It is always recommended that the Narrator prepare the story in detail. Non-player characters (NPC) should be developed to functional completeness. This includes attributes, skills, levels, and the like.
Sometimes, however, players can turn a story in a direction the Narrator did not anticipate. Let’s say that the players, for some reason, decide to take a left turn down a dark street, the exact direction the Narrator knew the players would not go. The Narrator has two choices: let the players play or try to get them back on track. Sometimes, the most memorable gaming experiences happen “spur of the moment”. This is part of the theater of the mind and leads to random adventures. To facilitate random adventures, some general guidelines are recommended (though by no means have to be followed):
Non-player characters generally have (as adjusted according to race and situation) the following characteristics:
Easy NPCs generally have skills no higher than 5, 20 health points, 8 core health points, weapons that provide a damage rating of 6, armor rating and damage reduction of 1 (cloth armor);
Average NPCs generally have skills no higher than 9, 30 health points, 10 core health points, weapons that provide a damage rating of 8, armor rating and damage reduction of 3 (leather armor);
Difficult NPC’s generally have skills no higher than 13, 40 health points, 12 core health points, weapons that provide a damage rating of 10, armor rating and damage reduction of 4 (hardened leather armor);
Hard NPC’s generally have skills no higher than 17, 50 health points, 14 core health points, weapons that provide a damage rating of 12, armor rating and damage reduction of 5 (studded leather armor);
Heroic NPC’s generally have skills no higher than 21, 60 health points, 16 core health points, weapons that provide a damage rating of 14, armor rating and damage reduction of 7 (chain mail armor);
Impossible NPC’s generally have skills no higher than 25, 70 health points, 18 core health points, weapons that provide a damage rating 16, armor rating and damage reduction of 10 (plate armor).
Non-player characters generally have normal equipment that provide no penalties or benefits. Weapons may be adjusted to meet the above referenced damage values (a short sword for an impossible NPC, which is base 5, is crafted to provide an additional 11 points of damage).
These guidelines may not be necessary the more familiar the Narrator is with the game. Other than NPCs, the players may encounter specific creatures. Below is a brief example and statistics of creatures NPCs would likely face.
Evil Races
Drakoni come in many different styles and capabilities (much like normal players). The pictured Drakoni is a Drakoni lord (type heroic). Some Drakoni use their claws and bite to attack, others use a mixture of weapons and attacks. Drakoni who use weapons generally use one handed blades with a damage value of 11. They are generally poorly equipped and focus on quantity rather than quality.
• The Grunt: The most common Drakoni at the Dragon’s disposal. These are the initial shock troops that focus on swarming their opponents. Casualties are irrelevant. Grunts seldom use weapons, preferring to rend into flesh manually. They have a base attack skill of 5 for each claw (DV 3) (right and left) and bit (DV 5). These attacks occur simultaneously on their attack initiative. Their hide provides them an armor rating of 3. They have a walking speed of 32 feet per round, jogging speed of 92 feet per round, and a running speed of 320 feet per round. Typical grunts do not have wings. Their uses are limited to fighting. They are not trained in non-combat skills. They fight and act as manual labor.
Typical Drakoni Grunt:
o Size: 5 to 8 feet tall
o Attacks: 3 per round (claw DV3, claw DV3, bite DV5), Attack skill 5 o AR 3
o 3d8 hit points (8 core points)
o Average attribute rating of 12, no modifiers for actions
• The Minion: The next level of Drakoni. Minions are trained in basic skills available to Aristocrat and Commoner subclass (level 1-4) at a level no higher than 7. Their stats are identical to the Grunt except that their attack skill is only 2.
o Size 5 to 8 feet tall
o Attack: 3 per round (claw DV3, claw DV3, bite DV5), Attack Skill 2 o AR 3
o 3d8 hit points (8 core points)
Average attribute rating of 12 except for manual dexterity and learning at 15 (+1 modifier)
Four skills within subclass Aristocrat and Commoner subclass (level 1-4) at skill level 7. • The Enforcer: Enforcers provide a solid attack force. Enforcer’s are usually placed in command for every 10 grunts. They are of equivalent size to a grunt, but they pack more of a punch. Their natural attacks (claw and bite) are at a skill level of 8 with a damage bonus from strength of +3. They have an armor rating of 5 due to their hide and the defense skill at level 3 for a total defense of 8.
