A Long, Hot Summer (The TripleHornBrand)

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A Long, Hot Summer (The TripleHornBrand) Page 3

by Delilah Devlin

  “Should I romance her?”

  “She’s a hard nut to crack. She might resist if you try somethin’ ordinary like plyin’ her with flowers. Think happy accidents. Catch her off-guard. If her breath catches, pause. Move closer. See how she reacts.” She laughed. “Like I need to give you pointers. I know you and Gabe were both big ol’ man-whores.”

  Tommy tsked. “What are folks gonna say if Vi’s first distinct words are ass and man-whore?”

  “That she’s been spendin’ way too much time with the Triplehorn boys.”

  Tommy tweaked Violet’s nose, winked at Lena and then headed to his bedroom. Not to look at his wardrobe as he’d told Gabe, but to have a few minutes alone to think about Sunday and seeing Sarah up close again.

  The last month and a half had been hell. He’d pulled away from his old carousing ways. Spent more time on the ranch, pouring himself into every aspect of the operation. While Colt found his time divided between being sheriff and a rancher, Tommy and Gabe took up the slack. Gabe had rededicated himself to the brand after he’d married Lena, perhaps because he finally had a child to pass his legacy to.

  Tommy had always loved the ranch, loved the hard work. He’d always thought he’d been born in the wrong time, because he couldn’t imagine anything more exciting or fulfilling than running a ranch. That Sarah owned a ranch made sense in his life. He’d want a woman who understood the workload. The fact she wasn’t any chair-bound rancher herself was something else they had in common.

  But she might never see how well suited they really were because she couldn’t let go of the thought he was too young. And then there was the memory of what they’d done all those years ago that continued to embarrass her. He understood. She had a strong streak of honor, and the fact she’d strayed right under her husband’s nose had to have left her angry and disappointed with herself. And while Tommy had a code he lived by too, he didn’t consider what had happened between him and Sarah wrong. Paul hadn’t deserved her.

  Tommy settled into the chair beside the bedroom window and gazed out at the paddocks and the barn. He heard the voices of the hands and Gabe shouting in the distance, but he didn’t really pay them any attention.

  In his mind, he was eighteen again and was mad as hell at Gabe. That long-ago summer, Gabe had been coming down hard on him, trying to be the boss after their big brother had signed up for a stint in the Army. Tommy had enough of Gabe and had gone to Paul Colby to see if he needed any help.

  Paul had hired him for the summer, and Tommy had moved into the ranch house as opposed to bunking with the hands since they were neighbors. Living there, inside the limestone and cedar house, the first thing Tommy noticed was that Paul was a hard task master, with everyone including his wife. It was one thing for a man to berate a hand for a mistake, but another to cuss his wife without a care for who might hear.

  Tommy had felt sorry for Sarah Colby, but had quickly grown to admire her because she didn’t lose her stride when Paul set into her. She didn’t raise her voice, but gave him chilly stares and disappeared for long periods, until Paul was spitting nails. No, she didn’t hide from him. She ignored him, knowing there’d be consequences when he got her alone.

  Tommy’s admiration had grown into something else the more time they spent together, because there wasn’t anything about her he didn’t like. Her hair was just the right shade of brown blended with fiery strands of copper. Her eyes were a soft, warm whiskey. Her skin was pale and the few freckles that dotted her nose only made her seem younger. And her body was long and lean and muscled, something he fantasized over when he lay in his bunk at night. No, there wasn’t a thing he didn’t like about Sarah Colby.

  But Tommy had detested Paul. If it hadn’t been for Sarah, he’d have quit inside a week. But he’d discovered her bolt hole, the place she liked to escape to when Paul was on a tear. A rocky ledge that overlooked the ranch from an escarpment that ran through the northern part of the ranch.

