A Wonderful Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 2)

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A Wonderful Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 2) Page 7

by Krista Lakes

  “At eight at night on a Friday?” Laura asked. “The office isn't open. We'd have to go to Urgent Care, and I don't think they need it.”

  “I can have someone come to your house,” he told her, his hand still on Ivy's face. She smiled and leaned into his touch. “I'll pay for it.”

  “Thank you,” Laura replied. She didn't think doctors even made house calls anymore. It was a tempting offer. While it would make her feel more at ease, it wasn't necessary. It was overkill and Laura knew it.

  “It isn't a problem, Laura,” Ethan said, waiting for her answer.

  “They already saw the doctor, so I don't think another one will tell me anything new,” Laura replied. “I took them right after I picked them up from school not feeling well. Apparently, the whole kindergarten class came down with it this week. The doctor said to keep them hydrated and that a fever was probably coming. I have the instructions in the kitchen, but this is is what the doctor expected.”

  Ethan nodded. “Offer still stands if you change your mind later.”

  She felt calmer just knowing she had options. “Thank you, Ethan. I really do appreciate it.”

  He smiled and smoothed Ivy's hair off her face. “Do you think they'll be more comfortable in bed?” he asked, noting the awkward angle of the couch. Dallas had his feet hanging off, and his head was precariously close to the edge.

  “Yeah,” Laura agreed. “They'll definitely be more comfortable in their rooms.”

  “I'll get Ivy,” he said, picking up the small girl. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and she mumbled something into his throat that made him smile.

  “Her bedroom is on the left,” Laura told him, pointing down the small hallway. “I've got Dallas.”

  She picked up her brother, wrapping his legs around her hips. He felt hot against her shoulder, but not overly so. The walk was short to his room. The house was small and cute. It was just the right size for three people, which was why Laura had moved her sister and brother in with her after their parents died.

  She tucked Dallas in, making sure he had a clear path through his Legos to the bathroom. She turned on his rocket nightlight and gave him a kiss goodnight.

  “I'll be right back with your bucket,” she whispered, but he was already fast asleep.

  She went out to the kitchen, mentally preparing herself to clean out the buckets. It wasn't going to be a fun task, but it needed to be done.

  Except, Ethan had already done it. He stood in the kitchen with his shirt sleeves rolled up, tie still tossed over his shoulder, with his hands in the sink full of soapy water. As she came close, he held up a sparkling clean pumpkin bucket.

  “And here's Ivy's,” he said, handing her the second. “You go give them their buckets.”

  “Thank you,” Laura replied. She felt like kissing him. Cleaning the buckets was a task she had not been looking forward to doing.

  He just smiled and nudged the buckets toward her. She smiled and quickly went to each of their rooms. Dallas was snoring as she put the bucket under his hand. She smoothed his hair and then went to check on Ivy.

  She placed Ivy's bucket on her small nightstand and checked her temperature. She seemed cooler now that she was comfortable. That made Laura feel better, even though she knew she was going to check on them at least fifty more times tonight.

  She gave Ivy a kiss on the forehead and made sure her path to the bathroom was clear before heading back out to the kitchen.

  “Thank you,” Laura said, stepping into the light of the kitchen only to stand in amazement. During the few short minutes she was gone, Ethan had cleaned up her kitchen. Granted, it was mostly just dirty dishes and random cups that needed to be stacked and put away, but he had done it without asking.

  “I should let you sleep,” he said, looking under the sink for dishwashing soap. He found the tabs and put one in the washer for her. “You need to stay healthy, too.”

  “You cleaned my kitchen,” Laura stated, still in awe.

  “Of course I did. It wasn't hard,” Ethan said. “I don't know what setting you want your dishes run on, so you'll have to do that part.”

  She crossed the kitchen and hugged him. He had made her load lighter. For the first time since her parents died, she didn't feel quite so overwhelmed and alone. “Thank you.”

