Malignant Transfiguration (Endeavor Series Book 2)

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Malignant Transfiguration (Endeavor Series Book 2) Page 25

by A E M

  “Someday you will wake up and realize you haven’t even noticed it for the longest time because it has become a part of who you are.” He said.

  “That depends entirely on whether or not you are still making smug faces at me each time you figure out what I’m feeling.” She scolded him.

  He straightened his face. “I’m sorry about your parents.”

  Charlotte turned her face away from him and breathed in and out slowly. It was embarrassing that he would be able to feel her grief, though she wasn’t sure why it should be embarrassing. No, perhaps she simply wanted to be alone in her grief. That was not going to happen, but maybe she could have as much privacy as was possible.

  “I don’t even know if they are really dead.” She spat out. “I know nothing of what’s really going on. I thought my friends were dead, and now they are alive.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.”

  “But I still feel grief. I feel stupid.”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  “May I try to pull the bond over so I can grieve in peace?”

  Vincent slid down to the floor and sat against the bed. “Go ahead.”

  Charlotte pulled the bond to her side until only a thread remained between them. She cried into a pillow. When the tears stopped and she felt only emptiness, she let the bond slip back into place. She went to the bathroom to blow her nose and wash her face. Vincent came up behind and pulled the pins out of her hair until it was free of the braids and gems and pins. He reached out to hug her when she turned around, but she shook her head at him. He nodded and went back into the room to kick his shoes off and lie down on the pallet on the floor. Charlotte flipped the light out and curled up on the bed.

  “Maven?” She dropped her hand down the side of the bed and rested it on his shoulder.

  “Yes?” He set the tips of his fingers on the tips of her fingers.

  “Thanks for not squishing me when I was tiny.”

  He chuckled. “Good night, Protégé.”


  Gloves Off

  “Son.” Isaac pulled David into one of the castle’s closets.

  “Papa?” David laughed. “You haven’t yanked me into a closet in ages. “Whatever have I done?”

  Isaac put up a shield. “Deep magic has consequences, even when it’s used for good.”

  “I know.” David stopped smiling and crossed his arms. “I remember you teaching me that.”

  “Is there anything you need or want to tell me?”

  David raised his eyebrows. “Is there anything you want or need to tell me?”

  Charlotte dressed quickly, keeping an eye on the sleeping Vincent. She had so many more questions about the bond between them. Did he know on some level that she was awake? Did he know everything she felt, or did her merely suspect some things? Would the bond change over time? The bond was right there of course. She could see it if she focused. A gentle, steady pulse beat through it. She looked at Vincent’s relaxed face. His breath was slow and even. Last night they had both been able to sleep uninterrupted. She padded softly to him and nudged his shoulder until he was awake enough to grumble at her. She rolled her eyes. He was a snippy man in the morning.

  “I’m going to work out with the Aegard. Do you want to come?”

  “Go.” He mumbled and waved her away. “Blow something up and you’ll find out what real fear is. And stay the proper size!” He rolled over, which was good, because she had immediately covered her twitching lips with her hand. He had meant to be fearsome, she was sure, but he looked as fearsome as a worn in teddy bear. She pulled his blanket up over his shoulders and dashed out of the door.

  The Aegard gathered in a different workout room that morning. It was an enormous room full of ropes, blocks, dips in the floor and ceiling, chains, rock walls, a winding pool, and surfaces that changed from hard to soft. The lights could change intensity, and Kaitlind could also control a false wind and rain showers. Charlotte spent the entire hour and a half attempting to keep up with the other women. She was fit, but she wasn’t used to their routine.

  “You’ll have to visit us often.” Kaitlind stayed next to her during the workout, dispensing many pointers and occasional praise. “After a lot of hard work, you will be at least able to keep up with us.”

  Charlotte didn’t speak during the training. She emptied her mind and did. It felt good to use her sore muscles and keep her mind off of yesterday. Finally, she joined the rest of the women, who had been standing patiently waiting for her to complete her last lap.

