Bridge Worlds: Soterion

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Bridge Worlds: Soterion Page 19

by Randy Blackwell

Impossible Three weeks to prepare new material Two weeks to prepare new material One week to prepare new material Five days to prepare new material Two days to prepare new material One hour to prepare new material

  Target Number Category Difficulty Example

  9 Easy One successful strike

  15 Average Two successful strikes

  21 Difficult Three successful strikes

  27 Hard Four successful strikes

  36 Heroic Five successful strikes

  48 Impossible Six successful strikes

  Commoner Profession

  Related Attribute: Knowledge

  Requirements: Specific crafting kit required available to character of Commoner background only

  Unlike Craftsmen who provide goods, those with a profession provide services. Why a profession? The first reason is that it is a paying job right at character creation. The character receives pay once every thirty days while staying in his city of residence and “setting up shop”. Second, a profession is usually tied to a series of skills. The character receives the profession as a skill. Also, those skills listed as primary are at the skill level of the character’s profession skill. Secondary skills are half of the character’s profession skill.

  Example: a cook has the cooking skill at the level of the profession. The character also gets Baking at the profession skill and Haggle as a secondary skill. Profession Skill Level Average Pay per Month

  1-5 30 Drachma/month

  6-10 40 Drachma/month

  11-15 50 Drachma/month

  16-20 60 Drachma/month

  21-25 70 Drachma/month

  26+ 80 Drachma/month Community Standing Amateur reputation Novice reputation

  Competent reputation Experienced reputation Quality reputation

  Highly respected

  Auctioneer – An auctioneer’s job is to watch the crowd as he receives bids during a public sell. Not only does an auctioneer need to watch the crowd, but also he needs to stoke the crowd when bidding slows down. The object is to receive the most for the object auctioned as possible. As a profession skill, the character knows how to work the auction crowd. Auctioneering works much like Haggling. Instead of a one-on-one haggle, it is a group haggle. As it relates to common, everyday practice, the Auctioneer receives a primary skill of Haggle at the skill level of the Auctioneer profession and the secondary skill of Appraise at half the Auctioneer level.

  Barber – This is the profession of cutting and styling hair, shaving, or other skills that deal with grooming. The primary tool is a straight-edge razor. Not many people want someone they do not know holding a knife that close to their throat. As a result, good barbers people can trust are in high demand. The profession skill is used for grooming individuals. The barber also gets the Gather Information skill at the profession skill level and the Memory Recall skill at half of the barber profession level.

  Chimney sweep – A Chimney sweep’s relative importance in a community depends on the climate. With a set of tools, the sweep cleans obstructions or fire hazards from chimney flumes. The sweep also gets the Climb skill at the profession skill level and the Balance skill at half of the Barber profession level.

  Cook – It seems self evident, but the cook prepares food. The higher the skill of the cook, the higher quality or elegance the meal has. The cook can also bake at the profession skill. He receives the Memory Recall skill at the profession skill level and the Haggle skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Courier – The courier delivers messages, letters, or packages from one party to another. There is a high level of trust with couriers. Some message are meant to be private. Good couriers ensure that the message is delivered unopened. He receives the Running skill at the profession skill level and Memory Recall at half of the profession skill level. Farmer–Farmers tend to be the foundation of any economy. They provide livestock for the butcher, grain for the miller, and all things produced from the ground. The primary focus is agriculture. The farmer may use his profession skill in planting, growing, and reaping crops. He receives the Animal Handling skill at the profession skill level and the Search skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Fisherman–As the name implies, this character goes out and finds fish for a living. The fisherman may use his profession level to determine the best places to catch fish. He receives the Fishing skill at the profession skill level and Swim at half of the profession skill level. Groomsman–A groomsman does more than take care of the animal (usually a horse); he knows how to care for the animal so it has a perfect coat, proper hooves, and everything to make the animal acceptable to the owner. Many owners take pride in how their animal looks, so a good groomsman is necessary. He receives the Animal Handling skill at the profession skill level and the Ride skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Herdsman–Herdsmen work well with farmers. They are the shepherds, watchers of the herd. Herdsmen know how to find good pasture, feed, and the best watering spots to care for their animals. He receives the Spot skill at the profession skill level and Animal Handling at half of the profession skill level.

