Crossroads 5: Show Me What Love Is (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Crossroads 5: Show Me What Love Is (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He reached up, ran his hand from her waist to her ribs and up past her breast, brushing against the underside before cupping her cheek. The move had her shaking, wanting more from him.

  “What does he want with you?”

  “To head the ad campaigns, the creative design aspects in promoting the new series of restaurants.”

  He shook his head and gripped her chin.

  “I don’t want you doing it.”

  She snorted and tried turning away. Who was this man? Who the hell did he think he was to say such a thing to her?

  He pressed against her and cupped both her cheeks.

  “Call me fucking crazy, but he can’t have what’s mine.”

  His statement shocked her, but not as much as the seriousness in his eyes right before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her.

  * * * *

  Chancellor had to calm himself down. Bethany was so damn intoxicating. He wanted to pull her to a dark spot somewhere, sink his cock deep into her pussy and claim her as his woman. He didn’t want another man touching her, looking at her body, admiring what would belong to him very soon indeed. He knew it with all his body and his heart. She touched him, affected him like no other woman ever before, and he didn’t know what to do to make her accept him.

  He knew he needed to slow this kiss down and stop thinking about how hot and wet her pussy might be and how toned and tight her thighs were. He could imagine her sexy thighs pressed against his hips as he fucked her long and deep. Her large breasts would bop and sway until he pressed his pectoral muscles tighter against them, feeling her hardened, aroused nipples press tight against his skin. She was fucking gorgeous, sexy, and one hell of a kisser.

  He slowly pulled back and then pressed his forehead to hers as they both calmed their breathing.

  “Oh God,” she said and exhaled.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him.

  “Wait. Stop a minute,” she said and pulled her hand away. He stood one step below her on the stairs leading out of the large hotel and lounge, but he was still taller than her.

  “What is it?”

  “You’re moving so fast. I don’t even know you. I’ve had a long night and a lot to think about come Monday.”

  “No need to worry about Monday. Spend the weekend with me. Come on.” He stepped closer, bringing them together. She pressed her hands against his chest.

  “No, Chancellor. I’m not going home with you or spending the weekend with you.”

  “Why the hell not?” he asked, shocked that she would deny him. No woman ever said no to him. It wasn’t like he picked up women all the time, but when the need was there and an attraction decent, he sought relief. He already knew this was different. Bethany was different. He even wondered what his brothers might think of her, too.

  She placed her hands on her hips, and her expression told him that he’d fucked up.

  “I’m not some easy woman that will go home with you and sleep with you because you’re Chancellor Cummings. I don’t sleep around. I don’t even know you. Goodnight, Chancellor.”

  She started to go past him, and he grabbed her hand.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m being crazy and—”

  “Disrespectful,” she stated, arms crossed and giving him the staredown.


  “Yes. Because all women are not sluts, nor are they after your money and whatever else you think. Some women are old-fashioned and want to be courted, maybe even go out on a few dates or something.”

  He stared at her as if she were crazy. “Dates?” he asked, and she exhaled in annoyance.

  “Forget it, Chancellor. Have a good night. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  “No, wait.”

  He pulled her close. He liked her. He found everything about her to be appealing, even the way she made him feel like just a horny teenager out for pussy. He was used to getting what he wanted, and this was a challenge for him.

  He caressed her cheek and stared down into her gorgeous green eyes.

  “I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.” Her cheeks turned a nice shade of pink, and he knew she felt the same attraction he did.

  “Dinner, tomorrow night? We can talk, get to know one another, and take things slow.”

  “I have plans this weekend.”

  “Lunch Monday? I can meet you somewhere uptown, near your job?”

  She stared at him as if contemplating it. He gave a soft smile and licked his lower lip as he stared at her lips.

  “Okay. Monday.”

  He smiled.

  “Let’s exchange numbers,” he said and pulled out his cell phone. She rambled off her number, and he tried it. Sure enough, her cell phone rang. She placed it back into her purse.

  “Well, you’re sure you need to go?” he asked, holding her hand.

  “Yes. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” He then leaned forward and kissed her cheek, but that wasn’t quite enough for him. He trailed his lips toward her mouth and then kissed her deeply. When he released her lips, her eyes were still closed a moment, and he smiled, knowing that she felt the connection, too.

  “Goodnight, baby.”

  She swallowed hard, nodded, and then headed down the stairs. When she got to the landing, she turned toward him, and he gave a wink. She smiled before she headed out the revolving doors and onto the sidewalk.

  Chancellor couldn’t help but smile until he turned around and locked gazes with Cristano Chicatiro and three of his companions. Chancellor didn’t turn away. He was the scum of the earth and had nearly put Chancellor’s brother Collin behind bars for life when he was only defending himself.

  Chicatiro snorted and then continued on his way. Chancellor didn’t trust that guy one bit, and he sure as shit didn’t like the way he had his eyes on Bethany.

  What was Chicatiro after, and why did he want Bethany to be in charge of the promotion and advertising for his new restaurant chain? Had Bethany lied to him? Did she really know who Chicatiro was? He had a lot of questions, and he would find out everything he needed to know about Bethany, especially if she turned out to be the perfect match for him and his two brothers.