  “You are most welcome.” He rubbed her back. “Now, go get some rest. I don't want you catching the bug too.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. “The last thing I want is a stomach bug. Then who would take care of me?”

  “I would,” he replied. “That reminds me.”

  He let her go and walked over to the DVD bag, pulling out one last item. It was a giant container of hand sanitizer. He handed it to her with a smile.

  “You really did think of everything, didn't you?” Laura asked in amazement.

  He grinned, looking rather pleased with himself. “Thank you for the wonderful date, Laura.”

  She loved the way he said her name. It was feminine and beautiful when he said it. Special and unique. When he said her name, it didn't belong to anyone else in the world.

  He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Call me if you need anything,” he said, pulling back. He went to pick up his jacket from the chair and gather his shoes.

  “I will,” Laura promised. She put her hand to her cheek. She wanted more than just a small chaste kiss, even if the kids were in the other room. “Ethan? What are you doing tomorrow?”

  He thought for a moment. “Just some paperwork. Why?”

  “Would you like to go for a ride with me?” she asked. She wasn't sure why she was nervous, but she wanted him to say yes so badly she was afraid of any other answer. “The kids have school and their grandparents are picking them up from school. I have to work, but I want you to come and do it with me. I know it's weird, but-”

  “I'd love to,” he said, stopping her flow of nervous chatter.

  “Yeah?” She grinned as he nodded. “Awesome. Meet me at Carter's ranch at eleven.”

  “I can't wait,” he told her, putting on his suit jacket. He frowned and then tugged his tie back over his shoulder and back into place. He gave her one last smile before opening the door and heading out into the night. “See you tomorrow, Laura.”

  She stared out into the darkness as he walked down the path to the waiting car with Craig. She watched as he got into the car and drove off before she finally closed the front door and sighed with happiness. It was an incredible feeling.

  She chuckled as she pushed off the door and headed to bed. Despite it all, this ended up feeling like a real date.

  Chapter 13


  Ethan walked toward the familiar barn with both excitement and a little apprehension. He was excited because he was going to see Laura, and after last night she was the only thing he was able to think of. She had filled his dreams, and he had woken up needing a cold shower. He couldn't wait to see her.

  However, horses were not his thing. He liked dogs and cats. Horses were too big and unpredictable. He had never been riding and had this terrible prediction that he was going to make a fool of himself.

  He should have asked if they could go climbing. Or dancing. Or anything else besides horseback riding. He sighed and coughed as he took in a big mouthful of manure-smelling air. Laura loved horses. If he wanted to be with her, he was going to have to get comfortable around them.

  She was worth it, so he stood up a little straighter and put a smile on his face as he entered the barn.

  The smells of sunlight-warmed hay and horses, with the metallic tang of metal and leather for accent, filled his nose. He sneezed but kept walking into the barn.

  “Ethan?” Laura asked, coming out of one of the stalls. Her face split into a big, beautiful grin as soon as she saw him. He loved that she nearly skipped as she ran out to greet him. “You're here!”

  She slowed to a stop in front of him, unsure of how she should greet him. He reached out and brought
her in for a hug with a kiss on the cheek. She blushed and snuggled into him before letting go.

  “I have Heartbreaker all saddled up for you,” she said, bouncing with excitement. She bit her lower lip, and it took everything he had not to kiss her. That lip deserved to be kissed, not bitten. “I was half afraid you weren't going to come.”

  “I wouldn't back out on you,” he told her. “I'm not letting you get away again.”

  Her smile came back full force. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was.

  “I guess I'm still nervous about how we ended up last time,” she admitted. She shrugged, trying to look like it didn't matter when it obviously did. He hated that he'd hurt her, even a little bit. He reached out and touched her cheek.

  “There are no secretaries this time,” he told her. He grinned. “Unless you have a horse named Secretary that carries you off. I can't help that one.”

  She laughed, filling the barn with the sound. Her laughter was musical.

