Played (Playing Games Book 2)

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Played (Playing Games Book 2) Page 5

by Rebecca Barber

  “Not sure. Somewhere good.”

  “You used to live here, Bryce; know anywhere we should go?” Emma asked, fluttering her eyelashes in my direction. That little tease. She was going to be in so much trouble when I got her alone.

  “I could think of a few places…”

  “Places we could ALL go. We need drinks and dancing,” the quiet friend added.


  “Yeah, Utopia’s pretty cool. Drinks are good and there’s usually a pretty decent DJ. Besides it’s safe,” Hunter added. At least he was backing me up.


  “Yeah. I know the bouncers there and they’re really good about dealing with idiots. You’ll be fine there,” I explained, not giving a shit what I looked like anymore. I don’t know if it was the testosterone pumping through my veins or the fact that I couldn’t take my eyes off Emma’s legs – they just looked so silky smooth, but I didn’t want these girls going anywhere where something could happen to them. I’d never forgive myself if it did.

  “And the drinks?”

  “You’re drinking again, Jessie?” Emma asked, and I was finally able to put a name to the quiet girl.

  “Hell no!”

  “Their drinks are great. Just don’t fall down the dirty-named shots rabbit hole. You’ll find yourself crawling out of it a week later barely able to remember your own name or find your shoes,” Hunter offered. He was dead right. I’d lost way too many nights thanks to some hilariously named shots combined with bets and dares.

  “Can we walk there?” Emma asked, eye fucking me from where she stood.

  I felt my dick twitch. I did not care in the slightest that she was looking at me like she was at an all-you-can-eat buffet and I was on the menu. She could look all she liked. Hell, find me a dark corner or an empty storage closet and she could help herself.

  “In those heels, nah. You’re not walking. Get an Uber and save your feet.”


  “Should we go?” Vanessa asked as her eyes flitted between Emma and Sienna.

  Sienna looked reluctant to let go of Hunter, but her friends were waiting. When Emma moved towards me, my breath hitched. I didn’t want to be one of those losers from the movies where his whole world stopped as the girl of his dreams leaned in, but when her boobs squashed against my chest and I breathed in the scent of her shampoo and perfume, I almost dissolved into a puddle at my feet. Or created a puddle in my pants. Unable to hold back, I wound an arm around her waist and held her against me. Tilting her head, Emma whispered in my ear, her warm breath tickling my neck. “You going to be around later?”

  “Hell-fucking-yeah,” I rumbled before she licked the skin just under my ear before nipping it.

  Shocked by her actions, I stood there like a complete chump. I didn’t move. I didn’t react. And I didn’t reciprocate. She was damn lucky I didn’t either. With the limited blood flow in my head, the only thing I could think about was getting her splayed out in front of me on the nearest horizontal surface as soon as I fucking could.

  I watched them head out, my eyes tracking every sway of Emma’s heart-shaped arse already planning everything I was going to do to her in only a few short hours. She better enjoy her time with the girls, cause I sure as shit was going to enjoy my time with her later.

  “Wanna get a beer?” Hunter asked, his words shaking me out of my stupor.

  “Sounds good. Give me five minutes?”

  “Meet you in the bar.”


  Hanging out with Hunter wasn’t all bad, but I was itching to get my hands on Emma. Well, hands or mouth, I wasn’t picky. We’d had a few beers and one of the best Chinese dinners I could remember in a long time. It’d been interesting comparing clubs and cities and players. Turns out while everything was different, so much was the same. Returning to my empty room, I didn’t enjoy yet another cold shower where I was forced to take matters into my hands, again. Now I was lying here in Emma’s bed playing on my phone watching the minutes count down. I don’t know how long I watched the clock before my eyes got heavy and sleep dragged me under.

  I woke up with a groan. Glancing down, I saw a sight which had me coming before it was acceptable. Emma’s hair was draped around her face like a curtain and her ruby-red lips were wrapped around me. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I cupped her jaw and guided her. As much as I wanted to coat the back of her throat, I pulled her off with a pop.

