The Girl in the White House

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The Girl in the White House Page 20

by Nick Harlow

  “As long as the cash arrives promptly, your son will be released shortly after.”


  “Nice try, Mister Speaker. Now get the cash moving if you want to see Scott again. You have one hour or he dies.” He saw the gun pressed into Scott’s forehead, his son close his eyes and tremble.

  Then the screen went dark.

  An FBI Agent got off the phone. “No way to trace it, Sir. He bounced the signal all over the planet.”

  The Speaker shook his head. “I’m not surprised.”

  “Sir, I suggest you get that financial transfer going as soon as possible. He didn’t sound like a patient man.”

  “No, he’s not. And he’s not stupid either.”


  Scott wondered how long it would take for the ransom to be paid. Surely his father could get access to the Cayman Islands account right away... but perhaps there would be a problem getting cash from the national campaign slush fund. It might expose some dark, dirty secrets about the Democratic Party finances. Then again, his father might have some other account he didn’t know about. God knew he’d gotten enough kickbacks over the years and could have millions stashed all over the place.

  Mayfair’s phone rang. He smiled as he saw who was calling. “Yes?” He listened for a moment, then picked up his tablet and started tapping it. “I see the transfer is complete. I’ll release your son when I arrive at the final destination. Have a nice life.” He ended the call, tapped the phone a few times and looked at Scott. “Well, lucky for you that your father came up with the money. Of course he had no choice.”

  Scott nodded. “So, you’re going to actually release me. Dead or alive?”

  “Alive, because I need you to do that one more thing. And only you can do it.”


  Mayfair reached into his pocket, pulled out a zip drive and held it up. “This contains video recordings of all the meetings I had with your father to set this whole thing up. There’s also good stuff between him and the Attorney General.” He tossed it to Scott. “When you get back to the United States, this is the hard evidence you need to get them convicted. They tried to double-cross me, and I want them to pay.”

  Scott turned the zip drive over in his hand. “How did you get this?”

  “One of the benefits of working for the Secret Service is that you have access to the best surveillance equipment in the world along with the ability to tap phones off the books. You’d be amazed at the stuff that goes on which is totally illegal. Anyway, I figured I might need something just in case. Turns out I was right to not completely trust your father.”

  “I figured that out a long time ago.”

  “I’m sure. Now, I assume you don’t have a problem using that against him.”

  “Of course not. We do share a mutual goal in that respect.”

  “Excellent. I’d upload it myself but there would be claims it was altered and I’m sure the Attorney General could get it swept under the rug. Coming from you... well, a son implicating his father... it doesn’t get much better than that for a prosecutor. And that’s why you get off this plane alive.”

  “May I ask where our final destination is?”

  “In this case, the nearest country that has a terrible relationship with the United States.” Mayfair stood up. “In fact, I need to go talk to the pilot.”

  Scott pointed at the phone. “Mind if I call someone to tell her I’m okay?”

  “Miss the spunky redhead already?” Mayfair grabbed the phone and tossed it to him. “Sure, kid. Just use my fingerprint to turn it on.”

  “Very funny.”

  Mayfair laughed as he headed for the cockpit.

  The minute Mayfair closed the door to the cockpit Scott reached in his sock for the SIM card, then quickly swapped it out with the one in the phone. He put the phone back on Mayfair’s seat.

  SYDNEY SAT ON THE EDGE of the desk in the Oval Office as the network replayed the video of Scott Rusch begging his father to pay the ransom. Her father hung up the phone, got up, moved around the desk, wrapped one arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “I just got word that the Speaker has paid the ransom. He’s going to make an announcement on the networks shortly.”

  She exhaled and slid her arm around her father’s waist. “Now we have to pray that Mayfair keeps his part of the bargain.”

  “I’m sure he will. He doesn’t need Scott anymore.”

  “That’s what worries me. Mayfair might just want him out of the way.”

