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Transparency Page 4

by Jeanne Harrell

  “How about the Brazilian Steakhouse here at the Mirage?” She reasoned she could get up and leave easily if she wanted to.

  Bryce smiled. He knew why she’d picked that restaurant – So she could leave easily. Okay… “Good. What time will you arrive?”

  “Nine o’clock.”

  “I’ll be there.” He smiled into the phone. “Oh, and Beth?”


  “Which dress will you wear – Blue or yellow?”

  That made her laugh. “What do you think?”

  “I always liked you in blue…”

  “Great… We’ll wear the yellow then. Bye, Bryce.”

  He laughed and snapped his phone shut. That was so Beth… She could be pretty contrary when her hair was on fire. And it apparently was right now -- at him.

  That was okay… At least she was speaking to him and that was the important thing. Bryce sat back in his chair and took another pull of his beer.

  The avalanche of everything Carson City had hit him hard. He felt like he’d fallen into a fast moving river and was trying his hardest to keep afloat. Why couldn’t he push it all away? He had in the past…

  Not anymore – The past had come howling back at him and it was time to make peace with it all. It was affecting his job already and his relationship with Sylvia was wobbling. Dan had been right about circling the wagons and looking for his friends. But it might be a much tougher task than he’d imagined.

  * * *

  Bryce had made a reservation for nine and was sitting at the bar waiting for Beth to arrive. From his vantage point, he could watch people arrive at the restaurant, but they couldn’t see him right away. He wanted to see her expression before she saw him. Bryce needed to know what she was really feeling.

  He sat at the bar drinking bourbon and water. He was nervous to meet Beth again and needed a drink to take the edge off. Bryce glanced around at the beautifully decorated restaurant with its vivid colors and tropical feel. The smell of smoky barbecue filled his nostrils and made his stomach rumble. He was hungry…

  And then she walked in… Beth looked around biting on her lip and smoothed her pretty brunette hair back. She’d worn it down in slight waves around her lovely face, one side tucked behind an ear. Shiny, dangling earrings hung from her ears. Bryce smiled… She’d also worn the blue evening dress instead of the yellow – He knew already what she was thinking about him – She’d approved his choice, maybe mellowing a bit about him… A sentimental wave washed over him… What had he been doing these past years that he couldn’t have picked up a phone… Before he started to wallow in regret, he put a few bills on the counter, pushed off his bar stool and walked over to meet her.

  “Beth,” he said while taking ahold her hand. “You look lovely.”

  “…Bryce,” she said while removing her hand. “Don’t get too…anything… I’m only here because you sounded desperate on the phone.” She turned away from him. “And why I should care is beyond me…”

  “And blue?” He grinned at her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t even go there…”

  Bryce kept smiling…So Beth…

  Before he could respond, the maître ‘d approached to show them to their table. It was situated in a corner of the restaurant with tropical plants around three sides of the table. Sitting down, a waiter came up to place a linen napkin on Beth’s lap. He did the same for Bryce, handed them menus and took their drink orders. Then he departed.

  Beth looked around. “Pretty private back here. Was this on purpose?”

  Bryce put down his menu and nodded at her.

  They just looked at each other for a long minute. He looks so handsome wearing that great dark blue suit, white shirt and bright red tie. But then he could always look good in whatever he was wearing… When she caught a whiff of his aftershave, the same as he had always worn, Beth sat up straighter and cleared her throat.

  “Why did you want to see me, Bryce?”

  “I know I can’t change anything that’s happened, Beth, but…”

  She shook her head. “I told you – No sappy apologies.”

  “…But you deserve one. A good one, that is, not a sappy one… I’m sorry, Beth for leaving… I should have talked to you more… Told you what was going on with me.”

  “And you can talk to me now?” He nodded.

  He brought her up-to-date with Sheriff Ibarra’s visit and what he’d read in his father’s logbook. Explaining how it had all affected him, she smiled slightly.

  “You’re just now trying to come to terms with your father’s death?”

  “…It looks that way.”

  The waiter arrived with their drinks and wanted to explain the specials.

  “Have you had time to look at the menu?”

  “No,” said Bryce. “Please give us a few more minutes.” And the waiter left.

  He picked up his menu again and hid behind it, while talking to her. He mumbled something with only the top of his head showing. It made her laugh…

  “…Silly… What are you doing? And speak up…”

  Bryce put down the menu to show her the big smile on his face. “Yes, ma’am. What looks good this evening?”

  They spoke casually and generally throughout the elegant dinner. With candles, linen tablecloth and fine wine, Beth’s mood progressively brightened. By the time she was spooning her lemon gelato, she was in a better mood.

  “This actually hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be.”

  “Thanks a lot,” laughed Bryce. “You’re cutting me to the quick here.”

  Beth laughed back at him. “And now that we’ve broken the ice, tell me why I’m really here. Instead of your girlfriend, I might add.”

  Bryce ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. He looked her in the eye.

  “I realize it was shitty of me to leave like I did… And I really wanted to see you.” She gulped. “It was difficult for you when I left, I know, because it was incredibly difficult for me too.”

  Tears came to her eyes, but he needed to continue.

