Even Angels Fall

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Even Angels Fall Page 24

by Fay Darbyshire

  The following days are uncomfortable and strained. Alex tries in vain to find the money he so desperately needs, but he is met by constant dead ends. Tom wants to help him, but doesn’t know how to give his best friend support without putting himself and the others in danger. As he struggles with his guilt and the stress of the situation begins to affect them both, communication between them breaks down. For Abbey, it is like being back at home, amongst all the resentment and the never ending silence filled with unspoken words. She can’t stand it.

  The thought of once again living in an unhappy, guilt ridden environment truly terrifies her. She has escaped her family drama and as far as she is concerned she has a new family now. Her friends and Alex have become her absolute world and she can’t lose them too. She can’t just stand back and watch while everything shatters like glass. If anything happens to Alex it will crush her and the others will never forgive themselves, but he simply refuses to raise the point again. He won’t beg them to help, as he doesn’t want his problems or the repercussions affecting them in any way. Tom knows this, but he still feels as though he is the one letting Alex down. It all rests on his shoulders. Darren and Liam are on board, but he is refusing, trying to be the voice of reason with only Nathan quietly backing him from the side-lines. He is constantly questioning his judgement, second guessing himself and worrying whether or not he is making the right choice… for all of them.

  Abbey can sense Tom’s doubt and uncertainty and she knows that her only chance to help Alex and ensure his safety is to play on his indecision. The deadline is drawing closer and time is running out. She loves Alex, she can’t lose him, and although she can’t stand the thought of her friends being in danger she doesn’t know what else to do.

  Tom exhales the smoke from his cigarette and leans against the balcony, looking out across the Leeds skyline. He is distant and distracted as he battles with his thoughts in the relative silence, with only the soft hum of traffic and the occasional bird song interrupting the stillness of the afternoon. Abbey steps cautiously onto the balcony, still unsure of what she is going to say, and hovers quietly by his side. He doesn’t look at her as he takes another drag on his cigarette.

  “Are you OK?” She asks, warily.

  “I’ve been better…” He sighs, and Abbey nods, taking a sip of coffee from the mug she is holding, trying to take comfort from its warmth, “You think we should do it, don’t you?” Tom’s question takes her by surprise but it gives her the opening she needs. It is now or never.

  “I don’t want you to do it…” She explains, “I don’t want any of this to be happening. But if you don’t get that money, Tom, then Alex…” She trails off, unable to finish her sentence, flinching at the thought of what the outcome will be if Marcus isn’t paid.

  “I know… and it fucking kills me. He’s my best friend, my brother, and I want to help him. I’d do absolutely anything for that boy, but another raid… something just doesn’t sit right with me. I can’t explain it; call it gut instinct or whatever you want, I just don’t like it…”

  “But it’s the only way. It was the only way last time and nothing’s changed…”

  “But it’s so fucking dangerous, Abbey. The stakes are higher, the police will be on to us after last time, and there’s no guarantee it’s even gonna work… we could come away with nothing…”

  “At least you’ll have tried. At least you’ll know that you tried to help…”

  “But at what cost…?” Tom looks at her directly for the first time and Abbey sees in his eyes how much it is hurting him, trying to reconcile between his head and his heart, and she almost loses her nerve.

  “I don’t know what will happen, Tom…” She shrugs, “but I do know what will happen if we stand back and do nothing. Marcus will come after him and no matter what; he’ll make him pay…”

  “It won’t matter much if Alex ends up paying with his freedom anyway… we all could… you too, for assisting an offender…”

  “I don’t care about that…” Abbey tries to remain resolute, “Not if it keeps him alive…”

  “Marcus will just keep coming after him you know? Ever since Alex walked away he’s had it in for him, this is the worst it’s been but it isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. He’s a fucking maniac and paying him off won’t change that…”

  “But it will keep him from hurting Alex…?”

