprise. Dee and Mick are on board and can’t wait to meet Rhyder. They’ve heard of him and seen pictures, but have never had the pleasure of actually meeting him. When I found out his band Rhyze was touring in Canada and playing in Montreal this weekend, I knew it wasn’t a coincidence.

  The cars are packed and I’m standing in my driveway watching my friends say their goodbyes. Before Tucker came into my life, this was excruciating for me. But now, I feel just a slight twinge of jealousy because my guy isn’t here to kiss goodbye. It’s still a little weird to be able to think “my guy”. It makes me smile just knowing that he’s in my life.

  My friends, like siblings, are all so different. I wonder if they’ve noticed how I’ve studied them in my time spent as a single person. When they say goodbye to each other, they all say so in a different way. Dee and Kale always hug each other and give a sweet kiss. The kiss lingers, but they never use tongues, not in front of any of us. I wonder if that’s because of being parents. Alahna and Preston always look like they’re about to run away together, like there’s a secret only they know. They start off with their foreheads pressed together, like it’s painful to part, and then slowly find their way into a kiss. It’s passionate, but quick. And, in that one moment, anyone around knows they’ve claimed each other and left a piece of their heart with the other. Mick and Blake, those two just crack me up. This morning, like any other tim
e, they are drastically affectionate, no matter who is watching. Blake’s arms are wrapped around Mick and he has her bent back while he consumes her in his kiss. It’s always this way with them. They are pure fire.

  I don’t know who was the hardest to watch while being alone. The family couple knowing my family was lost, the couple so in love that their kisses have you seeing fairytale stories come to life before your eyes, or the passionate couple because I missed the fire and being consumed by someone. I had all sides of these couples with Alex so I lived in hell until Tucker came into my life. Now, I can breathe, can smile, can watch my friends love and not resent them for their happiness.

  There will never be enough kisses between Tucker and I to show him how much he means to me.

  “So, Adri, where to first? Are we resting or are we going straight to the cocks?” I can feel Mickayla’s excitement vibrating around my Trailblazer. She’s ready to party and blow off some steam. Next week, she’ll be married and as much as she can’t wait to be Mrs. Blake Wylde, she’s even more ready to be done with the whole wedding day. It’s not her thing, but she loves her mom and she would never deny her that. Not to say she won’t be having things her way, though.

  “Uh, figured we’d check into the hotel, freshen up. Get a little food. Preggers back there probably needs to eat. Can’t starve the pregnant woman, ya know?” I giggle at Mick’s huff, knowing she’s joking.

  “Alright. After food then it’s cock and balls.”

  “Yes, Mick. Cock and balls in your face and lap dances till your legs go numb.”

  “Now you’re talking!” she belts out.

  The other ladies laugh and shake their heads. I know Alahna isn’t happy. She doesn’t like strip clubs, but she would never miss Mick’s big night out. I can feel the anxiety pouring off her even though she’s covering it with a smile. I hope what I have planned for after the strip club makes up for her hating the first part of the night.

  Six hours in the car was a lot for Dee. We have to let her rest for a couple hours, so the rest of us head out to walk around Montreal for a while and scope out a good joint for dinner. October in Montreal is damn chilly. We stop at a pub and get Alahna a beer. She needs to loosen up. I can see how tightly she’s wound and I’m afraid this night is going to go sour fast.

  “Do you think B is going to have a good time?” Mick asks. She rarely shows vulnerability so it’s always a shock when these moments happen. “I mean, I don’t know that he’s as into the idea for this weekend as I am. I think it’s important and he wants me happy.”

  “Mick, if he was one hundred percent against it, he would have told you. Blake has no problem speaking his mind,” I assure her. Alahna nods beside me. I know she’s staying quiet because she doesn’t want to say that she’s the uncomfortable one.

  “I’m just going to go outside and call him.” We both smile at her, knowing she needs a minute. She loves that man with every fiber in her body. Our Mick is fiery and loud mouthed and yeah, she wants a cock and balls bachelorette party, but there is no one that will occupy her mind or heart but Blake. Tonight is only about her telling herself she had that one last night of fun. She’s a wild child and needs to be up until the second she says, “I do.”

  The shit ass grin on her face when she walks back in tells me things went well with Blake. “Let’s do this. Cocks, balls, dildos, dongs, whatever you want to call them for the night, ladies. Let’s go grab Dee and get me some lap dances.”

  “Good talk with B?” Alahna asks.

  “Fucking right. We have one rule for y’all, no tattle tits tonight.”

  “Tattle tits,” I sputter at her.

  “You heard me. We both know we aren’t going home with any of the strippers, but we are getting lap dances. We promised to keep our hands to ourselves and our stories too. So, that means you ladies keep the stories only between us. No tattle tits. Got it?” We give her the nod she’s looking for because she grins and winks at us. “Good, he’s telling the boys the same shit.”

  Decked out and ready to party, we walk into 281. The server at the pub said this is the place to go for a good show. Smoke immediately smacks me in the face and it’s not from cigarettes, it’s from the machines around the room. It’s being pumped through the air, creating a haze everywhere.

