A Baker's Delight (McKenzie Cousins Book 7)

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A Baker's Delight (McKenzie Cousins Book 7) Page 5

by Lexi Buchanan

  I sigh in relief when Sofia wraps her arms around my middle and rests her head on my shoulder as we move toward the bedroom. “I’d like to spend the day with you away from here and anyone who might have a problem with us being together.”

  “I’m not sure what is going on with Monica, but I’ll find out because I know she likes you. She wouldn’t be singing your praises to everyone otherwise.” I kiss her on the forehead.

  I’m in a relationship. I kind of like the sound of that even if I have to fight not to panic at the thought. I can do a relationship with Sofia, and try not to think of all the reasons why not, which have nothing to do with my beautiful girl, but everything to do with me. Sofia is like a breath of fresh air and after having Monica and her snide comment this morning, I realize I’ll do anything to keep her that way.



  Whistling away while I work, I admire the five layers of cakes to be put together soon for Monica Fletcher’s wedding. This is going to be my most amazing work and I’m excited to get started. Monica has been cooler toward me since the morning she’d found me wrapped around her brother in the kitchen.

  Shane had dismissed it as a one off because Monica had only just woken up, but I don’t know. Something tells me that the girl is jealous that her brother has a girlfriend. I smile at the title. I’m his girlfriend. We’d spent the weekend together at my place and in the end it had been amazing. We’d talked, danced, laughed, watched movies, and made love repeatedly. I hadn’t wanted it to end, but unfortunately it had ended with Monday morning calling.

  Shane had kissed me early this morning and headed home to shower and change into a business suit because he had a meeting downtown that he had to be presentable for. I much prefer him ruffled rather than neat as a pin.

  Sighing again, I continue boxing the small cakes I have to take to the new building downtown for a large meeting they have this morning. I’d briefly wondered whether or not it was the same meeting Shane had to attend, but I don’t think it is. It would be nice to see him again even though we’d only parted a few hours ago.

  “Oh, I see you’ve finished,” Marissa says, excitedly. “I don’t suppose there are any to spare.”

  Chuckling, I pull out a plate with four miniature cream cakes on. “I saved you these.”

  “I need these after the hangover this morning.” She pops one with a strawberry on top into her mouth, moaning and chewing. “The best decision I ever made was to give you a job.” She smiles. “This bakery wouldn’t be as popular as it is now if it wasn’t for you. I’m well aware of that. Maybe, we’ll talk after the wedding cake for the Fletcher’s has been revealed.”

  “Don’t say that. You’ll make me nervous.”

  She laughs. “Never. When it comes to you and your creations, I know there is nothing to worry about, and so do you. Your confidence is what a lot of pastry chefs don’t have when they’re fresh out of college. But you, your confidence in what you make is what makes it so good, and why people rely on you because they know you won’t let them down.”

  “I think you need to be hung over more often, I love the praise,” I tease.

  “Oh, shut up.” She sighs, eating another cake. “You know I’m only speaking the truth, but I think I’ll avoid asking about the SUV parked outside Friday and why the windows steamed up.” Marissa chuckles. My cheeks heat so much that I feel like I have a fever.

  Grabbing and wetting a cloth in cold water, I dab at my cheeks hoping like heck she didn’t see what we actually did in Shane’s car. Shuddering, I pick up the three boxes of cakes and make my way out to the back of the store and into the bakery’s small van. We’re only a small work force, as in Marissa, the owner, and I. For large occasions then we have occasional staff. They’re college students who always welcome the work. Six of these workers will be helping at the wedding this weekend.

  It doesn’t take me long to get to the building in town and once parked, I gingerly take the boxes from the large fridge part of the van. They’re fairly light in weight, more bulky than anything.

  I’m directed to one side of the meeting room, which isn’t easy to get through with the boxes. There are a lot of people in suits and ladies in cocktail dresses milling around with champagne glasses in their hands.