  The first time he’d seen her, sitting with her legs dangling over the edge, she hadn’t heard him. The wind was up, blowing away the noise he and his horse made. He’d tied his horse off on the branch of a tree and crept quietly up on the boss’s wife. There, he’d let himself take a good long look. Something he’d been careful not to do where anyone might see, but he had the luxury that time to admire her long, lean frame and angular jaw. She wore long sleeve T-shirts despite the heat, but he understood the need. She was pale, her skin tending toward freckles, so she was careful to always wear gloves and a hat. She didn’t accept any shortcoming in herself, didn’t accept any excuses.

  “All you gonna do is stare?” she’d asked without turning around.

  His face had gotten hot as he stepped forward, lowering beside her to glance outward. From this vantage point, he could see all the way to the Triple Horn. “Didn’t mean to disturb you, ma’am.”

  “Sarah. Everyone calls me Sarah.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Sarah.”

  Her lips twitched and she looked his way, her gaze skimming his features. “Well Tommy, you’re as handsome as your brothers.”

  “Thank you, ma’am…Sarah.” He blew out a breath. “You’re pretty too.”

  “You think so, Tommy?” she’d asked softly and then shaken her head. “Doesn’t matter.”

  They’d sat silently for a long moment, until he felt the need to say something. “I don’t like the way he talks to you.”

  Her back stiffened. “It’s not your business.”

  “I apologize if I’m making you uncomfortable, but a man ought not treat a woman that way.”

  “I prefer it when he uses words,” she said softly.

  He’d been young, but he understood in an instant what she meant. “You can’t leave him?”

  Her mouth stretched. “My folks didn’t give me a choice. We’re related. Distant relative. We both own equal shares of the ranch. So neither of us really had a choice. Family always expected it to keep the property from being parceled out.”

  “Maybe you need to find someone who can take care of you. Someone who could support you if you walked away.”

  A smile stretched her mouth. “Now where would I find someone like that?”

  “You’re a pretty woman. I bet a dozen men would love to call you theirs. Hell, I’d take care of you.”

  Her smile had slipped, her gaze had bored into his, and she must have seen the truth in his eyes. She’d quickly risen and brushed off the bottom of her jeans. “Now, Tommy, I know you’re a good young man, from a good family, and you mean well—”

  “I’m not some kid who doesn’t know what he wants.” The thought had never fully formed in his head, but the moment he’d spoken the words, he’d known they were true. “I want you, Sarah Colby.”

  Her mouth had dropped open, and he’d been tempted to draw her close and press his mouth against her soft, pillowy lower lip, but she was backing away from him, looking a little alarmed.

  “Don’t be afraid of me,” he’d said and risen. “I just wanted you to know.”

  She’d nodded and mounted her horse. Without giving him another glance, she’d nudged her horse, and they were away.

  His feelings for her had never dimmed. The illicit flirtation they’d entered, though forbidden, was the sweetest thing he’d ever known.

  Tommy sat, looking out the window, his body growing tight, his dick and balls growing heavier by the minute, and he gave into the feeling rather than tamping it down.

  He leaned back, opened his buckle and unbuttoned his jeans, lifting to shove them down his hips. Then, with sunlight filtering through the curtains, he took himself in hand, remembering a time when she’d been as hot for him as he was for her. Something that strong couldn’t have simply dried up.

  Come Sunday, he’d have one last chance to make his case. One last opportunity to lead the widow into temptation.

  With his dick hard and warm, he lifted his hand and spit into his palm, then he quickly finished, gasping her name as come striped h
is shirt and legs. He’d had enough of jerking off in the shower. Enough of waking up every morning hard and cranky. Sarah would either come to terms with the fact he still wanted her, would always want her, and give him a chance, or he’d have to leave Texas to find any peace of mind.

  Chapter Three

  With a sinking sense of inevitability, Sarah watched the dented brown pickup pull to a halt beside the barn. Hadn’t she known all along that he’d be the one to come? She gave her hand a smile and walked over to Tommy who was pulling a duffel from the bed of his truck.

  His gaze when he spotted her was steady. Not a hint of what he was thinking revealed in his face, but there was a little wariness in his eyes.

