A Long, Hot Summer (The TripleHornBrand)

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A Long, Hot Summer (The TripleHornBrand) Page 8

by Delilah Devlin

  Caldera wasn’t Abilene. People knew them both. And there was the fact she hadn’t been completely honest with him about the baggage she’d bring to their marriage. The fact she was barren.

  “I was afraid,” she whispered. “Afraid that I wouldn’t be strong enough to tell you, or if I told you that you would brush away the truth like it didn’t matter, when I know it will.”

  Tommy stepped closer, so close his boots touched hers and his chest crowded against her breasts. When he looked down, the intensity of his stare nearly shredded her resolve. She wanted nothing more than to melt against him, cling to him. She wanted him to carry her inside and tear the clothes from her body. She wanted him deep inside her, her body wrapped around him while he plunged toward her center, baring her heart.

  “I can’t give you children,” she said, tears blinding her. “I can’t get pregnant—not without a lot of medical intervention, and even then…”

  “Doesn’t matter,” he said gruffly, pressing closer, his hands landing on the sandstone wall behind her.

  She smacked his shoulders and shoved against him. “Of course it matters!” she cried brokenly. “It matters,” she whispered, then slid down, only to be propped up by the thigh he pushed between her legs.

  “You’re out of excuses,” he whispered.

  “Excuses?” She dashed away her tears with the back of a hand.

  “Yeah, never heard such whinin’—too old, barren—you make it sound like all you have to offer a man is your cunt and your womb.”

  She gasped. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me, Sarah Colby. I’m not buyin’ it. Your little pity party has cost me nearly a month of lost sleep. My dick’s raw from me rubbin’ on it because I can’t get you out of my head.”

  Sarah could hardly breathe. Her stomach felt cramped, her chest ached. And there, right between her legs, she felt the telltale pulse of her heartbeat. She stared up at Tommy, at the ruddy splotches of color on his cheeks, at the deep emotion clouding up his eyes, and she couldn’t bear it another second. Something inside her snapped and then eased. Everything became clear. Crystal clear.

  “I love you, Tommy Triplehorn,” she whispered. She scrunched the front of his shirt in her fist and tapped his chest. “And I don’t care about the fact some folks might give us a second look because you’re so damn perfect and I’m…not. But I’m not lettin’ you go. You’re mine.”

  His brows drew together, and his chest heaved as he sucked in the deepest breath.

  “How long you been holding that?” she teased.

  “Since you looked at me like I’d run over your cat. Like I was gonna throw you away because you can’t get pregnant. Seriously, Sarah? Did you think so little of me?”

  She gave him a watery smile. “Paul was gonna. It’s why he was in such a tear to get drunk. He was givin’ up his dream of ownin’ all the ranch because he just had to spread his damn seed. He was gonna divorce me. Only he died drivin’ home before he could.”

  Tommy bent his head and the brim of his hat slid over the top of her head. “That’s the last time you mention his name. The last time you measure my responses against him. The man was a bastard. I’m not.”

  “I know you’re not. I wouldn’t love you if you were.”

  His eyes closed. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”

  His forehead melted against hers, and his hat slid to the side and fell to the porch. “We’re marryin’.”


  “I didn’t ask.”

  She bit the inside of her mouth to keep from smiling because she didn’t want to stop him from talking. The way he growled at her, and the way he was shaking, she knew he was still mad as hell. For the first time in her adult life, she reveled in the fact she could make a man that damn mad.

  “I’m gonna spank your ass, Sarah. I’m gonna have to lay hands on you.”

  “I deserve it.”

  “And after I do, I might just have to fuck you for a month because that’s how long I’ve been hurtin’.”

  She jutted her hips, rubbing the large hardening knot at the front of his jeans. “Guess I’ll have to resign myself to walkin’ funny for a while, seein’ as how I owe you.”

  His eyes narrowed, and his gaze fell to her lips.