o Size 7 to 11 feet tall
o Attack: 3 per round (claw DV4+3, claw DV4+3, bite DV7+3), Attack skill 8 o Defense of 8 (AR5, defense skill 3)
o 7d8+12 hit points (12 core points)
o No penalties from attribute ratings
o Five skills from Ranger Class at level 7
• Drakoni Lord: These are the most versatile Drakoni around and the most unique. These represent the upper level of command for the Dragon. As such for game play, they are created as a character. Their attributes are determined as per character creation as a large creature. They receive a +4 for Physical Strength and a +4 health. Drakoni lords can be of any guild except Magi. Because of the importance of Drakoni lords, the Narrator should not use one without creating the lord as a character with a beginning level no less than 10.
Kalat have statistics like any player class. They receive a racial bonus of +10 physical strength, +4 health, and -4 physical beauty. Opposite of the Miyka, Kalat radiate a darkness up to fifteen feet around them. This effect is diminished to wisps of shadows in day light.) Kalat find it painful to be within direct sun light. They receive 1 point of damage for every hour in sunlight.
The Kalat society lives in relative darkness, so they receive no penalties while fighting in darkness. Their social structure is based on houses or families. There is very little honor within Kalat society. In fact, their entire society is based on right of might, where law is determined by who can impress who the most or who has the strongest force. Loyalty exists only so far as what one can get out of the alliance. Little is known of the exact layout of the Kalat home.
These tiny creatures worship at the alter of death and chaos. Though they are small, they are still formidable foes. They are very spiteful, angry creatures who seem to have no real goal except to promote anarchy and chaos. They have the same statistics and abilities as Nepsah; however, they cannot fly since their wings have been removed.
Special Races
The Hybrid
224 The Hybrid are a secret race of Soterion. They are an extremely tribal race that live on the northeastern side of the Emerald Forest. These creatures have fought the evil within the forest for centuries. They are very aware of the other races of Soterion but past attempts to contact them have ended badly.
The Hybrid were once talking animals that lived within the Emerald Forest. They were taken by the Beast (the evil that dwells within the forest.) Their bodies were mutated to the point that each Hybrid had a humanoid form with the features of three different animals. They were used as weapons of the Beast in the Zophos Wars (see history of Emerailda). Out of all the animals that the Beast mutated, several hundred refused to do his bidding. These he imprisoned. Under a Hybrid leader they managed to escape the prison. To this day they war against the Beast and his evil Hybrid minions.
Hybrid get three advantages, to be chosen or approved by the Narrator. Keep the advantages tied into the three animals that the player chooses. The above picture is of a Doberman/porcupine/bird Hybrid. His abilities would be flight, tracking, and shooting quills. The Narrator may choose to give a character plusses to
attributes instead of extra abilities. For example a part bear Hybrid might get a plus to Physical Strength. Hybrid are complex to create and complicated to play. That is why it is a special race. Only an experienced or extremely interested player should play a Hybrid.
The downside of playing a Hybrid is that the race is illiterate. If a player wants his character to become literate, he must role-play learning to read and write over the course of at least one game year (a year has passed in the gaming world). After that point the character can read small words slowly. After four game years (role-played) the character may be able to read at a normal level.
Subsurface Drakoni
Skills: Defense 5, Intuit Direction 12, Listen 4, Sneak 3, Spot 7, Survival 7 Attributes: PS 15 (+1), AG 18 (+2), MaDx 20 (+3), H 22 (+4), KNG 11 (+0), LNG 22 (+4), CG 15 (+1), PL 15 (+1) , PB 11 (+0)
Armor rating (AR): Underbelly-2
Size: Medium
Health Pool: 45 (15 core points)
Initiative: +2 below ground, -2 above ground
Speed: 12ft walk/36 ft jog/120 ft sprint above ground: 48 ft walk/144 ft jog/480 ft sprint Attacks per round: 1
Attacks: Bite (DV 15+1); or Claw (DV 20+3); or Submerge (see below) Attack Skill: 10
Special: Charm, corrupt, Impenetrable back armor
The Subsurface Drakoni were used to bring about the fall of the Raphad Kingdom of
Drakonge. They have an ability to charm a creature they have not attacked or those creatures who have not seen them attack something or someone else The creature must make a Cognizance attribute check at a difficulty of 35. Upon failing the attribute check, the creature will be enthralled with the Drakoni insomuch as a child would be with a pet.