  “For now…”

  “Then that’s all that matters. Please do this Tom. Help him, keep him safe… and then you can figure out a way to get back at Marcus and end this for good…” Abbey reaches over and squeezes his arm, pleading with him as the desperation resonates in her voice. A flicker of doubt crosses Tom’s face and his pained expression is all she needs to drive her point home, “He’d do the same for you…” She whispers.

  “I know…” He confesses, remorsefully, “We’ve always had each other’s backs, always been there for each other no matter what and I swear that will never fucking change. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to him but I can’t shake this feeling either, that doing another hit would be a massive mistake…”

  “But the alternative, just letting it happen… it will eat away at you Tom…” Abbey continues, softly, careful not to push him too far, “Knowing you could have done something, but didn’t… it will never leave you. Trust me, I know from personal experience how horrible it is, living with guilt like that. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone…” Tom stares at her as he registers what she is saying and it is clear to Abbey that her insight has struck a nerve. They are all aware of her past and how she lost Ryan, so Tom knows only too well that she is speaking the truth.

  “If you were in his shoes, if your places were switched…” She continues, “… then he’d do this for you. I know you’re worried that something will go wrong, but if Marcus hurts Alex, seriously hurts him, or worse… imagine how you’ll feel then…?”

  Tears spring behind Tom’s eyes and he quickly looks away, clearing his throat as he takes a final drag on his cigarette before throwing it over the balcony. Abbey feels guilty beyond belief, knowing that she is hurting him and adding to his confusion, but she has to try and help Alex anyway she can. She gently wraps her arm around Tom and rests her forehead against his shoulder, and he responds by leaning into her slightly, before she breaks away and turns back inside.

  “Just think about it…” She pleads.

  Abbey is unsure at first whether or not talking to Tom has made a difference, or if she has just made the situation a whole lot worse. She is still riddled with worry and anxiety and those feelings don’t go away, even when Alex informs her later that night that Tom has had a change of heart and it looks likely they will do the raid after all. Alex isn’t happy or relieved, but at least it has offered him some form of hope, despite his reluctance.

  Abbey isn’t relieved either. The previous terror she felt at the prospect of Alex being attacked has only been replaced with a newer, stronger fear, especially since she has played a direct part in influencing Tom’s decision. But Alex and Tom have reached an agreement, Darren, Liam and Nathan have been informed, and all the preparations made. The raid will happen this coming Thursday and hopefully it will all go to plan, just as it did before. But as the reality of the situation starts to sink in for Abbey, so does the lingering sense of dread that Tom had tried to warn her about. Despite her unease, she dismisses the notion that something bad might happen and endeavours to ignore the nagging voice in the back of her mind that keeps telling her how unbelievably wrong this all is.

  The rain bounces heavily off the roof of the car as Alex, Tom and Darren sit opposite the seven/eleven, watching closely and waiting for the right moment to make their move. There appears to be one staff member inside, tidying the shelves and sweeping the isles, but the hammering rain makes it difficult to see.

  “I’ll go check it out…” Darren fastens his coat and pulls his collar up to cover his face, before throwing himself out of the car.

  “Be quick…” Alex squints as he watches Darren race across the road and skulk slowly past the shop window. He disappears around the edge of the building and Alex remains alert, assessing his surroundings from the partially concealed car that is parked up across the street. The shop is larger than the last one and is in a much more open, vulnerable position next to a main road. Luckily, as it is late and due to the horrible weather, there is no one on foot nearby and only minimal traffic. After several minutes Darren returns, shaking the water off his hair as he climbs back into the passenger seat.

  “Only one guy in there that I could see, half the lights are off and it looks like he’s getting ready to leave…”

  “We better make a move then…” Alex nods, “Are you ready…?”

  “Let’s get this over with…” Tom frowns, clearly unhappy, and Darren and Alex exchange a subtle glance as they pull on their balaclavas. Once again they all carry shot guns, but only Alex’s is actually loaded with bullets.