  “What’s wrong?” Emma asked through swollen lips.

  “Nothing. Need to be inside you,” I grunted, pulling her up and slamming my lips down over hers, plundering.

  Without another word, Emma crawled up my chest and climbed aboard.



  I was curled up on the couch looking my absolute most fabulous. My yoga pants had holes in them, my hoodie had a bright red stain on the front, one I couldn’t remember if it was caused by a pasta mishap or red wine; with my track record, possibly both. My hair was scrunched in a ball on the top of my head and I was rocking a scrunchie I’d found in the bathroom drawer from fifteen years ago. Adjusting the blanket covering my legs, I looked down at the book in my hand and tried to focus, but my attention kept getting stolen by the TV. The simple answer would’ve been to turn the damn thing off, but I wasn’t that strong. I’d become addicted to the one thing I never thought I would.


  And I wasn’t the only one.

  Sienna was more obsessed than I was, not that she was about to admit it. Since we returned from Melbourne five weeks ago, it seemed like our whole world had changed. Instead of spending our free time, when we could be bothered trekking across the city brunching, or shopping or even pretending we were into fitness and walking along the headlands, we’d wrap ourselves up and trek to the stadium with thousands of others. Swapping my favourite eggs benedict and latte for a hot dog and flat beer while we braved the elements and watched from the stands.

  I’ll admit, for someone who was pretty much indifferent to the sport, it had a way of growing on you. I don’t know if it was the fast pace, the athleticism of the players or the short shorts they wore, but it didn’t take long for me to become a convert.

  This afternoon’s game had been particularly brutal. The local rivalry between the two Sydney teams had been built up all week by the media and the game didn’t disappoint. By the end of the first quarter one player already had a broken nose and the other was wrapped in ice and riding the bench for the rest of the game. When Hunter had taken a knee to the nuts, Sienna almost cried as he rolled around on the ground in the centre of the field clutching his family jewels. For someone who claimed she didn’t like him that much, watching her wipe tears from her cheeks as the trainers helped him to the sidelines told a completely different story.

  As much as I was getting swallowed up by the atmosphere and the fun, it was in moments like these that I hated the game as much as the players. Sitting at home, sipping my peppermint tea while rain pounded my windows, I was watching a certain player in another state dominate the game.

  I’d sworn I hated Bryce Masters.

  I did hate Bryce Masters.

  Except, I didn’t.

  I wanted to. Damn did I want to. There was just something stopping me.

  I watched him run the length of the field, long legs pounding, shorts pulling across his biteable arse. When he reached up high above his head and launched at the ball, I gasped. I remembered everything. Every single detail was burnt into my brain. Details I relived each and every night. Squirming, I sat my tea down before I ended up burning myself.

  When I’d woken the morning after our fuckathon and stretched out, I felt the burn of muscles that hadn’t been used in a very long time. Even the smile tugging at my cheeks felt new, although it vanished the moment I reached an arm out and felt the cool sheets beside me where a very hot man should’ve been sleeping. Sitting up, I dragged the sheet with me, and looked around my room. I searched for any sign of him. But when
there was no sound coming from the bathroom and no jeans on the floor, I knew, deep in my gut he was gone.

  “Bryce?” My voice shook as emotions took over.

  I knew what I was getting myself into the moment we’d started playing this little game. Bryce was a player. We lived in different states. We had different lives. We’d made no promises to each other. No guarantees. There was no future here. But I was still pissed.

  With one look at the clock beside the bed, I knew I needed to move. Tossing back the sheets, I jumped up, tripping over a stray pillow which had been flung away. Ah, I remembered doing that and smiled at the memory. . Bryce had been eating me like I was his last meal and he, a death row inmate, and when he nipped at my clit, the pillow I’d been holding over my head in an attempt to muffle my cries, got launched across the room, knocking a glass of water to the floor. For five seconds we both froze. Then Bryce dived straight back in demanding I give him another.