  “Hoyden, come with us to the pool and then the showers. You shouldn’t reek like that through our hallways.” Kaitlind ordered.

  “I don’t have anything to change into down here.” Charlotte frowned. Vincent was right. She really should have her pack with her at all times.

  “I think we can take care of that.” Robina said. “We have some gifts for you since you are leaving us this morning.”

  Charlotte followed them into an adjoining room with another pool in the middle and a false waterfall built into the side of the room. Several of the women leaped into the pool as they whooped with joy. Robina grinned at her. “It’s deep enough to jump from the waterfall, Hoyden.”

  “It’s terribly cold.” Lilybet warned her. “But it is worth it.”

  Charlotte jumped off first. The chilly water snapped at her skin as it enveloped her in one quick bite. She gasped for air as she broke the surface and swam away from the middle, enjoying the refreshing chill of the cold.

  “Again?” Lilybet asked after she finished her dive.

  “Another time. I think I’m content to swim for now.”

  Half an hour later most of the group left the pool and headed for the dressing rooms. Charlotte borrowed a towel and tugged her wet workout clothes off. What was she to do with them? There might not be time to dry them before they left. She twisted as much of the water out of them as possible.

  “Wrap them in the towel once you are dressed.” Robina directed. “You can keep it.”

  Kaitlind put a stack of clothes on the bench Charlotte was sitting on. “A gift from your sisters.” She said and added a pair of boots to the top of the pile. “Get dressed and we will do something with your hair. We can’t have you looking a mess when you go to the Appalachian Den.”

  She started to dress with the v-shaped skirt of different purple leather pieces sewn together with studs added as embellishments and a border of velvet in frills and braids at the bottom. A simple white shirt went next under the vest of more velvet and leather. The vest matched the skirt with a bottom that was also shaped like a v and a similar border. The boots were covered with belts with embellishments and more velvet frills. There was even a pair of velvet gloves to match her outfit. She stepped out of the dressing stall with tears of happiness in her eyes.

  “I love it. Thank you.” She blinked the tears back and smiled. The women clucked happily over the outfit as they dried her hair and added braids tied with leather straps to her hair.

  “You had best hurry back to your master.” Kaitlind directed her. She handed her the towel with her damp clothes tucked inside. “You honor us, Hoyden. We look forward to working out with you again.”

  Charlotte bowed slowly. “You honor me, my sisters.” She hurried back through the halls, peeking into the tiny kitchen as she passed it. Vincent and David sat inside at one of the corner tables, their heads bent together deep in conversation over plates of eggs. Vincent looked up only a moment before David did. They immediately looked back at each other and started talking again. Charlotte shrugged and started back to her room after snagging a large apple.

  Halfway back to room she felt the horizontal gravity pull again. Vincent was following her, and at a fast pace. She was surprised that she knew without doubt what was happening. Did he know that she knew? She picked her own pace up, running at the end down the last, empty hallway before the double doors. She wanted to be completely packed and ready when he caught up with her; the workout this morning h
ad taken much more time than she had anticipated.

  “Morning, Carroll!” She greeted the woman cheerily. She dashed into her room and moved her pack from the nightstand to the end of the bed.

  Carroll followed her into the room. “It has been my honor to have you as a guest.”

  “It was my honor, Carroll.” Charlotte smiled. “I will miss the comfort of this room.”

  Carroll blushed and went to the bed. She picked up the blanket of crocheted roses and handed it to Charlotte. “For you.”

  “Oh, it’s too beautiful.”

  “I made it. It’s my gift to you.” Carroll insisted.

  “It would be really rude to not accept.” Vincent added from the doorway.

  “I love it.” Charlotte pressed the blanket to her chest. “It will always remind me of you and your beautiful people.”

  She put it in her pack and pulled out the granola Basil had given her. “My hobs made this. It will go well with your tea.” She handed Carroll the packet.

