Haze (The Telorex Pact Book 2)

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Haze (The Telorex Pact Book 2) Page 3

by Phoebe Fawkes

  “And one’s a cute little over-the-shoulder number?” Vi felt herself offering up prayers and holding her breath.

  “Uh,” Molly bent to inspect closer. “Yup. You’re good.”

  Vi sighed out a deep breath of relief. “Oh, thank you, Nurse Whatever-Your-Name-Was.”

  “Well, it’s not exactly the airlines,” Molly responded. “It’s the least they could do, right?”

  “I know. I mean, you’d think so. But it wasn’t exactly the best run operation I’ve ever seen.”

  “Well, if there’s anything you’re missing, you can let Haze know. He’s been pretty good about finding stuff I needed for the kitchen.”

  “Wait. Hold up. You’ve got kitchen duty?” Vi felt the miff start piling on. She had absolutely not come here to turn into some kitchen wench for a bunch of alien barbarians.

  “Relax,” Molly said and rolled her eyes. “You look like you’re about to go nuclear. I like to cook. They call me a…” She turned to the alien next to her. “What did you call it, Seban?”

  “A Vradasa.” He turned to Vi with a smile. “It means that she is a ‘Chef of the Bounty’. Molly is truly a gift.”

  Molly beamed at the praise.

  “Hmm. Okay then.” Vi felt slightly pacified. She glanced over at Molly. “I hate cooking,” she admitted.

  Maybe she wasn’t quite at the point of keeping shoes in her stove – mostly because she couldn’t bother owning that many pairs of shoes – but it was a near thing.

  “No worries.” Molly shrugged. “I actually think they were looking for someone to clean their rooms anyway–”

  At Vi’s shocked look, Molly giggled. “You’re too easy, Violet.”

  Vi found a smile sprouting. She swatted the girl’s shoulder. “You’re funny, Molly,” she said. “Real funny.”

  “Ready to see the ship?” Molly asked. “I can show you your room.”

  Vi’s room turned out to be way better than her crappy apartment in New Jersey. It even had a TV type screen the size of her wall. Completely amazing.

  When Vi switched the wall over to a view of space, it was like being at a planetarium except infinitely better and completely free. Her family usually couldn’t afford even going to the movies, let alone own something like this when she was growing up.

  “Man! This is amazing.” Vi plopped on the bed and leaned back. “I feel like I’m in the middle of space right now.”

  “About that? I don’t suppose you’d switch back to the forest or something?” Molly’s voice had turned soft and tremulous.

  Vi clambered back up to a sitting position. “Sure.” She fumbled with the remote and clicked back over to the forest scene. “You’re on a spaceship, and you don’t like space?”

  Molly rolled her eyes. “I don’t remember getting a choice about that, do you?”

  Vi clucked her tongue. “Nope. I certainly didn’t. So, this must totally suck for you.”

  “Yup. Well… I mean, I met someone. Well, you know, my mate - guy - person. His name’s Oz. He’s the engineer for the ship. We click pretty well together. So… I’m making the best of it.” Her voice dropped off, and she stared at the floor.

  Vi felt her smile widen. “I bet you are!” she said.

  “Okay. Stop it.” Molly’s face blushed to show it was true enough.

  “Spill. Where’s my guy? What’s he like?”

  “Your guy’s Haze. He’s. Hmm… Uhm. He’s like sort of…”

  “Wait, don’t tell me. Man, I knew I was going to get a freaky one.” Vi grimaced and took a deep breath. “I mean, how does that work? They all expect me to just– I can’t even say it.”

  “It’s not that bad. And, no. They don’t expect that. It’s just, well, he’s not exactly the most tactful person. Actually, I’m not even sure that’s the right word to describe it. He sort of speaks, and eventually, his brain follows.”

  “Hah. Okay. So not a big thinker.”

  Molly gave a half smirk. “More of a doer, I’d say. But to look at, he’s okay.” Molly shrugged her shoulders which Vi zeroed in on right away, not quite sure what it meant. “He’s an amazing fighter. They’re practicing in The Pit, now, if you want to check it out.”