  She couldn’t help the fact a smile was tugging at her mouth.

  “You laughin’ at me?” he growled.

  “I wouldn’t dare.”

  “You let me do you here against the wall?”

  Her eyes widened. The porch light was burning. Any of her hands might see if they stepped out of the bunkhouse or the barn. “I’ll let you do me here. Now. I’ll give you anything.”

  He slammed his mouth over hers and grabbed her ass, lifting her.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his shoulders, and surrendered herself to his kiss. He ground his mouth against hers, teeth clicking together until he gentled, tilting his head to align his nose with hers, suctioning to seal their mouths. Their tongues probed and danced, much like she guessed their bodies would be doing in a very short while.

  When he lifted his mouth, she nipped his chin. “You really want to fuck me in front of God and everyone?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t want to let you go.”

  “You’re gonna have to if you wanna get my pants off.”

  A growl rumbled through him. “Reach behind you and open that door.”

  She grinned, twisting the knob and waiting as he clumsily used his foot to widen the door far enough for them to get through. And then he left the door wide open as he stomped through her house. They made it as far as the living room. There he let go of her ass and let her slide her legs down to stand.

  Then he was bending, lifting her feet to tug off her boots, which he sent flying, his hands undoing her belt and jeans and jerking them down her hips so fast she didn’t have a chance to step out of them before he whipped her around and pushed her to drape over the back of the couch.

  He smoothed a hand over her rump and then pulled away. A sharp slap landed, the sound startling, the sting invigorating.

  But she needed to protest. It was her feminine duty. “That hurt!” she said, mustering a pale anger to infuse into her voice.

  Another slap landed and he bent and pulled her jeans the rest of the way off. Another slap and another followed, and now she was squirming, her ass on fire and fluid trickling down one thigh. “Tommy, please.”

  “Don’t know if I can stop,” he said gliding his hand over her bottom. “Your skin’s on fire.”

  “I deserve it, I do,” she said. Without glancing back, she bent farther over the couch and widened the space between her thighs. “I need spankin’, bad.”

  Laughter gusted behind her. Not soft chuckles but loud gusting chortles.

  She gave him a scowl over her shoulder. So maybe her plea had sounded a little cheesy. “It’s not nice to laugh.”

  “Baby,” he said, still laughing. He bent and kissed her bottom. “If you want your pussy slapped, I’ll oblige.”

  “I don’t want my pussy slapped,” she grumbled, her cheeks hot because she’d really tried for sexy, not side-splitting.

  He cupped her sex and then drew his fingers away. She held her breath. The slap was delicious. Painful and sharp. And oh so wet.

  “Again,” she said, her voice straining.

  He popped her and she wriggled. He cupped her again, but then something else, not his hand, butted against her. When had he gotten his pants down?

  His cock pushed between her folds, sinking deep.

  “I’m not through givin’ you smacks, baby.”

  “And I’m not sorry. You’re just gonna have to bang me ’til I am.” She said it with a smile on her face, knowing that if she looked in a mirror at that precise moment, she’d see a woman whose eyes were just a little wild and whose face was blushing with happiness.

  Young, strong Tommy gripped her hips and pulled her back, guiding her ont
o his cock, leaving her unbalanced and dependent on his grip while he thrust into her again and again. His hips jarred her, his groin slapping her butt, his heavy balls thudding against her clit. Eventually, Sarah shouted and begged, cussed and cried, telling him how much she loved him and how badly she’d missed him with every ragged, gusting complaint.

  Only when she came did she go silent. Quivering shoulders to toes, so weak she’d have fallen if he didn’t hold her tight, which he did at the end when he pumped hard, erupting inside her with a shout that had to have been heard all the way to the bunkhouse.

  “Think they’ll come running to see if I killed you?” he said, kissing her neck.

  “They can come running. They can damn well sell tickets. You’re not movin’,” she said, reaching back to rub his cheek.

