A Wonderful Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 2)

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A Wonderful Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 2) Page 5

by Krista Lakes

  “That's not true,” Laura replied, taking a step back from her friend. “You're reaching, Elena. I'm freaking out because this parenting thing is hard. You don't have kids. You don't know what this is like.”

  Elena opened her mouth to say something and then quickly shut it. She took a deep breath and gave Laura a fake smile.

  “I'm going to go sit with your brother,” Elena told her. “He looks like he needs some adult supervision.”

  She shook her head as she walked away, heading to the table with the kids. Laura immediately regretted the harsh tone she'd used, but the point remained valid. Laura was responsible for her siblings now. She'd woken up one morning and suddenly had a five and seven-year-old to care for. She couldn't just randomly go out to dinner with some guy and leave them alone with a stranger. Her parents would hate that.

  Laura took a breath to clear her head. Elena just had no idea how stressful this all was. She took another deep breath and headed to the table. The food would be here soon, and she was hungry.

  Elena was taking turns with Dallas playing Tic-Tac-Toe. It looked like she was even letting Dallas win when Laura arrived. She slid into her usual spot at the table.

  “So, Ivy and Dallas, would you two be okay with your sister going out on a date?” Elena asked, not looking up from the Tic-Tac-Toe board.

  “Hey!” Laura tried to kick her under the table but missed. Instead of kicking Elena, Laura slammed her toes against the hard wooden beam of the chair. It hurt more than she had expected.

  Dallas looked up and thought for a second. “Sure. She needs to get laid,” he said with a shrug.

  Laura's eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Excuse me? What did you just say?”

  Dallas glanced at the two women, suddenly nervous. “That you need to get laid. That's what they say on that TV show you watch.” He frowned. “Is getting laid bad? It sounded like a good thing.”

  Elena looked like she was going to choke on her own laughter. Laura was just glad Elena was holding it in, or she would have had to kick her again.

  “He's not wrong,” Elena managed to get out.

  Laura glared at her. Her toes still hurt, or she would have attempted another kick.

  “No, Dallas,” Laura said, still shooting daggers at Elena. “It's a grown-up thing. We shouldn't repeat that phrase, okay?”

  “Okay, Laura.” He shrugged and then went back to studying the board to determine the best place to put his X to beat Elena's O's.

  “What about you, Ivy?” Elena asked, finally in control again.

  Laura gave her a dirty look. She'd hoped that Elena had gotten distracted by Dallas and forgotten what she was asking, but that didn't happen.

  “Sure,” Ivy replied, looking up from her drawing. “Will you come watch us, Elena? Then we can have pizza.”

  “I'm busy this week,” Elena told her. “It would be someone else watching you. Is that okay?”

  Laura held her breath. She expected Ivy to say no. That it had to be Elena who watched them and no one else. Then, she would be justified. The kids needed her.

  Ivy thought for a long moment, then shrugged. “We'd still get pizza, right?”

  “I'm so glad you love me for my pizza skills,” Elena teased.

  “What? I like pizza,” Ivy said, completely serious.

  “I know you do,” Elena soothed. “But, would you be okay with someone else watching you? As long as they're nice?”

  “Yeah, we'd be okay,” Ivy replied. She thought for a moment then turned to Laura with a huge grin on her face. “Would I be in charge? Would Dallas have to do everything I say?”

  Elena gave her a smug smile. “See?”

  Laura crossed her arms and glared at Elena. That wasn't the answer she was expecting. “We're not discussing this now.”

  “They're fine, Laura,” Elena said, pushing her luck. “Go on the date. And don't feel guilty about it, okay?”

  “That was low.” Laura kept her arms crossed.

  “Yes, it was,” Elena acknowledged. She smirked. “And I have absolutely no guilt over it either. You should go on the date.”

  “Who wants to take you on a date?” Ivy asked, looking up again. “And why you?”

  “Hey, I am very date-able,” Laura informed her. Ivy just gave her a skeptical look. “I really do have a date.”

