Laurie's Wolves

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Laurie's Wolves Page 5

by Becca Jameson

  At least he was affected by her. Or was it just the mating?

  Finally, he righted himself and met her gaze again. In the standoff of a lifetime, she waited. Considering the few words he’d shared so far, she figured the ball was totally in his court.

  The clock ticked. As if shaking himself from a trance, Corbin literally shook his head to clear the cobwebs, smiled broadly, and glanced back and forth between the two of them. “I’m one lucky fucking bastard.” He lunged forward, grabbed Laurie’s hand, and pulled her from Zach’s arm into his embrace.

  The first thing he did was inhale deeply with his face in her hair. “God, you smell fantastic. Like a drug.” He held her at arm’s length next, cupping her face with both hands. His eyes jumped back and forth between hers. “And you’re gorgeous. If it weren’t for having to share you with this asshole next to us,” he teased, “I’d say I just won the lottery.”

  She finally exhaled. “You had me worried.”

  “Never.” He angled his face and kissed her, not hesitating in his urgency. His tongue traced her lips for only an instant before she parted for him and let him inside.

  The brief kisses she’d shared with Zach had not been as deep. Corbin consumed her. He tasted amazing—of the outdoors, the forest…home.

  He slid one hand around to the base of her head and then down to splay on her back, holding her closer. His cock pressed into her belly. His fingers wove into her hair. “Gorgeous hair,” he muttered against her lips before kissing her more.

  Two other hands landed on her hips from behind, reminding her they were not alone. She broke the kiss to lean her head back on the hard chest of Zach at her back, tipping her face to meet his gaze. “Shit.”

  “Yeah.” Zach lifted his gaze to Corbin’s. “We waited for you, asshole,” he teased with a smirk. “And you freaking swoop in here and practically claim her right out of my embrace.”

  Corbin chuckled, a deep penetrating sound that made her skin tingle all over her body. He licked his lips and kissed her again. “She tastes like heaven.”


  They both glanced down at her.

  “Could we maybe exchange a few pleasantries first? I mean, I’m clear on the pheromones in the room and all, but you could at least try to woo me before you fuck me unconscious.”

  Corbin laughed again. God, she loved that sound. He tipped his head back and let his deep voice fill the room. Finally, he partially released her and let his hand slide down to take hers. He pulled her from Zach’s embrace and tugged her toward the bed. “Let’s sit before my knees give out.”

  She agreed. And there were only so many places to get comfortable in the small cabin. The queen-size bed would have to do for tonight, though she hoped in the future they wouldn’t have to spend too many nights in such cramped quarters. Then again… Maybe she would enjoy the closeness.

  Corbin and Zach each took a seat leaning against the headboard, and Laurie climbed onto the bed and settled cross-legged between them facing her men. “Next time you upgrade the cabins, maybe consider switching to king-size beds.”

  Zach chuckled. “Pain in the ass to get them up the mountain.”

  “Ah. True.”

  “In all honesty, I know a lot about you, Laurie. I never imagined meeting you and finding myself mated, but I’ve been friends with Melinda and Miles for years,” Corbin began, staring at her intently.

  “Then tell me about you. I’m at a disadvantage.” She glanced at Zach. “I hardly know much about Zach either, but I’ve heard stories about the Masters family in general for months now. There are a lot of you.” She grinned.

  Corbin sat up straighter and leaned forward to take a lock of her messy strawberry curls in between his fingers. “I was born and raised on the rez. My parents still live on the eastern side, about ten miles from Sojourn. I joined the sheriff’s office six years ago. I worked the case over the summer when the casino site was under investigation, and Keegan was the inspector. He had just mated with Melinda and Trace at the time.

  “In fact, he’s going to give me all sorts of shit for this.” Corbin moaned. “I basically harassed those two men for mating the same woman. I thought we might come to blows when they informed me they didn’t do each other, but rather shared Melinda.

  “Honestly, I’d be a little freaked out right now if I hadn’t learned that detail.” He turned toward Zach. “No offense, man. I love you and all, but I’m not about to have sex with you.”