  Her father shook his head. “You said Mayfair didn’t kill you when he had the chance. He got what he wants. He has no reason to add another murder to his crimes.”

  “I hope you’re right, Dad. Any word on the plane’s location?”

  “Sorry, nothing. They could be anywhere. So no idea when or where he might release Scott. He’ll need a country that won’t turn Mayfair over to us.”

  “Where’s the closest one without an extradition treaty?”

  “Everything is pretty much across the Atlantic. So if he’s headed in that direction, it might be awhile. Why don’t you take a nap and try to get some sleep?”

  She shook her head. “No. I couldn’t sleep if I tried.”

  SCOTT LOOKED OUT THE window as the jet came to a stop.

  Middle of nowhere.

  The only building was a small brick structure near the runway, about the size of a garage. Beyond that, it looked like a jungle.

  Mayfair got up and opened the door, then released the set of stairs. “Okay, kid, time to go home.”

  Scott got up and headed to the door. Sweltering, humid air hit him in the face. “Where are we?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  He pointed to the building. “That doesn’t look like a place I can buy a plane ticket. How am I supposed to get home?”

  Mayfair handed him a flashlight and pointed out the door. “See that road? Walk two miles till you cross a bridge, then take your first right. Two more miles will take you into town and you’ll run right into the United States Embassy. I’m sure they’ll give you a ride.”

  “Okay.” The hot air was already making him sweat. “Listen, if I’ve gotta walk four miles in wool slacks and a long sleeve shirt, how about something to drink for the road?”

  Mayfair nodded. “Sure kid.” He turned, reached into the galley, pulled out two bottles of water and handed them to Scott. “This oughta get you there. I look forward to seeing that stuff I gave you on the zip drive.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s number one on my to-do list when I get to the embassy. All the networks will have it in no time, along with the FBI. It’ll go viral before I get home.” He noted the jet engines were still running. “Aren’t you getting off here?”

  “Nope. Not my final destination. Just here to drop you off.”

  Scott nodded. “I’d ask where you’re going, but I know you won’t tell me.” He started for the stairs, muscles tight as he wondered if Mayfair might shoot him in the back. He got halfway down the stairs.

  “Hey, kid.”

  Scott went rigid, closed his eyes and didn’t turn around, his face tightened as he waited for a bullet. “Yeah?”

  “I gotta give you credit. You guys were pretty damn resourceful down in that bunker. Never expected a bunch of kids to put up a fight. In a weird way I respect that.”

  He opened his eyes and continued down the steps. “Thanks.” He reached the bottom of the stairs and headed for the road. He heard the stairs being retracted, the doors close and the engines power up. He looked over his shoulder to see the plane heading down the runway.

  His knees buckled as he put his hand over his pounding heart and tried to exhale the tension.

  It was finally over.

  SYDNEY PACED BACK AND forth in the Oval Office as her father worked the phones, setting up the legal dominoes that were to fall the minute Scott Rusch was released.

  If he was released.

  The grandfather cloc
k chimed, signaling it was two in the morning.

  Still no news from Scott.

  Speaker Rusch had just announced on national television that he had paid the ransom and was eagerly awaiting his son’s safe return.


  She turned to her father as he was hanging up the phone, her eyes wide in anticipation. She studied his face, hoping for a look that it was good news. “Yeah?”

  He got up and headed toward her. “We’ll get him back.” He gave her a strong hug, running his hand across her back.

  Her eyes welled up. “I’m really scared, Dad. Mayfair can’t be trusted. And when he took Scott into the elevator his gave me this sinister look which makes me think he’s going to kill him as soon as he gets the ransom money. He said he would send him back... maybe.”

  “Try not to think that way. He was pushing your buttons. I’ve got our best people working on it. Hell, the whole international community is on it.”

  “But we don’t even know where he is.”

  “We’ll find him.”

  A tap on the open door announced FBI Agent Lauria. “Mister President?”