  Stepping under the stream of hot water, I closed my eyes and tilted my head back before letting my hands fall down to my boobs. My nipples were still so sensitive after being licked and kissed and sucked and nipped for what felt like hours. Cupping them in my hands, I felt their heavy weight before giving them a squeeze and eliciting a long, guttural moan from me that echoed off the tiles. Dropping my head against the glass, I let my hands trail even lower as I recounted last night’s events.

  Slipping a finger through my wet folds, I winced at the intrusion. I was still tender from the horizontal gymnastics that proved to be not all that horizontal. One thing I’d learned from my night of debauchery with Bryce; athletes had stamina. That man never gave up. He banged me every which way he could think of and boy was he creative. I didn’t even know my body could bend that way but when he manoeuvred it to exactly where he wanted me, I wasn’t crying out in pain but in ecstasy as he wrung every ounce of pleasure from my body. One finger wasn’t enough to satisfy me, I doubt anything would after Bryce, but by the time I added a third I was riding like a career cowgirl.

  “Fuck yeah,” I panted as I got closer and closer to the edge.

  Closing my eyes, I rubbed faster and harder, remembering the way Bryce had bent me over the side of the bed and ploughed into me from behind while demanding I kept my eyes open, something that proved pretty much impossible every time he hit that spot inside me which made my whole body quiver. When his thumb breached the rosebud of my arse, my eyes widened, and I came with a scream.

  Finishing myself off the same time the memory did, didn’t help my mood. I thought endorphins were supposed to make you happy. And happy people didn’t kill people. Isn’t that what we all learnt from Legally Blonde? Well, I might have just shuddered through a disappointing, self-induced orgasm but I wasn’t happy.

  After packing my stuff – thankfully the airline had found my bags and delivered them the day before, or I’d be dressing like a homeless person again – I headed downstairs to meet the girls. Meeting up should’ve been great, but I felt like shit. I loved catching up with my girls, but saying goodbye always sucked. After grabbing some much-needed coffee, we piled into the back of the Uber and headed for the airport. Reality was waiting for us, but I wasn’t interested.

  “How was your night?” Sienna asked slyly over the top of her paper cup.

  “Probably about the same as yours,” I replied.

  Even though I knew my hook up with Bryce was nothing more than that, I didn’t want to share it. For some reason that would make it less.

  “So, you’re aching in all the right places too?” Sienna giggled.

  “Something like that.”

  After pulling up to the terminal, we piled out of the uber, grabbing our stuff and heading inside. After checking in and making it through security, a challenge in itself, we made it through to the other side.

  “Well, my gate is down there,” Jessie said, looking as miserable as I felt.

  “And ours is that way,” I replied, pointing in the opposite direction.

  Ten minutes, a whole bunch of tears and promises later, we’d all gone our separate ways and were heading home. Sienna and I had both been overly quiet during the flight, even turning down the muffin and coffee the stewardess offered as a snack.

  Just as they were announcing we were preparing for descent, Sienna reached over and took the magazine from my hands that I was pretending to read. “You okay?” she asked sincerely.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” I lied. I had no idea if I’d be fine. I had no idea when I’d be fine or what that would even look like. I just knew I couldn’t let one night, one guy, one player rattle me. I was stronger than that.

  “You going to see him again?”

  “See who?”

  “Bryce,” she replied, looking at me like I was an idiot.

  With an overly enthusiastic shake of my head I answered quickly, “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Are you going to see Hunter again? You two seemed pretty cosy,” I deflected.

  “I hope so. I mean, why not? He’s fun.”

  “I’m happy for you, Sie, I really am. You guys are super cute together.”

  “And you’re not?”

  “We don’t even live in the same state let alone the same city. I think Bryce and I are just going to be a happy memory I drag out from time to time.”

