A Rebel Love (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 7)

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A Rebel Love (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 7) Page 15

by Glenna Maynard

  “JT, I need to talk to you about something important after we eat, yeah?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he says shoveling in another bite of eggs.


  This place is awesome! I’m in the real deal—a biker clubhouse. Fuck yeah! That bastard Perry is dead and this Kurt dude says I won’t be selling for Lenny anymore. Says I’m gonna become a Potential. Whatever that means.

  Right now, I’m upstairs getting a talk from my sister. I’d like to go find that Lulu chick and take her up on her offer to help me get some sleep.

  “JT! Are you even listening to me?” Her eyes narrow in on me. She is such a mom sometimes. Well, what a mom should be. I’ve never had one. Mine is a bitch who only cares about getting high with Perry. She won’t be doing that anymore now that he’s dead.

  “I’m sorry sis, what were you saying?”

  “I said your brother, your half-brother is the Vice President of this club and you’re going to meet him today.”

  “Shit, are you saying Rebel Black is my brother?” She nods chewing on her lip. “Hell yeah! But my dad, he’s dead right?”

  “Yeah, but that isn’t known. They just say he disappeared and it’s important that you stick to their truth, ya hear me?”

  “Yeah, yeah I got it.” I roll my eyes.

  “Damn it JT! This is serious. These people don’t mess around. I can’t protect you anymore. This is as far as I get to go in the matter.”

  “Get off my back, I don’t need you to protect me. I’m not a kid anymore.”

  “I know,” she says softly touching my shoulder and walking out the door.

  I grab a quick shower and throw on the clothes Lulu gave me. Downstairs people are stirring. Kurt told me to keep my nose clean and keep my head down. Whatever. I’m going to have a good time.

  I’m shooting a game of pool when a blonde honey walks in with an old man. He seats her at the bar and tells her to wait for Sunshine. Whoever that is. He leaves her and follows more patched members down the back stairs.

  Kurt took my sister to town to get her script filled and run errands. I’m on my own. I put my pool cue back on the rack and head over to the bar where that fine piece is sitting.


  She flips her hair and turns in the other direction. Damn. She’s one of those girls huh? Thinks she is too good for me.

  “What’s your story? You with that old dude or something?”

  “Ewww that’s my dad. Gross!” She shrieks.

  “This boy bothering you?” An older looking, dark-haired hateful sounding bitch asks.

  “No, he’s okay Foxie. I’m just waiting for Sunshine and Jamie.” The woman nods and goes back to wiping the counter.

  “Is Jamie your man?” I persist.

  “He’s my brother. I don’t have a man.” She smiles softening a little.

  “You want to play a game of pool?”

  “I’m not supposed to talk to anyone.”

  “Honey, I’m not just anyone, my name’s JT. This was my dad’s club. My brother runs shit now.”

  “Sure he does.” She mockingly laughs.

  “You calling me a liar?” Fuck her, she doesn’t know shit. I roll my eyes with a sigh and start to get up.

  “Hey, I was just giving you a rough time. Let’s play that game.” She grabs my hand with the sweetest touch. “How old are you anyway? You don’t have a cut.”

  “Haven’t earned one yet. I’m eighteen. You?”

  “Old enough,” she teases.

  “Fuck, you’re underage aren’t ye?”

  “I’m sixteen, so you can flirt with me. But if ye touch me, my daddy will shove his boot up your ass.” She smirks and winks at me.

  I yank her blonde hair and she smacks my chest.

  “You live around here?”

  “We were staying out West in California, but I think we’re moving back.”

  “What’s your story?”

  I go into my spill about finding out just this morning that I’m Rebel’s half-brother.

  “I can see the resemblance,” she tells me and points to a picture on the wall. My brother and his dad—our dad are standing side by side in front of the Roadhouse. A sense of pride washes over me—I belong here.

  The woman behind the bar hears our conversation and joins us. “So you’re Slim and Cherry’s boy. I wasn’t sure if you’d ever turn up. I knew your momma. Slim was my old man.”

  Oh shit! She’s probably going to tell me to get the hell out. I don’t want to leave. I like it here.