  “None taken. And please don’t even think about it.” Zach shuddered.

  Laurie fought a grin. It was going to be fun watching these two men emerge in this new dynamic. Zach at least saw it coming from a mile away. Corbin had been blindsided.

  “How are you so calm about this?” Corbin asked her.

  “I wouldn’t call myself ‘calm.’ But I wasn’t shocked. Two of my older siblings are mated to a Masters. I can’t deny realizing before I left the house this morning my chances led in that direction. You were the only missing link. But not the concept of your existence. We’ve been biding our time all day looking around, wondering, stressing over what man might cross our paths and be our third.

  “When Trace said you were coming to bring us supplies, we were convinced.”

  “How unfair. You held all the cards.” Corbin gave her hair a slight tug, encouraging her closer.

  “Would you have come if he’d said something?” she asked.

  “Hell no. I would have run from the mountain and avoided you two like the plague for as long as I could put it off. I would be at the base of the slopes now changing for my date for this evening.” He cringed.

  “It’s not your fault, you know.” She needed to be closer, and she crawled onto her hands and knees and inched forward between them. “I know her feelings will be hurt, but you didn’t plan this.”

  “Yeah, somebody explain that to the human. Gah.” He leaned his head back a second and stared at the ceiling. “I’m not looking forward to that confrontation. I can’t even call to cancel from here. No cell service in this storm.”

  “I’m sorry.” She kneeled between them and reached a hand to stroke his cheek. “I know this is shocking.”

  He faced her again, a smile taking the place of his serious straight mouth. He set his hand on top of hers and held it against his face. “Every second I’m with you, I feel calmer. Why is that?”

  Zach spoke. “The same thing happened to me this morning. In fact, it got me through the day. She has that effect on people, I guess. Plus, she’s a weather genius. Never doubt that. If the woman tells you to bring an umbrella, listen to her.”

  “Ha ha.” She swatted playfully at Zach’s chest with her free hand. His bare chest. The one he hadn’t bothered to pull a shirt over. He wore nothing but his thermal pants.

  “Do you have Melinda’s abilities? I know her grandmother does. Mimi, right?”

  “Yep. That’s her. And it remains to be seen if I have any of her talent. If I do, it has lain dormant all of my twenty-five years. However, in the three days since I arrived here—on tribal land at first and then this resort today—I have experienced several paranormal instances.”

  “Please tell me you haven’t seen any of Melinda’s black auras.”

  She drew back, pulling her hand from his face. “Please tell me you aren’t a non-believer. You’re part of the tribe, the half of me that can hone in on that side.”

  Corbin shook his head. “Not at all. I went through enough with your two families last year to know better than to poke fun. Clearly Melinda has some precognitive skills. I only mean to imply that it can sometimes be a burden to her, and I wouldn’t wish that on my mate.”

  “And you’ve never seen the spirits she speaks of?”

  Corbin shook his head. “No, but I’ve heard all about them.”

  “Well, then you know the sightings aren’t strictly witnessed by members of my family. Many others from the tribe, and even from this side of the lake, have seen similar paranormal activi
ty. Some have come forward and told my grandmother. But how many have kept the knowledge to themselves? Embarrassed to admit they’d had such a vision or perhaps unbelieving?”

  “Good point. And I, for one, am a believer. Don’t worry about that. Have you seen one of these black cloudy things yourself?”

  “Yes. It’s what drove me to go flailing into the tree line and got us stranded.”

  Zach grabbed her hand. “Did you talk to Melinda about that?”

  She turned to face him and set her hand on his rock-hard chest. “Yes. And I should point out that we were never really in any danger. Shifting and traipsing down the mountain was always an option.”

  “I know that. But leaving our gear and clothes behind and taking a risk that someone might see us in lupine form in the middle of the day is always a last resort.”

  “Of course it is.” She giggled, picturing someone coming along later to find all their clothes and no bodies. “I wonder how many humans have found themselves considering the possibility of an apocalypse when they’ve encountered piles of clothing.”

