The Woman Who Knew Everything

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The Woman Who Knew Everything Page 21

by Debbie Viggiano

  For a moment Amber was nonplussed. ‘I can’t drink and drive.’

  ‘I know,’ said Steve, with a smile. One of Amber’s eyelashes had worked its way loose from her lower lid, and adhered to a damp cheek. Despite being heartbroken, she looked incredibly beautiful. ‘What about you go home, have a rest, and I’ll pick you up around six.’

  Amber stared at Steve in confusion. ‘Go home? What, now?’

  ‘Yes, now.’ Steve wanted to protect Amber from the gossip fall-out that was inevitable once Katherine Colgan had left the premises. There was no way young Jessica was going to keep her mouth shut when she discovered Kate wasn’t working her notice. Steve wanted to be the one to break the bad news to Amber, rather than her hearing it from someone else.

  ‘But…but…there’s no need for me to go home, surely?’ Amber felt befuddled, even though a part of her was longing to do just that – back to her duvet and the peaceful world of sleep. ‘How will you cope without me?’

  ‘That’s why the firm has a float secretary,’ said Steve. ‘I’m sure Chrissie will help.’ Privately Steve knew Chrissie would have her work cut out, because Clive Derek would require secretarial cover once Kate had left.

  ‘I think you should know,’ said Amber, ‘that Chrissie didn’t have a good weekend either. Or Dee. We’re kind of all in the same situation.’

  Steve rather doubted that either Chrissie or Dee had lost their boyfriend to the office siren, but right now he wanted Amber off the premises. ‘You’re a sweet girl to care about Chrissie and Dee, but my concern is you.’

  ‘Well, all right,’ said Amber doubtfully, ‘as long as you’re sure.’

  ‘I’m very sure.’

  ‘And…um…what about your…you know,’ she trailed off awkwardly.

  Steve looked mystified. ‘My what?’

  ‘Your mate,’ Amber whispered.

  ‘What’s he got to do with it?’

  ‘I don’t want him feeling put out because you’re not home for dinner.’

  ‘Why would he feel put out?’

  ‘Come on, Steve. Enough of this pretence. You don’t need to mollycoddle your secretary after office hours, when you could be at home with your feet up sharing a beer with your man.’ Amber noticed Steve’s lips twitch, and his eyes twinkled mischievously.

  ‘You’re right,’ Steve nodded. ‘Honesty is the best policy. After I’ve finished here, I do like to slob around with my man.’

  Ah ha, thought Amber. I was right. There is a man.

  ‘But the man is a little man, and he drinks cocoa rather than beer.’

  ‘Pardon?’ said Amber. Was her boss shacked up with a dwarf who liked mugs of milk rather than pints of lager?

  ‘Contrary to what you think, I live with my son.’

  ‘Your son?’ said Amber, looking dumbfounded. ‘You have a son?’

  ‘Yes. His name is Danny. He’s five years old. I like to keep my private life just that. I have my reasons.’

  ‘W-What?’ Amber couldn’t take it in.

  ‘Look, let’s do some straight talking – no pun intended – this evening, eh? Danny is having a sleepover with his grandparents tonight, so I don’t have to rush home. There are things you need to know, Amber, and I want to be the one to tell you.’

  ‘Right,’ Amber nodded, although she hadn’t a clue what Steve was talking about. She was still struggling to get her head around what he’d told her. All that chit-chat about going cycling with his mate, playing football with his mate, going up the driving range with his mate. She inwardly groaned. He’d been doing all those things with his son. ‘But, hang on a minute,’ she frowned, ‘where’s Danny’s mother?’

  ‘Later,’ said Steve firmly. ‘Now go home. Put your head down. I’ll see you at six.’

  Amber stood up. She felt quite bemused. Steve Hood wasn’t gay? Oh my God, Steve Hood wasn’t gay!

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  When Amber returned to her desk she was wearing the same distracted expression as Dee and Chrissie.

  ‘What was all that about?’ Chrissie asked, just as her office phone rang. ‘Two ticks.’ She picked up the phone. ‘Hello? Morning, Clive. Yes. Oh? She’s leaving? She’s left? Are you sure? Oh dear. Of course. No, I won’t say anything. Okay, I’ll be with you in a couple of minutes.’ As Chrissie put the phone down, she looked stunned.

