Blood Hunter (The Grandor Descendant Series)

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Blood Hunter (The Grandor Descendant Series) Page 19

by Stoires, Bell

“You saw that? Well I have no idea how I do it,” she said, settling on taking the middle road.

  “Of course I saw that. I was the battered dog on the ground that you were trying to pull up the cliff after you froze the bitch, remember? I still have a massive swelling on my neck from where you pulled my scruff so hard.”

  Ari nodded but didn’t answer.

  “So, what exactly are you? A witch?” asked Chris. “Is that how come you could see my mark? I thought that’s why that vamp had lulled you; so he could have access to your power.”

  Ari shook her head before she could stop herself; so Ragon was that vamp now. Again the words she had read about wraiths being evil flashed into her mind. But Chris couldn’t be evil; he had protected her. Was it fair to trust him with her life but not her secrets?

  “I don’t know what I am,” she blurted out. “I don’t have any control over what I can do. I mean, Ragon found out that I was descended from-”

  But she was cut off when Chris jumped out of bed.

  “-what; you trust that blood sucker? Last night, after you told me that you hadn’t been lulled… I just thought you must be cozing up to him to try and take him down. How can you actually trust him? For God sake, haven’t you seen what they do? They kill people Ari!”

  “That blood sucker has saved me from… a lot. We’re together because we want to be.”

  “Did you ever stop and wonder whether you would need saving if you weren’t with him?” Chris asked coolly.

  “I met him after he saved me from almost being raped,” she said, trying hard not to shiver as she admitted this. “It was regular humans who attacked me, not vampires and not Ragon. Just because someone is made a vampire… it doesn’t make them evil. I would have thought you would understand that, seeing as you expect me to believe that you are a good wraith.”

  “Oh God, I didn’t realise, I mean, that’s horrible,” said Chris, his face a shade lighter. “But, well, maybe if he hadn’t of saved you, you would have been able to save yourself. I mean for God sake Ari, you can stop time!”

  “I can now, but I don’t know if I could back then; what if I couldn’t? What if Ragon hadn’t of been there?”

  Tears welled in her eyes at the thought of Ragon not being a part of her life. Chris, who hadn’t missed the look of sadness on Ari’s face, instantly relaxed his pose.

  “I’m sorry; I just don’t trust vampires, and I’ve never heard of a vampire and a… whatever you are… dating. I thought that vamps only kept humans around to be sources. When that filthy leech bit me and tried to lull me, it took all my self-control not to turn around and kill him,” Chris said behind clenched teeth. “But I knew that, as bad as it was to sit there and pretend he was able to control me, it would be nothing to what would happen if he found out that I was a wraith.”

  At this Ari’s mouth fell open. She had forgotten the part in the book she had read which explained that wraiths could not be commanded by vampires. She had been wondering why Chris was so hostile about her relationship with Ragon, but this definitely explained that. She thought back to the way that Chris’s eyes had changed when Ragon had bit him, as if he were going to fight back.

  “What were you going to do, lick him to death?” she asked cruelly. “Maybe chase your tail and hope Ragon got unbalanced?”

  Chris frowned; he looked like a puppy dog that had just been beaten.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” said Ari, trying to remind herself that Chris had been insulting Ragon, repeatedly. “What did you expect? You think I am just going to let you abuse Ragon in front of me? I haven’t been lulled Chris. I am his girlfriend because I love him. How would you feel if I bad mouthed someone you were with?”

  “How bout we make a truce? I could help you learn to control your powers and in exchange, you could keep my secret from your vampire boyfriend? It’s not that I don’t want him to know… well, ok, it is that I don’t want him to know, but it’s not just him; I don’t want anyone to know. When I told you last night that I was going to leave, I wasn’t being dramatic.”

  “So you were prepared to run and leave everything behind, rather than risk someone finding out what you are… the last four years of vet science, all your friends,” said Ari, sceptically.

  “That’s right. Look Ari, look at me. Do you honestly think that I will attack you? That I’m evil?”

  “Say I don’t tell Ragon; do you really think you would be able to help me get control over my powers?” she asked.

  “I’ll do whatever I can.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “When I first found out what I could do, it took me ages to learn how to control it. It was hard; I didn’t have any one to help me. I had to learn it all on my own. I could help you the same way I helped myself.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Ari said flatly.

  “Why would you be sorry? I didn’t mind teaching myself.”

  “No… I meant because of your father. You said he was a wraith and, I just thought, that he would be the one to teach you about that sort of stuff. But I guess, I mean I thought something must have happened to him, for you to have to teach yourself,” she admitted.

  “I don’t know anything about my father, and that’s the way I want it.”

  Ari made a mental note to avoid at all costs Chris’s wraith heritage; it was clearly something he didn’t want to talk about.