  “Plenty over the years, I’m sure. I don’t want to contribute to that insanity if I can avoid it.” Zach wrapped a hand around her neck and drew her closer, his gaze on her lips. “Enough talking for now. My turn.” He closed the distance, taking her mouth at an angle, swooping between her lips with his tongue.

  She moaned into his mouth, her body on fire so fast she couldn’t slow the process.

  Not that she wanted to.

  While she fell further under Zach’s spell by the second, she was vaguely aware of Corbin behind her. He smoothed his hands up and down her sides and then wiggled them under her shirt and pushed it up her body.

  The kiss was forced apart when her shirt whipped past her face. Instantly, she was a goner. Her breasts felt heavy swinging in front of her. Her nipples puckered in the cool air of the room.

  Zach set his hands on her shoulders and held her at arm’s length, letting his gaze roam down her front. “God. You’re amazing.”

  She shivered under his scrutiny.

  “How the hell are you so white?” He held his arm next to hers, silently pointing out the contrast between his dark skin and her pale complexion.

  She shrugged. “Goes with the red hair.”

  “Gorgeous red hair, I might add,” Corbin stated from behind, taking a pile of it in his hand and lifting it in the air.

  She sensed him leaning into her and heard him inhale long and slow.

  “It smells like flowers.” His fingers traced down her spine and then around to circle her waist. “Your skin is so smooth. It’s addicting.”

  Zach let his hands slide from her shoulders to her breasts. When he cupped them, she pulled herself up fully onto her knees and arched into his touch. Every cell of her body was more alive than ever. Every touch from either man was heightened.

  She would never get enough.

  And that was part of the claiming. If not for the way Nature handled things—arranging for her species to meet and unite with the exact right partner or partners at the exact right time—nothing about the shifter community would be as it was.

  Wolves mated for life. And it was rarely an accident who they mated with. Even when two shifters met and didn’t have that initial spark that indicated they were destined for each other, they often forged a bond that caused the mating to occur anyway. If they had been meant for someone else, they would never know. And that in and of itself may have been part of Nature’s plan.

  Zach leaned forward and took a nipple into his mouth, suckling it gently at first and then with more force.

  She grabbed his shoulders and held on, swaying slightly at the onslaught of sensations.

  Corbin’s hands wrapped around her hips and smoothed down her thighs.

  She parted her legs, silently pleading with him to reach between them. Her clit throbbed against the tight material of her thermal pants. Her pussy was so wet she could feel the moisture leaking into the cotton.

  Without warning, Corbin switched from his gentle caressing up and down her outer thighs to thrust one hand between her legs and cup her pussy firmly.

  Laurie moaned sharp and loud, her body going rigid and ramrod straight as he pressed upward.

  “Oh, babe, that’s so fucking sexy. You smell amazing. I can’t wait to taste you.” Before he finished the statement, he flipped her onto her back next to Zach and grabbed the waistline of her pants to haul them off her body. Two seconds later, she was naked.

  Corbin stared down at her, his chest heaving, his gaze wandering up and down her body.

  She glanced to the side when Zach cupped a breast once more and leaned over to flick his tongue across her nipple. “Sweet. Like honey.” He smoothed his hand down her belly and reached between her legs while he held her gaze. He didn’t hesitate to slip two fingers into her core. Slowly. Deliciously. Deeply.

  When he pulled them back out, he sucked them into his mouth. His eyes fluttered shut as he moaned around his hand. “Jesus,” he said as he popped his fingers out from between his lips. “Even better than her nipples.”

  Corbin grabbed her thighs and pressed them open wide. He leaned his face down until just inches separated them. And then he inhaled slow and long. “God almighty.” His arms shook, and he let his elbows buckle to close the gap and press his mouth against her pussy.

  He sucked hard with no warning.

  And she came off the bed, digging her heels into the mattress and lifting her hips into his mouth. She fisted the sheets at her sides, unable to focus on anything except the way this god of a man sucked her in exactly the right spot, his tongue reaching out to explore her folds, flick over her clit, and then plunge into her channel.