  House Servant–A house servant cares for the dwelling place. There are many tasks within the home, including cleaning, dusting, laundry, lawn care, and other services the master of the home desires. The profession skill level determines how well the servant performs these tasks. He receives the Memory Recall skill at the profession skill level and the Bluff skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Laborer–What a farmer isn’t to a community, the laborer is. The laborer does whatever physical labor there is to do, from moving dirt from one location to another, unloading cargo from a merchant wagon, acting as a fireman in case of emergency, and working in the mines. Unfortunately for the laborer, there isn’t much skill needed in brute strength work. In addition to steady pay, the laborer receives a +2 to physical strength and +2 to health. Lawyer–Law has been around since the beginning of time. As soon as a law was enacted, someone had to know what the law meant. A lawyer is versed in prosecuting or defending individuals who have violated a written law (one passed by the ruling authority) or common laws (basic right and wrong along with cases of equity). The lawyer uses his profession skill in the knowledge of laws, legal procedure, and the best actions for his clients. He/she also receives the Sense Motive skill at the profession skill level and the Bluff skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Miller–Millers purchase grain from farmers, grind the grain, and resell it at their shops. The profession skill level determines the quality of flour the miller produces. He also receives the Haggle skill at the profession skill level and the Sense Motive skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Nurse–The nurse does more than aid the sick. Nurses are hired as midwives, caretakers, guardians, or other responsibilities where physical care of another is needed. The profession skill level denotes how effective the nurse is. The nurse also receives the First Aid skill at the profession skill level and the Sense Motive skill at half of the profession skill level. Teamster–Teamsters know everything about operating carriages, wagons, or anything else an animal can be strapped onto to pull, push, drag, and otherwise manipulate an object. He also receives the Animal Handling skill at the profession skill level and the Memory Recall skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Aristocrat Profession

  Related Attribute: Knowledge

  Requirements: Specific crafting kit required; available only to characters with Aristocrat background.

  Unlike Craftsmen who provide goods, those with a profession provide services. Why a profession? The first reason is that it is a paying job right at character creation. The character receives pay once every thirty days while staying in his city of residence and setting up shop. Second, a profession is usually tied to a series of skills. The character receives the profession as a skill. Also, those skills listed as primary are at the skill level of the character’s profession skill. Secondary skills are half of the character’s professio
n skill.

  Profession Skill Level Average Pay per Month

  1-5 90 Drachma/month

  6-10 100 Drachma/month

  11-15 110 Drachma/month

  16-20 120 Drachma/month

  21-25 130 Drachma/month

  26+ 140 Drachma/month Chancellor–Chancellors are assistants to a noble or royal. Their duties include acting as an agent or representative of the noble or royal, ensuring day-to-day functions are completed, and performing as watchmen of their area. Depending on the function of the noble or royal, it isn’t uncommon to have multiple Chancellors who report to a Prime Chancellor. While the main skill is how well the character performs these duties, he also receives the Memory Recall skill at the profession skill level and the Gather Information skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Constable–Constables are agents of the Sheriff for enforcing laws and keeping the peace. While the main skill for a constable is knowledge of laws and codes, he also receives the Gather Information skill at the profession skill level and the Spot skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Diplomat–Diplomats are negotiators/agents of the ruling authority to other nations or governments. While the main skill for a Diplomat is court manners and procedure, he also receives the Bluff skill at the profession skill level and the Intimidate skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Herald–A herald makes official proclamations or announcements on behalf of the noble or royal either to other royals and nobles or to the public in general. In modern terms the herald is the press secretary. One main task of a herald is to identify crests or other insignias representing other nobles or royalty. He also receives the Memory Recall skill at the profession skill level and the Spot skill at half of the profession skill level. Judge–Judges decide matters between individual people or determine guilt for criminals. There can be many judges within an area, each having his own field of interest. While judges Community Standing Amateur reputation Novice reputation

  Competent reputation Experienced reputation Quality reputation

  Highly respected.

  concern themselves with matters of law, they also receive the Sense Motive at the profession skill level and the Gather Information skill at half of the profession skill level. Knight–A knight is an officer in the noble or royal military. Usually a commander over one hundred warriors, knights represent the military arm of the nobility. In cultures where nobility plays less of a role in military matters, knights are placed in cavalry regiments. They still command respect and authority in military matters, representing the best of the best, but they have a devastating affect when attacking as a group. A knight’s profession responsibility is to lead men in combat; he also receives the Ride skill at the profession level and Animal Handling at half of the profession skill level. (Note that actual combat skills, such as weapon proficiency, are purchased separately from the profession. The profession focuses on tactics as a position rather than pure combat.)

  Nobleman–What do noblemen do exactly? In the purest sense, they rule their area. The profession skill deals mainly with administration. Good noblemen know how to manage their assets effectively while poor noblemen mismanage their affairs. They receive the Bluff skill at the profession level and the Intimidate skill at half the profession level.

  Sheriff–The Sheriff is the head law enforcement agent for the noble, royal, or community. While the main skill for a constable is knowledge of laws and codes, he also receives the Gather Information skill at the profession skill level and the Spot skill at half of the profession skill level.

  Tax Collector–Tax collectors are the official agent for the ruling authority for tax collection. In addition to keeping a roll of who has paid taxes and requesting the Sheriff to pay visits to those who have not paid, they also count the money, appraise land values, and collect other such revenue by order of the ruling authority. While the primary purpose of the profession is to know who has or has not paid their taxes, the tax collector receives the Appraisal skill at the profession level and Gather Information skill at half the profession skill level.

  Read Lips

  Related Attribute: Cognizance

  Requirements: None

  This skill allows a character to make out words by watching how the target speaks. The main requirement for Read Lips is that the character must be versed in the language of the target. The ability to read lips is dependent on the target’s pronunciation.