  “Come on,” said Chris, smiling up at her. “What I said last night about not wanting to hurt you… it was true. Besides,” he added, looking at her sideways, “it’s kind of nice… being able to talk to someone about all of this stuff. I have had to deal with it all by myself for so long.”

  There was a long pause as Ari considered him. It would be nice for her to learn to control her powers, and Chris had saved her life; she defiantly owed it to him to keep his secret. She could even understand why he didn’t want vampires knowing about him. Still, thought Ari, she didn’t like the thought of hiding anything from Ragon. Perhaps if Chris got to know Ragon and the coven better, he would learn to trust them.

  “Well, when do we start?” she asked finally.

  Chapter 11 – Blood Candy

  One full month passed before Ari had an opportunity to practice controlling her powers with Chris. What with the extra study she’d had to take on to keep up with fourth year vet, as well as finding a time that Ragon wouldn’t be suspicious about her absence, it wasn’t until half way through February when she and Chris were finally able to set aside a Saturday to get together. Though she was looking forward to the practice session with Chris, she was also nervous about anyone seeing them together, or more specifically, she was nervous about what would happen if Clyde saw them. She had tried repeatedly to tell Clyde that what he had seen outside of Omega Halls had been nothing; that she had been going to see Ragon, when Chris had been doing the ‘walk of shame’ back from some girl’s dorm, and that Ari had only run into him. Though Clyde appeared indifferent when she had explained all of this, there was something suspicious about the way he had been avoiding her for the past month, which made Ari certain he didn’t believe her. She tried to ignore the glowering looks he shot at her whenever they was around Ragon, constantly telling herself that she had nothing to feel guilty about- at least not in the way that Clyde thought.

  She still had not told anyone that Chris was a wraith. She knew that she ought to feel guilty for keeping this from Ragon, but she kept flashing back to when he’d attacked Chris, simply for helping her clean up her room. She didn’t want to imagine how Ragon would react, if he found out that his girlfriend was hanging out with a wraith, let alone a wraith that knew about what she could do and was trying to help her get control over her powers. She was certain that Ragon wouldn’t try to use Chris, the way that Chris feared, for his wraith magic, but she was confident that Ragon would tell Ari that she wasn’t to be friends with him anymore. And it wasn’t just that she didn’t want to lose Chris’s friendship; she was also hopeful that he would be able to help
her learn to control her gifts. After all, Chris had been through something similar himself. Besides, the coven weren’t any closer to finding out anything about the Grandor legend or Mary Grandor in the vampire library.

  As a way of trying to convince herself that keeping Chris’s secret was the right thing to do, Ari kept recalling the way Chris had said that he’d rather leave behind everything he had worked so hard, rather than allow vampires to know what he could do, and use him for it. And Ari defiantly could sympathise with him. It was, after all, because of vampires that she’d had to leave her studies and normal life behind, and go on the run. She would not wish that on anyone, least of all Chris.

  “So what’s the plan for today?” said Ari, as the pair left Omega halls and made their way towards the forest at the end of Delta, deciding that the ‘Three Prong Trek’ would be the best place to conceal their activities for the day.

  “I was thinking we spend the day trying to get you to use your powers as much as possible, and then at 5pm we have to go to the campus bar to meet Lisa and Rick,” Chris added, saying this last part as fast as possible.

  “What, why?”

  “Because if you don’t practice, you will never learn,” said Chris, purposefully avoiding mention of Lisa or Rick.

  “I meant, how come we have to meet up with Lisa and Rick?”

  “Because it is the first day of the holidays and that’s what people do when they are friends and have finished their exams. They hang out together. Besides, this is like the only day we get to celebrate. We have that stupid parasitology exam on Thursday, which is ridiculous because it is supposed to be a mid-sem break. If you ask me, Dr Jones is a bit of a parasite himself, setting an exam in the middle of our holidays. But there is no avoiding it. So we’re going to have to study for that for the rest of the week. We might at least enjoy a night off.”

  Ari’s eyes narrowed and she said, “I thought you and Lisa were more than friends.”

  “What gave it away? Was it the BFF broken heart necklaces that we gave each other,” said Chris laughing, “or the shirts with each other’s faces?”

  Ari smiled but at the same time felt a pang of irritation… or was it jealousy? What on earth did Chris see in Lisa?

  “What’s wrong?” said Chris, watching as Ari kicked away a stone that was in her path.

  “I just don’t know what you see in Lisa.”

  “Seriously?” said Chris, stopping dead in his tracks. “There are so many things wrong with what you just said… I don’t know where to begin. First off, Lisa and I aren’t together. I was being sarcastic; did you actually think that we had shirts with each other’s faces on it? You clearly don’t know me very well at all. Secondly, you are dating a vampire… as in a person who feeds on blood. I know Lisa can be a bit of a cow… but come on.”

  “Please don’t start.”

  “Ok, ok, just saying. What gave you the idea that we were dating, anyhow?” asked Chris.