  ‘What did Clive want?’ asked Dee. ‘You’re looking like he propositioned you, but you’re too gobsmacked to even say, “ewwwwwwwww”.’

  ‘Er, nothing. He needs some secretarial cover.’ Chrissie glanced over at Amber. ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Amber, in a daze, ‘never better.’ She flopped down on her typing stool.

  Dee gave Amber a curious look. ‘What’s happened to you?’

  Amber frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You look…elated. You went into Steve’s office doing an impression of someone who’d lost a tenner, and now you look like you’ve found the winning lottery ticket.’

  Steve suddenly appeared in his office doorway. ‘Are you still here, Amber? I thought I told you to leave. Now hurry up and go home. And Chrissie and Dee, I’d like you both in my office, please.’

  ‘Can you give me five minutes?’ asked Chrissie, standing up. ‘Clive Derek telephoned, and-’

  ‘He can wait.’

  ‘What’s going on?’ asked Dee, her brow furrowing.

  ‘I have a bad vibe,’ muttered Chrissie. ‘Clive Derek said something about Cougar Kate and-’

  ‘Chrissie, stop gossiping. In here now!’ said Steve, with exasperation.

  ‘He’s very masterful, isn’t he,’ murmured Amber. ‘See you tomorrow, girls.’

  ‘Where are you going?’ asked Dee.

  ‘Steve told me to go home, and this evening he’s taking me out to dinner.’

  ‘Wha–?’ said Dee and Chrissie together.

  Chrissie’s phone rang again. ‘Hello? Yes, Clive. I’m just…yes…Steve wants me to…yes, I will tell him you have a pile of typing, I’ll be–’

  The phone was whipped out of her hand by Steve.

  ‘Hello, Clive. Chrissie will be with you in five minutes. I have an urgent matter to discuss with her, as I’m sure you are aware.’ And with that he put the phone down on the Senior Partner. He then gave Amber a look that dared her to hang around the office for one second longer. Chrissie and Dee looked uncertainly at Amber. Her pupils were dilated and she was glowing like a chunk of radioactive Kryptonite. Gathering up her belongings she gave a cheery wave just as young Jessica from Accounts strolled in. Jessica watched Amber go with an expression of pity, which turned to glee the moment she was out of sight. She turned to Chrissie and Dee.

  ‘You’ll never guess wha–’

  Jessica shut up after spotting Steve, who had a murderous look on his face.

  ‘Er, wrong office,’ she said hastily, and scampered off.

  Dee and Chrissie looked at each other, then followed Steve into his office. He shut the door firmly behind him.

  ‘Sorry, girls. This won’t long. I’m speaking to you in confidence. You’re both close friends of Amber’s. Are you aware she and Matthew are no longer together?’

  ‘Yes,’ they said.

  ‘And did you know he’s moved in with Katherine Colgan?’

  There was a stunned silence, which answered Steve’s question.

  ‘Is this an awful joke?’ asked Chrissie. She could tell from Steve’s face it wasn’t.

  ‘How do you know this?’ asked Dee. She had visions of Amber rushing round to Cougar Kate’s house, screaming all manner of revenge through the woman’s letterbox.

  ‘I have it on good authority. Kate has resigned, and she won’t be working her notice.’

  ‘Just a minute,’ said Chrissie, holding one hand up like a traffic cop. ‘Does Amber know?’

  ‘No,’ said Steve, ‘that’s why I’ve sent her home. I don’t want her listening to office gossip. I’ll be giving her the bad news myself, this evening.
I’d appreciate the two of you not mentioning anything if she phones in later, okay?’

  ‘We give you our word,’ said Dee, ‘but the thing is, Steve, I think we should be the ones to tell her. We’re her best friends. She’ll need us.’

  ‘And you can be there for her,’ said Steve, ‘but after I’ve spoken to her first. I’m her boss. She has to work here. Amber needs to know she can walk back into this office, when she’s ready, with her head held high, and that nobody will be tittle-tattling. Otherwise they’ll have me to answer to.’

  ‘And us,’ said Chrissie.

  ‘Too right,’ said Dee. ‘If we hear anybody discussing it, they’ll get a verbal pasting.’

  Steve nodded and stood up, indicating their meeting was over. ‘Thanks, girls. Oh, and sorry, Chrissie, but you’re going to have your work cut out today looking after both Clive and myself.’

  ‘Bang goes my lunchtime hair appointment,’ said Chrissie, with a rueful smile.