  “This way,” she said, grabbing his hand. He liked how right it felt in his as she pulled him through the barn to one of the stalls. He followed, enjoying the fact that he could check her out as they walked. She had on a cute long sleeved t-shirt that hugged her curves while still looking practical and her hair was up in a cute ponytail that bounced as she walked.

  But it wasn't her ponytail that he was really enjoying. It was the tight jeans and tall boots she had on. She had a perfect ass, and as she led him along like a pony, he was able to ogle without her noticing.

  “Here's your helmet,” she said, dropping his hand and handing him a hard hat. He nearly dropped it because he wasn't paying attention. His mind was still on her posterior.

  “Helmet?” he asked, turning it around. It looked rather goofy and not at all like something a cowboy would wear.

  “It's required on campgrounds,” she told him, putting her hands on her hips and giving him a no-nonsense look. “Carter wears one.”

  “Yeah, well, Carter does a lot of things,” he retorted, but he put it on to make her happy. She grinned at him and put hers on as well. Hers looked a lot cuter than his did.

  “So, where are we going?” he asked. Now that he was dressing for the ride, he was suddenly less excited about it. Plus, it meant she would be sitting rather than walking in front of him.

  “I have a plan,” she replied, a wonderfully wicked gleam in her eyes. “You'll like it. Promise.”

  “You sure?” he asked, adjusting the helmet on his head. It wasn't the most comfortable thing he'd ever worn, but he would wear it to make her happy. Plus, he probably would fall off the horse, so wearing it wasn't the worst idea.

  “I want to say thank you for last night,” she answered. “You went above and beyond. I want to do the same.”

  He touched her shoulder before she could walk off to find more gear. “You deserved it. That and so much more.”

  Her smile was soft and sweet this time. He couldn't resist her any longer, so he leaned over and kissed her smiling lips. It was a little awkward with their helmets, but he made it work. Kissing her was worth the work.

  She pulled back with her eyes still closed and sighed with pleasure before opening them. “Come on,” she said, grabbing his hand and leading him along. “The horses are out in the arena.”

  “How are the kids doing this morning?” he asked as they walked through the last bit of the barn and into the big horse arena.

  “It's like they were never sick,” she said with a chuckle. “They both slept through the night and asked for pancakes in the morning. My friend Elena's watching them today, and she says they've kept everything down and are driving her crazy with their energy.”

  “I'm glad,” he said. “They looked so miserable last night.”

  “I know,” she agreed. She turned as they walked through the arena toward the two horses tied to the far railing. Soft dirt smushed under his feet and the morning sunlight filtered through the rafters. “You should come by again. They asked about you. They liked you.”

  The compliment made his chest swell a little. It could have been ego, but he was pleased they liked him. He liked them. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” she assured him. “They want to watch that scary-looking movie with the vampire on it, but they want you around for it. Just in case they get scared.”

  His chest definitely puffed out a little this time. He would keep those kids safe from any vampire movie. Even the scariest ones. Even Twilight.

  “Here's your horse,” she said, motioning to the darker of the two horses. He was huge. And black. And giving Ethan a gaze that said the horse was not impressed. Ethan swallowed hard. Mia looked at him and then back to the horse. “Have you ridden before?”

  “Once or twice,” he replied, but his voice cracked slightly. “Or never.”

  She giggled and reached for his hand.

  “Come say hello to him,” she said, putting a sugar cube in his palm. “Heartbreaker is a big softie. He's one of the horses we put newbies on. He's big, but he's a total sweetheart.”

  Ethan held out his hand with the sugar cube displayed in the center. Heartbreaker's ears perked up, and he opened his mouth to reveal lots of slobbery teeth. Ethan did his best not to move as the horse used its slobbery lips to take the cube from him.

  He didn't know if horses could smile, but he swore Heartbreaker was laughing at him. Ethan wiped his hands on his pants. He needed to remember to wash his hands before he ate anything. Before he did anything, really. Who knew what was in horse drool?

  “You're doing great,” Laura told him. “Come on over here to his left side.”