  Tommy kissed her palm. “Not married yet and you’re already bossy.”

  Sarah turned her head. His mouth was there, slanting across hers. “I love you,” she said when he drew away.

  “I know.” His grin was wide and very self-satisfied, but she’d let him have his little moment. He’d earned it.


  Sarah awoke with the sunlight streaming across the bed. She held her hand up to shield her eyes then glanced quickly to the clock on the nightstand.

  Eight o’clock. She’d overslept again. She tossed back the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed, swaying slightly because suddenly she felt a little dizzy and nausea threatened to overcome her.

  The bedroom door opened, and she pulled up the covers to hide her nudity until she saw it was Tommy who strode inside and closed the door behind him.

  Lord, she didn’t think she’d ever get used to how handsome he was, or how quickly just the sight of him made her tingle inside.

  But his expression this morning was a little disturbing, and she wasn’t sure why. A frown drew his eyebrows together, but his gaze was raking her. He looked wary, but there was something else.

  “You should have woken me,” she said, frowning at him. “It’s the third time this week you’ve snuck out without bothering to get me up. Your family’s gonna think marriage made me lazy.”

  “I didn’t sneak out. You were sleepin’ like the dead.” He flashed her a smile. “Must have worn you out last night.”

  She blushed. “You are not the cause of this. I must be sick. Or maybe my age is catchin’ up to me.”

  Tommy blew out a breath. “Or maybe it’s something else. Will you humor me?”

  “What is it?”

  Tommy settled on the edge of the mattress next to her. His gaze studied her expression. “I talked to Lena. She gave me something. Said you have all the signs.”

  “Is it bad?”

  Tommy sighed and reached into his back pocket bringing forward a white and blue stick.

  She glanced down at the wand and grew still. Her eyes filled. “You know that’s not possible.”

  “Not probable. I know. You’re not very fertile. But let’s just rule this out.”

  She was afraid to take the wand. Afraid she’d hope too much. “I don’t want to do this.”

  Tommy leaned toward her and cupped her face between his hands. “You know I love you, right? No matter what?”

  She nodded. She no longer had any doubts about that. Not after Tommy had planned and paid for one of the biggest weddings the town had ever seen. She’d been mortified by the expense and fuss, but understood in her heart just how important it had been to Tommy to make a big splash the moment she’d walked down the church aisle.

  He’d been showing her just how much she meant to him. Just how perfect he believed she was. He had wanted a fairytale wedding for his queen. He’d even had her wear a tiara.

  “All right,” she said, her gaze locking with his. “But after you see I’m not pregnant, I really do think I need to see a doctor.”

  “Okay.” He helped her up and led her to the bathroom.

  At the door, she glanced up. “I can handle this alone.”

  “Why should you?”

  So despite the embarrassment, she sat on the toilet, held the wand between her legs and let loose a stream. When she finished, he handed her a wad of tissue and reached for the wand.

  They traded. She took care of herself and washed her hands, then closed the toilet seat lid and took a seat on top of it while he set the wand on the counter, checking his watch and sitting on the edge of the tub.

  “How long do we have to wait?” she asked, her stomach beginning to knot with nerves.

  “Three minutes.”

  “How will we know?”

  “If there’s only one line you’re not pregnant. If there’s two, we’ll still make that appointment.”

  She didn’t know why she was so nervous. Her knee bumped up and down. “I should get dressed,” she said when his gaze swept her frame.

  “Don’t bother. Whichever way it goes, I’m makin’ love to you.”

  Her eyes filled. “Don’t know what’s makin’ me such a baby,” she said, wiping her eyes with her fingertips.

  Tommy reached across the space between them. She placed her hand inside his, grateful he knew she needed reassurance.

  After another long pause, he turned her wrists to glance at his watch. “It’s time.” He pulled her up and kissed her forehead. “Ready?”

