Talon (Ashes & Embers Book 4)

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Talon (Ashes & Embers Book 4) Page 25

by Carian Cole

  Asia lies back and pushes her jeans down a little, and Lukas starts his work inking my name on her hip. It's a good thing I trust my cousin, because I'm all sorts of fucking jealous watching another guy touch my wife's body.

  "Just keep sipping the water and it should relax you a little," Rayne says, then leaves to go back to her reception area.

  "You okay, jelly bean?" I ask.

  She winces a little. "Yeah, it just burns. Your sister is gorgeous, Tal. Maybe we should have her model some of the clothes for my website? We could pay her. Maybe Kenzi, too? I don't see why we should hunt for models when you have two beautiful girls right in your family who would probably love to model for us."

  "She's right," Lukas says. "That's a kick-ass idea."

  "And both of you could model the men’s clothes," Asia adds excitedly.

  "Us? Really?"

  "Yes, you're both hot. I mean, we couldn't do couple poses obviously, we'd need unrelated guys for those. But for the single shots, I think you and Lukas would be awesome."

  "I'm game for that," Lukas says.

  "Did you just call my cousin hot? Right in front of me?"

  Her cheeks turn bright red. "Yeah, but I—"

  Lukas glares at me. "Don't make her uncomfortable, please."

  I lean down and kiss her forehead. "I'm just teasin' ya."

  I'm a little shocked that Asia actually went through with getting the tattoo. I thought for sure she was going to change her mind at the last minute, because having a guy's name on her is a big step—especially for someone like her who wants to be one hundred percent sure about everything. So, this must mean that she's like ninety nine percent sure we're staying together.

  I guess I also didn't realize I've had a few walls up myself, always having that little fucking nagging feeling in the back of my head that she may just take the cat and bolt at the end of this rather than deal with me.

  During the tour, there were times when I really started to worry she wouldn't want to stay married to me, especially when she got so upset and paranoid the few times I was unable to call or text her. I hate that she has to go through bouts of feeling so alone and in the dark, but other than building trust, I have no idea how I can make the situation better for her so she feels content when I'm not home. It makes it harder for me too, knowing that when I finally get to call her, I'm going to have to assure her that everything is okay and nothing happened. I don't want to waste the first fifteen minutes of every conversation doing damage control.

  "Hello? Dude, are you listening?" Lukas asks, kicking my foot. "What the fuck daze are you in?

  "Sorry, I spaced out."

  He shakes his head as he changes the tip of his gun. "I asked if you wanted to come to my place for Thanksgiving. Ivy and I thought just us and the kids and you guys would be nice, since we're all going to Gram's for Christmas."

  I look over at Asia, who's beaming from ear to ear, nodding yes like a bobblehead. I recall her telling me she's never had a nice family Thanksgiving or Christmas. Ever. She's in for a treat now.

  "We'd love to," I answer.

  Asia blows me a kiss while Lukas is turned away, and my fucking heart melts.

  For the first time in a long time, I won't be spending the holidays wasted on eggnog and getting stoned. While Lukas finishes up her tattoo, I make a mental list of everything I'm going to do to make the holidays special for her. A big-ass tree. Lots of lights decorating the house and the yard. And tons of presents for her and the Princess.

  Oh—and mistletoe every fucking place I can hang it.

  Chapter 31


  "Um, I'm pretty sure mistletoe means give a kiss, not a blow job," I argue, raising my eyebrows at him.

  "No, it's a blow job. Santa changed it last year." He's standing on a chair in the archway between the dining room and the living room, hanging what must be one of at least ten mistletoe decorations. We also bought multiple wreaths, assorted holiday decorations, a ten-foot tree, strings of lights, candles, and a few of those animatronic reindeer and elves to put out on the front lawn. After two days of decorating, the house looks incredibly festive.

  Pixie is perched beneath the tree, lightly pawing a low-hanging ornament, enraptured by it.

  "She's gonna wreck that tree when we're not looking, isn't she?"

