Alien Invader's Curvy Fated Choice: OTT Curvy Sci Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Queens of Yalania Book 3)

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Alien Invader's Curvy Fated Choice: OTT Curvy Sci Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Queens of Yalania Book 3) Page 3

by Sara Nebula

  I shake my head and laugh. “You really are something. I’ve never met anyone as strange or as fascinating as you.”

  “I am sure you have not. But please, explain virgin.”

  “Well, it’s, um, when someone has never had sex before. You understand sex, right? I’m not prepared to explain that one to you.”

  “Yes, that word comes through to me clearly. No need for an explanation.”

  He laughs easily and heartily, throwing his head back and letting his whole body shake with the force of his laughter.

  “Are you a virgin as well?” He asks.

  “I am. I mean, I’ve had guys try to have sex with me, but I’ve turned them down. Just like the man you saved me from in the bar last night. He was just going to use me for it, and I’m not the kind of girl who wants to be used and tossed aside, ya know?”

  “You are a strong female. Your people should be proud of you.”

  “I don’t really have people. I was a foster kid.”

  I watch his face to see if he understands. He purses his lips and furrows his brow as if he’s deeply considering what I’ve said.

  “Hmmm. You were an orphan, correct?”

  “Yeah, my mom died of a drug overdose when I was a baby. Goddess only knows where my father ended up.”

  “She certainly knows. You should ask her,” he says.

  “Honestly, Klioc. What’s it like going through life being so easily assured that your Goddess has all the answers or that you will succeed in having your way? There are plenty of guys like that here on Earth, but most of them come across as jerks. But not you, and I just can’t figure it out.”

  “Let me kiss you again, and I will show you,” he says.

  “Ok, fine. Kiss me,” I say.

  Klioc gets down on his knees before me and kisses my legs.

  “A queen is to be honored and worshipped,” he says. “And you, Jessica, are a queen.”

  “Worshipped, huh? Ok...”

  Klioc is so smooth that even if he lost all his mind control powers, he could still leave any woman soaking in her panties within a few minutes of just talking to him.

  I keep my legs closed tightly, but he wedges his hand between them and gently pushes them apart. My breathing quickens, and I swear my heart is dancing in my chest. I was expecting another kiss on my mouth, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what he has in mind...

  Klioc presses his nose to my leg and sniffs. “Your scent fills me with passion,” he says in his clumsy yet infinitely poetic manner.

  My chest rises and falls, and I feel my core heating up, just from this tender encounter.

  Klioc pulls my legs further apart, and I can’t say no. I’m losing control of my body, and the idea of letting him take me is becoming more delicious every second. I have never allowed myself to be used sexually by human men, but here I am about to allow a blue alien to take whatever he wants from me. Not only that, but I’m going to enjoy every second.

  My resistance breaks into a thousand pieces and chasing it down is useless. Klioc’s warm lips send shudder after shudder through my body. My stomach flutters, and I look down to see that once again my body is vibrating. Klioc’s lips are inching closer to my inner thighs now, and his hands caress my hips. He grips my body tighter for a moment and I let out a soft moan for him. It’s too late to turn back from this. I need him to keep going, keep opening me up more and more until he’s deep inside of me and I can never imagine pushing him out.

  My moans pick up frequency and speed. “Yes, yes, please,” I beg him.

  Then he pushes the slit of my panties to the side and I feel his warm breath on my pussy. He’s doing nothing but breathing onto it right now, but that’s enough to send me into a screaming fit of ecstasy. I convulse and shudder as he continues to breathe what feels like eternal bliss into my pussy.

  His mouth descends onto my sex, and a tremor convulses my ribs. I need to push him away from me. I’m not ready for this. His soft lips caress my clit, and I jerk forward screaming from a mix of too much pleasure and frightened anticipation.

  Klioc comes up, and our eyes meet. My apartment returns to normal. There are no more stars or other heavenly bodies whipping past us. But I am trembling uncontrollably, and my teeth are chattering. He took me to a place where everything felt too good and much too perfect.