  Carter followed her lead, going to the horse's left. Heartbreaker watched him but didn't seem too concerned. The horse seemed happy enough just munching on his sugar.

  “Now, put your foot in the stirrup here,” she said, demonstrating and then moving her foot out of the way. “Then, you just lift and swing your leg up and over. Hold on to the saddle horn for balance, not the reins. I'll hold those for you.”

  She moved to the front of the horse and Heartbreaker rubbed his head against her. Ethan felt a little jealous of the horse, but he didn't say anything as he put his foot in the stirrup and tried to do as she instructed.

  It took two attempts, and he felt utterly ridiculous both times. It wasn't the strength of it that was hard, it was getting his leg up high enough to clear the big animal's butt.

  “Good,” Laura praised him. “Now, the rest is easy. You just use your legs. Hug the horse with your legs, keeping your knees in.”

  He did as she instructed. It felt a little odd, but he definitely felt more secure than when his knees pointed out. “How to I make him move? Where's the steering wheel?”

  Laura chuckled and handed him the reins. “Hold these with your left hand like you're holding an ice cream cone,” she instructed. “Be gentle because it's attached to his mouth. No big rein flips like you see in the movies.”

  He took them in his hand, and she nodded.

  “Now, to make him go forward, you just squeeze your knees. If he doesn't move, or you want to go faster, kick your heels a little,” she said, stepping out of the way.

  Ethan did exactly as she instructed and the horse moved forward. He nearly fell over backward. He was not expecting so much movement, but he caught himself and used his core to stabilize. The further the horse walked, the more comfortable he became with the gentle rocking motion.

  “Perfect,” Laura said, watching him. “Now, to turn, just pull the reins in the direction you want to go. Just remember, it's attached to his mouth, so be gentle.”

  Ethan pressed the reins to the right side of the horse's neck, and Heartbreaker dutifully turned. It's surprisingly easy and a little bit fun.

  “This isn't nearly as hard as Carter makes it out to be,” he commented, turning Heartbreaker to the other side.

  She laughed and jumped up into the saddle in a smooth motion. She grinned at him as she urged her horse to run circles around him with effo
rtless grace. There was no way he would be able to pull off what she was doing.

  “Show off,” he muttered, turning his horse toward the open door. She just chuckled and fell into step beside him.

  Outside, it was a perfect spring day in the Rockies. A crisp chill still filled the air, but the leaves were starting to come out on the aspen trees, and the world smelled of pine. The snow from the last time he was up here was gone, and wildflowers were replacing it. Birds sang as they passed by a big pine tree on their way.

  “The weather is certainly better than last time,” he tells her, earning him a smile.

  She shook her head. “I'd rather not repeat that ever again,” she replied. He had to agree.

  Two months before, he'd come up to the ranch for a fundraiser. Mia was currently building a camp to give foster kids a chance at fun. She had some amazing plans to give them life skills and an experience they would never forget. She was determined to help kids, so he had come up to support her and to help fundraise.

  He thought he would be able to avoid Laura and their awkward history, but that hadn't worked out quite the way he'd planned. When Laura’s brother and another boy disappeared into a snowstorm, he had been put with her to help with the search.

  The two of them had walked all over the ranch looking for Dallas. It wasn't much fun given that it was snowing and that she hated him. To say the conversation was quiet was an understatement.

  Luckily, her brother and the other boy were found safe and sound. When the news had come in over their shared walkie-talkie, she had been so excited that she'd kissed him.

  That kiss had thrown him for a complete loop. It was part of the reason he had even considered coming back. There was unfinished business in that kiss.

  “I'm tired of the snow,” Laura said, bringing him back to reality. “I'm glad it's spring.”

  “Me too,” he agreed, shifting his weight to a more comfortable position on his horse.

  “Thank you for coming with me,” she said with a smile. She turned the two of them onto a path leading toward the mountains. “I need to check a couple of fence posts on our route. You're really helping me out by riding Heartbreaker. He and Sweetness needed to go out for a ride today.”


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