  Laurie screamed out. “Corbin.” She released the bed to wrap her hands around his face and push. “Stop. Too fast. I’m going to come.”

  She wanted to come. So badly it hurt her to stop him. But not yet. Not this fast. She wanted this first time to last longer than two seconds.

  Never in her life had she gotten this aroused this fast. It was disconcerting. It usually took her at least half an hour to reach orgasm. At this rate, she’d be spent and ruined in thirty seconds.

  Zach’s hand wrapped around her wrist closest to him. “Let go, baby. Let Corbin fuck you with his tongue. Let it feel good.”

  She shook her head, losing her vision. “Too much. Too fast.”

  “Lord, you’re beautiful. You have no idea how fucking hot it is to watch you come undone. Don’t fight it. We want to watch. Let go of Corbin’s head,” he repeated.

  She didn’t have any more fight in her. She released her grip and let her hips fall back to the bed. It wasn’t in her control. It felt too good to stop anyway. And it certainly wouldn’t be her fault when she lay languidly between them, spent and sated. They asked for it.

  Corbin sank down with her, his mouth never releasing her pussy. He tucked his hands under her knees and lifted them higher and wider.

  Zach brushed a lock of hair from her face, kissed her gently on the lips, and then set his mouth against her ear. “Sexiest thing ever, baby. Come for us.”

  Corbin thrust his tongue into her pussy and flicked it over her G-spot, though she couldn’t imagine how he managed to get that deep.

  She went completely stiff as every ounce of blood raced to her pussy and filled her clit to a pulsing, throbbing, swollen knot.

  And then she came. Shattered, really. The room spun around her as she screamed again, her voice echoing in the small cabin, sounding like far more than one woman. In fact, she didn’t recognize the sound at all.

  When the pulsing subsided, she went limp, letting her knees splay open even farther, not caring a bit that two men were staring down at her completely naked, sated body.

  Her men. Her mates.

  All they needed to do was claim her, and she would be theirs for life.

  Of course that would be difficult now…

  She blew out a breath and blinked up at
them. They both had an identical shit-eating grin extending ear to ear.

  Men. So smug.

  Corbin eased himself off the bed and tugged his shirt over his head. As it fluttered to the floor, he slid his pants and underwear down his legs.

  She glanced to her other side to find Zach wiggling out of his own pants next to her. His cock was exactly as she remembered from earlier when she had been in wolf form.

  Impressive. Gigantic. Hotter than hell.

  Whipping her head back toward Corbin, she caught him stroking his hand up and down his shaft. He gazed down at her. Finally, he licked his lips. “Have you had anal sex before, babe?”

  She nodded. “It’s been a while.” She pulled her knees together finally, self-conscious at the mention of what they needed to do. Both men would have to take her at the same time, one in her pussy and one in her ass. She knew that. It was common knowledge.

  She also knew they all three needed to come.

  And she was now spent. Their fault.

  Except amazingly, she could still feel that familiar tingle between her legs that drove a person to want to fuck. “You’re going to have to give me a while after that orgasm, guys. I’m not the kind to come over and over. I tried to stop you…”

  Corbin smiled. “Babe, you’ll come again. Don’t worry.”

  She widened her eyes. “No. I—”

  Zach leaned his entire body against hers from the side and kissed her lips. “Trust us. You’ll come over and over. Maybe other men haven’t been able to accomplish that, but we aren’t them. And Fate makes it all work out. Don’t waste a second worrying about being able to orgasm. If you need something to fret over, worry about being able to stop. Because we don’t intend for you to come up for air for a while.”

  She gasped. Maybe he was right.

  If the throbbing clit between her legs that beat in rhythm with her heart was any indication, she was indeed in for a long evening.

  Bring it on.

  She reached out a hand and grabbed Corbin’s wrist to haul him in closer. “I need a taste.” She rolled onto her side, facing him, while Zach pressed his chest against her back.


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