Learning to Love Again

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Learning to Love Again Page 10

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  She nodded. “For now, yes, but what about when I balloon up like a whale?”

  I grabbed at the underwear under her dress and ripped them off. “Undo my shorts, darling. I’m about to explode and I’d rather be sunk into your heat when I do.”

  She made quick work of undoing the button and zipper on my shorts and freeing me from my boxers. My fingers tangled with her folds and her center, finding her drenched already. I sank deep into her as we both groaned in pleasure.

  I stopped a few strokes in, our foreheads coming to meet, staring into one another’s eyes. “When I look at you, I see nothing but beauty. It doesn’t matter whether you’re thin, curvy, or big with my children. My heart, mind, and body desire only you!” I pulled back and drove in again, to drive the point home.

  I placed one hand atop her belly, while my arm and body supported her weight against the door. “This right here is us. We created two amazing lives together. I can’t wait to see your belly grow ripe with our children. You are stunning to me now, but you’ll be even more beautiful when we can see the life growing inside you.”

  Her mouth moved, but no words came out. A tear slowly drifted down from one of her eyes as her lips sought me out and her tongue pressed forward into my mouth. That was all I needed to start moving again. She knew my feelings for her were the same as hers were for me; never-ending.

  The rest of the night continued much as it had started, with us making love several times throughout the night. It wasn’t until sometime early the next morning that we finally succumbed to sleep.

  An incessant knocking on our bedroom door roused me. I grabbed my sleep pants and pulled them on as I looked over to Laurel and found her still sound asleep. I guess I’d really worn her out.

  I opened the door, asking, “What?” in a rather cross manner.

  “Are you two going to sleep the whole morning away? It’s almost noon and everyone is already downstairs,” Grace commented as she peeked in to find Laurel still asleep in bed. Her face filled with concern. “Is she having a bad morning?”

  I didn’t particularly enjoy talking about my love life, but Grace had been around us enough to know that it wasn’t calm when we came together. “If you must know, we didn’t get much sleep last night.” I raised my eyebrows to give a silent indication of what I meant.

  Grace instantly caught on, her mouth forming an O. She didn’t need an explanation, but I gave it to her anyhow.

  “She lost a little confidence by what your mom said about her ‘muffin top’ yesterday,” I whispered. “She thought I might not love her once she gets bigger during her pregnancy. I tried to reassure her otherwise.”

  “Gotcha!” She shook her head, looking at Laurel. “That girl needs to understand that you love her completely. Everyone else can see you’re nuts for her.”

  I didn’t normally do this, but I pulled Grace into a hug. “Thanks for always having her back, Grace. Can you ask Deidre to bring up Laurel’s and my usual for breakfast? We’ll grab a quick shower and be down within the hour. Just see what you can do to keep everyone entertained. Jonathan and my parents should be able to help.”

  “Sure, no problem. Any idea what the plans are today? Everyone’s been asking.”

  “I have a few ideas, but see what everyone is interested in and we can finalize when we get downstairs.” I picked up my cell phone, which was sitting on the dresser by the door, and typed a quick text to Thompson and Deidre.

  She stepped back and gave me a small salute with a smile. “Yes, sir,” she said and laughed as she headed towards the stairs.

  “Smart ass!” I yelled out.

  “Get used to it, future cousin!”

  “Like I have any choice?!” I laughed. Grace was always good for a couple things, especially telling a person how it is and getting a laugh out of you. I could see why Laurel cared for her dearly, and my brother, too.

  We didn’t get out of the house until after one o’clock. Laurel had a small touch of nausea that slowed us down, but we were all on our way to the marina. Everyone seemed to like my idea of a picnic lunch and some fishing aboard my yacht, followed by a little shopping in the tourist district and a nice dinner out somewhere local tonight.

  We brought an extra boat out in case anyone needed to go ashore, along with a couple of jet skis to enjoy the ocean. The dads were quick to grab some fishing gear once our boat was parked while the moms took in a little sun and all of us “kids” took turns with the jet skis.

  Laurel wanted to go riding with everyone, but I didn’t know if it was safe for her and the babies, so I stayed with her on deck and rubbed her down with some sunscreen and we both sunbathed with the moms. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have my hands on her glorious body.

  Sylvia and my mom both commented on our choice of activity.

  “I’m surprised both of you aren’t out there on the water, having a good time,” my mother began.

  I could tell the statement took Laurel off guard, but she responded, “I didn’t sleep well last night, so I think I’ll just take it easy today.”

  “I’ll be glad when this mess with the Peterson clan is over with. It has to be draining both of you,” Laurel’s mom commented and my mother agreed.

  We nodded in agreement, but didn’t care to elaborate any further, hoping the discussion would be dropped, and it was. Thank goodness.

  Lunch was set up so everyone could nibble on sandwiches, salads, and fruits at their leisure. Laurel and I had such a late breakfast that we just sampled a few things here and there, knowing a big dinner was coming tonight.

  We missed getting to shop the tourist district because the dads got into a fishing competition with one another and all agreed they were having too much fun to go back yet.