  “Welcome home.” She hugs me and tells me her and my mom were friends. That’s fuckin weird but whatever. “Now I’m gonna need some help in the kitchen. The men are holding choir and when they get out they’re gonna be hungry.”

  She shoves me and the blonde chick, I’ll keep calling her Honey, to the kitchen.


  Maybe coming back to Kentucky won’t be as bad as my dad makes it sound. This JT guy is hot in a bad boy way. His dirty blond hair is darker than mine. He’s tall and skinny, looking like a younger version of Rebel. That brother is fine. Maybe JT will start looking more like him. Strong muscles, tattoos…mhmmm.

  He thinks he is all smooth, trying to flirt and sweet talk me. I find it cute and endearing. He doesn’t realize I don’t need his lines. He thinks he’s a player, but I’m in charge. I know his kind—I am his kind.

  My dad thinks I am all sweet and innocent because I follow his rules. My step-mom, Sunshine, took me to have me put on birth control a few years ago, once I started having my period and showing interest in boys. I eat guys like JT for breakfast. All dudes are the same, they say a few nice things, like oh you have great hair or beautiful eyes. I don’t fall for it because I make my own rules.

  Girl meets boy and girl swoons. Nope, not me. Boy meets girl and boy eats out of her hand, that’s more my pace. I grin behind the veil of my hair as this guy does all the work in the kitchen for me. I have run him to the cooler and back four times. He hangs on my every word.

  Foxie winks at me. “Seems Sunshine’s teaching you well. She knows her way around good-looking men, I’ll give her that.”

  And that is all Foxie will give. I’ve not been around her much, but if I know anything, it’s that that woman isn’t to be taken lightly. She says what she means and means what she says. I envy her. I want to be just like Foxie when I grow up. Grim thinks he runs shit, but Foxie is the real shot caller. Everyone knows it’s true but is smart enough not to say it.

  JT is making eyes at me and I wink, egging him on. It’s too damn easy.

  Foxie had to run up front and change the keg that’s on tap, leaving me alone with my bad boy.

  “So Honey, what’s it gonna take for me to get a kiss?”

  “When I decide if I think you’re man enough for me.” I smirk and he laughs.

  “So that’s how you want to play? I’m up for the chase.” He smacks my butt with a dishrag and I squeal, running towards the storage room.

  I’m out of breath as I lean against the doorframe. JT stops in front of me with a wicked grin. “How about that kiss now?” He licks his lips and leans in close.

  I wait until I can feel his breath on my face and then I shove his head back with my palm. “I don’t come hither that easy.” I dart back to the kitchen.

  I keep waiting for JT to pop up behind me with a new line but he hasn’t.

  If he has given up this quickly he isn’t worth the effort. I sling my blonde hair over my shoulder and try to ignore the fact that he hasn’t come back.

  I peer through the order window and see that Foxie is still busy. I am about ready to give in when I feel his hot breath on my ear. “Your dad has big boots,” he whispers.

  “Big boots!” I spin around. “What kind of line is that? Your idea of flirting is pitiful.” I mock with a fake laugh and he shuts my mouth with his lips.

  The boy can kiss. I’ll give him that much. He draws back and says, “Ye told me if I touched ye, your dad would shove his
boot up my ass. What size do you think they are?”

  And with those words I know JT is my kind of trouble.

  Chapter 23


  Pulling in at the Roadhouse I don’t want to get out of the car. Jamie already has his seatbelt off, darting out of his seat.

  “Go find your sister,” I call after him but he’s long gone.

  I check my makeup twice before resolving to go inside. I don’t know why I am so nervous. I walk into the place I used to call home. The place I first laid eyes on Grim. It seems like that was a lifetime ago now. We didn’t have what it took to make it.

  I don’t hate him anymore. It took me a while to realize that he wanted better for me than he could give. I didn’t like it, but what’s done is done. I’m with Romeo now and I love him. But even so it doesn’t make seeing Grim again any easier.