They have redscaled, emerald green eyes. Their snout is
pointed, lined with razor sharp horns for digging underground. Using a tail that ends in a clawed hand with an opposable thumb,they may make a standard attack. In
the event that attack
succeeds by 10 points, the Subsurfacer may “grab” the victims and pull them underground. The victim will take 1 point loss to the Health attribute for every
round he is buried (see drowning).
Only the most seasoned of warriors know how to defeat these Drakoni. Even to damage a Subsurfacer, one must have a clear shot at the creature’s underbelly (standard attack if the
attacker has a clear shot at the creature’s underbelly; otherwise it is considered a called shot). In addition to charming a target, the Subsurfacer may also corrupt a creature’s mind.
This corruption causes the victim to act out the secret evil desires of his own heart. This
effect lasts for up to 24 hours (Cognizance attribute check at a difficulty of 30 to resist
corruption ability).
The charm and corruption ability is a conscious ability of the Subsurfacer and takes
an action to perform.
Aqua Drakoni
Size: Large to Gigantic
Health Pool: 298
Initiative: -1
Speed: On land- 60 ft walk,
unable to jog or run on land. In Water – 140 ft walk, 420 ft jog, 1,400 ft run
Attacks: The Aqua Drakoni
has several choices in attacks.
Ultimately, the Aqua Drakoni
can make 4 attacks a round.
Those attacks include tentacle
strike (DV 35+21) (Drakoni
has up to 8 tentacles), Bite (DV
45+21). If the tentacle attack
succeeds by 10 points or more,
then the target is grabbed by the
tentacle. The grabbed creature
receives 21 points of damage a
round until freed. The crushing
damage does not count for the
Drakoni’s attacks. Thus, over
a course of 2 rounds, assuming
that each attack succeeded by 10 points or more, 8 creatures could be grabbed and receiving 21 points of damage a round.
Attack Skill: 20
Armor Rating (AR): 15
Skills: Defense 3, Intuit Direction 5, Hide 9, Listen 1, Spot 3, Survival 3 Attributes: PS 56 (+21), AG 8 (-1), MaDx 3 (-3), H 50 (+18), KNG 11 (+0), LNG 18 (+2), CG 3 (-3), PL 3 (-3) , PB 11 (+0)
Aqua Drakoni were once only found in the seas of Soterion, but recently several have turned up in the fresh water areas around Philos and even Caelsis. Their size ranges from that of an elephant to as large as a blue whale. Known to sink ships within minutes, they have blue skin, a head crowned with fins, and a huge gaping mouth. Using their octopuslike tentacles to wrap around boats and and sink them, they then feast on the passengers.
Size:small to large
Health Pool: 144 (50 core
Initiative: +3
Speed: 48 ft walk, 144 ft
jog, 480 ft run Attacks: Claw (DV
10+21), Bite (DV 7+21)
Special attack: Capture
Attack Skill: 13 Special: shadow invisibility
Skills: Defense 3, Intuit Direction 5, Hide 9,
Listen 1, Spot 3, Survival 3
Attributes: PS 56 (+21), AG 8 (-1), MaDx 3 (-3), H 50 (+18), KNG 11 (+0), LNG 18 (+2), CG 3 (-3), PL 3 (-3) , PB 11 (+0)
Shades are known to live in forests and valleys between mountains. Hundreds have appeared in the Valley of the Shadow (a valley between Marasimlah and Suchikos). These creatures are made of shadow and mist. They can hide virtually undetected anywhere there are shadows. They have razor sharp teeth and claws, and their eyes are red with an eerie glow to them. Shades can only be damaged with fire.
