Till Death: Deep Six Security Series Book 1

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Till Death: Deep Six Security Series Book 1 Page 11

by Becky McGraw

  Susan was as warm and comfortable as she’d ever been in her life. Soft, silky fur tickled her cheek and her lower body was jerked roughly. Dragged from a delicious dream, her lids fluttered open. She gasped when her eyes met Dave Logan’s sleepy blue gaze.

  “You’re a cover hog,” he complained, yanking on the comforter again. The cover released and when her body settled it was in direct contact with his hot, hard thigh. Warm, liquid sensations floated through her body, as his musky morning smell wafted up to her nose. She snuggled her cheek into his shoulder, as she ran her foot along his calf. Her knee connected with his impressive wakeup wood and she stopped to look up at him. Holding his gaze, she smoothed her inner thigh over his erection and he groaned.

  Susan leaned up to nuzzle her face against his cheek, and breathed into his ear, “Well, you deserve to be left in the cold for leaving me there earlier.”

  Dave’s breath hitched, his hands shot out to grip her shoulders, and in one fluid motion, he flipped her as well as she ever had any jiu jitsu opponent. His big, hard body pinned her to the mattress, as his bigger and even harder erection dug into her hip. Logan shoved his hand under the cover and nudged her thighs wider. “Let’s see if we can’t warm you up a little then,” he murmured, skimming his fingers lightly up the inside of her thigh. He kissed the base of her neck, and gooseflesh broke out all over her body.

  “Warmer?” he asked licking upward to kiss her chin.

  “Mmm…” she replied, her breath coming faster, her heart taking erratic leaps in her chest. His hand moved to the top of her thighs, and he slicked a finger through her folds. When he reached the top, his body tensed. Electricity shot through her as he made one slow, experimental circle there. The j-bar dug into her clit, a violent tremor rocked her, and a gurgling moan became trapped in her throat. Logan kissed the center of her throat, and sucked there, as he made another slow circle over her piercing. The friction, the perfect pressure of his fingers created a sensation so intense it was almost too much to bear. Susan mange to bear it two more rotations, then her mind froze, her heart squeezed and she screamed as her body vibrated with the most incredible orgasm she’d ever had in her life. Wave after intense wave crashed over her, stealing her breath, but Dave didn’t stop. He kept her riding the waves, anticipating the next. When she couldn’t take any more, she grabbed his wrist.

  “Enough,” she said and didn’t recognize the raspy, raw voice. “Fuck me, Logan,” she begged, her inner muscles itching to feel the stretch, needing it.

  Logan laughed against her skin, then kissed her chin, before he shoved his hand under her head, into her hair. He gripped her skull and held her eyes. “You’re barely room temperature, sweet cheeks. I think you’re right, we need to work on your responsiveness a little more. Something must be wrong with you,” he said dropping a quick kiss on her mouth. “When you beg me to stop, we’ll move things along,” he said casually, as if he planned on spending all day on his sensual torture of her.

  The problem was Susan wouldn’t last all day. Given one more round of what she’d just had, and she’d probably be melted into a puddle on his sheets. “I need you inside me, Logan…I’m ready,” she pleaded, pinching her thighs against his hand, wiggling her hips, trying to get him to quench the itch inside her body.

  Logan laughed again, as if she was a simpleton. He dipped a finger inside her body, and Susan moaned as her body clamped around the digit. Logan sucked in a breath, and smiled a sexy, satisfied smile. “Nah, sweet cheeks, you’re just wet. I want that pussy on fire for me, before I fuck you. We have a long, long way to go,” he growled, as he began moving his finger inside her body. Between his unexpected dirty words, and the finger he was using to massage a magic spot about two inches inside her body, Susan was already on fire. Burning brighter by the second, as he added a second finger to whatever the hell he was doing to her.

  Her inner muscles hummed, clenched, tried to suck his fingers deeper inside, but he just continued his steady rhythm in that one spot. Her thigh muscles tightened, her butt muscles, then the first tremor hit her. The humming spread through her body and Susan felt like she was floating. Her stomach muscles undulated, a warm sensation flooded her veins, traveled through her body and settled between her legs.