  He was right to be wary. Part of her was ready to screech at him for being this damn stupid. The other part was…confused. And getting hot. Her core was winding tighter than a spring. Good Lord, they were going to spend three days together—too much temptation for a woman who hadn’t had sex in years.

  “You sure this isn’t a horrible inconvenience?” she asked, her words inane, but she had to say something as her gaze locked reluctantly with his.

  “I’m glad I can be of help,” he said, his voice soft as velvet.

  She could imagine all kinds of ways he could help. Most of them involved acts illegal in most Southern states. Sweet Jesus, she was already wet. “The boys are lining up the panels. Shouldn’t take long to get the cattle loaded.”

  He placed his hat on his head and lifted his duffle bag. “I’ll stow this in the truck and go lend a hand. Leave it to us…ma’am.”

  Although she was perfectly capable of helping, she was glad to stand aside and watch. Standing away from the ruckus, she felt as though time slowed as Tommy pitched in naturally with her hands while they lined up panels, dropped the ramp of the truck and quickly herded the cattle inside.

  She blamed the heat for the perspiration dotting her forehead and upper lip. Doesn’t have a thing to do with him, she thought, lying to herself. Every stretch and flex of muscle turned her on. “I can’t do this,” she whispered to herself. “I can’t. I can’t.” But she mustered a smile when they finished, allowed Tommy to hand her up into the cab of the truck and off they went.

  Once they passed through the gate and turned onto the highway, she breathed a sigh, having just realized how long she’d held her breath.

  “We’ll be there before noon,” he said. “It’ll seem like no time at all.”

  “I’m not worried about that.”

  “You’re tense. What has you worried?”

  She was too tense to make up a story. They might as well talk about the gorilla in the room. She rolled her eyes. “As if you couldn’t guess.”

  His gaze remained on the road ahead of them, but a smile curved up the side of his mouth. “Do I bother you…ma’am?”

  “Stop that.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Calling me that.”


  “You know why.” No way was she going to say she remembered how he’d continued to address her like that all those years ago when they’d found themselves in her bed.

  “I like calling you ma’am. Like I’m your servant, ready for you to command.”

  “Tommy…you can’t talk that way.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because this can’t go anywhere.”


  She shook her head. “Don’t be an ass and pretend you don’t understand. This…attraction…can’t go anywhere.”

  “So you admit something’s there? Between us?”

  “Of course I do. You know it’s true. If I didn’t feel it, I wouldn’t have hesitated cutting you off cold over a month ago.”

  “Thought so.” He sighed. “Too bad we’ve got such a long drive.”

  “Minute ago you said we’d be there in no time,” she muttered.

  He aimed a hard glance her way. “That, sweetheart, was before I realized you were horny.”

  Sarah gasped. “What?”

  “I’m not eighteen, ma’am. I’ll call it like I see it no matter if it embarrasses you.”

  “I’m not embarrassed. I’m also not…horny.” But her thighs tightened. She hoped like hell he didn’t notice.

  “And you’re lying. If I snuck a hand between your legs right now, I bet I’d find your pussy’s wet.”

  “That’s crude.”

  “I feel crude. Feel damn raw.” His hand tightened on the steering wheel. “Truth is, ma’am, I jerked off in the shower this morning just so I could stand bein’ in a cab with you all morning, but it’s not good enough.”

  Her jaw fell, something she didn’t notice until they hit a pothole and she bit her tongue. No one had ever said anything like that to her before. Not ever.

  And strangely, she wasn’t disgusted or enraged. Her imagination took her straight to that shower where this big, raw-boned cowboy took his cock into his own hand and masturbated. She knew just the expression he would wear too.

  Realizing her mouth was suddenly dry, she swallowed. “If it’s so hard bein’ in the same truck with me, why’d you come?”

  He tightened his jaw. “I figure I won’t get another shot at this. To show you how it could be with us. I’m offerin’ you a no-expectations clause. If things go well this weekend, you’ll just have to get over bein’ embarrassed about wantin’ me. If at the end of it you can honestly tell me you’re ready to move on, I promise you, I’ll let you go for good.”