  “Sure. What's his name?” Ivy looked unimpressed.

  “Ethan,” Laura said without thinking. She nearly covered her mouth with her hand. She did not need to give Ivy that information.

  “Oh. The guy from your dream,” Ivy said with a nod. “That should make you happy.”

  Elena grinned at this new piece of information. “Oh, so you're dreaming about him?”

  “This conversation is ending now,” Laura informed her. She smiled, but it was the smile an alligator gave before eating its victim.

  “Wait, wait, wait... Ethan?” Elena asked. “As in works with Carter at W Motors and has a secretary Ethan?”

  “Yes,” Laura replied. “So?”

  “As in Ethan White, co-owner of W Motors and ultra billionaire? That Ethan?” Elena looked like her eyes might pop out of her head.

  “Yeah.” Laura shrugged, pleased to have the upper hand in the conversation for a moment. “Did I not mention that last time?”

  Elena swatted her from across the table. “No! No, you did not mention a billionaire asked you out on a date today. Or that you had a one-night-st--”

  Laura coughed loudly and looked pointedly at a very interested Ivy.

  “A one-night date at the museum with a billionaire!” Laura amended.

  “To be fair, I didn't know he was a billionaire at the museum,” Laura replied. “I only figured it out after I googled him when he didn't call me back.”

  Elena looked incredulous. “When you found out he was a billionaire, why didn't you call him again?” she asked. “I would have freaking drove to California and sat on his porch if I had known.”

  “I did try to call him back,” Laura explained. “But his line didn't work. And I wasn't calling him because he was a billionaire.”

  “You found out the guy was a billionaire, but that wasn't why you were calling him back?” Elena asked.

  “I thought that the fact he was a billionaire was a part of the reason he brushed me off,” Laura explained. “I'm not exactly a Russian ballerina. I'm not exactly billionaire arm candy material.”

  “Don't sell yourself short like that,” Elena said with a frown. “You are totally billionaire trophy wife material. You are a freaking catch, and don't you ever doubt it.”

  Laura felt a smile cross her face. Her friend loved her.

  “Thank you,” Laura said. Elena smiled at her.

  “Still though, please date him,” Elena said after a moment. “If you don't, I'm happy to. Does he have friends that need dates? I'm very available.”

  Laura laughed. “I'll make sure I ask.”

  Elena grinned, looking very pleased with herself. “So that means you're going on the date then. So you can ask him.”

  Laura sighed. She did want to go on the date, but she wasn't sure she could handle more things to complicate her life. Ethan White was a definite complication to her already complicated world.

  “You are going on that date,” Elena informed her. “You need it. You deserve it.”

  Laura looked at her and knew that if she didn't go on this date, Elena would come to her house, kidnap her, and put her in Ethan's car either way.

  “Fine,” she said, putting her hands up in the air. “I'll go on the date.”

  It was better just to make everyone happy. Besides, she could see the waiter coming with their food, and the last thing she wanted was to have the waiter overhear their conversation.

  “Yay, Laura's gonna get laid!” Dallas exclaimed. He clapped his hands and looked incredibly happy for his oldest sister.

  “Dallas!” Laura's cheeks heated and she could see some of the restaurant patrons turning to look at their table.
The waiter raised his eyebrows as he started setting the food down in front of them.

  Elena dissolved into a fit of laughter, leaving Laura to glare at her brother.

  Raising siblings was hard.

  Chapter 9


  Ethan felt oddly nervous as he prepared for his day. He'd woken up that morning in a great mood, and he knew it had to do with the fact that he was going to see Laura that evening. He checked his watch. He had two meetings before it would be time for his date, and it felt like too long and yet not enough at the same time.

  He stood at the foot of his bed with his dinner suit laid out on across the comforter. He held three ties in his hand, trying to figure out which one would look the best. Usually, he left this kind of decision up to his secretary, but he was on his own today.

  He held up the blue one. It looked nice, but he wasn't sure if the gold one gave a better impression. He wondered which color Laura liked better and wished he had a horse tie. She would like a horse tie.