  “You know, Beth, my life has just kind of rolled along for a long time now. Then, in the space of a few days, a buyout soured that I did recently, you came to town and so did Dan Ibarra. I’ve literally been knocked out of my comfort zone.”

  “… And Sylvia?”

  “I think we’re running out of gas. If I change one tiny bit, she’s going to head for the hills.”

  “Change how?”

  “I’m starting to regret my hard-charging persona. It’s going to affect everything in my life, including my wallet. Sylvia appreciates a fat wallet.”

  “You look prosperous enough…”

  “Yeah, I’ve put a lot aside, but if my career dims, she’ll take off.”

  She cocked her head at him.

  “You sound all right with that.”

  He thought about that for a minute. “Yeah, I think I am. What I’m heading into isn’t going to be for the faint of heart.” He smoothed the napkin in his lap. “She’ll do all right – She’s a pretty girl.”

  Beth stifled a yawn and then looked embarrassed. “No, I’m not bored. I need to get some rest – It’s been a good tour, but it’s tiring.”

  “How long will you be in town, Beth?”


  “I’d like to see you again.” He looked deeply into her eyes for her reaction.

  She shook her head. “This has been fine, Bryce, but maybe we should just let it go. We can’t go back…”

  “No, but we can go forward.”

  “…Into what?”

  “I’m not sure, but can we leave it open? See what happens?”

  She looked at him, really looked at him and shrugged her shoulders.

  “I just know I’m going to regret this…”

  He started to smile. “…Yes?”

  “Okay. You can call me. No food…Just discussion. How’s that?” She dug a business card out of her purse to hand him. “This is my cell numbe

  He laughed. “It’s a start. Thanks, Beth. I’ll behave, I promise.” He tucked her card into an inside jacket pocket.

  Bryce signaled the waiter for the check, paid and they left the restaurant. He walked Beth to the elevator and punched the call button for her.

  “Thank you for meeting me. I appreciate it more than I can say.”

  She smiled at him. “I still don’t see why the reunion was necessary, but apparently you think so. I guess it’s okay with me then.”

  The elevator opened. He touched her arm.

  “Good night, Beth.”

  She looked up at him for a moment and thought she saw the old Bryce Barron peeking through. Dark hair… dark soulful eyes… It took her breath away… Then she swallowed.

  “Good night, Bryce.”

  She got on the elevator and touched the button for her floor. Bryce stood there gazing at her, while she stared back at him. When the doors closed, both exhaled big breaths and smiled.

  “That went well,” they said at the same time. It was a step out of both their comfort zones and possibly a step well taken…

  * * *


  The next morning Beth woke up and stretched. Wow… This bed is comfortable… She felt pretty good and wondered briefly at her sunny disposition. The sun was shining through her partially closed window and birds outside were chirping. She could smell a faint aroma of lavender from somewhere. It was a pleasant way to start the day… Then she remembered her dinner with Bryce last night and frowned immediately. What am I doing with that guy? I’ve been burned once already – Why go back to get burned again?

  Beth got up and went in to take a shower. She decided she’d call William to go for breakfast with her. Could she resurrect any romantic inkling about him to block a possible onslaught of feeling she might have coming her way about Bryce?

  Letting the warm water flow over her, Beth turned around in the shower as her mind turned around unwanted thoughts. She put shampoo in her hair and started briskly washing it, while a picture of William flashed in her head. He’s safe…He won’t hurt me. Rinsing her hair, Bryce’s picture pushed William’s out. I’m in danger with him… And he’s hurt me once already.

  She soaped up everywhere and then rinsed off unseeing. She blinked several times getting the streaming water out of her eyes, until she realized it wasn’t shower water… Damn it! I’m crying? Beth angrily shut off the water and grabbed a fluffy towel, before stepping out of the shower. She quickly wiped off the excess moisture and slipped on a robe. After toweling her hair quickly and making a cup of coffee, she looked for William’s phone number in the contacts of her cell phone. When she started crying again, she looked up Eva’s number instead.

  * * *

  At work that morning, Bryce was deep in meetings about a new financial deal that his company wanted to do. It was the same sort of buyout that he’d just completed in Mesquite. – A successful business with too much cash on its balance sheets and in danger of takeover. He sat at the long conference table at one end with his boss, Nick, seated at the other. Nick was speaking excitedly gesturing with his hands.

  “How about a leveraged buyout this time, Bryce? If we offer a specific amount for the company, they’ll have to go into debt to counter us.”

  “Right… To pay back the debt, they will need to borrow the money. They won’t want to use all their cash.”

  “And,” Nick continued, “The debt ratio for the financing can go as high as eighty percent. We’ll probably only need to raise about twenty percent of the purchase price.”

  Nick smiled… It sounded like a good deal. Bryce frowned… It sounded like a bad deal – for that company.

  “Why did you want to acquire this company, Nick?” He glanced at the prospectus in front of him. “What is it again? Acme Manufacturing in Gardnerville?” Gardnerville, a town sixteen miles south of Carson City… Jesus, not again…

  “I caught a rumor that a major car company wants to manufacture their parts there. They want to tear it down and building a bigger facility. If we acquire, then the car company has to buy it from us.” Nick smiled broadly and practically licked his lips. “We’ll make a killing…”

  “…Sure. No business tax in Nevada.”