  Moaning loudly, Susan gritted her teeth, squeezed her eyes shut and fought the overwhelming sensations, tried to prolong them. Her fists closed to grip the covers and as another tremor rocked her, she asked between stuttered breaths, “Logan, what are you doing to me?” She had to know. This was incredible, he was incredible. Her insides were practically an inferno of need, her body wasn’t her own any more. She was Logan’s to control and he knew exactly which buttons to push to bring her to climax. Those buttons did not have a thing to do with her piercing either. He hadn’t touched her there at all.

  Stars flashed behind her eyes, and Susan’s body went rigid, as a sledgehammer-like climax slammed into her. Endorphins flooded through her body, almost drowning her in pleasure. Curling her neck back, Susan wailed her release, her body shaking like a leaf in the wind.

  Logan withdrew his fingers, and Susan collapsed on the bed, her body quivering. He kissed her face, her lips, then pulled her into him tight. “You okay?” he whispered, kissing her again. Susan nodded, because she couldn’t have spoken if she wanted to right then. She was too stunned, too overwhelmed. “Good, because that was a demonstration that you don’t need that piercing to get off. It’s sexy, but you don’t need it. What you need is a man who knows what he’s doing, and is willing to take the time to do it.”

  Dave Logan was that man, Susan thought. The first man she’d ever been with who knew what he was doing, evidently. “Thank you,” she said in a gravelly whisper.

  Putting his arm under her back, Dave lifted her as he rolled, until Susan laid on top of him, his hot cock trapped between them. His dilated eyes met hers, and he growled, “Your turn, sweet cheeks, but you have to go get the condoms. They’re on the vanity in the bathroom, because you fell asleep on me.” Logan slapped her on the ass, then kneaded her cheek to rub out the sting with his long, firm fingers. Magical fingers. The imprint of every one of the magical fingers on his left hand throbbed on her right cheek, as she scrambled off of the bed.

  Susan wanted to blast him for slapping her, but there was no denying the liquid heat it brought inside her already overheated body. Pointing a finger at him, she threatened, “Don’t you dare fall asleep on me, or you’ll wake up with no eyebrows. I saw your razor on the counter in there last night.”

  Logan waggled his eyebrows, and shoved his hand under the sheet. “You better hurry up then, sweet cheeks. If not, you might miss the show, because I’m tired of waiting.”

  He couldn’t be any more tired than she was, Susan thought as she ran into the bathroom. She scanned the counter, found the box and snatched it up, before sprinting back to the bed. Susan stopped at the foot of the bed though to stare at Logan.

  It reminds him of the blow jobs he isn’t getting.

  Susan tossed the box of condoms onto the bed, then grabbing the sheet, she snatched it off of Logan. His eyes flew open and he leaned up on his elbows to stare at her a question there. She let her eyes take a leisurely stroll up his strong legs to his painful-looking erection that stretched past his navel. God had certainly blessed the man, and he’d blessed her too.

  Licking her lips, Susan leaned in to skim her palms from his ankles upward, over his lightly furred calves to his muscular thighs, as she crawled onto the bed. She hadn’t done this much at all, but she thought she could do a decent job of it. Susan was a quick study. And creative. That made up for inexperience. She was about to torture him just as much as he’d tortured her. Before she finished with Dave Logan, he would be screaming her name. She might only be temporary entertainment to him, one in a long list of playthings past and future, but Susan was going to make damned sure he remembered her name. And when it floated through his dirty mind he would smile.

  Dave raised up and reac
hed for the box of condoms, but she grabbed his wrist, and tsked.

  “Just lay back, big boy. I have a surprise for you,” she purred, slapping his thigh. Logan hesitated a moment, his eyes darkened and a shiver passed through his body as he eased back onto the pillow. Holding his gaze, Susan dug her fingers into his thigh muscles and kneaded. “I don’t have any popsicles out here, and I’m jonesing,” she said. Logan’s eyes widened, his muscles tensed under her fingers and his toes curled. Susan fisted his cock and slowly dragged her fingers up to the head. “I think this would be a good substitution for now.” Dave sucked in a sharp breath, then turned his head aside to moan loudly. The sound trickled over her nerve endings to settle between her legs.