  Chapter 3

  Collin was climbing up the large ridge before Spook Rock Mountain. It was a windy day. The temperature had dropped, and some snow flurries were beginning to fall along the ridge. He had a good thirty-minute-or-so trek back, but he loved it out here. It cleared his head.

  He stood there and listened to the sounds of nature, trying to figure out what he heard the strongest. The sound of birds, the wind hitting against the tree line, the drops of snowflakes as they hit the trees and landed on top of his boots. He smiled to himself, loving the quietness of the ridge on Spook Rock Mountain and knowing, because of the heavy, tough terrain to get up there, that it was his own private, special place. No tourists looking for adventure around here, just a local like him.

  The snow was getting a little heavier now as it tapped against his jacket. He pulled out his bottle of water and took a slug. That was when he heard a noise he didn’t recognize as part of nature. He stood perfectly still and then squatted down low behind the trees. Something was out there with him, and he couldn’t help but wonder if it were a hiker, but then none ever seemed to venture this far. He listened closely, especially to the loud sounds of crackling branches, and was that singing?

  He was shocked and then pissed. Who the hell was trekking in his woods and singing, making a shitload of noise on his path?

  He stood up and walked up the small ridge a little higher. His mouth nearly dropped open and his eyes widened as his eyes zeroed in on some young, teenage girl climbing a tree.

  * * * *

  Bethany was feeling so good right now as she climbed one of the highest, most treacherous ridges on the mountains of Lake Wellington. She needed this time to breathe, to relax, and just put all the stresses of life out of her mind and, of cou
rse, to take Chancellor off her mind, too. For some odd reason, she couldn’t stop thinking about him, and it pushed her to get a grip and go for a long hike.

  She knew the weather would change quickly, but since moving here a couple of years back because rent was cheap on the outskirts of the tourist lake town, she’d learned a lot about living outdoors and surviving in the woods. She liked hiking on trails and off trails, using her instincts and nature to figure out directions and to find her way back home. Today was no different, and when she found herself heading toward the ridge and the large pine tree that sat midway up Spook Rock Mountain, she was excited.

  As she took in her surroundings, reached the top, and explored a little, the snow began to fall. She knew she needed to move things along, but one look at this cool, old tree with all the big, long branches and the little tomboy girl in her needed to climb it. Not too high, but enough to look out over the ridge and to see the lake as the snow fell upon it this glorious November morning.

  As she climbed higher and higher, she thought she heard a noise, but then continued singing, thinking if it were a bear or some sort of animal out for a stroll like her that maybe the noise would scare it away. She got to a high enough point that she could see through the trees, and that was when the view and the snowflakes came into view.

  “Gorgeous,” she whispered, and smiled as she hugged the tree and inhaled the pine scent, feeling at peace for the first time in months.

  “What in God’s name are you doing up there, kid?”

  She gasped as she heard the deep, male voice and grabbed the tree tighter.

  Looking down, she saw the man from the Brawny paper towels commercial, except this one was a bit bigger, had huge muscles, and looked pissed-off as hell. Wait. Had he just called her a kid?

  “Excuse me?” she asked, nearly losing her footing to turn to face him better as she looked down at him.

  “Are you stuck?”

  “No, I’m not stuck,” she said with an attitude.

  “Well, you shouldn’t be up there or on this ridge. Have you noticed the snow coming down fast?”

  What a jerk.

  “Oh, is that what the white stuff is? Silly me,” she said, her voice filled with sarcasm as she slowly started to climb down.

  As she looked over her shoulder at the man, his gorgeous green eyes caught her full attention, and something clicked inside of her. She thought of Chancellor, and a disappointed feeling filled her chest. This guy was very attractive, despite the beard and the long, wavy hair. His plaid shirt peeked out from beneath his dark olive-green jacket, and then his eyes widened.

  She hopped off the tree about eight feet from the bottom and landed perfectly in front of him. She wiped her hands on her pants and then noticed the man staring at her chest now that her jacket was unzipped. In the special outdoor, cold-weather turtleneck she wore in green, her breasts looked super big, and he was definitely taking in every ounce of her. She didn’t know why, but she wondered if this guy was for real, because what were the chances of meeting such a sexy, good-looking, big mountain man while in the woods of Wellington?

  “You’re out here alone?”

  She felt an instant feeling of concern as she stepped back. “Who are you?”

  “Who am I? No, little lady, the question is who are you, and what are you doing in my territory?”

  “That’s two questions, first of all, and second of all, this is not your territory. Last I checked, this is state-owned land.”

  “How the hell did you even find this place?”

  “By hiking.” She walked away from him to grab her backpack, which she’d placed on the ground by the tree. She shook off the snow and then reached to the side and pulled out a bottle of water. He watched her.

  “You live around here?”

  “Do you?” she countered, and then he rolled his eyes.

  “No need to be a smartass.”

  “Is that what I’m being?”