  To our surprise, everyone seemed to be pairing up. Jonathan had Grace, Sarah was apparently dating Freddie now, Hannah seemed to be spending time with Donny, Dillon and Deidre were talking a great deal, and Thompson and my sister Tiffany were making eyes at one another. I loved my sister and I valued and appreciated Thompson’s knowledge and loyalty, but I wasn’t so sure I approved of them potentially pairing up.

  Laurel told me to get over it. “Life has a strange way of bringing people together,” she said. “You can fight things all you want, but if two people are meant to be together, it will happen, no matter how hard you try to stop it. Just look at us.”

  She did have a point.

  The afternoon had gone wonderfully and I’d enjoyed spending more time with everyone. I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t jet ski, but Garrett promised that after the holiday, he’d call my doctors and find out if it would be all right. He was already the overprotective little father, but I could see his point. I didn’t want to do anything to harm our babies.

  We’d gotten back to the docks a little after dusk. Everyone had hoped to freshen up and change into some dinner clothes, but Garrett and his parents assured us that the restaurant we were going to was very casual.

  The restaurant was a nice change of pace from the upscale benefit foods and fancy places Garrett had wined and dined me lately. It was a quaint, out of the way seafood place right on the Halifax Waterway in Daytona Beach Shores. The food choices were phenomenal. It offered everything from lobster and steak, every possible fish and seafood option imaginable, right down to some good ole country meatloaf.

  My parents and aunt and uncle were in heaven over the various options. I had a hard time making up my mind, so Garrett offered to get both dishes for us and we could split it. I didn’t know what was better, the tranquil atmosphere and being able to see out over the water, the fact that I was surrounded with the best families ever, or that the love of my life kept pampering me. For some reason Garrett got a bit goofy and kept feeding me bits of salmon off of his plate, while I fed him shrimp and grits off of mine, like we were the only two people in the place.

  “You guys are giving me a toothache over here with all your sweetness,” Grace commented. Naturally, everyone laugh

  After eating, we all walked down the dock with Thompson, Dillon, and Deidre keeping a close watch on us, while a couple other members of security stayed back at the beach house or the yacht—Garrett had all his bases covered.

  The dock was heavenly, with the breeze blowing off the crisp coolness of the water. I leaned on the railing and admired the view. Garrett came up behind me, encircling his arms around my waist and pointing out a lighthouse in the distance that flashed its brilliant beam, guiding the fishermen home in the night. Everything felt perfect, even as he asked, “So have you put any thought into when you’re ready to marry me?”

  Everyone’s chatter came to a screeching halt, to listen into our conversation.

  “Do we have to discuss this now, in front of everyone?”

  He waved his hand to everyone, encouraging them to go about their discussions. “Sorry, love. I’m just anxious to make you truly mine.”

  I turned around in his arms, putting mine around his neck, and looked deeply into his eyes. “I’ve told you before; it doesn’t have to be anything spectacular. All I ask is that my family is with us. I’m ready whenever you are.” I didn’t know what the future held for us, but I was finally willing to take a chance and go for it.

  His eyes were bright and a huge smile lit up his face. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s up to something. “You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear you say that.” His lips met mine and that was the end of the discussion, at least from my standpoint.

  After the restaurant, we all drove back to Garrett’s beach house and enjoyed a nice night cap. For me it was a cup of hot tea, while some of the men drank scotch or beers and the women had some fruity cocktails courtesy of Grace and Olivia.

  “Aren’t you going to have one, Laurel?” my mother asked. “I know strawberry daiquiris are your favorite.”

  I shook my head. “I’d love to, Mom, but remember I’m diabetic now and have to watch my sugar levels; alcohol does turn to sugar in the bloodstream.” I was thankful I had an excuse other than the pregnancy to rule out alcohol.

  “That is true. I keep forgetting about the diabetes,” she replied apologetically. “I’ll have to remind myself; you and my sister both share in that. Sorry, dear, I didn’t mean to forget.”

  “Not a problem, Mom. It’s not like I gave you enough time to get used to the idea. But thank you for offering. The tea will do me just fine; actually I’m feeling a little cool from being out on the dock and this will warm me right up.”

  As soon as the words left my mouth, I watched as Garrett walked over and sat down beside me, cocooning me into his side with his arms. “Why didn’t you tell me you were cold?”

  I leaned in to kiss his cheek and whispered, “The line was more for my mom than me actually being cold, but I’m not complaining with you here like this.” I pulled back, smiling and winking at him.

  A small laugh escaped him and the playful Garrett I knew started emerging. One hand brushed against the side of my breast as he pulled me closer. “Be careful what you wish for, because I plan on making you sizzling hot later.”

  “Are you okay, Laurel?” Olivia asked.

  I had just turned beet red from Garrett’s playful, yet sinful, suggestion. I had to take a few deep breaths before I was able to compose myself enough to answer. “I’m fine. However, you could tell your son to behave.”

  Olivia and my mother blushed. Garrett tried to feign innocence and I just looked at him and laughed.

  Shortly after Garrett’s little embarrassing moment, everyone decided to call it a day, since tomorrow would be an early one.

  “What are we doing tomorrow?” I voiced.

  “Spa day!” Grace and Hannah cried out excitedly.