  “Well she is a bit obsessed with you; that and the fact that she said you two were together… or at least sleeping together.”

  “Huh?” asked Chris, sounding confused.

  “I was talking to Rick and Lisa the other day during prac. Rick said that you were seen doing the walk of shame from Delta and then Lisa sort of implied that you had been with her.”

  For a moment Chris looked confused, but then his face lightened and he broke into laughter.

  “Yea, after I found you in the forest and we got attacked by that vamp bitch, I was too wounded to maintain my dog form. When your blood sucker turned up I high tailed out of there, but my clothes had already been shredded into pieces. I thought if I waited in the forest until it got dark, no one would notice me coming home, err, naked.”

  “So you and Lisa-” Ari started to say.

  “-yea, we definitely haven’t slept together.”

  “Right, well,” said Ari, hurriedly trying to change the subject now that it had been established that Chris was not dating Lisa, “so who else knows about what you are?”

  “No one knows about me! In case you haven’t noticed, but wraiths aren’t exactly on the top of most peoples Christmas card lists; I think we fall just short of vampires.”

  “So you’re saying that I am the only person in the world who knows what you are?” Ari asked sarcastically.

  “Yep, well you and my father.”

  “But… why?” she asked.

  “Well I wouldn’t have told you but you figured it out. I never thought in a million years that you would be able to see my wraith brand; otherwise I might have covered myself up in your company.”

  Ari flushed and immediately changed the subject.

  “Riiiiight, well, what’s with the back pack?” she asked, indicating the black and yellow carry-bag that Chris was holding.

  “Spare set of clothes… just in case.”

  “Hmm, good thinking,” said Ari, as an image of Chris being naked flashed into her mind and she blushed.

  The pair continued to chat like this as they walked deep into the forest of the Three Prong Trek. Despite their previous encounter with a vampire there, they were determined to go in as far as possible, just to be sure they weren’t noticed. Chris had been fairly confident that they wouldn’t run into any fanged friends, explaining that on weekends most vamps hunted at the campus club, not in the forest.

  “How can you be sure?” asked Ari, when Chris had said this.

  “Well, I can turn into a dog you see, which I happen to enjoy. But, I can hardly wander around the campus as one; someone might take me to the Pasteur Vet Clinic, thinking I’m a stray. So when I first came here I found this forest.”

  “And what does using the Three Prong Trek forest as your own persona dog park, have to do with vampires?” asked Ari.

  “Well, I don’t think I have ever seen a vamp here on the weekends. Why would they come to some dingy forest looking for wildlife, when they could go to a club to get a drink?”

  Ari nodded. The pair had finally come to a stop in a wide clearing. It had taken them an hour or so to get there. Chris had decided to take the first of the three paths, and Ari, having never been in the Three Prong Trek before, not counting her more recent attack, did not object. Though they had left around midday, this far in to the forest made it feel as though it was close to dusk. Hardly any of the heavily clouded light was able to filter down past the heavy canopy, giving the dark forest an eerie quality.

  At first Chris had tried transforming into a dog and leaving Ari alone for a few minutes, before scaring her by creeping up on her. This had the effect of working on some occasions, where Chris would be frozen mid-leap, or else being entirely useless, in which case Ari was knocked off her feet and left winded as she lay on the thick grassy forest floor, recovering.

  “It’s definitely about instinct,” Chris said, when he returned from behind a large fig tree after he had transformed back into a man and gotten re-dressed. “I’ve noticed almost all the times that you have frozen me, you have thrown your hands up in the air, so maybe that has something to do with it. I think you need to concentrate on what you’re trying not to do, rather than what you’re trying to do.”

  “Ok grasshopper and what is that?” Ari asked, brushing the damp leaves and grass blades off her coat as she struggled to her feet.

  “Well, the first time I turned into a dog, it took me almost a whole week before I could transition back into a man. In the end, when I had given up and accepted that I might be stuck as a dog forever, I finally found myself transforming back.”

  Ari thought about this analogy hard as she tried to freeze a butterfly which was floating in front of her.

  “You were seriously stuck as a dog for a whole week?”


  After several more failed attempts, a few successes, and what was most certainly going to turn into a giant bruise on her arse, Ari was only just starting to get the hang of freezing time. She had expected Chris’s efforts to help her to be a bit disappoint
ing; she had been utterly amazed to find that his words of wisdom made a huge difference to her self-control.

  “That’s great,” said Chris, smiling after Ari had frozen him for the second time in a row. “Although I think you need allot more practise, but we have defiantly made progress.”

  “What time is it?”

  Quickly she reached for her phone and realised that there was no cellular reception where they were.

  “Um,” Chris said, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a small black leather watch, “it’s almost 5pm.”

  “Crap, Ragon is going to kill me. I don’t have a phone signal. I bet he has been calling me.”

  “What did you tell him you were doing?” Chris asked casually.

  “Studying… which is sort of true.”


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