  “Are you alright, Jessica?” he asks.

  His sweet concern catches me off guard and I stumble in my mind to think of my response. Finally, I discover it, and find my voice once more.

  “I’m ok. I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about me,” I whisper hoarsely.

  He takes to his feet and then pulls me onto mine. Once he’s satisfied that I’m on firm ground, he removes it from beneath me. My body tingles pleasantly, and I start to have a feeling of total weightlessness. I gasp and shriek as I realize he’s making me float.

  “Put me down, Klioc!”

  “I just want you to know that I can make you fly,” he says.

  “I can see that. But it’s not something I’m used to. I prefer the sensation of ground beneath my feet, and I’m afraid of heights, so if you take me too far up, I’m going to scream.”

  He sets me down and I stumble backwards onto the couch. Being trapped in my apartment with a man who can seemingly do whatever he wants to me is frightening and more than a little thrilling. It’s the fact that I find it thrilling that scares me the most.

  I want to give in to my urges, but so far, I’ve managed to remain a good girl, and I’m really trying to stay that way.

  “I will have you,” he says.

  “Not until I’m certain that I am the one making that choice,” I reply.

  “Do you have a water source nearby?” He asks.

  “Um, yeah. We have Lake Michigan. It’s about a fifteen-minute walk to the beach from here.”

  “I want you to take me there tonight when no other humans are around.”

  “Ok. Does this have something to do with getting you home?”

  “No. But I wish to show you something.”

  “Should I wear a swimsuit?” I ask in a joking tone. It’s October, and it’s starting to get too cold out.

  “I would prefer you to wear nothing,” he says.

  Of course, he would prefer I wear nothing. Of course.



  I disguise myself as a human again, and Jessica leads me to her beach. Much to my dismay, she is still wearing her clothing. My own robes appear to her as what she calls jeans and a t-shirt. I find these human words strange and entertaining.

  A few human couples are present on the beach as Jessica leads me down to the water. The couples are wrapped in various stages of embrace, and one couple is deep in union. Soon I will achieve this with Jessica.

  I follow Jessica to an empty spot near a rocky area.

  “Ok, so what did you want to show me at the beach?” She crosses her arms over her chest and shivers. I do not feel the cold, as I am capable of producing my own heat. I lay my hand on Jessica’s shoulder and she flinches.

  “Stay still, Jessica. I will not hurt you. I am only transferring heat into your body.”

  She uncrosses her arms and leans into me. A heavy sigh comes out of her as I warm her body. Once I am done, she backs away and our eyes meet.

  “Is there anything you can’t do?” She asks.

  “I am capable of many things, but yes, there is plenty I cannot do. I can heal and give warmth, but I cannot bring your dead back from the shadow world.”

  “That makes sense,” she says as she kneels and digs her hands into the sand.

  “You have had a great loss in your life, Jessica. I can feel it.”

  “Am I that obvious?”

  “Yes,” I reply.

  She stands up and laughs softly. “You are infuriating. You need to develop tact, mister.”

  She attempts to shove me playfully, but I do not budge. This only makes her push harder until she is straining to knock me down. She
gives up and makes a “hmmph” sound.

  “I am going into the water,” I announce.

  The waves are strong tonight, but the water is soothing to my skin. Being on Earth for this long is starting to have an effect on my body. I can sense that I am slowly weakening and if I remain here for too long, I will end up like the old man in the shop who has lost all hope for returning home to Yalania.

  But still, I turn to Jessica and levitate over the water.

  “I should have known you were going to put on some show for me,” she says as she turns away.

  “Jessica, look. Take my hand.”

  She turns back around and steps towards me. Slowly, her arm stretches outward and she takes my hand.

  “Oh my God!” She cries out. “I told you not to make me levitate anymore!”

  Her other hand slams over her mouth and she gasps. She mumbles through her hands: “I need to learn to be quiet. I hope the other people here just think I’m a crazy person or something.”

  “If that is what you wish them to think, I will put that thought into their minds.”

  “No, no, no,” she says. “Please just leave them alone.”