  Without another word, they simultaneously jump out of the car and rush across the road, crouching low to the ground. The door of the shop is locked but not bolted, and it only takes one attempt for Alex to break it open with his shoulder. The loud crash alerts the shopkeeper and he appears from behind the alcohol aisle, just as Tom cocks his gun and points it in his face.

  “Just keep calm and we won’t hurt you…” Alex states, “Open the till…” He raises his gun and the man hesitates for a moment, before slowly moving behind the counter and opening the cash register. Alex throws him the empty bag and tells him to fill it, which he does, but there isn’t a great deal of money in there, not even half as much as they were expecting. As Darren keeps watch at the window, Tom takes a few steps further into the shop, looking through an open door which leads into a small office at the back. There are bags by the table and he can see a few twenty pound notes on the desk.

  “Looks like he was counting up… in here…” Tom gestures, and Alex shoves the shopkeeper hard on the shoulder, forcing him forward. His demeanour bothers Alex. During the first raid the employees were all scared for their lives and therefore fully compliant. This guy is braver and seems almost indifferent to what is going on, which is fairly unsettling. He looks younger and much stronger too.

  “The money, where is it?”

  “In the corner… by my rucksack…” The shopkeeper answers reluctantly, and he hesitates again by the door, refusing to turn his back on Alex.

  “Well get it, hurry the fuck up…”

  As he follows the command there is a slight movement at the back of the shop and both Tom and Darren automatically spin around.

  “What is it?” Alex shouts, without taking his eyes from the shop keeper.

  “I’ll check it out…” Darren offers, “Cover the door…” As he creeps down one of the aisles Tom takes his position by the front window.

  The rain is still pouring down and there is no sign of life outside, which is good. They are almost done. Once Alex gets the remaining money they can get the hell out of here and go home. Tom stands and waits impatiently, his every nerve on edge, until Darren finally reappears.

  “All clear… are we good to…” before Darren can finish his question, the breath is violently knocked out of him and he crashes to the floor, winded and clutching his arm in agony. Another member of staff looms over him, wielding a cricket bat above his head, but before he can strike again Tom strides over and cocks his gun.

  “Drop it…” He threatens menacingly, and the man does as he is told, holding his hands aloft, “On the floor… now…” He slowly lowers himself down so that he is resting on his knees and Tom holds his hand out to Darren, “You alright?”

  “Yeah… I didn’t see him, he came out of nowhere…” He coughs.

  “What’s going on?” Alex shouts, straining to see while trying to keep the shop keeper in his line of sight.

  “Nothing, we’re fine…”

  Alex is reassured by Tom’s response but his relief is short lived as he turns his full attention back to the shopkeeper, who during the brief disruption has picked up an office chair and is now hurling it at him with full force. It crashes into Alex so hard that it knocks him off his feet and the gun flies out of his hands, skimming across the floor.

  “ALEX?” Tom shouts him, but he doesn’t have time to answer as he scrambles awkwardly to his feet. The adrenaline is pumping, his heart is beating loudly in his ears, and everything from that point on seems to happen at a super heightened speed. The shop keepers rushes forward and grabs hold of the gun. Alex’s gun. The gun that is fully loaded. And points it at him with a look of sheer determination. Alex spins around, hardly able to move fast enough and feeling as though he is in one of those dreams where you are running and running but just not moving forward. He hurls himself through the office door as the shopkeeper fires, shattering the woodwork inches above his head.

  “Jesus… what the fuck…?” Darren gasps, panicked, as Alex staggers across the shop.

  “GET BACK…” He warns them, throwing himself over the counter and landing underneath the window as the shopkeeper fires again, blowing the cash register and the newspaper display to pieces.

  Before Darren can react further, the man who attacked him takes advantage of the distraction and charges, tackling him into a set of shelves. They begin to fight, but Tom doesn’t help, doesn’t even flinch, as the horror of what is unfolding in front of him slowly registers and it freezes him to the spot. Alex pushes himself up off the floor as the shop keeper reloads, but he has nowhere to go and nowhere to hide… he is completely exposed. Running purely on instinct, Tom drops his gun and charges forward.