  Her head drifted toward her hand, but Dave tapped her shoulder and she looked up. Her eyes met his and his eyes were almost black they were so dilated. “Straddle me backwards and do that,” he growled, as he scooted toward the headboard and propped pillows behind himself. “Do it!” he hissed when she just sat there staring at him.

  “You’re awfully bossy, you know that? This is supposed to be my surprise,” Susan said, a little agitated that he was taking over.

  “Oh, it will be, now get your ass up here and turn around.” Susan crawled up higher in the bed and reversed her position, before throwing her leg over his middle. Getting into position again, she grabbed his cock and stroked him. Logan palmed her ass cheeks and shoved her butt higher, spreading her, kneading her. Cool air brushed her wetness and Susan shivered. His hot breath brushed her folds and quickly heated her back up. Susan whimpered as anticipation rushed through her. Oh God, oh God, she thought, shutting her eyes waiting.

  “Focus, baby…you’re jonesing remember? Don’t mind what I’m doing.” The vibration from his deep, rich voice and laugh tickled her as he leaned in closer between her legs.

  How in the hell was she supposed to focus with him doing that to her? Susan didn’t know, but she had already started this so she better figure it out. Susan scooted back a little and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. A hiss sounded behind her and Logan’s muscles tensed. She smiled against him, and slid her hand down his shaft to take more of him into her mouth. His salty, sweet taste exploded over her taste buds, as she worked her mouth over his cock, added her tongue to drag along his length, and she felt the moan that rumbled through his chest on the inside of her knees.

  Susan dragged her mouth up to his head and released him with a pop to work his length with her hand. “Focus, Logan,” she said biting back a laugh. He’d gone completely still, not moving or touching her. Susan sucked him into her mouth again, holding the pressure as she moved down his shaft.

  The first flick of his tongue on her j-bar shocked her, feeling like a gong strike to her inner muscles. Her hand tightened at the base of his cock. Susan whimpered, fighting the urge to clench her teeth, as the vibration moved through her body, stopping at her womb to thrump a few beats, before moving up to her stomach for a beat, and finally heading to her chest to give her heart a heavy thud. Moisture flooded through her body to drench her folds. Logan tongued the jewelry again, this time in rapid little flicks that made her system go haywire. Sparks of pleasure bounced off of each nerve in her body, colliding in her brain. A low guttural moan moved from her chest into her throat then her mouth.

  “Oh, yeah…hum baby…so fucking good,” Logan moaned as he swelled in her mouth.

  His tongue flicked faster, harder against her clit, ratcheting the tension inside her body to an almost painful level. All Susan could do was hold on and suck him harder, hum her pleasure against his cock, and brace for the blinding orgasm she knew was about to slam into her. A flick of Logan’s tongue into her opening, one circle there and Susan crumbled, crashed, shattered into a million pieces, before floating off into space. As tremors shook her, her lips tightened, her mouth worked faster, she took him deeper. Until that moment, Susan hadn’t realized she’d been pumping his cock in time with his flicks on her clit.

  “Oh, God…yes!” Logan roared, as his body went rigid and spurts of hot salty liquid hit the back of her throat. Susan swallowed several times as violent tremors rocked him and his fingers dug into her thighs deeper. Pulling back, Susan heaved for breaths, as she rolled onto her back beside him, her body feeling like a bowl of quivering jelly.

  Logan’s hand stroked her thigh, as exhaustion swept through her. Susan drifted off as soon as her eyes closed, and she didn’t know if it was ten minutes, or an hour later when she was shocked awake by the swipe of a wet tongue across her forehead. Dragging the back of her hand across the wet trail, she opened her scratchy eyes ready to blast the licker, but met Lola’s warm, chocolate brown eyes. Her eyes tracked to the door and collided with another pair of laughing golden brown eyes. Panic shot through her, and she kneed Logan who was snoring beside her. Noticing Slade’s eyes were locked on her bare breasts, Susan jerked the comforter over herself and shot him a glare.

  Slade called Lola back to his side and grinned. “Glad to see you’re still alive. I wasn’t sure if I should call 911, or not. It sure sounded like y’all were killing each other from the conference room.”