  I pick her up and sit her on the red velvet pillow on the couch. "No, she's too little to knock it over, and she won't climb it. She just has a thing for that one ornament."

  Talon's already put a few presents under the tree—all beautifully wrapped. I've never been excited about Christmas before since my family didn't have anything to celebrate, but I used to love walking down Main Street, seeing all the store windows decorated with lights and Christmas trees. When I finally got my own apartment with a television, I watched every holiday cartoon and movie that came on, completely engrossed in the love and cheer and everything holiday-related.

  My husband has obviously gone out of his way to make our first Christmas magical in every way. If someone had told me he would be like this when I saw him waiting at the altar a few months ago, I never would have believed them. I'm not sure if he always had this side hidden in him, or if he became this way to make me happy, but I'm loving and cherishing every moment of it.

  He jumps from the chair and puts it back in its place at the dining room table, then stands under the mistletoe, waiting. Smiling, I cross the room and stand in front of him with my hands clasped behind my back, swaying innocently in front of him.

  "I think I'll take the old-fashioned kiss for now since we have to leave soon." He lifts my chin with his finger and kisses me softly, moving his hand to the back of my neck. He licks my lips, coaxing them to part, then slides his tongue into my mouth with a small groan. I lift the hem of the flannel shirt he's wearing and graze my fingers over his sculpted abs, feeling the muscles twitch beneath my touch.

  His lips smile against mine. "Maybe we should ditch Christmas Eve dinner and stay home. Technically, aren't we still on our staycation-honeymoon?"

  I shake my head. "We can't do that. Everyone is expecting us." We're going to his Gram's for dinner, which, from what I've heard, is a big gathering of the entire family with endless amounts of food and dessert. Evie told me she had a wonderful time last year when Storm took her as his guest, before they were even dating.

  "You're right. But I want to give you one present first." He goes to the tree and grabs the tiniest box, wrapped in shiny red paper with a silver bow.

  "It's too pretty to open," I protest.

  "Fuck that. Just rip it open."

  My hands are actually shaking as I slowly open it, wanting to savor every second of my first gift from him. I can't imagine what he may have gotten me. Knowing him and his many facets of personality, it could be anything from a gag gift to a sex toy to something amazing.

  Beneath the paper is a small black satin box. I peek up at him quickly to see him grinning like a Cheshire cat before I lift the lid.

  And it's amazing.

  My hand flies to cover my mouth as I stare at it, a lump forming in my throat.

  "Talon… Where did you find this?"

  "I had it made by some chick on Etsy. Do you like it?"

  I'm speechless as I finger the small silver necklace with a tiny glass dome filled with three suspended dandelion seeds. As if they're blowing in the wind, captured forever. "Wow, Talon, I absolutely love it. I can't even put into words how much I love it."

  He lifts it from the box and puts the chain around my neck, clasping it and fluffing my hair out around my shoulders.

  "I liked what you said about the seeds sending love and affection to someone. Now you have that from me, all the time. Even when I'm not here. So if I miss a call or a text, just look at this as a formal declaration that you're on my mind all the fucking time, even when I'm busy, and even when I'm an asshole."

  I look down at it resting against my chest. It's the most meaningful gift I've ever been given. Part of me wa
nts to go hide it in the bedroom, afraid if I wear it, it may break, and these three tiny symbols that mean everything to me will be gone.

  "I love it." I lace my arms around his neck and kiss his lips, then rest my cheek against his chest, hugging him tight. "I don't know what I would do without you," I say softly.

  He strokes my hair as I hug him. "Hey, this was supposed to make you happy. You don't even have to think about being without me. You're stuck with me."

  I hold on to him for a few more moments before I let him go. "Do you want one of your presents now?"

  "No, I want to open them all tomorrow with you like a little kid. We should head to Gram's or she'll get worried if we're late." I follow him to the foyer closet, where he takes out my coat and holds it out for me to slide my arms in, then he slips into his old, beat-up leather jacket that I love. It's worn and soft, faded from years of wear, and makes him look extra badass.