  It isn’t until I’ve emptied the last box of cakes onto a serving plate that I spot Shane out of the corner of my eye. I smile as I focus on him and admire him in his suit, the pale blue shirt sharp against his tanned skin. He hasn’t seen me yet and I’m glad of that when I notice the woman beside him. Veronica. She has her arm slipped through his and her other hand clings to his bicep.

  My heart flips as I try not to jump to conclusions and accuse him of leaving me to take her to this function, instead of asking me along with him. Most people in the room seem to have a partner with them, which makes my head spin, and wonder.

  Beneath my jacket I have on a pretty flowered dress, so at least I’m not going to stick out like a sore thumb. I need for Shane to see me, and his reaction will tell me whether or not I’m jumping to the wrong conclusion.

  Moving closer through the throng of people, I come up on Shane’s opposite side to where the other woman is standing, and slipping in beside him, I reach up and kiss his cheek. “I can’t believe we’re at the same place,” I whisper into his ear, letting my hand caress down his back.

  He chokes and swiftly puts space between us. “Sofia? What are you doing?”

  “Shane, who is this woman, and why is she kissing you?” Veronica glares daggers at me.

  “I don’t know why she’s kissing me.” Shane refuses to meet my gaze so he doesn’t see the hurt he’s just caused with his words.

  The man with them murmurs, “Hmm.”

  “Um, Roger.” Shane coughs to clear his throat, his eyes angry when they finally meet mine. “This is Sofia McKenzie, she’s the baker responsible for Monica’s wedding cake.”

  I try to search his gaze but he won’t meet mine again.

  I vaguely hear, “I think your father is here somewhere. Ruben right?” The man, Roger, says.

  I nod. “I didn’t know you were friendly with the Fletchers.”

  Shane quickly glances at me and all I want to do is flee. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be here.” I turn to the man called Roger. “I’m no friend of the Fletchers.” I make sure Shane hears my words and then I’m pushing through everyone, only to be grabbed from behind.

  “Sofia, wait,” my brother Ryan hisses. “Dammit, Sofia, slow down.”

  Ignoring him, I run outside where I can finally breathe as I let the tears free that I’d held inside of me.

  “What the hell happened to you in there?” My brother demands.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Sofia.” He takes hold of my shoulders and forces me to look at him. “You are really upset, so telling me it doesn’t matter, isn’t going to cut it.”

  “Just hold me.” I shove into his arms and as usual he’s there to hug and hold me. He holds me tightly and keeps kissing my forehead.

  “I don’t know what to do when you’re like this.” Ryan tightens his hold and I’m not all that sure he’s going to let me go.

  “You’re doing just fine.” I slide my hand down and intertwine my fingers with his, holding tightly. I don’t want to let go.


  My heart drops when I hear my name out of Shane’s mouth.

  I sniffle and face him. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

  “You caught me off guard. I had no idea you’d be there,” Shane says.

  “That was obvious.”

  “Not you again.” Ryan steps in front of me. “Leave her alone. I think you’ve caused my sister enough upset.”

  “This has nothing to do with you.” Shane stands his ground with my brother and although I’d love to keep hiding behind Ryan, I can’t.

  I step to the side of Ryan. “I kissed you and acted like we were a couple—that you said we are, or rather were�
��but you told everyone in ears shot that you had no idea why I kissed you. You never introduced me as your girlfriend, but I guess that’s because they already thought the woman on your arm was your girlfriend, right? Well, she’s welcome to you. I won’t ever be with anyone who is ashamed of being with me in public.”

  “Dammit Sofia! Are you so insecure in our relationship that you run at the first sign of conflict?” Shane opens his arms. “I told you things I’ve never told anyone, yet you are so quick to judge me.”

  I blink a few times wondering if the same man is stood in front of me. “Then explain to me why when I kissed you, you moved away, closer to the other woman? Because from where I was standing it looked like you hated my touch, and that you were embarrassed for me to be there. You introduced me as the baker, Shane,” I end, sadly.