  “What?” I asked. I hadn’t heard about that. “So you two are going to a spa tomorrow?”

  Hannah was still very awake, despite all we’d done today. She came over and sat next to me, nearly bouncing up and down on the sofa. “No, silly, all of us girls are going and getting whatever we want, courtesy of your fiancé. He’s sparing no expense for our leisure. We get to be pampered and fed at the very exclusive spa at the hotel we’re staying at, so you better get your booty to bed, because we’ll be dragging you out of it bright and early. Right, Grace?!”

  Grace just smiled and nodded.

  I turned towards Garrett. “When did you plan all of this?”

  “I wanted to surprise everyone with it so you’d have time with our moms and your girlfriends to catch up and relax.” He pulled me into his side and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips.

  My emotions were definitely in high gear, as I almost cried from the outpouring of love he was showing for everyone. “You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you. What are all the guys going to do tomorrow while we get pampered?”

  “We’re going to the early bird special at a strip joint down the road,” Jonathan teased.

  All of us “girls” had looks of horror plastered across our faces.

  He quickly held his hands up in defeat. “Just kidding, geez! Actually, we’re going to go play nine at a local course.”

  I pulled back from Garret. “You play golf?”

  “Not often. I’d much prefer miniature golf, I do much better with it, but I have played with my dad and brother before.”

  I changed and got ready for bed in one of the satin nightgowns Garrett had gotten me. It had been such a wonderful, busy day, but I was feeling a little depressed as I climbed into bed.

  He was quick to wrap his arms around me and pull my back into his front, causing us to spoon. His fingers pulled my hair out of the way as his lips sucked and nibbled on my neck and shoulder. “What’s wrong, my love? You seem down.”

  I exhaled deeply before admitting, “I really don’t know that much about you.”

  He kept sucking on my neck as he countered, “You know me better than anyone else, including my own family.”

  “But how can we get married if I don’t know all the little things about you? I didn’t know you played golf. What else don’t I know about you?”

  He moved away, letting me roll onto my back as he came up and hovered over me, looking deep into my eyes. “When people get engaged or even married, they can’t possibly know every single minute detail about one another’s lives. That’s why they say marriage is an adventure, because you learn as you go.”

  “But...” That’s all I could get out, because he pushed one of his legs between mine and ground up against my crotch, causing me to lose all train of thought.

  “There are no buts and what-ifs for us. We share an extreme amount of likes and dislikes with one another. Some differences are needed to keep our individuality. No two people are perfectly alike, just like no two snowflakes have the same form, but they can be similar and exist in nature in perfect harmony, just as we do in life.”

  His lips came down and found mine, silencing me with my questions, as his hands began to trace small circles up my inner thighs and up towards my heat. He eventually had both of us naked and his lips caressing my nether regions—all thoughts gone for the rest of the night. I was lost to sensation and the feelings that only Garrett could inspire deep within my soul.

  I must have dozed off, because the last thing I remember is the third orgasm he gave me last night before losing consciousness. Now the alarm clock was going off and Grace was banging on the door, yelling, “We leave in twenty minutes, so get your ass up, Laurel!”

  “Fine!” I yelled back as I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock. I turned over in bed, expecting Garrett to be there, but he was gone. I felt the sheets to see if he’d gotten up a little ahead of me, but they were cold. Maybe he couldn’t sleep so he went ahead downstairs to breakfast. Yeah, that’s got to be why he’s not here. Don’t panic.

  I went into the bathroom to find a few residual drops of moisture left on the mirror and a note on the countertop, along with an outfit:

  Grace started knocking on the door again. “Are you up yet?
Can I come in?”

  I grabbed my nightgown from the floor and opened the door. “Sure, come on in. I’ll only be a few minutes in the shower. It’s not like I have to do everything to get ready today, since we do have a spa day ahead of us.”

  Grace just laughed. “Damn straight, girlfriend. I didn’t even bother to shave my legs, put on makeup or anything else I’d normally do, because we all get that done for us today.” She came in, looking around our bedroom. “Dang, this is like déjà vu here. Your bedroom at our old apartment, his bedroom at the penthouse, and now here, all look alike, with only minor differences.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “We share the same taste in color schemes, and when he finds one he likes, he runs with it. I wouldn’t mind an extra little bit of color here and there, but I do love my burgundy and gold.”

  I turned to the side a bit and Grace caught how the nightgown clung to my body. “I see why my mom made her snarky comment yesterday. You can’t hide that you’re pregnant much longer, because, honey, you’re starting to show.”

  “I know. I know. That’s why Garrett keeps pressuring me to pick a date and finally have the wedding. He knows I don’t want to have a huge baby bump in the pictures. I just wish we could have done this all in the proper order so I wouldn’t feel so rushed.” I threw my hands up in the air to emphasize the point.

  Grace walked into the bathroom to get the water going in the shower, then came back out to give me a hug. “I wish we had all the time in the world to talk this out, but we have a schedule to keep this morning.” She pulled back and grabbed both of my shoulders, which got my attention. “He loves you with all his heart and you love him; that much is obvious. You’re having his kid. So why are you stalling on a wedding date?”


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