  He grabs the three shopping bags full of gifts for his family. "Ready, baby?"

  I nod, smiling, but feeling a little nervous inside about sharing my first real family Christmas with my husband.

  * * *

  Gram's house is decorated like a scene from a holiday movie and is packed with people. Talon's parents, all his brothers, Lukas, Ivy and the kids, Vandal, Kenzi, Evie, Rayne, and Storm's big furry dog are all here.

  After saying hello to Gram and Aria, Talon leads me to the living room, where most of his family has gathered to drink and snack on hors d'oeuvres, and he plants himself on the floor in front of the fireplace, pulling me to sit between his legs, my back resting against his chest. I love that he's not afraid to be affectionate in public. His mom also notices and smiles indulgently from across the doorway. I'm pretty sure at the end of the project she's going to have access to both of our journals, and I hope reading mine doesn't in any way change her feelings toward me, because I really want her to like me. Hopefully, she'll appreciate that during the times I was ranting it was just out of pure frustration.

  Storm's dog, Niko, sits beside us, and I pet his long, thick fur as I look around the room. Everyone looks so happy, and it's an incredible feeling to be surrounded by people who love each other and aren't screaming at one another and trying to hurt each other like my dysfunctional family would be. My attention shifts to Asher, who's sitting off in a corner alone, not looking as happy as everyone else. He must feel my gaze on him because he turns his head and locks eyes with me for a moment before winking at me and curving his lips into a smile. I smile back, my heart racing a little. There is something intensely magnetic about him, like staring into a lake of shimmering black water, not sure where the bottom is if you dive in, but pulled in beyond your control anyway. I wonder why his wife isn't here with him—and why no one ever seems to mention her.

  After dinner, we talk with Kenzi and Rayne about modeling some of the outfits I've designed, and they go totally wild over the idea. We also agree that Lukas and Talon will model the men’s clothing. Rayne offers to get ahold of some good-looking guys she thinks will pose for some couples shots with her and Kenzi, which I think would be cool to have on my website as well. I'm surprised the girls are single, because they are both absolutely gorgeous and very sweet.

  "It's time for presents!" Gram suddenly announces, and they embark on a family tradition of everyone giving each other their presents, then taking turns as each person opens all of their gifts in front of everyone, and around the room it goes. It's fun to see everyone get their gifts—some funny like the blow-up doll that Vandal gave Mikah. I'm surprised to receive gifts from everyone, and I have to struggle to keep myself together while I open them all. Several times Talon leans forward to kiss my cheek, assuring me he understands how much being part of the family means to me.

  When Talon excuses himself to use the restroom, his mom comes over and sits next to me.

  "You two look so happy, I could just burst!"

  "Thank you… We really are."

  "You love him," she says knowingly. "I can see it all over your face. You're positively glowing."

  "Maybe she's pregnant," Storm pipes up from the love seat a few feet away, getting him a smack from Evie, who mouths an apology at me.

  My mouth hangs open. "I am not pregnant. I'm just happy."

  "Well, a baby would be fine, too!" Aria says.

  "We're not ready for that yet. But yes, I’m falling for him," I admit.

  "I knew it! Dr. Hollister will be thrilled!"

  "I'm pretty sure she knows."

  "Who knows what?" Talon has returned, resuming his spot behind me against the stone fireplace.

  "Nothing," I say quickly.

  "Mom, you better not be pumping her for info about the project. You said yourself you're not allowed."

  "I wasn't! I was just telling her how happy you both look. Can't I be excited that my baby is finally settling down?"

  "Mom, I'm the baby, not him," Rayne says, rolling her eyes. "I'm like a redheaded stepchild in this family."

  "No, honey. He's my baby boy. You're my baby girl. Don't be so dramatic."

  "Whatever. Can we have dessert now?"

  Aria turns back to me. "Maybe don't have kids," she says jokingly. "Or just have one."

  "Mom, step away. You're gonna scare her off."

  "What happened to your honeymoon?" Storm asks when Aria goes back into the kitchen to help Gram.