  Inhaling, my brother gives my hand an encouraging squeeze. “I think I’ll take my sister home. It’s cold standing out here, and I don’t like you.” Ryan tugs on my hand.

  I allow Ryan to pull me away, and glancing over my shoulder as I do, Shane looks so sad that I hesitate in my step.

  “Don’t,” Ryan warns. “You need to keep walking. This is the second time he’s hurt you, Sofia. Please find someone else.”

  “I spent the weekend with him, Ryan.” I sigh. “We talked, and laughed, and just enjoyed the newness of a relationship. This morning he kissed me goodbye with plans for tonight.” My tears continue to run down my face as I admit, “I felt such a fool in there. I went up to him and kissed him on the cheek, my hand on his back, and he moved away from me as though he had no clue who I was. It hurts.”

  Ryan untangles our hands and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “You deserve someone better. You know this.”

  Deep down I agree, even though I find it hard to say the words out loud.

  “He hasn’t had the same upbringing that we have. I’m not sure he knows how to be with someone.”

  “Don’t excuse his behavior. If he cares for you then he should never have pretended otherwise. There is no excuse for that.”

  “Ugh! Why are you single?” I moan into his shoulder, and I’m surprised and find myself distracted when Ryan replies, “Because the woman I want doesn’t see me.”

  I pause and pull him to a stop. “Is she blind?”

  “I thought we were talking about you?”

  I smile. “Nice try. You wanted me distracted so consider me distracted.”

  “She’s different and has no interest in anyone who manages a nightclub. It isn’t her scene at all and there is nothing I can do about it.”

  “I don’t get it. You’re a handsome man, although I may be partial as you’re my brother, but you have a degree in Business, and you run a very successful nightclub.”

  “You’re really good for my ego, but as long as she’s happy then I’ll have to walk away. She loves to read and spends a lot of time at the library, which is where her boyfriend happens to work.”

  “Oh no! Ryan! You’re in love with someone else’s woman?”

  “Now I’m miserable,” he grumbles. “Let’s spend the night at my place. I have plenty of ice cream and we can order in pizza.”

  “You’re not working then?”

  “Nope.” He grins. “Well, I should be but I’ll call Dad and tell him we’re having sibling time. You know he loves us spending time together, he’s also aware of who is upsetting you.”

  “Oh God! He was in there, right? That guy, Roger, said he thought Dad was in the room.”

  “He was there. I made him let me come after you.” He shrugs. “Figured it would be easier.”

  “It is. I think I’d have died if Dad had witnessed the scene outside the building.”

  “Our folks worry about us, and they’re also well aware that we all have sex… Separately. I mean not together.”

  I start laughing. “I knew what you meant, you idiot.” I shove into him, and for now I allow him to distract me.



  The flames from the fire lick up the walls and light the room. I much prefer sitting in the dark because it matches my current mood. I don’t think I know of anyone who has managed to screw up with their girlfriend as badly as I have in the past couple of days.

  My disheveled appearance says it all; I’m an asshole. I need to somehow explain to Sofia why I reacted in the way that I did because the hurt I saw on her face is killing me. I don’t want to hurt her, and I hadn’t meant to. Seeing her there I’d actually felt a moment of pure joy until I’d opened my mouth and ruined everything.

  Hearing the slight creek of the door opening, I lazily move my head and watch as Monica moves into the room. I’m annoyed with her and she knows it too.

  “You really are in love with her,” her comment needs no answer. “I’m sorry for what I said. I wish I could take it back, and you’re right, I do like Sofia. She’s a good person, and also an exceptional baker.”

  “Why do I sense a but in there?” I narrow my gaze and watch her squirm. “Spit it out Monica.”

  She sighs. “I’ve spoken to Mom.”

  “Ah! So you’ve sorted things out yourself. Good girl.”

  “Yeah,” she mutters. “What have you done? Why are you in the dark?”