  “I should probably get it over with.” Vi stood up. “Do I look okay? Actually wait. Let me just–” Vi rushed into the bathroom and splashed water on her face and adjusted her hair. “Okay, let’s go meet this guy.”



  Haze wished they always fought this way. Of course, Xain and Oz could have used a few more guys to help them out, but Haze felt like he could finally stretch his muscles.

  Oz and Xain were well-matched though. Oz seemed to out-guess Haze a few times, which surprised Haze every time it happened, but it didn’t matter. Haze would come out the winner in the end. Xain was a pretty-boy, and it kind of deceived Haze. Xain would look casual, like he wasn’t paying attention, then he’d strike at the last minute. It was hard to figure Xain out.

  Between the two, it was almost a satisfying fight, but always Haze found a way to strike the killing blow with his warng.

  As the two sprung at Haze at once, he swept low to counter them and rolled to the side when he heard a gasp. He looked up to see a strange girl, tall and lanky, long brown hair, big eyes. He came up and stood, taking it in. The two guys seized their advantage and took him down, to land on the floor in a heap.

  Haze scrambled out from the bottom. “Well, that’s just cheap and nothin’,” he muttered to them. “You knew I wasn’t watching.”

  Xain smirked, coming back up to a sitting position. “Yes, Brother, it was an ideal time to strike. Do you think the Suhlik would give you time to get an eyeful of the ladies?”

  “Still. It wasn’t–” Haze felt a quiet rage build at Xain’s smirk. To think he was bested at such a time, in such a cheap way. It was an insult. Instead, let his mate see him defeat them in true fashion. There would be no question then. The men would have their battered bodies dragged to the edge of the room.

  As his eyes started to go red and his wrists pulsate, Oz put a hand on Haze’s shoulder, giving it a pat, drawing Haze back to himself.

  “Brother, let us meet your mate now. Yes?” Oz’s voice was quiet and serious.

  Haze felt the rage recede as he made eye contact with Oz. Oz nodded his head, still quiet and serious. “No harm done. Molly has seen you best us many times. This new one will see the same.”

  Haze drew himself up. “Sure, sure.” He tossed his warng hard at Xain and followed Oz up the stairs.

  …Let Xain put away the mess.



  The Pit was sunk into the floor a few feet, giving the men room to jump and fly through the air. The acrobatics on display were incredible. The tall one in the middle seemed to be fighting off both at once, and it appeared he was even winning. At one point, Vi gasped at the sheer grace of the man as he swept low, causing the men to leap over him.

  The man’s focus was broken, and he was staring at her as the fight swirled on around him. Their eyes locked. She felt the intensity of battle wash over her, his controlled rage. Then the two others leapt at him, piling onto him to bring him down. Not exactly the most honorable way — even Vi could tell that — but could she blame them? The man was like a tank: an aerobatic, graceful, unstoppable tank. Whoever he was, he was fascinating.

  And one of these fighters was her mate? Holy cats. Any one of these men would look good on her couch.

  Ugh. Vi hated herself so much then.

  Two of the men were headed over. Vi felt like squeaking in surprise, which was not like her at all. That was so not going to be her today.

  As they came closer, she fully realized how huge they were, like virile cats or something equally unstoppable and wild …if cats had a green hue to them, that was.

  She whispered to Molly, “So. One of them’s the guy - the?”

  “The tallest one. Yeah. That’s Haze. The other one that’s coming over is Oz. And
Xain’s the one putting stuff away.”

  Oh. My. Okay. Whew. Had she really landed herself the tank?

  A fluster of nerves ran through her at the thought of someone like that… Vi steeled herself as the two made their way up the stairs.

  Up close, the green hue to their skin was, well, alien. But they certainly were hotties.

  Molly looked down at the floor as the guys approached, only glancing up at Oz. No one was that shy. Really?

  “So, you’re Oz?” Vi asked innocently. “He’s cute,” she stage-whispered to Molly.

  At this, Molly blushed and stared at the floor again. Too easy. It was cute the way Oz moved to stand beside Molly then. That boy was smitten, for sure.