  Alahna leans into me. “Is that so we won’t see that the strippers are actually ugly or old?” I laugh at her. At least we got her in the door. The gentleman escorting us to our seats asks if we want to sit close to the stage and Mick lets him know she wants to be, “Front row, baby!” Alahna grunts beside me and I can’t stop the smirk from forming. This wouldn’t have been my first choice either, but it’s what Mick wants so I plan to fully enjoy the show.

  Our escort takes our drink order and we wait for the curtain to open. Mick is already eyeing the guys around the room to see if any are lap dance worthy. Music starts to fill the room and men in brown monk cloaks with their faces hidden walk all around us and jump onto the stage. The music swells and they chant. I can’t tell what they’re saying, but it sounds ritualistic. They pull the curtain back and a large metal table or wheel, I’m not sure which, is in the middle of the stage. It has restraints attached to it. Candles are lit all around it.

  “I so volunteer to go in that,” Mick jokes with us.

  We laugh and shake our heads, knowing her and Blake are into some kinky shit. The music swells and a man walks through the middle of the stage in a red cloak. He joins in with the others, the chant getting louder until it stops suddenly. He pulls his hood off, looks at Mick, points to her, and motions for her to come to him.

  She wastes no time going onto the stage as I sit there thinking she’s fucking nuts. I don’t care how good looking he is, I would not have been getting on that stage. He backs her against the wheel and locks her arms and legs into the restraints. Alahna shifts uncomfortably, Dee’s mouth is wide open and I’m not sure what to think.

  He lays it back and starts to spin it slowly, running his fingers along her arms and legs as it moves. The music comes back on and he starts his show, alternating between taking his robe off and flipping Mick around, standing the wheel up and laying it down. He strips down to nothing, lays her down, and climbs over her. He never fully touches her while naked, but holy fuck, thank Christ for no tattle tits. I think Blake would kill someone if he were to see this.

  The song finishes and he stands the wheel back upright, unbuckles the restraints, and kisses Mick on the cheek. He takes her hand and walks her off the stage. How gentlemanly of him after he just dry-fucked her.

  “Oh my God. I want one of those for my house,” Mick squeals. Only her.

  We watch several more shows and Mick gets a lap dance from quite a few of the dancers, including the monk who already got up close and personal with her. I let them know we can watch one more and then we have to go because I have something else planned for the night. Relief flashes through Alahna’s eyes, and I think through Dee’s eyes, too. I think the smoke is starting to make her feel a little woozy.

  The curtain opens and a tub is in the middle of the stage with a man lounging in it. He’s splashing water over himself and I can’t stop thinking this is… weird. The music is slow, but not seductive. Actually, it makes me want to go to sleep. It’s not making me want to get in the tub with him. And, he has a white t-shirt on… in the tub.

  He gets to his knees and throws more water around. Okay, not getting this routine at all. The music changes beat a little, not much, but speeds up fractionally and he starts ripping his shirt off. It doesn’t match anything that’s happening. I’m completely lost. I look around and there are women who are giddy, staring at him, and I’m wondering what I’m missing.

  He starts to stand. “See that?” Mick says. “That nice ‘V’ that men who take care of themselves have?” I nod. “That’s what I call penis pointers. Keep watching, you’ll see”

  I mentally chuckle at her until—

  “Holy fucking shitballs! Get a load of that ho
rse dick. That’s a beautiful cock,” Mick bursts out.

  “The word beautiful and cock should not be in the same sentence,” Dee fires back at her.

  “Pfft. With how many kids you have and the one on the way, Dee, I believe you more than any of us think the cock is the most beautiful thing out there.” We can’t help it, we all laugh. Between her horse dick comments and picking on Dee, this is what Mick is good for.

  “But seriously, do you think he has to buy special underwear or tape that thing to his leg? It has to get in the way, right?”

  “Mick,” we say in unison, laughing.

  “Alright, alright. Let’s get the fuck outta here. I’m curious how Adri’s going to top that. A dick that hangs to his knees, that’s a hard one to beat.”

  My heart is pounding as I hail a cab. I hope Alahna doesn’t freak when she sees Rhyder. I know they still talk on the phone every now and again, but it’s been years since they’ve seen each other. They tried staying friends, but Preston’s jealousy created too much of an issue. I understood him worrying about Rhyder having feelings for her, but she made it clear that she only saw him as a friend. Preston has to trust her.

  I sit in the front with the driver and give him the directions I have written down. They tell him to take us to the back entrance. That’s where Rhyder told me to go. He said we could hang out with him for a little bit before the show. Now that we’re headed there, I’m worried I made a mistake. Alahna is a private person. She may not be okay with me stepping in.

  We drive by Le Messs and around to the back. I pay the driver and the ladies look at me like I’ve lost my mind. It’s obvious this is not where we should be going in.

  “This is part of the surprise, ladies. Roll with it,” I say, trying to calm my own nerves. I walk to the back door and ring the bell, hoping Tammy will answer it as Rhyder told me. A pretty blonde does indeed open the door and smiles at me.


  “Yeah. Hi. Are you Tammy?”


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