  “Conference room?” Susan croaked, her voice almost gone.

  Slade winked, and his grin widened, making a dimple appear in his left cheek. “We’ve all been in there waiting for you for two hours, and Logan evidently turned on the audio monitor when he keyed you into his suite. We only caught the tail end, but the show was quite spectacular.”

  Dave woke up then and shot straight up in the bed. With murder in his bloodshot eyes, he pointed to the door and roared, “Get the fuck out of my bedroom, Slade, or you’ll need 911! Twisting, Logan shoved his hand under his pillow. Slade’s eyes widened, he did a quick about face and sprinted out of the bedroom with Lola on his heels.

  Breathing hard, Logan turned back with his pistol in his hand. “Knock before you come in here next time asshole, or I’ll shoot you,” he yelled behind Slade. He just sat there staring at the door as if he expected him to come back. Finally, Logan thumbed on the safety on the gun and shoved it back under his pillow.

  “Get dressed, Susan. We have work to do.” He got out of bed, and when she didn’t immediately follow him, he stopped to turn back and growl, “Now, Susan!”

  It looked like Slade was wrong, Susan thought, throwing off the blanket. Logan’s problem wasn’t that he needed to be laid. He was obviously just an angry asshole.


  Susan took her time cleaning up, then went on the hunt in Logan’s room to find clothes that would work for her. The yoga pants and tank she’d left in the bathroom had jailhouse funk on them, so there was no way she was putting them back on. Her duffle of spare clothes was in the backseat of her car at Wellington College.

  She searched his dresser first and found nothing that would fit her, so she went back into the bathroom, then into his huge walk-in closet. Flipping through the hangers she found only t-shirts, jeans and BDU pants that would swallow her. At the end of the rod, and her hope of finding anything, Susan found a pair of women’s camo cargo pants that were about her size, but obviously too short.

  The presence of the women’s clothing in Logan’s closet surprised Susan, but she was thankful that the other woman stupid enough to sleep with him had left some clothing behind. Most likely because the mystery woman was in such a hurry to get away from him and his surly attitude, she didn’t care if she forgot them. Susan was of the same mind right at the moment, but unfortunately, she was stranded here. Her car was at Wellington College, and if she went there to get it, according to Logan, she would be arrested.

  Right then that sounded preferable to being trapped here in this compound with a man who didn’t even have enough respect for her to say good morning, thanks for the roll or even kiss my ass before he left the room where he’d fucked her. Susan felt so cheap, she halfway expected to find a wad of bills on the dresser.

  And the men who worked for him weren’t any better. She’
d liked Slade’s snarky attitude, but it was starting to wear on her nerves. Him invading their privacy like he had pissed her off. He had stepped way over the line this morning. She imagined all of the Deep Six men, even Logan, were sitting in the conference room having a good laugh at her expense. None of them had an iota of respect or they would’ve cut off the intercom when they realized what they were hearing was her and Logan having sex.

  Instead they’d listened, and if Slade was any indication they’d all had a good laugh. It was not only fricking embarrassing, it was totally unacceptable. As soon as Susan could figure out a way to leave this place without having to ask any of them for help, she was doing just that. Even if she had to flip hamburgers, it would be better than this. Let Logan worry about his missing baby. Susan couldn’t give a crap less about him or his mission. She was worried about Jenna, and that was going to be her mission. To figure out what was going on with her sister.

  Angrily, Susan flipped through the shirts again, and almost cheered when she found a black stretchy top that was obviously a woman’s garment too. Yanking it off of the hanger, she quickly dressed and rolled the pants up to capri length. She put on her sneakers and walked through the bedroom with her bundle of dirty clothes under her arm. She stopped at the bedroom door and gathered her courage.

  To get to the front door, Susan knew she would have to make the walk of shame right past the conference room. If she heard one snicker or snide comment, Susan was going into that conference room and would be cleaning someone’s clock. She was that angry right now. Opening the bedroom door, Susan took a step but ran into the solid wall of Logan’s chest. He pushed her back inside the room and shut the door to lean on it.


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