Come to think of it, neither could he.
ON A BALMY MORNING IN February, Dr. Mark Rayburn and Dr. Samantha Forrest set out on foot from their large home on a cul-de-sac. While he lowered the oversize stroller to the walkway, she locked the door on the once-austere house, which seemed much friendlier now that it was stuffed with a flowery sofa and chairs, baby furniture and a collection of colored glassware.
Dr. Rayburn and Dr. Forrest, who had discussed merging their names when they said their vows but decided Rayburn-Forrest would be too much of a mouthful, enjoyed the salty breeze that blew from the ocean and the early spring flowering of pansies, snapdragons and primroses in the yards they passed.
A couple of times, they stopped to tug a blanket into place over one of the triplets, who were getting feistier every day, much like their parents. And occasionally the two doctors’ voices rang out in cheerful disagreement about some policy or other. But when they neared the complex, their steps quickened as they eagerly anticipated their arrival at Safe Harbor Medical Center.
This was—and for a very long time into the future would surely remain—their hospital.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-7641-7
Copyright © 2010 by Jackie Hyman
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*Downhome Doctors
†Harmony Circle
**Safe Harbor Medical
The Holiday Triplets Page 19