  A knock on the door to his hotel suite pulled him from his thoughts. He set the ties down and went to open the door. Peeking through the peephole, he could see Craig waiting for him. He smiled and opened up the door.

  “Good morning, Craig,” Ethan greeted him.

  Craig handed him a small package. “This came for you, sir,” he said respectfully. He smiled as he handed the box to Ethan.

  “Thank you,” Ethan said, taking the box. “I'll be out in just a moment.”

  He went to close the door but changed his mind. He needed a second opinion on the ties. Craig wasn't his secretary, but any opinion would be better than none.

  “Craig, are you any good at picking out ties?” Ethan asked.

  “You mean for your date tonight?” Craig gave an unassuming shrug. “My sister says I have a great eye for color. Maybe I can help.”

  “I need all the help I can get,” Ethan replied, pulling the door open wide and letting the security guard inside. “My suit's in the bedroom.”

  Ethan led Craig through the living area of the suite and to the spacious bedroom. Craig glanced about as they walked, taking in all the details of the place. Ethan thought it must be the mark of a good bodyguard.

  “Here's the suit,” Ethan said. “And the three ties I have to go with it. I'm leaning towards the blue, but I just can't seem to decide.”

  Craig chuckled. “You should actually check your package.”

  “What?” Ethan asked, unsure of what his package had to do with choosing a tie for dinner tonight.

  “Check your package,” Craig repeated. “I opened it up to make sure it was safe. I think you'll find it helps your current situation.”

  Ethan frowned but pulled open the box. The tape was neatly sliced open, making the item inside very easy to find.

  It was a tie. A beautiful pale green, silk tie.

  “As my sister would say, it matches your eyes,” Craig told him. His cheeks pinked slightly as he shrugged.

  Ethan lay the tie out against the suit. The pale green complimented the dark charcoal of the suit better than anything he had picked out. It was perfect.

  “I think she'll like that, sir,” Craig said.

  He picked the box up, eager to see who had sent it. The return address was just the tie seller's address, and there was no packing slip with information.

  “Was there anything else in the box?” Ethan asked Craig, holding up the box. “I'm not sure who sent it.”

  Craig shrugged. “I didn't take anything out once I opened it and saw it was safe. I'm sorry, sir.”

  “Huh.” Ethan frowned until it dawned on him. “I asked Becky to pick me out some new ties last week. This must be one of them.”

  “Of course, sir. That does make sense,” Craig agreed. “Who else would even know to send you a tie?”

  Ethan nodded. “Thank you for your help, Craig. I'm almost ready. I know it's about time to leave.”

  “You are most welcome, Mr. White,” Craig replied. “Would you like me to pack up your suit and put it in the car? That way you won't have to worry about it. I have a spot where it won't wrinkle.”

  “That would be wonderful, Craig.” Ethan smiled at him. “I appreciate it.”

  “Of course, sir.” Craig smiled and then quickly looked away as he put the suit into a garment bag and carefully made sure the tie was folded correctly and stored where it wouldn't get lost.

  Ethan watched him for a moment and then went to find his shoes and grab his documents for the day. He was going to have to give Craig a promotion if this level of service kept up.

  Chapter 10


  “It'll be okay, Dallas. I promise,” Laura told her brother as she rubbed his back. “You're doing great.”

  He nodded weakly and continued to vomit what little was left in his stomach into the toilet. Laura kept rubbing his back and making soft words of encouragement until the little guy curled up in a ball on the floor.

  “I don't feel good, Laura,” he said weakly. If that wasn't the understatement of the year, she wasn't sure what was. His little cheeks were flushed, and he looked absolutely miserable.

  “I know, sweetie,” she said softly, pulling him up into a hug. “Let's rinse your mouth out and then we'll go join your sister on the couch. Then we can watch a movie.”

  Dallas nodded weakly, letting his sister take him to the sink. “A new movie?”

  “Sorry, we just have the old ones,” Laura said, turning on the water.