  Haze took a step forward too. “So, mate, you are of Earth, like Molly?”

  “Actually, my name’s Violet, or Vi… But yes, I am of Earth, like Molly.”

  “Violet. Good. You will notice my skin? It is of the darkest green.” He held his arm out to her. “It means I am very fertile.”

  Vi wasn’t sure, but she thought her mouth may have actually dropped open for a moment. She raised her eyebrows. “You actually said that with a straight face and everything?”

  The guy stared at her, confused.

  “On that note, Molly?” She glanced over, but Molly and Oz were staring at each other. “Uh, Molly, you were saying there was a kitchen around here?”

  “Oh, right. Yes.” Molly reached over and squeezed Oz’s hand. “Actually, I wanted to get dinner started. Vi can, uh, chop some vegetables.”

  “Oh, good,” Vi said. “…Can’t wait to chop those vegetables.”

  Oz kissed Molly on the cheek, leaving a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll come by to help later, mah lo ma.”

  As the doors swung shut behind them, Vi had to chuckle. “Oh my god, Molly, you weren’t kidding. Is that Haze guy for real? I felt like my translator was on the fritz or something.”

  “I know, I know,” Molly said. “He’s– Well, he’s not normally that bad. I think he just needs to adjust to the idea, maybe?”

  Vi followed Molly into the kitchen. “That guy was tripping, I swear.”

  Molly clattered around in the kitchen. She slid over a cutting board and a knife. “But…” She gave Vi a wheedling smile. “Since you’re here?

  “Fine. I owe you one for the rescue in there.”

  Vi didn’t even chop off any of her fingers. Things were looking up.



  Haze stared after the females as the doors swung shut. “Where’d they go?” he asked dumbly.

  Xain clapped Haze on the shoulder. “Brother, brother, brother. You have serious female issues.”

  “Whatta ya mean?”

  “Your approach; it’s all wrong. First of all, you talk to the girl. You don’t stare at her like you want to take her apart and use her skin as your clothing.”

  “Eh?” Haze crinkled his face in confusion. “I didn’t do that.”

  Oz nodded his head. “You kind of did, Haze. Kind of thought I’d have to step between you.”

  Haze felt his dander come up at that. “You could try,” Haze responded.

  Xain clapped Oz on the shoulder too. “And therein lies the problem, wouldn’t you say, Oz?”

  “Haze, why don’t we go look at that cluster,” Oz suggested. “See if we find any better locations, in case the captain decides not to head back to Yrastomus.”

  “What if my mate wants my help?”

  “Trust us, Haze,” Xain offered. “She’ll need some time to adjust to the idea of being stuck with your ugly mug for any length of time.” He eyed Oz sideways with a grin. “You know, like Molly did with Oz.”

  As they were headed down the ladder toward the crew quarters, Xain added, “—Perhaps a lot of time…”

  “Ha. Ha,” Haze called up the ladder toward Xain.

  He’d show them; play it cool. She’d be his in no time.



  As Vi and Molly were working in the kitchen, Oz came in. Molly placed another cutting board in front of him and more of the pink vegetable Vi was chopping.

  Oz took up a knife and began chopping, without comment, then glanced over at Vi.

  “You settling in here all right?”

  “I guess.” Vi shrugged her shoulder. “The ship’s nice. Fancy. We don’t have all of this where I’m from.”

  Oz’s face lit up. “I’m glad you like it. See Molly. Not everyone hates the Xeo.”

  Molly grimaced. “It grows on a person, that’s all. I’m just not so sure it will ever grow on me.”

  Vi glanced down the hallway, but there was no sign of the other guy.

  Oz glanced back as well and met her gaze with a smile. “I left Haze in engineering with Xain. They’re arguing about our next location, although the captain is really the one who decides those things. I can only handle so much before I’m just: point me where you want me to go.”

  “I don’t know, Oz,” Molly said. “You seemed a little keen on where we should go earlier today.”

