by Richard Kemp
Watts, Cpl Gavin 372, 390, 417
Waziristan, Pakistan: fighters available to the Taliban 43
Weatherall, LCpl TC 422
Webb, Pte CM 423
Webb, Pte CS 420
Webster, Pte 423
Webster, Pte PA 420
‘Wedge’ 18, 20
Wells, Pte W 419
West Ham FC 102, 108, 151, 189, 194, 294
Whaites, Pte N 261, 417
Whatley, Pte TS 417, 418
White, Pte B 418
White, Pte GA 418
Wicks, Capt RA 421
Wilde, Capt Andrew PT 415, 420, 431
Operation Silicon 64, 83, 94, 95, 96–7
attack on Taliban in Lwar Malazi 218
Wilkes, Cfn B 421
Willan, Cpl Matthew 420, 431
military career 281
friendship with Alex Hawkins 282–3, 285, 293
rushes towards the FSG explosion 289
at Regay 306, 308–11, 313–17, 413
William de Ferrers School, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex 193
Williams, Pte JD 417
Williams, Cpl RIJ 423
Williamson, Pte Michael 415
Williamson, Dmr Michael N 326, 421
Willian, LCpl M 417
Willies, 2Lt HJ 417
Wills, Pte SJ 417
Wilsher, Cpl Mark I 421, 431
Operation Silicon 51, 65, 89
at Heyderabad 145, 152, 170
Mazdurak patrol 351
Wilson, LCpl R 419
‘Winchestering’ 401, 406
Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame) 219
Wood, Cpl RL 422
Woodrow, Sgt Michael L 138, 346, 418, 431
Heyderabad 161, 163, 164, 166, 167, 172
the ambush of 17 May 2007 195, 196, 203, 207
fighting patrol briefing 340, 341
‘friendly fire’ attack 355, 357, 359, 360
and the search for Foster 360
Woods, CSgt M 357, 423
Woollard, LSW Gnr Matt D 420, 431
friendship with Steve Walker 102
West Ham supporter 102
severely injured by a mine 103–11, 114, 124, 279, 349, 408, 412
Worcestershire and Sherwood Forester Regiment 8
Worsley, Pte CD 420
Wright, Marine Ben 182, 184
Wright, Pte CD 420
Wright, CSgt K 423
Wright, Pte Phil 116, 419
Wright, Dmr RJ 420
Wright, Pte Robert 415
Wymark, Pte TCG 422
Zeebrugge, Combat Outpost (COP) 110, 281, 282, 344, 360
described 101
murky history 101
and the Mazdurak raid 121, 125, 130
B Company replaces C Company 277, 283, 340
Mazdurak patrol (August 2007) 348
and casualties from ‘friendly fire’ attack 358
Zumberlay, Afghanistan 63, 87, 134–5, 137