  “Thank you so much.” Carroll smiled and stepped out of the room.

  Vincent stepped in and picked up the soggy towel and clothes. He waved his hand over the pile. “Dry.” He unfolded the towel and folded the clothes and towel. He handed Charlotte the newly dried pile.

  “Thank you. I wondered what I was going to do about that.”

  “I’ll remember to add that spell to some of your first lessons.” He said. “It seems to me that you will need it often.” He opened one of the pouches on his own pack and pulled out a robe.

  “You are already wearing a robe.” Charlotte pointed out.

  Under his robe Vincent was wearing blue jeans and a white dress shirt and green tie under a gold sweater. He lifted his eyebrows and took a deep breath in. “I assume that your clothes are a gift from the Aegard?”

  “Aren’t they gorgeous?” She gushed. “I think I’m in love.” She twirled around once. “They wanted me to be dressed for travel and the meeting.”

  “Uh.” Vincent scratched his beard and averted his eyes. “As much as I’d like to make you change, I can’t upset our hosts.”

  Charlotte halted and stared at him. It was her turn to take a deep breath in. Change? He thought he could control what she wore? She narrowed her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips. There were so many things she wanted to yell at him right now, and not enough time. She took another deep breath. This argument would wait. She stared back at him, but her eyes were calm now. She knew that he knew precisely how angry with him she was through their bond. Vincent twirled the robe around in the air and it changed into a robe that matched her outfit.

  Charlotte took another breath in. The robe was gorgeous. Vincent stepped forward and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Normally I’d wait longer to give you a robe, but if I can’t make you change, then at the very least I can cover you up.” He tugged one of her braids. “Stop snarling, Protégé. My brother will kill me if I don’t cover you up, and then your fiancée downstairs will resurrect me and kill me over again.” He shrugged and offered her a playful smile. “So, you see, I have no choice.”

  Charlotte bit her tongue and planned revenge. She wanted to say something right now, but she was determined to make it one day without fighting with the foolish man-boy. One day. She straightened her facial features out. Or at least one morning. Surely she could manage one morning. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and waited for Vincent to start out of the room. She followed behind his left shoulder, making no less than six different faces to the back of his head.

  They made their way to the Great Hall. The den looked and sounded like a ghost town after the festivities of last night. Charlotte occupied her time on the way down devising her own plan for Vincent when they would duel someday. She paid no attention to the shake of his shoulders. He may guess that she was planning, but he couldn’t tell what exactly she was planning. Let him have his smug moment. Someday she’d wipe that grin off his face.

  A small crowd stood in the middle of the room. Bouldershaker was speaking with Alcott and Barnabas. The Aeguard, Zorach, Lodestar, Ebby, David, and Beau all stood in various groupings. Vincent immediately went to speak with Barnabas. Charlotte crossed to David and Beau. She slipped her arm around David’s waist. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. They stood quietly like that for a moment. Charlotte wanted to tell him that she was sorry about his loss, but then she would be vocalizing the truth of her own loss. Their loss. She looked into his eyes, and he winked and smiled sadly.

  “It’s good to see you, sister.” He played with the edge of her robe. “It’s nice to see you in robes.”

  Charlotte pursed her lips. “Vincent seemed to have a crazy idea that the two of you would kill him if he let me walk around in my outfit without cover.” She looked at each of them in the eyes. “I’m sure he must be mistaken. Neither of you seem the type.”

  David laughed. “Nice try.”

  Beau reached over and pulled her into his arms. “Caramia.” He whispered into her ear. He stepped back from her, took the edges of the robe in his hands, and pulled the sides out so he could see her better. “You look divine.” He closed the robe back and pulled her back to his chest.

  She laid her head on his chest and breathed him in. “Thank you. Was last night successful?”

  “Very.” He ran his hands through her hair. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay. Are you okay?”