  Donovan broke the embrace and turned to face him. “Yes?”

  “We got a location on Mayfair’s plane off that SIM card. Scott Rusch must have gotten it into a working cell phone.”

  Sydney’s pulse shot up. “Where?”

  “Venezuela. Which doesn’t make any sense since we have an extradition treaty with that country.”

  Donovan slowly nodded. “Yeah, but they’ve been known to refuse requests, and I’m not exactly on good terms with them. They might not have a problem harboring someone like Mayfair.”

  Sydney moved toward Lauria, eyes wide. “Have you heard anything from Scott?”

  He shook his head. “Sorry, Miss Donovan. All we got was the hit off the phone. But since we just got the signal a little while ago, we know he’s alive.”

  Two hours later Sydney jumped as her cell rang. She grabbed it from the coffee table and saw an international number on the screen. She connected the call. “Hello?”

  “Spitfire, I told you I’d come back to you. Why do you doubt me?”

  “Oh my God, Scott! Where are you?”

  “Safe at the US Embassy in Venezuela.”

  Sydney stood up and waved at her father. “Dad, it’s Scott! He’s safe at an embassy!” She went back to the phone call. “Are you okay?”

  “Just a wicked headache from being hit in the head, and tired from walking four miles in this heat, but otherwise fine. They’ll be putting me on a plane home in a little while as soon as a doctor checks me out and I can get cleaned up. But it’s a long flight. It’ll be awhile.”

  Tears of joy flowed like never before. “Can’t wait to see you.”

  “Same here. Oh, tell your father some very incriminating files are being sent to the FBI as we speak.”

  “Got it.”

  “See you in a few hours.”

  “I’m counting the minutes.”

  An hour later Frank Donovan finished watching the recordings of Mayfair dealing with Speaker of the House Rusch. He stood up and turned to FBI Agent Lauria. “I assume that’s enough to arrest him.”

  “It is. But since the Attorney General is involved, it would help if you’d give the word.”

  “Go. And by the time you get to the Speaker’s office, I will have fired the Attorney General and the Deputy A-G will have the authority. They won’t be able to do a thing to stop you. So bring an extra set of handcuffs. I want them both in jail before the sun comes up.”


  Still wired despite no sleep in more than twenty-four hours, Sydney stood next to her father on the tarmac waiting for the plane bringing Scott back from South America. The sun felt good on her face despite the chilly temperature. She looked at her watch, which told her it should have arrived. “It’s late.”

  The President smiled as he patted her on the shoulder. “Yes, and it’s one minute later than the last time you checked.”

  “I’m sorry, but this is taking too long.”

  “You should have taken a nap. You look like you’re hopped up on caffeine and you don’t even drink coffee.”

  “I couldn’t sleep if I wanted to, Dad. And I haven’t seen you getting any rest.”

  He slowly nodded. “Yeah, well, that goes along with the job. The wheels of justice needed to move quickly as far as the Speaker of the House and the Attorney General are concerned. I had to get everything lined up. I can catch up on sleep later. How about we all head straight to Camp David for a couple days when this is all wrapped up. I’m cancelling the rest of my campaign stops.”

  “Sounds good to me. No media. Can Scott come along?”

  “He can take up permanent residence in the Lincoln Bedroom as far as I’m concerned. You never need to ask me permission about him ever again. Not that you ever needed it.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” She wrapped one arm around his waist. “How are you feeling?”

  “My jaw should hurt. My head should hurt. But I got my daughter back, so I’m feeling no pain.”

  She pulled him close. “And I got you back. After losing Mom, I couldn’t...”

  And then she heard it.

  The sound of an approaching plane.

  The President pointed at the sky. “Here he comes. Try your best to act excited for the cameras.”

  She playfully slapped him on the arm. “Very funny.”

  “I’m excited as well, Shortcake. He’s good for you. A man like Scott is what you need.”