  “About that…” He glanced sideways at Vi, and his voice dropped off. “We can talk later…”

  Molly glanced at Vi. “You know, if they want to excavate the rock so bad, let them.”

  “Molly.” He studied his cutting board, and his voice dropped. “A month ago you would have been on my side.”

  “A month ago I didn’t love you,” she said quietly.

  Oz looked up at Molly with this pained expression, and the two sort of stared at each other while a whole conversation played out in silence.

  Vi grimaced. So uncomfortable. Who knew being a miner could be so stressful? She carefully put her knife down. What was a polite way to haul ass out of there? She turned to the sink to wash her hands.

  “You know, Molly, it looks like you’ve got all the help you need. I’m going to pop down to my room before dinner, make sure I didn’t forget to pack something I need.”

  “Okay.” Molly grabbed Vi's knife and made quick chopping work of Vi's pile of vegetables. Vi heard the clatter of pans.

  Vi glanced back as she went to push through the doors, and Oz had come around the counter to Molly’s side. He was leaning over her, kissing her neck. Molly was smiling and shooing him away. Molly looked up at him, and there was palpable heat between them. Oz bent down to kiss her.

  Vi felt her mouth drop open. They were certainly hot for each other.

  Okay, so maybe it was more than a glance. Vi shook herself free of the mesmerizing scene and hurried down the ladder to the crew quarters.

  Vi’s stuff was waiting outside her room, so she dragged it inside.

  She set about unpacking. There wasn’t too much to it. Probably good she’d only had a couple of minutes so she couldn’t stress about what she might forget or need later. Although, Vi tended to have good instincts about these things.

  But why hadn’t she grabbed that little bag she’d spent six months saving up for? Okay, so maybe she should have packed ahead. But who the heck packs early, and what do you do after? Never wear what you like again on the off-chance you might need it in outer space?

  Or did people actually pack and unpack every time there was a draft? No. That was definitely not her. Who had time for such things?

  So, the bag was gone, and she couldn’t waste too much of her heart regretting it.

  She reached for her phone before the truth even registered to her brain: no cell phone coverage out here, wherever here was.

  Her friends would have to figure out, all by themselves, what to do with her favorite little knickknacks while they were dealing with her paintings.

  Hopefully, they’d enjoy them at least.

  Vi pulled out her painting. It’d gotten slightly bent at one corner, but it wasn’t in too bad a shape, all things considered.

  She set it on the tiny desk. She’d have to check with someone on how to hang it or what was allowed.

  She lined up her paints on one side of the desk, stow
ed her pads in a drawer, and set her bags to the side of the desk.

  All set up.

  She turned the room into a view of space, jumped on her bed, and leaned back to admire the effect. It was so awe-inspiring she could barely speak. Never had the night sky looked so clear and beautiful on Earth.

  She found an adjust button, and it switched to a different view with a nebula off to the side and a star cluster in another spot.

  She closed her eyes and locked it in her mind, how she would draw and capture the perspective. When she opened them, she knew how it might be accomplished.

  Now, she only needed an easel, room to draw, and soft lights. Would a ship like this have an observatory? But really, what natural light could she hope for here?

  Vi began to sketch, capturing the vague notions that had shaped in her mind, isolating and working it to see how it would fill a larger canvas. The trick would be to make a small paper feel like it expanded to the whole room, the way the sky did now. Actually, this might take a few tries before she quite captured the image in her mind.



  Haze checked the kitchen first. No sign of Violet. Just the two mascots kissing.

  The two were definitely not paying enough attention to getting dinner ready.

  They broke apart awkwardly when Haze entered.

  “Hey, Haze,” Molly said as a quick blush painted her cheeks. She moved over to the stove to stir some things.

  Oz tossed a bite of tamlin in his mouth. “Haze, I think the Captain wants Violet to meet the freng. Just so she doesn’t meet them while they’re on patrol.”

  “Maybe I should come with you,” Molly said, placing her spoon down and turning around.

  As though he couldn’t handle introducing his mate to a couple freng.

  He waved a hand at the stove. “You just keep on with that magic dinner of yours. I’ll handle it.”


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