  “I’m going to take us a little higher,” I announce. She squeezes my hand tighter as I raise us up another three inches.

  “Klioc, please,” she says.

  “I will not let you go, Jessica. Not now or ever. I wish for you to trust me.”

  Another deep sigh from Jessica, and finally after a few moments of silence:

  “Ok. I always tell myself I should be open to new experiences. So, let’s do it. Take me higher if you want. I’m ready.”

  “Close your eyes for now,” I command.

  She seals them tight, and I raise us higher and higher. Once we are up several feet, I walk her through the air over the lake.

  “Have you taken us up more?” She asks. “This is so funny. To think we’re walking on water right now!”

  “Not walking on it. Above it,” I reply. “Now open your eyes.”

  She gasps as she looks around us. We are several feet above the water.

  “I feel fine. How is that possible?”

  “I am in control. You cannot fall unless I let you fall, and I will never do that. I will always keep you lifted up.”

  She looks back towards the beach. “Those other couples are gonna see us soon. I’m shocked they haven’t already.”

  “It will be a wonderful story for them,” I say. I raise her up so that she is at the perfect height for a kiss. She giggles right before I press my lips to hers. I place my hands on her curvy waist and pull her thick beautiful body closer. I sink my fingers into her flesh, and my rod stiffens against her. Her moans ripple through my muscles as our passion intensifies.

  Our desire lights up our bodies. Jessica glows a lovely shade of violet. I know that I must be right that she is my one and only Nura. But though I do not show it, I have a small seed of doubt that I might be wrong. The doubt is more annoying than completely disturbing at this point. Perhaps this is all just a test from the Goddess and in order to rise to the challenge I must stay steady and confident for Jessica. If I remain strong then Jessica will grow stronger as well. It is the way things are.

  Jessica surprises me by grabbing my growing bulge. I float us back to the beach as we continue to kiss. I have been patient with her long enough. I must have her.



  Klioc sets us back down in the sand and lifts me up with his powerful arms. I wrap my legs tight around his waist as he carries me deeper into the shadows. He sets me down on a rock without breaking our kiss.

  The feelings surging through me are impossibly strong, and my will to fight them off is weakening. I undo his jeans and slip my hand in. My fingers brush across the top of his cock. Klioc brings out my primal nature. I feel that this is what I was meant to be — an unashamedly sexual being. Now is the time to allow myself to begin going down the path that will lead me to be just that.

  I can no longer keep my hands off him, and he certainly isn’t going to take his off me. His hands glide all over my back as I free his cock from his pants. I lift the heavy thing up and pull it out. As I run my hand up and down it, I think that it can’t possibly be this big. It’s too dark out to get a good look at it, but yeah, um, it’s pretty big.

  I turn my head away from him and suck in a deep breath. I’m about to do the naughtiest thing I’ve ever done, and it feels wonderful to be this free. It seems right with him. It shouldn’t, but it does.

  “I did not want our kiss to end,” he says.

  “Well, I’m pretty sure you’ll like what I’m about to do.”

  I slide off my rocky perch and fall to my knees before him. His massive cock was already stiff, but it swells even more in my hand. Maybe it was the excitement of floating across the water with him, or maybe he’s broken down my inhibitions, but I crave his body now. I need a deeper connection with him for some reason. I get the thought in my mind that I don’t want there to be any space between us. I want to be one with Klioc.

  A soft and soothing female voice whispers in my ear:

  “You have decided this on your own, little one.”

  I had been worried that Klioc was implanting these desires into me, but this voice I’ve just heard soothes and reassures me that I am still in control, even though it doesn’t feel as if I am.

  I keep hold of his cock and open my mouth to take him in. He steps forward until his heavy thing is resting on my tongue. Thankfully, he hasn’t gone and shoved the whole thing down my throat. There’s just no way I’d be able to handle all of him.

  Klioc undoes my hair tie and digs his fingers into my unruly mass of wavy hair. My nerves are humming as he scrapes his fingertips across my scalp. I decide now is the time to be brave and do more than just let his cock rest on my tongue. I swirl it up along the underside of his shaft and Klioc groans.