  Target Number Category Difficulty Example

  9 Easy Target speaking normally; no facial deformities

  15 Average Target speaking out of the side of his mouth; Nominal facial deformities

  21 Difficult Target slurs speech; minor facial deformities

  27 Hard Target slurs speech with a stutter; major facial Deformities

  36 Heroic Target mumbling words; severe facial deformities (i.e. extensive damge to face, paralysis due to stroke)

  48 Impossible Target making great efforts to speak without moving lips (i.e. ventriloquist)

  Example: Alcove is at a dinner party when he sees a member of the merchant’s guild. Alcove moves into a better position to watch the merchant. The merchant does not have any facial deformities or distorted speech patterns and is not making any effort to disguise his speaking. Alcove is proficient with the merchant’s language and has a Read Lips skill of 10. Since the target is speaking normally and has no facial deformities, the target number is 9. The sum total Alcove will need to successfully read lips is 1, the lowest target number possible.


  Related Attribute: Agility

  Requirements: An animal to ride

  Whether it be horse, cow, goat, or any other animal, this is the character’s skill in riding that animal. The character will need to specify which animal he/she is learning to ride. A character can know how to ride multiple animals, however each animal is a separate skill.

  Saddle or bareback. All properly harnessed animals have three components, a blanket, the saddle, and a bit and bridle. The blanket provides protection between the saddle and the animal in a way that a sock protects the foot from the shoe. The bit and bridle is a two piece halter that fits over the animals head. The bit, usually a metal rod, is fastened in the animal’s mouth behind the last set of teeth and locked into place by the halter. This is how the rider controls the direction the animal faces.

  Target Number Category Difficulty Example

  9 Easy Walking animal with saddle and harness

  15 Average Jogging animal with saddle and harness

  21 Difficult Running animal with saddle and harness; Walking animal without a saddle and harness

  27 Hard Animal performing a running jump with saddle and Harness; Jogging animal without a saddle and harness

  36 Heroic Saddled and harnessed animal interacting on landscape with multiple objects to maneuver around (running through a field of combat); Animal running without a saddle and harness.

  48 Impossible Animal performing a running jump without saddle and Harness.

  Example: Leevant is leading his men into combat. During the fight, Leevant receives an order to get to the right flank immediately. He spurs his horse to a full gallop, dodging enemy attacks and friendly bodies. With the chaos of battle, Leevant’s target number to successfully ride through the field is 36. His ride skill is 20, making the sum total needed of 16.

  Running - Distance

  Related Attribute: none, Passive skill


  With the Running: Distance skill, the character trains to increase his running distance. Characters with this skill may add 5 rounds they can jog per point of skill and 1 round they can run for every two points skill.

  Running - Speed

  Related Attribute: none, passive skill


  With the Running: Speed skill, the character trains to run faster. Characters with this skill can jog 2 more feet per round for every point spent in Running: Speed and can sprint 4 more feet per round for
every point spent.

  Example: Alcove, Regis, and Leevant have entered into a race. For simplicity, all are six feet tall and have a health of 15. Each has a base walking speed of 24 (6*4) feet per round (8 seconds) for 4 hours, jogging speed of 72 (6*12) feet per round for 75 (15*5) rounds (10 minutes), and sprinting speed of 240 (6*40) feet per round for 4 (15/4 round up) rounds (32 seconds).

  Alcove does not have the running skill in either capacity. His maximum movement is described above. Leevant, however, has the Running: Distance skill at level 20. While his walking speed and distance is unaffected, the distance he can jog and sprint is higher. He can jog 100 (20*5) more rounds for a total of 175 and can sprint 10 (20/2) more rounds for a total of 14. Regis, on the other hand, has spent 10 points in both Running: Distance and Running: Speed. While his walking speed and distance is unaffected, he can jog and sprint further and faster than Alcove. He can jog 50 more rounds for a total of 125 rounds at a speed of 92 (72+50) feet per round. He can also sprint 5 more rounds for a total of 9 at a speed of 280 (240+40) feet per second. While Regis can get there more quickly, Leevant can run the distance. Alcove quit 12 round ago and went to the tavern for a steak-and-egg dinner.


  Related Attribute: Knowledge

  Requirements: None

  Science does exist within Soterion. It is, however, a secret closely guarded by the Magi. This does not mean that only Magi can do simple math. Everyone is capable of doing basic math (adding, subtraction). Everyone knows that gravity exists, but only a Magi can tell you the rate an orange accelerates per second if dropped at a height of 70 feet and the time it takes for the orange to obtain terminal velocity. A character must choose each science to spend points in. The areas of science are listed below for skill purposes. Please see Sleight of Science for greater detail. Sciences include:




  Chemistry: (requires Mathematics level 5, Biology level 5) Anatomy (requires Biology level 5)

  Botany (requires Biology level 5)

  Ecology (requires Biology level 5, Geography level 5)


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