Due to their nature, they are invisible in darkness or in shadows. Their special attack can be extremely dangerous. If the creature is successfully struck by 10 or more points, then the creature must make a Physical Strength attribute check at a difficulty of 30. Failing the check means that the creature is incapacitated. An incapacitated creature is then taken into the Valley of the Shadow and held as prisoner. Since no one taken prisoner has ever returned, they are always presumed dead.
Size: Large
Health Pool: 276 (50 core points)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 140 ft walk, 420 ft jog, 1,400 ft run
Armor Rating: 10
Attacks per round: 6 (3 on initiative number and 1 attack per subsequent 3 initiative numbers)
Attacks: 4 claws (DV 15+20), bite (DV 20+20), tail (DV 10+20).
Special Attack: Rush (may move full distance and get 2 claw attacks in a round)
Attributes: PS 54 (+20), AG 15 (+1), MaDx 15 (+1), H 50 (+18), KNG 11 (+0), LNG 18 (+2), CG 12 (0), PL 3 (-3) , PB 11 (+0)
Skills: Spot (15)
Drakines are runners or the Great Red Dragon. They do his bidding and are rarely seen.
Size: Gigantic, Large
Health Pool: 40 (10 core)
Initiative: (no modifier)
Speed: 44 ft walk, 132 ft jog, 440 ft run.
Armor Rating: 0
Attacks: claw (DV 6), bite (DV 9)
Attack Skill: 8
Attributes: Average of 12 each.
Skills: Spot (8)
These nasty creatures are found at various places all over Soterion. They normally attack small camps and have been known to carry away women and children in the night. Although fairly easy to kill, upon death Lukos explode in a 10-foot radius of green acid; therefore, the best way to deal with them is to incapacitate them. Those caught in the acid radius must make an Agility attribute check at difficult level 30 Creatures that fail the attribute check receive 5 points of damage for one turn or until they wash off. Those who succeed the attribute check receive 5 points of damage for 1 round. Lukos stand six to seven feet tall when on all fours.
Size: Large
Health Pool: 65 (11 core points)
Initiative: +1
Speed: Ground – 40 ft walk, 120 ft jog, 400
feet run; Air – 92 ft walk, 276 ft jog, 920 ft run Armor Rating (AR) : 5
Attacks per round: 3 (Kuon may make 3 physical attacks (claw, claw, bite) or 1 attack by
darted feathers.
Attacks: Claw (DV 10+2), bite (DV 15 +2)
Special attack: Darted feathers (DV 11). The Kuon may fire 3 darted feathers per round.
Ranges are: Point Blank – 0 to 75, short – 75.1 to 150, medium – 150.1 to 225, long – 225.1 to 300.
Attack Skill: Physical attacks 10, Darted Feathers 13
Attributes: All attributes are 15
Skills: Spot (15)
The Kuon are sentient beasts with a high level of understanding. They are ferociously observant of good. Kuon serve the Magi by transporting them and fighting with them in battle. These dog/bird creatures are capable of shooting feathers at their enemies. The feathers are coated with a non-lethal poison that can render a foe incapacitated for three turns (Health Attribute check at difficulty level 30 to avoid).
Raphakabish Size: Gigantic
Hit Dice: varies
HP: varies
Initiative: varies
Speed: varies
Defense: varies
Attacks: poison bite (DV 15)
claw (DV 10)
Skills: Spot The Raphakabish are known only to dwell in the tunnels of Marasimlah. They were once ruled by a great king and once sentient being but most are not anymore. They have reverted back to their bestial natures and praying upon any curious enough to explore uncharted tunnels. There may be one or two that are sentient but they are more dangerous than their bestial brothers.
Raphakabish come in a variety of difficulties. To simulate this, Raphakabgish are created as using the Warrior guild skill set and their attributes are determined as per character creation. Their strength is 7d8 +15. They receive a +10 to health, and a +5 to agility.
Their special web attack has the same ranges as a heavy cross bow (multiplied by 4 due to their size). Upon a successful strike, the target must make a Physical Strength attribute check at a base difficulty of 30 (adjusted by the number of points hit by) or be entangled by the web.
Bridge Worlds: Soterion Page 24