  “Alex… NO…” He chokes out, slamming into him and throwing him backwards. There is another shot, and Alex looks up to see Tom clutching his stomach as blood begins to seep through his fingers and drip onto the floor beneath him.

  “No, no, NO…” Alex yells in horror and the shopkeeper stares in wide eyed shock as Tom drops to his knees and falls forward. Alex instinctively leaps over the counter and kicks the gun out of the shopkeeper’s hands before he has chance to compose himself, punching him hard in the face, knocking him to the floor and reigning blow after blow down on him until he is unconscious.

  Darren grapples with his opponent -desperately trying to fend him off so that he can help Alex and Tom - and as the burly man overpowers him, he lashes out, kicking him in the chest and launching him backwards, buying him enough time to clamber off the floor and gather himself. He almost trips over and looking down he sees the discarded cricket bat at his feet. He quickly picks it up, and as the man charges at him again Darren swings his arm back, connecting the bat with his jaw and knocking him out cold.

  “Oh no, no, no, please, no…” Alex sobs quietly, cradling Tom in his arms while trying to stem the bleeding and Darren rushes over, kneeling down beside them.

  “Alex we have to move him, now…”

  “Go get the car…” He screams, pulling Tom to his chest and rocking him back and forth “God what did I do, what did I do, Tom just hold on mate, please…” Alex begs, with his tears falling freely as Darren races out into the pounding rain and sprints across the road. Tom is still alive, still breathing, but he is losing a lot of blood. It is only moments later when Darren returns and they carry him awkwardly outside, carefully laying him down on the back seat.

  “Hurry the fuck up Darren, drive…” Alex shouts as he struggles to keep pressure on the wound.

  “Where to?”

  “To the fucking hospital, where the fuck do you think?!”

  “No…” Tom gasps, “They’ll ask… questions…”

  “You need to get to the hospital now mate, you need help…” Tom shakes his head and his eyes roll back as he drifts in and out of consciousness.

  “He’s right…” Darren shouts, panicked, “They’ll ask him what happened, and when those guys report the robbery, they’ll know Tom was involved…”

  “He could die… he’
s gonna fucking die, just get him to the FUCKING HOSPITAL…” Alex screams and Darren fights back tears as he speeds through the deserted streets and out toward Leeds General Infirmary. Tom grabs hold of Alex’s arm and shakes his head again, struggling for breath.

  “Just… leave me…”

  “What…?” Alex gasps, horrified.

  “Outside… leave me… you have to…” Tom chokes, coughing and writhing in pain.

  “I can’t just fucking leave you, I won’t do that…”

  “You have to…”

  “If they see us, they’ll know we’re involved…” Darren whispers, explaining Tom’s request, “If anyone sees us drop him off, we’re done too…”

  “God Tom, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, it should have been me… why didn’t you just fucking leave it, why did you have to push me out of the way, you stupid bastard…?”

  “I… told you…” Tom smiles despite the fear in his eyes, “I’d die for you, brother…”

  “No… God no, please…” Alex sobs heavily as Darren slams on the breaks and comes to a screeching halt outside the A&E department. He climbs out and hastily flings open the back passenger door and they both struggle as they haul Tom out of the car, carrying him over towards the entrance. He drops to the floor just outside the automatic doors as they buckle under his weight.

  “Go…” He breathes, barely conscious, “Go…” Alex hesitates, refusing to release his grip on Tom, crying and sobbing as Darren wraps his arms around his waist and tries to pull him away.

  “We have to go Alex…”


  “We have to go now…” The panic in Darren’s voice reaches a fever pitch as he looks up to see a doctor and two nurses running through the hospital towards them. Alex finally relents and they both stagger backwards, causing Darren to trip over as he forces Alex back into the car. He climbs clumsily into the driver’s seat and floors the accelerator as two nurses crouch down beside Tom and another rushes over with a gurney.


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