  “I keep screwing up with her and I don’t know how to fix it this time. She wanted me to promise not to break her heart, which you saved me from promising by your little display in the kitchen. The thing is I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want someone to share my life with me. I want someone whose life I can share. That someone is Sofia McKenzie, and she currently thinks I’m an asshole. I deserve it too.”

  Closing my eyes, I see Sofia being brave next to her brother, even though tears ran down her face. I don’t even know how I’m going to be able to apologize.

  “I was jealous that you wanted to be with her,” Monica informs me in a rush. “I’m sorry, okay? All these years I’ve had you to myself, and I’ve watched you with other women, but none have threatened my relationship with you, until now. I got scared.”

  Frowning, I can’t even muster the energy to be angry with her. “It doesn’t matter now.”

  “Oh, for goodness sake,” she snaps. “Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go and apologize. I’d rather lose your time than see you so unhappy.”

  “I haven’t a clue how to apologize.”

  “Get on your knees and beg.” Monica smirks. “Might do you some good having to work really hard for something that means the world to you.”

  “You don’t think I work hard?”

  “You work hard, Shane…and you know exactly what I meant. You’ve never wanted to be with a woman like this before, which means she’s important. Don’t be an ass, and ignore me and my jealousy, and go and get her.” She grins. “I think Sofia McKenzie will be good for you once you stop screwing it up.”

  I roll my eyes. “Geez, sis. Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Standing, I straighten my clothes. “Did you say you’d spoken to Mom?”

  “Yeah.” Monica fusses with her purse. “It’s all sorted.”

  I watch as my sister runs out of the room as though she’s late for something while I breathe deeply, hoping like hell I haven’t screwed up completely.

  Standing outside of Sofia’s apartment, I lean against the door before thinking to hell with it and knocking. I still don’t know what I’m going to stay to her, but I know I have to say something. I need to beg, like Monica suggested, if all else fails. I also think I need to do something to show her that I’m not embarrassed to be seen with her. I still can’t believe she thought that. She’s the most beautiful woman and the only one I see. She’s worth begging for.

  The door in front of me opens and I wince when faced with her brother, Ryan. “What do you want?” He hisses, looking ruffled and wrinkled.

  “Sofia,” I whisper. “I just want Sofia.”

  He sighs heavily. “You are aware it’s gone two in the morning.”

  “Shit,” I hiss under my breath. �
��No, I hadn’t realized that.”

  I’m about to tell him that I’ll wait until she wakes up, when he indicates for me to follow him. At least that’s what I presume as he turns his back and moves down the hallway into Sofia’s apartment.

  I close the door and follow Ryan who looks relaxed in the apartment. And why shouldn’t he? He’s Sofia’s older brother.

  “I shouldn’t even let you in here considering how much you’ve hurt her.” Ryan flops down on the sofa.

  I join him. “I know I did.” I sink backwards into the chair. “Sofia is different. I don’t really know how to do this.” I offer a mirthless laugh. “I’m a bit clueless, but I need to learn. I don’t want to lose her, Ryan.”

  He stares as me for a while, and then says, “She cares about you. That’s the only reason I let you inside her apartment.”

  I swallow hard. “That’s why I’m here. I care about her as well.” I run a hand through my hair. “I’ve never had a woman on my mind so much.” My frown deepens and my eyes are drawn to Ryan when he laughs.

  “Yeah, tell me about it.” Shaking his head, he gets to his feet. “Don’t make me regret leaving you here.” He tugs on his boots and with one last glance toward Sofia’s room and then me, he leaves and I’m left wondering what the heck to do.

  I could sleep on the couch and wait until she finds me in the morning, or I can go and talk to her now. Get what I have to say off my chest, not that I’m sure of what to say so that she’ll forgive me for embarrassing her.

  An hour goes by and I’m still awake and sitting in the same chair that Ryan left me in, and I think it’s time I slip into bed beside her. If I have her tangled in the sheets with me then she can’t escape and refuse to listen. With that plan in my mind, I kick my shoes off, drape my blazer over the chair arm, yank the tie completely free of my neck, and move toward her bedroom.


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