  “From time to time meaning anytime you’re feeling lonely and horny,” Sienna added with a giggle, causing the lady across the aisle from us to eye us suspiciously.

  Feeling the lump in my throat and the tears welling in my eyes, I tried to hide them before she noticed. But it was so not my day.

  “Hey! Hey! Hey! What’s all this about?”


  “Bullshit, Em. I’m your best friend. Now spill it.”

  “It’s nothing. Seriously. I’m just being a baby.” I hated that tears were rolling down my cheeks. I didn’t cry. I was tougher than that. And I definitely didn’t cry in public. That shit was just straight out embarrassing.

  Taking my hand in hers, Sienna forced me to look at her. “What’d he do?” It was like she could read me.

  “What? Who? Ahh Bryce. Nothing. He didn’t do anything.”

  “Anything except blow your mind and then… come on, Em. I know that look. That’s a look that can only be caused by a guy being a dick. And if Bryce is anything like Hunter then they’re huge dicks.”

  “What did Hunter do?”

  “We’re not talking about me right now. Now, fess up. Bryce. What did the arsehole do to make you cry?” Seeing Sienna go crazy girl made me snort. She was so tiny and girly she couldn’t hurt anyone or anything. Even now, I was rocking a pair of jeans and long sleeve top and little miss prissy beside me had on heels and a dress with the widest belt I’d ever seen. Not to mention the face full of perfectly applied make up, while I could barely remember if I put deodorant on this morning.

  “Honestly, he didn’t do anything wrong. He banged my brains out and then he left.”


  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “What’s what supposed to mean?” Sienna replied coyly. She was an expert at mind games. Something I had no time for. Probably the reason I preferred to spend my day hanging out with plants than people. They didn’t hurt my head. Or my heart.

  “He left. Did he leave you a number? Say he’ll call? Anything?”

  With a bump, the plane touched the tarmac and we were jolted forward in our seats, our conversation momentarily forgotten as announcements echoed through the cabin. After collecting our things, we joined the queue and shuffled down the aisle and into the busy airport. After a quick stop to buy my favourite donuts which were only sold at the airport, we headed for baggage claim and waited for our suitcases to appear. Hopefully, this time mine would. I wasn’t in the mood to fuck around this afternoon. All I wanted to do was get home, change into my pyjamas, and curl up on the lounge with my favourite men. Ben and Jerry. They never let me down. And they sure as
shit never snuck out in the middle of the night. They were always there for me when I needed them.

  After what felt like forever, our bags appeared and we wrestled them off the carousel and hustled down to the train station. One short train ride, a three-block walk, and two flights of stairs and I’d be home.

  Taking a huge, unladylike bite from my donut, I groaned around the doughy goodness. Good thing I bought a four pack. One was not going to cut it today.

  My train rattled to a stop in front of me and I turned to hug Sienna. She was headed in the opposite direction. “See you soon,” I promised, hugging her even tighter than I normally would.

  “Take care, Em. I worry about you.”

  “I’m fine. Promise.”

  “I don’t believe you, but I’ll let it slide.”

  The train doors opened with a hiss and I had to hurry. “Message me when you get home,” I reminded her. It was a rule we’d had in place for years. Although Sydney wasn’t exactly the crime capital of the world, it wasn’t the safest either. Especially for women travelling alone.

  “Yes, Mum.” She winked as I rolled my suitcase across the platform and stepped inside the carriage. Glancing around, I was surprised to see how empty it was. I’d never gotten a seat from the airport. Ever. I had just enough time to blow her a kiss before the doors closed and I went to find a seat. I’d barely sat down when my phone chimed.

  Sienna: He’ll call. I know he will.

  Sienna was a hopeless romantic and eternal optimist. She was destined to love and love hard. And as much as I envied her for it, it also made me incredibly afraid for her. One day, a guy was going to come into her life and upend it in a way she wasn’t prepared for. All I could hope was that when he did, he wouldn’t shatter her fragile heart.


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