  Sarah held her breath and closed her eyes, steeling herself for disappointment. Her life was as near to perfect as it could be. Even though she had a house on her own ranch that they could have moved into, his family wouldn’t hear of it, insisting they take the main house at the Triple Horn ranch. Gabe’s cabin had been finished just before the wedding. Everyone had pitched in to help her move.

  She’d never known what she’d been missing until she was welcomed into the Triplehorn clan with open arms.

  A kiss pressed against her mouth. “I can look for you,” he said softly.

  She opened her eyes and shook her head. “I may be whiny but I’m not a coward.” Together they bent over the wand lying on the shiny counter.

  Her heart stopped. She sucked in a breath. “All right, but these things can be wrong, right?”

  “It’s more likely to get a false negative than a false positive, or so Lena says.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she straightened. The room swirled around her.

  Tommy caught her before she hit the counter or the floor.

  He picked her up, carried her to the bed and tucked in the covers. Then he chafed her wrists because he didn’t know what else to do. At last, her eyes blinked open.

  “Well?” came a muffled voice from the hallway.

  Tommy rolled his eyes. Had Lena been listening with her ear pressed against the door the whole time? He walked softly to the door and swung it open.

  Two, not one, sisters-in-law straightened from where they’d crouched with their ears against the door. “Do your husbands know you’re snoops?”

  “Come on, Tommy,” Zuri said. “Tell us.”

  “I think I’ll let her do the honors,” he said, glancing toward the bed where Sarah was shrugging into her nightgown behind the sheet she held against her chest. When she was finished, she bounced out of the bed and ran straight to Zuri and Lena.

  The look on her face gave them their answer. Zuri and Lena shrieked, and the three women jumped up and down, laughing and crying.

  Somehow, he didn’t think he’d get a chance to make good on his promise to make love to her. Two more figures appeared in the doorway—Colt, who frowned at the noise the women were making, and Gabe whose smile stretched wide.

  Gabe slung his arm across his shoulders. “Knew you had it in you, bro.”

  “It’s a damn miracle,” Tommy said, still shaken inside.

  Colt cleared his throat. “It’s gonna get damn noisy around here.”

  “We can start our own zip code,” Gabe said, his gaze on the women who were now giving each other tearful hugs.

  Colt clapped a hand on Tommy’s shoulder then another on Gabe’s. H
e drew both brothers in for a hug.

  Tommy’s eyes burned as the three shared a rare embrace. He’d never imagined his life would be this perfect. That he and his brothers would find happiness with the women who’d stolen their hearts when they’d all been so young.

  Across the room, despite the happy chatter from Lena and Zuri promising to share baby clothes and bassinets, Sarah’s gaze met his. There was so much joy in her face, his heart ached. He’d have moved heaven and earth for her. He was grateful to his bones that he’d given her the one thing she wanted most.

  “I love you,” he mouthed.

  “I love you more.”

  No, there would never be a more perfect moment.

  About the Author

  Until recently, award-winning erotica and romance author Delilah Devlin lived in South Texas at the intersection of two dry creeks, surrounded by sexy cowboys in Wranglers. These days, she’s missing the wide-open skies and starry nights but loving her dark forest in Central Arkansas, with its eccentric characters and isolation—the better to feed her hungry muse! For Delilah, the greatest sin is driving between the lines, because it’s comfortable and safe. Her personal journey has taken her through one war and many countries, cultures, jobs and relationships to bring her to the place where she is now—writing sexy adventures that hold more than a kernel of autobiography and often share a common thread of self-discovery and transformation.

  To learn more about Delilah Devlin, please visit www.delilahdevlin.com. Send an email to [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to enter in the fun with other readers as well as Delilah: [email protected]

  Look for these titles by Delilah Devlin

  Now Available:


  Stone’s Embrace


  Lone Star Lovers



  Four Sworn

  Breaking Leather

  A Four-Gone Conclusion

  Delta Heat

  Five Ways ’Til Sunday



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