  ‘Don’t cancel it,’ said Dee. ‘I’ll try and help Steve too. I don’t think Alan is very busy today.’

  ‘Aw, thanks,’ said Chrissie, perking up. She felt guilty that she should be worrying about a hair appointment, when Amber was going to be delivered a bombshell that wouldn’t so much as rock her world as completely blow it up.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chrissie left the hair salon at two minutes to two, hurrying back to work as fast as her stilettoes would permit. The morning had passed in a blur. She’d typed so quickly her keyboard had practically had smoke tendrils spiralling out of it.

  As her heels clicked along the pavement, her mind fragmented into a kaleidoscope of thoughts. She was so grateful to Dee for working through her own lunch hour to assist with the work overflow. It had enabled Chrissie to keep her hair appointment. She shook her head. It felt strange having silky hair billowing out behind her as she scurried along. From now on, ponytails were a thing of the past.

  Chrissie caught sight of her reflection in the glass panel of a bus stop shelter. Who was that young woman with the glorious swishy mane? And striding along so confidently too! She felt empowered. Liberated. Born again. It was amazing what a hair-do did for the self-esteem. A young lad walking in the opposite direction wolf-whistled. Chrissie beamed with delight. Seconds later the grin faded as she thought about Amber, alone at home, oblivious to the treachery of Matthew. The horrible man had obviously been using Amber. Matthew and that devious witch had been carrying on together for months. And to think Cougar Kate had smiled in Amber’s face when she’d invited her into her house for a reading with Madam Rosa. It all made sense now. Cougar Kate had wanted to know whether Matthew would ever leave Amber and move in with her and, even worse, whether there would be wedding bells. Chrissie sincerely hoped the two of them didn’t wed, or it would add insult to injury for Amber.

  Chrissie thought back to last Saturday’s reading with Madam Rosa. The clairvoyant had told Amber there was a love triangle. Boy, she’d been right about that. She hadn’t revealed the other woman’s name, insisting Spirit wouldn’t tell her. Instead, Madam Rosa had assured Amber she’d find out soon enough. Chrissie sighed. Little was Amber to know how soon that was to be. Madam Rosa had also warned Amber to remain calm and composed. “Serenity is your weapon in this instance,” she’d said. Maybe it was just as well Steve Hood was the messenger in this case. Chrissie rather thought Amber wouldn’t be so quick to go berserk with Steve by her side. If Chrissie and Dee had been the bearers of bad news, Amber might have insisted they all dress in camouflage and paintball Cougar Kate’s house and Matthew’s testicles.

  Bugger men, and bugger love. Why was it all such hard work? Her thoughts swerved to Jack. Now that was a man she’d lurve to love. Chrissie was under no illusion that the guy was completely out of her league. But she was quite happy to sit by that cosy wood burning stove again in The Beagle and Bugle, sipping her drink and discreetly watching the most beautiful man God had ever created as he went about his work.

  The double doors of Hood, Man & Derek loomed. Chrissie was about to push them open when she felt herself being pulled back.


  If it were possible to identify somebody on voice alone, then Chrissie would have picked this one out in a police line-up. She found herself looking at the astonished face of Andrew.

  ‘Bloody ’ell,’ he said, gawping, ‘it is you. What’ve yer done to yerself? Yer look a right babe.’

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I’ve come t’see yer.’

  She glanced at her watch. It was nearly five past two. ‘I’m late.’

  Andrew’s expression changed to one of pleading. ‘Babe, jus’ give me a minute. I’m sorry. I made a terrible mistake. Please, come ’ome.’

  ‘No way.’

  ‘Give me another chance, babe. Take the afternoon off sick. Come ’ome with me. Let me make things up to yer. I love yer. Let me show you ’ow much, eh?’ He gave her his most disarming grin. ‘I’ve bin a fool. What d’ya say, babe?’

  ‘No thanks.’

  ‘C’mon,’ Andrew cajoled. ‘Remember ’ow much fun we used to ’ave?’

  ‘Actually, no.’

  ‘Course we did! Let me pick yer up later, an’ take yer out for a slap up meal.’

  ‘McDonalds with all the trimmings, eh?’ Chrissie gave a thin smile.

  ‘If yer like.’




  ‘I’m beggin’ yer.’

  ‘I don’t want to.’


  ‘Because we’re finished. Now please, Andrew, let me get back to work. I’m late and we’re short staffed.’