  “One last weekend?”

  “Or the start of something real for us.”

  Out of habit, or perhaps self-preservation, she shook her head although there was no denying the fact her breaths had just been cut in half. “You’re crazy.”

  “Tell me you haven’t been thinkin’ about the fact we have the rest of today and all day tomorrow to spend time together alone?”

  She pressed her lips together. No way was she going to admit it. Didn’t matter she was already jumping ahead to all the nasty things she hoped they’d be doing the minute the hotel room door closed behind them. Putting it into words was just too much stimulation. And he didn’t need any more encouragement.

  Lord, neither did she. She shifted on her seat and crossed her legs, squeezing her thighs together to calm the throbbing of her sex. When his glance shot down to her swinging foot, he chuckled.

  Heat filled her cheeks at her telltale action. She lifted her chin. “You should keep your eyes on the road.”

  “I have ’em on the road. But it’s not quite fair, ma’am. You have the freedom to look your fill o’ me. I understand I have to keep a hand on the wheel and my gaze straight ahead to keep you safe, but you could touch me…however you like. Or…I could touch you.”

  Again, she felt her mouth ease open, but she quickly snapped it shut and angled her body to stare out the passenger-side window rather than catch even a peripheral glimpse of his masculine frame.

  But looking away didn’t lessen the tension that kept her foot swinging and her pussy hot and swelling. Her nipples prickled, the tips beading and scraping against her lacy bra. She should have worn a sports bra, like she did most every day. Something to keep her nipples mashed and her reactions hidden from knowing gazes.

  Who was she fooling? The thought of what he’d suggested—one weekend of hedonistic excess—might just be what she needed to get her fill of lust and perhaps find reminders of why they’d never work. Because the longer she sat in this cab beside him, the harder it got to muster up a good argument against his plan.

  “So…you’re saying…” she said softly, trying to find words that didn’t commit her and didn’t cause her to feel too uncomfortably exposed, “if I say we’re done at the end of this weekend, you’ll honor my wishes?”

  His chest billowed around an indrawn breath. He shot her a gaze and then faced forward again, readjusting his hold on the steering wheel. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Then…” she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “…I accept the terms.”

  “Unbuckle your belt and scoot closer.”

  He hadn’t even taken a breath before issuing that command. And she was glad he didn’t give her time to think. She unbuckled, slid across the bench seat and clipped the center belt around her hips.

  “Loosen it a little,” he rasped.

  She pulled on the belt, easing the fit.

  “Now, open your pants and ease them down just a little. We’re up high. No one’s gonna see, but I want to feel. Will you let me?”

  Since she hadn’t known how she was going to pass the hours in the truck now that they’d struck their devil’s bargain, she was eager to comply. Her breaths were shortening, the crotch of her underwear damp.

  With shaking hands, she unlatched her belt, unbuttoned and slid down her zipper. Then she eased down her pants, just far enough there was room, should he want it, to fit his hand between her legs.

  She waited as he checked his mirrors, his mouth tipping up at the corners. Slowing the truck a little, he set the cruise control. “Afraid I might gun it if I get too excited,” he said, his voice husky.

  But he didn’t immediately dive into her pants. Instead, he reached around her, laying his hand on her far shoulder and encouraging her with nudges to angle her body so that she leaned into him.

  He cupped the base of her neck, his callused fingers touching her pulse then sliding up to cup her jaw and trace her lips.

  She eased open her mouth and let him tuck a finger inside, greeting it with a tentative lick. She liked the salty flavor so much she closed her mouth around it and sucked.

  His feet shifted on the floorboard, pushing. “Damn, I’ll want that mouth on me, ma’am.”

  She bit his finger then waited until he pulled free. “I’ll expect quid pro quo,” she said, although she didn’t know where the confidence came to say it. It wasn’t like she’d had oral often. In fact, she’d only had it once before. With him. Her pussy gushed at the memory of how she’d pushed his face between her legs, and how eagerly he’d plied her with his tongue and lips.


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