  She swallowed the emotions that tried to rise. “I’ll be fine. Right now I’m focusing on this meeting.”

  Beau pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Right now I’m focusing on that skirt.”

  “Beau.” She whispered. “You are terrible.”

  “Terribly in love.” He wrapped his wings around them. “Lottie, are you okay?”


  “I’m not, either.” He confessed. “It hurt to leave you last night.”

  “Have you slept at all?”

  “Not much.” He played with a braid in her hair. “Did Vincent take care of you last night?”

  “He was respectful and gave me my space but also made sure he was nearby.” She shrugged.

  “Good.” Beau sighed. “I’m sorry. I’ll talk to him. It’s just hard when I want to be with you.”

  “He knows.” She kissed him. “Now let’s go back to talking about us.” She traced the strong muscles of his chest. “We need to talk soon. I feel like there are too many unsaid words between us now.”

  He traced her jaw. “Soon we will find the time to say those words.” He kissed her gently, and pulled his wings back. “I’ll find you again before I leave for the meeting.”

  Ebby landed on Charlotte’s shoulder. “Ouch, you’ve grown.” Charlotte said out loud and rubbed behind Ebby’s ears. She and Ebby and Lodestar could all speak to each other in their minds, but Charlotte was still used to speaking out loud by habit. “You are getting too big to perch on me.” Ebby’s metallic purr jingled in her ear.

  I see you are following your father’s footsteps, and even with his line of apprentices. He would be happy if he were here with us. Your magic grows. I think it will grow fast, especially now that the fairy deception has been revealed.

  Are you worried, Ebby? Charlotte rubbed Ebby’s long neck.

  Fairies don’t scare me when I’m in this form. I am sorry about your parents.

  I miss them so much.

  As do I, Charlotte. Ebby settled her head on Charlotte’s head.

  Ebby, what are you going to do now?

  I am going to grow. What are you going to do?

  Charlotte looked around at the magani before her. Everything is changing, Ebby. I make plans and they are dashed apart.

  Such is life, child. How is training?

  Charlotte shrugged. It’s getting better, I think. Ebby, nobody even knows quite what to do. It’s hard on both of us.

  It would take years under normal circumstances. What do you expect? Ebby stretched her back and curled her tail around Charlotte’s

  I don’t know. I don’t know if I will finish formal training. Charlotte wondered how much, if anything, Vincent would know of her conversation. Was he getting snippets of her emotions? She breathed slowly and tried to keep an even look on her face.

  Why ever not?

  I’m not young for one thing.

  Ebby turned her face to gaze at Vincent. By weaver standards you are still very young. But then again, so is your master.

  Ebby, we clash. Charlotte wrung her hands.

  That’s not such a bad thing.

  Can you help me, Ebby? I need to know about the fairy part of me. She told her of her short experiences as a fairy.

  Child, Lodestar and I are already involved in another mission. But I can tell you this; the fairy part of you is intrinsic. You need only explore yourself and open your mind to the possibilities that lay within.

  Charlotte’s shoulders drooped a little. No manual? No textbook? No class?

  Ebby shook her head. No. A fairy’s life is a little harsher than you might imagine. If you don’t apply yourself and learn, you die.

  Charlotte sighed. So can you tell me what you and Lodestar are doing?


  Of course not.

  We all play our parts. You play yours. We will run into each other time and time again, I have no doubt.

  I wish I could have spoken to my mother one last time. Charlotte reached up to rub Ebby’s spine.

  Charlotte, your mother would be proud of you. She loved you dearly.

  Did she ever leave any journals behind?

  No, she wasn’t the journal type. But I think you’ll find that she left messages for you throughout your childhood if you’ll only remember.

  Ebby, I wish you could come with me.

  I think there will be a time again when we battle together, but right now I must move forward with our plans. Ebby curled tighter around her neck. Charlotte, I have a terrible itch. Could you scratch me, please?


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