  “That’s right. So, you’ll start work on it immediately?”

  “Yes, sir,” Bryce said as he picked up all the paperwork in front of him and grabbed his briefcase. He headed for his office and shut the door softly behind him. When he slumped down in his chair, all the air seemed to whoosh out of his lungs. Bryce couldn’t seem to catch his breath.

  What was the matter with him? Hadn’t he done this type of deal eagerly for the past five or six years? He had, indeed, but now that his conscience had reasserted itself, the deal didn’t seem as palatable as it once might have. He knew that the company to be acquired definitely wouldn’t want them coming in and taking over. Bryce had been down this battle-scarred road before. He sat there thinking… Suddenly, he brightened and checked his jacket pocket for her business card. He’d talk to Beth – See what she had to say. Maybe she could talk him through this one.

  With his finger punching in the digits on his cell phone, Bryce sat back surprised. Why would he need to talk it over with Beth? Surely, she’d hate it. Maybe that’s what he was looking for – Permission from a decent person to become something else… someone else... It had been so long since he’d done the right thing, he wasn’t sure how it was done anymore. Beth would know…

  His call went to voicemail and Bryce left her a message.

  I just want to talk, if you have a minute. Please call me back, Beth…

  Would she call? He gave a short laugh… Not likely. She was probably thrilled to have been rid of him the first time. A second go-round was not likely to be high on her list of fun things to do. Bryce realized he was a bad risk, especially for Beth.

  Taking her card in his hands, he poised to tear it into two pieces. He should leave her alone…She had a good life as a musician and probably didn’t want to deal with his baggage again. Be all that as it may, Bryce couldn’t rip up the card. It was his only current link to… sanity? Redemption? … Whatever was happening to him, the card was the life preserver he knew he’d need. He tucked it back into his jacket pocket.

  * * *

  Eva had spent part of the morning talking Beth off a proverbial ledge. Beth had called her crying about something and it had taken two more cups of coffee to get the story out of her.

  “… But I thought you said he wouldn’t call…”

  “Well… I…I guess I was wrong,” Beth blubbered.

  “You were all right yesterday and it sounded like dinner went well.”

  Beth picked another tissue out of the box. “…Um…” She blew her nose.

  “Didn’t it? Or did he say something to upset you?”

  “He didn’t say anything to upset me.”

  “…Then what did he do?”

  A big pause while Beth pulled another tissue from the box. She dabbed her eyes this time.

  “He still exists… the Bryce Barron I knew still exists.”

  Eva got her a glass of water.

  “Here drink this.”

  Beth took a sip and tried to swallow.

  “Of course, he exists, Beth.”

  “No.” Beth turned to look at her. “What I said earlier to you was that the Bryce I knew was gone.”


  “He’s not gone. He’s just encased in a fabulously expensive designer suit and encrusted with layers and years of tough business deals.” She hiccupped. “I saw him…”

  “Who? Who did you see?”

  “… The real Bryce… He walked me to the elevator.”

  Eva was confused. “So…”

  “He said goodnight to me and I saw him – Bryce from long ago peeked out at me from inside his cocoon. I’d fought looking at him all through dinner, but he finally found me by the elevator.”

  Eva pushed some
hair back from Beth’s eyes.

  “Here, sweetie. Take another drink of water.” She sat there watching Beth be miserable. “What are you going to do?”

  Beth calmed and set her glass down on the table.

  “… I’m not going to see or speak to him again. I just can’t…Eva, I’m going to fall right off the edge if I see him again.”

  “And that would be a bad thing?”

  Beth looked at Eva like she’d lost her mind.

  “Yesssss… Been there, done that.”

  “Do you want me to barricade the door? Pull up the drawbridge? Fill up the moat?” Eva slowly smiled at Beth who began a slow smile back at her. Soon they were grinning at each other…

  “I do sound ridiculous, don’t I?”

  Eva nodded her head, took the tissue and blotted Beth’s tears.

  “Would it really be the worst thing to happen if you fell for each other again?”

  “…Maybe… It depends on what’s falling apart in his life right now.”

  “I don’t know, Beth. He’s definitely not a Jack the Ripper type. Maybe you could take it slow and just see what happens.”

  Beth brightened. “And we’re not going to be in Las Vegas forever.”

  “Nope. Maybe you’ll escape with your heart intact after all.”

  “…Maybe…” Beth frowned and stood up. “Let’s go to Serendipity and have some ice cream.”


  “…Oh, you know. That cool restaurant at Caesar’s Palace with the great desserts…”

  “…Gotcha. Let’s stoke up on the calories for the performance tonight. We need our strength to play.”

  Beth laughed and began to get dressed.

  * * *


  Bryce called her a few more times during the next week – At least six or seven times. She wasn’t returning his calls, but he couldn’t let it go. He’d seen that spark in her eyes when she thought he wasn’t looking… He really wanted to talk to her… He really needed to talk to her… At long last…


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