  "The tour happened," Talon replies. "And now we're leaving again next week, so I think we're gonna skip it for now and maybe do it in the spring, right, babe?" He rubs my arms. "I don't need the fucking team to pay for it anyway. I'd rather go on our own and pay for it and not have to write a report about it. That's private, ya know? They can fuck off with that."

  Storm nods in agreement. "Yeah, I wouldn't want to do that. The whole thing is sorta wacked. It worked out great, though. At least you didn't get stuck with someone you don't like for six months. That would have been an epic suckfest."

  "True. We're happy, so I don't give a shit how we got here. I'll just be glad when I don't have to tell that shrink everything and document my fucking life."

  "It looks like their crazy-ass experiment worked, though. You two are perfect together. Like Evie and me. We had a rough beginning, too. Maybe that's what makes it work. Being irresistible like me is a plus, too."

  "I'm way more irresistible than you, man. Sorry."

  Evie and I share a look and start to laugh, even though we both know it's true. They're both pretty irresistible. Neither one of us stood a chance against falling in love with them. They're like chick crack.

  Chapter 32


  My head feels foggy as I drive through town, and my ear feels like it has to pop. I force a yawn, hoping it will go away, but it doesn't. Aggravated, I glance at my dashboard clock, realizing I'm running late for this appointment and I have to make sure I'm back at the house to meet Max at three to leave for a short ten-day tour. Although the timing isn't great, this is one appointment I refuse to slack off on and reschedule.

  I find a parking spot and jog to the door, where I press the buzzer and wait for the sound of the click of the door unlocking to let me in.

  "Mr. Valentine, so nice to put a face with the voice over the phone." The owner meets me at the door and extends his hand to me.

  "Likewise. Sorry I'm late; traffic was a bitch."

  "It's no problem at all. Please, come into my office. I have everything waiting for you. I understand you're on a tight schedule today."

  I follow Mr. Malone into his office, where he's got several black velvet pads laid out, a loupe, about ten platinum settings, and five big, loose stones sparkling under the lamps like little spotlights.

  My heart pounds in my chest as I take the chair opposite him. I thought picking out a guitar or a car was hard. This is way fucking harder.

  I try to focus as he explains the cut, weight, color, and clarity of each stone, letting me inspect it before we move to the next. I'm not sure what I'm looking for exactly;
I only know I want it to sparkle like her eyes. After staring at them for a few minutes, I pick the stone that fits her the best—a two-carat pear that looks like a tear drop. For some reason, the shape appeals to me. It gives off a raw and emotional vibe. Like her.

  Like us.

  The settings look mostly the same to me, except for one resembling a little tiara. The stone sits up a bit and has little yellow gold scrolls holding it up, with a tiny rose gold heart on the band. It reminds me of the tiara Pixie was wearing the first day I saw her.

  "It will look like this." Mr. Malone uses tweezers to balance the stone on the setting.

  "That's beautiful. It's exactly what I want. And I want the inside engraved with what I told you over the phone." On this one, I’m having “you’re my every wish” inscribed.

  "Of course, Mr. Valentine. We can have it ready for you in two weeks."

  "I'll need it the end of February, but I'll pick it up as soon as it's ready. I'll be out of town for about ten days, so leave me a voice mail if I don't answer."

  "You made an excellent choice, Mr. Valentine."

  I nod. "Yeah. I did." In so many ways.

  I pay him the five thousand dollar deposit and leave with a big smile on my face, despite the annoying ringing in my ear that's come back after giving me a break for a few days. I'm going to propose to my wife like a real man when this experiment is over and whisk her off someplace secluded to have our own private ceremony and honeymoon. What Storm said on Christmas Eve has been bothering me—about being stuck with someone. Even though I'm happy we're together, I have slowly grown to hate the way Asia and I met. So much was stripped from us, and so much doubt was planted. I want her to know at the end of this experiment that I chose her, and I didn't get stuck with her and just settle. I'd choose her a hundred times, in a hundred different scenarios. My choice will always be her.


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