  And my sweet Patrick, Romeo told me he was hurt, but he didn’t go into detail. I’m scared to see what kind of shape he’s in. All I know is it’s bad. He’s in intensive care in the burn unit. I never wanted this for him, any of it. I would have stayed with Paul if I could’ve prevented his pain.


  “I’m gonna give you my bank card and the keys to my truck. Take Kyler and get whatever ye need to make yourselves at home. I’ve got an account at The Mattress King, get Kyler whatever he needs for his room. I mean it. I’ll take care of you, both of you.”

  “Tread, I’m going to get a job and I’ll help pay for everything. I don’t want to just show up and have you spend a bunch of money on us. It doesn’t feel right to me.”

  I like that she wants to help, but she’s forgetting that I have six years to make up for. “That’s cool, but Liberty—you and Kyler are my family now, and I’m gonna do right by ye. If you want to get a bed for the guest room, you can do that, but I’d much rather have you in my bed where ye belong.”

  I’m wore the fuck out from last night. I’ve not been to bed. I can’t sleep until I know Kyler is taken care of, Liberty too. I’d like to take her in my arms and to take her to bed, but Grim changed his mind and called choir, sooner rather than later.

  “I should be here when ye get back, but if I’m not call my cell.”

  “You got it.” Liberty kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, “If you aren’t home I’ll be waiting in our bed.”

  I grin at her. “I like the sound of that. Now hurry up, been waiting a long time to make ye mine again.”

  I’m on my way out the door when Truth and Amy walk up on the porch. “What can I do ye for?”

  “Heading to choir thought we could talk and Amy can help settle Liberty and your boy in, if they’re sticking around.”

  “Yeah they are. Amy can go to town with them if she wants.” She nods with an eager smile. “Go on in and hey…” I grab her arm. “Don’t be sharing any stories about me.”

  “Like I could tell her anything she doesn’t already know about you.” She winks and leaves me alone with Truth.

  I light up a smoke. We’ve not really spoken since his and Amy’s lover’s spat.

  “You’re a dad man, how ye feeling about it all?”

  “It feels weird but good.”

  “I’m happy for ye brother. Listen about the shit Amy said the other day.”

  “Look man, I’m not into letting you fuck me in the ass, but maybe you can suck my dick.” I laugh. I know shit has him twisted, but I’m not letting our friendship go down over this shit. We will work through it. How would he feel if I told him that I remember parts of the night we were together?

  He shuffles backwards down the steps with an awkward expression on his face. “Fuck you man,” he sniffs.

  I snuff out my cigarette. “Yeah you’d like to, I’m motherfuckin sexy, but I gotta woman now. And from what I hear you do too.” I jog down the steps and grab him in a headlock, fucking up his little bitch bun. The memory burns hotter this time, I can see it all clearly. Truth sucked me off and I loved every second of his mouth on me.

  My dick goes hard and his hand brushes over my bulge as he fights to get free.

  “Watch the hair man!”

  I let go and he stumbles back.

  “I seem to recall you like it when I pull your hair while you suck my dick.”

  His face goes white.

  “You gonna deny it?” I ask, stepping closer to him.

  “No,” he says, his eyes on my crotch. “Now’s not the time to get into our shit.”

  “We need to put it to rest.” He nods.

  “I find you attractive but I won’t let it ruin what I’m building with Amy. Last week I might’ve felt differently, but things change. That what you want to hear?”

  “I’m happy for ye man. If Liberty hadn’t shown up, things might have turned out differently. You, me and Amy, might have had something, but I know now, I can’t get caught up in that shit. It would ruin our friendship. And it’s time we both grow the fuck up.”

  “So we’re straight.”

  I bump his fist. “Come on dickhead, let’s get to choir.”


  “So you’re the woman that has kept Tread in knots all these years?” I look Liberty over. Truth already gave me the scoop on her. She’s pretty, I’ll give her that. Big butt, genuine smile, curvy hips. She has really pretty hair too, it frames her heart-shaped face.

  “Guess so.” She smiles and gives me a hug. “You smell good, kinda like a peach” she says with a laugh.

  “That’s what Truth tells me.” I grin, stepping back.