  He stared at her, and she felt a bit intimidated by the guy. He did have a knife sheath on his hip that looked to be almost as big as something Rambo might have had.

  “Listen, I’m from around here, have been hiking through the area for a couple of years now, but I never came up this far until today. I’ve heard a lot about Spook Rock Mountain and thought today was the day.” The snow continued to fall, and she felt the temperature dropping. She reached into her bag and pulled out the hat. She placed it onto her head and then stood up.

  “It is a really cool place, and I kind of enjoyed keeping it to myself all these years.” He was dead-serious and seemed kind of saddened that she’d tainted his private paradise.

  “I’m sorry. It’s a pretty big ridge, and it’s so beautiful up here,” she said, trying to look out toward the mountains and the route that led to the lake way down below.

  “It is beautiful. I guess it was a matter of time before someone else caught onto it.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “I have a feeling I’m not the only one who has been up here.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s the first time I’ve been here when someone else was here, too.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don’t get to come up this far too often. Too busy with work and usually only have a few hours to spare for this hobby and pleasure of mine.”

  He stared at her and then licked his lower lip. The man was good-looking indeed.

  “I’m Collin.” He reached his hand out to her.

  “Bethany,” she said, and they shook hands.

  The moment their hands touched, she felt that instant attraction. There had to be something wrong with her because there was no way she could be attracted to two good-looking, completely opposite guys in twenty-four hours. Was she subconsciously interested in trying to date again? The thought made her feel sick and scared speechless as she swallowed hard and then smiled.

  “Well, I’m heading back down now, Collin, so you can enjoy your paradise alone.”

  “I’m heading back down, too. The snow is getting heavier. Could be a bit slick down the next couple of ridges.”

  “I figured as much.” She readjusted her backpack.

  “Hold up, and I’ll walk down with you.”

  She watched him walk over to the side and pick up his backpack. When he bent over, she caught sight of his camouflage pants that stretched over a nice, muscular ass and very long, thick, solid thighs.

  “Ready?” he asked, and she nodded as they headed down the small hill before the rough terrain.

  Bethany talked with Collin about the mountains and hiking. They discussed some familiar and more popular spots around the mountain and, of course, Spook Hill. As they talked nonstop, the snow got heavier and heavier, and she began to feel the chill penetrate her pants. She had debated about putting on the warmer ones made for colder temperatures but reconsidered wearing them because of all the hiking and sweating she would do.

  “Oh.” She gasped as she slipped on a long, thick branch and loose rock that tumbled down in front of her. She nearly fell, but Collin grabbed her around the waist and held her tight.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  She turned to look up at him. Their gazes locked, and she felt such a strong attraction to the man. It was weird.

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  They continued down the mountain, and when they got to the more leisurely path, they talked about some of the local spots and he mentioned Willy’s Cabin. It was an old cabin at the foot of the path, owned and operated by some old-timer and his family for generations. He served hot coffee, home-baked goods, and always had a great big fire burning. Hikers could stop in to warm up before heading back out.

  “I love that place. I haven’t been there since last season, though.”

  “Well, want to stop for a hot chocolate or something?” he asked her, and she shivered a moment then ran her hands up and down her pants.

  “I think that would be great. I parked down by the park, so that’s another mile or so afte
r Willy’s.”

  “Wow, that’s a hell of a hike. I have my quad I drove up and parked by Willy’s. I’m right on the other side of the ridge.”

  “Oh, you didn’t have to come all this way back with me. That’s, like, another couple of miles that way.”

  He held her gaze as they came off the path, passing some other hikers who waved and smiled hello. They nodded, and Collin placed his hand on her shoulder as they glided past them. When it was all clear, his hand remained in place, then slowly slid down to her waist as they walked the dirt path to Willy’s.

  Even though she’d just met the man, she felt safe and comfortable with him. It was so strange.

  As they walked into the cabin, she saw the place wasn’t too crowded at all. Most people had probably decided to not hike the full day because of the snowstorm that was rolling in.

  “Hey, Collin.” A younger man waved from behind the café bar, and Collin gave a wave back.

  “Not too busy. I’m surprised,” Collin said to him.

  “Yeah, well, the forecast changed pretty quickly. They’re calling for a foot of snow.”

  “A foot?” she asked, now worried about the other mile she’ll have to walk to her Jeep.

  She felt the hand on her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry. I can give you a ride on the quad if necessary. Let’s warm up a bit then head out.”

  She debated about staying. She really didn’t know him, but he seemed so nice, and even the guy working the place knew him, too.

  “Coffee or hot chocolate?” he asked her.

  “Hmm.” She debated.

  “I make a mean hot chocolate, sweetie. Extra special for you and those gorgeous green eyes.” The man behind the bar was flirting, and she chuckled.

  “Okay, I guess.” She looked at Collin, who seemed angry with the guy for saying that to her. His eyes scrunched up, and he seemed a bit on-edge. Collin was a big guy, even bigger inside than he’d seemed outside in the woods. Now that they were in close quarters, he totally towered over her, especially in the hiking boots he had on. He guided her to a table, and then they both took off their jackets.


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