  She laughed a bit as she looked up at him. “Oh, so I need a man?”

  “Hell, I can’t keep you in line. Maybe he can do better.”

  “So, someone needs to keep me in line?”

  “I think I’ll put the shovel down now.”

  The plane came to a stop in front of them, the engines slowed to a stop. A red carpet was rolled out toward the door.

  Sydney’s heart tried to escape her chest as she bounced on her heels.

  Her father patted her hand. “Down, girl. You’ve got all the time in the world now.”

  “Sorry, Dad. Everything’s changed between us.”

  “It was just a matter of time. And after what happened yesterday, I’m not surprised. You look different today.”

  “How so?”

  “Yesterday you were my little girl. Today you’re a young woman.”

  “You grow up fast with a gun to your head. And realize how you really feel about someone when you come close to losing him.”

  “I can imagine. Honestly, Shortcake, you couldn’t find a better guy than Scott. Just don’t run off to Vegas and do something stupid.”

  “Aw, and I had just found this cool chapel with an Elvis impersonator.”

  The door of the plane opened and a moment later Scott stepped out into the sunlight, shielding his eyes. Dressed in fatigues and a military baseball cap he made his way down the steps.

  Sydney let go of her father’s hand. “Sorry, Dad, but I can’t stand this any longer.” She ran to greet Scott, meeting him just as he reached the bottom step. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him like never before. She heard a ton of camera clicks but didn’t care if the whole world knew how she felt.

  He held on tight. “Told you I’d be back.”

  She started to cry as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I really thought I’d lost you.”

  He leaned back, keeping his arms around her waist as he looked at her. “I promise never to fly off with a terrorist again.” She laughed a bit and broke the embrace as her father arrived at her side.

  The President extended his hand. “Welcome back, Scott.”

  Scott shook it. “Thank you, Mister President. Appreciate everything you did to get me home so fast.”

  “That was nothing. Thank you for everything you did to help save my daughter.” Donovan gestured toward the waiting media. “And if you can wait for a more private reunion with Sydney and are up to it
, I think they have some questions for you.”

  “Oh yeah. Have I got a story to tell.”

  Sydney stood between her father and Scott at the podium as the President introduced Scott and welcomed him back to the United States. After a few minutes he wrapped up his remarks. “Scott Rusch exhibits the best qualities of America,” his words giving her a lump in her throat. “Without his quick thinking and willingness to sacrifice, my daughter wouldn’t be here today. Neither would Agent Ryan. Or the rest of the hostages in the bunker. I, and this country, owe him a lot.” He turned to Scott. “As a father, I am forever in your debt for saving Sydney. As a country, we are grateful for your service and loyalty. What you have done, both to save lives, and to bring those responsible to justice, is incredible and will never be forgotten. You are a true American hero.” He shook Scott’s hand and ushered him to the podium. He moved in front of the microphone and adjusted it as reporters shouted questions.

  “Scott, are you surprised Mayfair let you go?”

  He nodded. “To be honest, yeah. I figured it was fifty-fifty that he’d kill me after getting the ransom money, but he released me with the stipulation that I present evidence against my father. Which I would have done anyway.”

  “Your father was just formally charged with treason and murder. How do you feel being the one responsible?”

  Scott shook his head. “You’ve got that wrong. I’m not responsible. He’s the one who orchestrated the takeover of the White House, he’s the one who is guilty of treason, he’s the one who wanted Sydney killed. And he’s responsible for the death of a brave seventeen year old girl. As far as I’m concerned he’s a murderer and a traitor. I’m not responsible for a damn thing. I’m happy to provide as much help to the prosecution as they need because he’s nothing more than a common criminal. He deserves as much punishment as the Justice Department can throw at him.”

  “What’s your reaction to the news that Mayfair’s plane was just shot down after he refused to surrender?”

  “I hadn’t heard that. Well, good riddance. I guess that saved the taxpayers a lot of money.”


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