  We stand together watching our men through the window.

  “Kyler go wash your face and put your shoes on.”

  I steal a glance at the little boy and my, he does take after his daddy. Same brown hair and dimpled grin. I look back to Truth and Tread and see them goofing off. Liberty turns to me and takes my hand. “Seems we better get used to spending a lot of time together.”

  “What?” I ask, sure I’m not hearing her right.

  “I know Tread, him and Grady are attached at the hip, always were before anyway. But I guess that means you’ve gotten to know Tread intimately?”

  “You don’t mind?” I swallow.

  “He likes to share and to watch.” She shrugs.

  “Oh, I know that,” I admit with red cheeks.

  “So you have fucked them both?” I can tell she isn’t angry, only curious. Might as well get it all out in the open now.

  I look back to make sure her son can’t hear me. Seems he is still in the bathroom. “Honestly, yes.”

  “Good thing for you I’m not the jealous type.” She laughs. “I’d do anything for Tread and if you and Truth come with him, then I hope the two of you will accept me too.”

  “I think I’m going to like you,” I confess. She has an easygoing presence about her. I feel like I can talk to her about anything.

  “I like you too Amy. I think, we are going to get along just fine. I admire honesty. And you can fill me in on how things are around here.”

  I meet Tread’s son and the three of us pile into the truck to go shopping. We spend the day laughing over stupid shit Truth and Tread both do. Kyler is a sweet boy and I am happy to get to know him too.

  He’s a part of Tread and that makes him my family in a way. Tread might shit when he gets his credit card statements. We bought a lot of stuff, including a California King mattress for his bedroom.

  Chapter 24


  I can’t wait to hold my woman in my arms. It’s been a long week without her. Her and Jamie should be here any minute now. I left Dawn upstairs at the bar to wait for her step-mom and her brother. Grim called choir and seems my presence is requested. I get the feeling the fucker is gonna keep stringing me along. He wants to make me miserable. He forgets that I can bring my own form of hell, in the wrath of Sunshine. Two can play these motherfuckin grade school games.

  But no matter what road I take Grim won’t be satisfied. That’s his problem, he’s never been truly happy. When he me
t Red, she made him happy as long as they were together. He was a miserable son of a bitch after she died. He had a few good years with Sunshine, but she wasn’t enough, especially after she lost their son.

  Then Baby had Colt and he seemed content, until we were raided by the FEDS.

  Rebel says he’s good with Foxie, but I suspect as usual, he wants what he can’t have, what he will never get back—Gypsy Red.

  I look to the head of the table, at my oldest friend in the world, seeing a tired old man. We’re getting too old for this shit. But I know that fucker better than he knows himself, he’ll die at the head of this table. And being the good, loyal friend that I am, I’ll likely die by his side.


  I wait for everyone to take their seats, looking at the faces of my brothers as they file into choir. They are all in need of a good fuck, some smoke, a jar of shine, and a week of sleep. But there is no rest for the wicked. We have a lot of moves to make now that we’ve taken out the White Militia. I gotta put men at the strip club, Lenny is gone and we’re taking over. Then there is Christa and her brother, Slim’s boy to consider. I need to do something with Romeo’s cunt ass too.

  I stare him down. He’s sitting at the other end of the table looking smug. He used to sit next to me. I wonder if this was how Slim felt about me, when I was fucking his wife and she was raising my daughter. Guess I’m not much better than either of them. I’m damn happy with Foxie, I don’t want Sunshine back, but maybe a part of me is bitter that Romeo can give her what I couldn’t.

  I’d like to say fuck it, but it isn’t that simple. Romeo fucked Baby, my daughter. He should have been looking out for her, not using her. I know he ended shit with her, but he shouldn’t have touched her to start with. Not ever, and especially not after we squared that shit away before.

  Rebel grunts and nods in my direction. Time to get this show on the road.

  I bang my gavel against the table twice sending everyone into silence.

  “First order of business, you did good last night. I’m proud to call ye all my brothers.” I look at Romeo and nod. He smiles. I think eventually we’ll be alright.


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