  “Your mouth...your mouth...”

  It makes me happy to hear him struggle for words for once. Especially because I know that I am the cause of it. He’s usually so poetic, but I’ve rendered him nearly speechless with a simple swipe of my tongue.

  Heat climbs my body as I push myself further down his shaft. I force myself to take more of him in and I’m rewarded with louder groans of deep satisfaction from my alien lover.

  “Yes, more!” He growls. His urging spurs me to slide further still along his now throbbing shaft.

  Each pulse of his dick against my tongue makes my mouth water. There’s a lingering and addictive saltiness assaulting my tastebuds, and I need more of it. Klioc has been very gentle with me, and not at all how I imagined he’d be when I first saw him in the bar. But now I find myself craving something quite a bit...harder.

  As if he can read my mind (oh wait, he can!), Klioc’s hands glide over to the back of my head and he smashes me down onto his cock. A wave of dizziness hits me at first, and I choke all over his dick. But I don’t mind. I want this so bad for some damn reason. Maybe when a massive alien has his cock shoved down your throat, you lose all your inhibitions and desire total sexual freedom to turn all your darkest fantasies to reality. If that’s what is happening to me now, then so be it.

  A forceful hand shoves me down farther, and the squelch of my mouth on his cock makes my pussy gush.

  Dominate me. Pound my little mouth, Klioc. Fuck me till I can hardly breathe. I want to be gasping for breath when you’re done. I want your hardest explosion as you flood my mouth with your cum. Give it to me. I can handle it.

  These are my thoughts, and Klioc manifests them into reality. His hands slide over to the sides of my head and he glides my mouth all the way back up to the tip of his cock. My eyes are wide open, and I see his cock glowing in the dim light of the city. His skin has returned to his normal blue, I suppose just for me. This is how I like him though. He doesn’t have to hide who he is to me. Not if I really am what he says I am to him.

  My lips pout as I keep them wrapped around the t
ip of his cock. Klioc jams my head back down quickly and bucks forward. A loud crack and my own gagging noises fill my ears. He’s so damn big, and over half of him is inside my mouth now. I bathe the underside of his shaft with my tongue and then wrap it around the side of his invading lance.

  Clap. Clap. Smack. Squish. Squelch.

  A moan reaches up from my throat as I slobber all over his monstrous thing. He pounds my mouth at a steady rhythm now, the whole thing threatens to put me into a trance. To make things even more interesting, his cock begins to vibrate against my tongue and Klioc groans.

  “Do you want to swallow my seed?” I hear his voice loud and clear inside my mind.

  I transmit back to him. “Yes. I want all of it. Pound my little mouth. Please give it all to me. Shoot it all down my throat. I promise I can handle it. You can be harder on me. I think I like it rough.”

  I am caught off guard for a moment as a warm and tingly energy travels down the back of my head and then all the way down my spine. The energy then shoots right back up and rolls right back down. It keeps doing this as Klioc delivers his hardest blows to my mouth yet. His hands grip the sides of my head tightly, and I eagerly await the sensation of his cock head slamming the back of my throat.

  I don’t know how it’s even possible, but I feel like I’m gonna cum. Very hard.

  The energy cycles through me again and when it reaches the bottom this time, I explode. My body quakes with pleasure as Klioc twists his cock deep into my mouth. He groans super loud and I bet the other couples on the beach are listening to us now. Maybe they’re looking to us for guidance because we are clearly doing this right. The thought fills me with a sudden rush of joy as my orgasm continues washing over me. My eyes fly backwards in their sockets, and I accidentally clamp down on Klioc’s dick. I’ve lost control of everything. Klioc doesn’t mind the bite though, and it only seems to make him moan in ecstatic bliss as his thick warm cream sprays the back of my throat. It’s not just a few weak blasts or a single powerful shot. No, it’s one thick burst after another of hot salty alien cum filling up my mouth. It coats my throat as it slides down.


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