  “Okay.” He didn't even try to whine about it. That's how Laura knew he was absolutely miserable. Dallas reached out and washed his hands and took a small sip of water into his mouth. When he was done, she picked him up and carried him out to the couch. She could feel his fever starting as he pressed his forehead into her neck.

  Out on the couch, Ivy was wrapped up in a fluffy yellow blanket with a Halloween candy bucket perched on the cushion beside her. The orange pumpkin smiled out like nothing was wrong, but Laura knew better.

  The kids had the stomach flu. She was just praying she didn't catch it, too.

  Laura carefully set Dallas down next to his sister. He found a matching blue blanket to Ivy's and promptly curled up underneath it, hiding everything but his eyes.

  “How are you doing, Ivy?” Laura asked her sister as she got out a second pumpkin head for her brother. They made for easy cleanup if the kids couldn't make it to the bathroom in time.

  “Not so good,” Ivy whispered. “My stomach still hurts.”

  “Do you need me to clean out your pumpkin?” Laura asked, hoping that she didn't.

  “Not yet,” Ivy replied. Laura sighed in relief even though she knew it wouldn't be long before she had to clean it out anyway.

  “Okay. I'll get you two some ginger ale,” Laura told them. “It'll help settle your stomachs.”

  “Make sure it's the green kind,” Ivy said, then looked up. “Laura? Weren't you supposed to go on a date?”

  “Yeah, but I canceled it,” Laura told her. “You guys are sick. I'll go another day.”

  “I'm sorry, Laura.” Ivy's green eyes filled with tears.

  “Don't worry about it, Ivy,” Laura said coming over to her. “I'll be fine. I want to make sure you guys are okay.” She brushed the hair off Ivy's forehead. “Let me go get that ginger ale.”

  Both kids just stared at the TV as she went to the kitchen. It was just on the preview screen. Usually, they both would be clamoring for her to hurry up and press the skip button to get to the movie, but neither one of them said a word. She knew they felt awful.

  Laura was halfway to the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

  “If it's that damn vitamin sales guy again, I'm calling the cops,” she muttered as she stalked to the door. The last person she wanted to deal with was an overzealous door to door salesman today. She threw open the front door, ready to deal out some murder.

  Instead, Ethan stood on her front porch with flowers. He held out the dozen red roses like a peace o
ffering and took a step back. She realized she must look rather ferocious and she did her best to smile.

  It wasn't hard to smile at him. He looked amazing. He wore a dark charcoal suit that fitted his body with lines a sculptor would love. He had on a green tie that brought out the pale color of his eyes, making him somehow more handsome than she ever remembered him looking.

  He looked ready for a fancy date.

  She, on the other hand, did not. She had changed into ratty old sweatpants and a t-shirt she'd won at a riding competition five or six years ago. The words were starting to peel off, but the shirt was comfortable. Her hair was up in a messy “mom bun.” She was anything but ready for a date.

  “Ethan?” Her hands went to her hair, and she tried to smooth it out a little bit. “Didn't you get my texts? I can't go on our date tonight.” She thought for a moment and frowned. “Actually, I know you got the texts. You answered them. What are you doing here?”

  He held out the flowers again. This time they looked more like a gift rather than a shield. She took them, breathing in the sweet rose scent. It was hard to be mad when everything smelled like roses.

  “I know you can't go on the date,” Ethan replied, his eyes sparkling as he watched her enjoy the flowers. “The kids are sick, and you can't go out.”

  She held the door open for him to come inside. He stepped in and carefully removed his dress shoes by the door. She stood there, holding the door and staring at him. He knew they weren't going on a date, but there he was taking off his shoes at her door.

  “What are you doing?” she finally asked, totally confused by what was going on. There was no way she was leaving Ivy and Dallas with a stranger- not when they were sick.

  “I wasn't about to let you off the hook for our date,” Ethan told her, coming to his full height and smiling down at her.

  She motioned to the two kids on the couch. They were looking over with a little bit of interest, but neither one of them had moved an inch.


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