  ‘But I’m desperate, babe. I need yer.’

  ‘You really don’t.’

  ‘I really do.’ Andrew was starting to look frantic. ‘I really, really need yer.’

  Chrissie suddenly put two and two together. ‘Why?’

  Andrew suddenly looked shifty. ‘Could you sub me five hundred quid?’

  ‘Ah, I understand.’

  ‘Nah, it’s not jus’ for the money, babe. Honest.’

  ‘Oh that’s good to know,’ said Chrissie sarcastically.

  ‘It’s jus’ that Big Mick and his mates are asking for an instalment on the money I owe. I really do need yer, babe.’

  Chrissie stared at Andrew and was amazed she felt…nothing. How odd. And wonderful. ‘The trouble is, Andrew–’

  ‘Yes, babe?’ His voice was full of hope.

  ‘Unfortunately, I don’t need you – babe.’

  And with that Chrissie turned her back on her ex-boyfriend and disappeared through the doors of Hood, Man & Derek.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Dee had never known a day like it. Gossip about Cougar Kate and Matthew was rife. Young Jessica had told anybody who would listen, ‘Don’t tell a soul but...,’ until Steve Hood had summoned Jessica into his office and read the Riot Act. The next bombshell to reverberate around the office was Chrissie returning from the hairdressers. Clive Derek took one look at the slender woman with hair like a Victoria’s Secret model and instantly turned into the office wolf.

  ‘Chrissie,’ he cooed, ‘you look like a film star. Now about all that hard work you’ve done for me today. You really must let me thank you.’

  ‘You’re very welcome,’ Chrissie replied, settling down at her desk and hoping nobody would comment on her being nearly fifteen minutes late. She pushed a tape into her Dictaphone and reached for her headset.

  ‘I mean properly thank you,’ Clive persisted, revealing a set of predatory teeth that could have landed him the body double part of Jaws the shark. ‘What about I take you out after work for dinner? Those poor little fingers of yours must be exhausted.’ He leant over Chrissie’s desk and picked up one of her hands. For one appalling moment, she thought he was going to bring his lips down to her knuckles and kiss them. ‘Tell me where you’d like to go.’

  ‘Er, I already have
arrangements for this evening, thanks.’ She snatched her hand away. ‘I’m going to Bluewater.’

  ‘Wonderful, wonderful,’ said Clive. ‘We can have dinner there.’

  ‘I’m going shopping,’ said Chrissie irritably.

  ‘After your shopping then. I won’t take no for an answer.’

  ‘Ooooh, lovely,’ said Dee, butting in. ‘I’m sure you won’t exclude me, will you, Clive? After all, I’ve helped you out too. My poor little fingers are totally knackered.’ She lifted them from her keyboard and wiggled them at Clive.

  ‘Oh,’ said Clive, looking thrown. ‘Well, er, of course I’m very grateful to you as well, Dee. That goes without saying.’

  ‘Excellent. So where are you taking us?’

  ‘Um, as you’re both having girly time together, perhaps I’ll retract my invitation and let the two of you enjoy your evening, eh?’

  ‘Aw, you’re so thoughtful,’ said Dee, wrinkling her nose Marilyn Monroe style. ‘I’ll bet Mrs Derek absolutely loves being married to you, eh?’

  ‘Ha ha,’ said Clive nervously. ‘I won’t hold you lovely ladies up. I can see you are extremely busy.’

  ‘Toodle-oo,’ said Dee, giving Clive a dinky wave as he hastily reversed out of their office.

  ‘Thanks,’ said Chrissie gratefully. ‘What the heck’s got into him?’

  ‘It’s because you look amazing. The hair restyle is gorgeous. From now on you’ll be fighting the admirers off.’

  ‘Don’t be daft,’ said Chrissie, although she was secretly delighted at Dee’s comment. That said, there was only one man she wanted to wow. Unfortunately, he didn’t work at Hood, Mann & Derek. She looked at Dee hopefully. ‘Are you really coming shopping with me this evening?’

  ‘Am I heck,’ said Dee. ‘That was to get Clive off your back. No, I’ll be heading home the minute it’s half past five. After today’s events, I want a long soak in the bath, then a telly dinner and chill. Apart from anything else, I need to be on standby for my detective.’

  ‘Ah, the lovely Harry,’ said Chrissie with a smirk. ‘Got a bit of a thing about him, haven’t you!’


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