Forever in Haven's Crossing

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Forever in Haven's Crossing Page 4

by Kyleigh Drake

  Kim decided to go look in some of the other rooms, but felt strange walking around naked in someone else’s house. She didn’t even do that in her own house. She had always been self-conscious about her body and the extra weight she had put on didn’t help any. As she padded around barefoot on the carpet, she stopped at the first room she came to. It was definitely lived in. The bed was unmade and there were jeans on the floor in the corner. She found a button-up shirt in the closet and quickly put it on, rolling up the sleeves. This room wasn’t small, but it was certainly not as large as the bedroom she slept in.

  She walked back to the kitchen to get a drink of water and then decided she wanted to take a look outside. She went and got her jeans out of the bathroom, putting them on with no panties on underneath. She then slipped on her shoes and headed out the door. She noticed how cloudy it was, but it didn’t look like it would rain so she decided to go ahead. Walking down the steps of the porch, she took in all the beauty of the land before her. She saw a grove of trees a ways off and decided to head in that direction, wondering if they may be fruit bearing. On the other side of the trees, there was a pond and the most beautiful wildflowers she had ever seen. This has to be paradise. By the time she made it to the other side of the pond, she was starting to feel a little tired and her head was hurting. There was a fallen log on the ground that she sat down on so she could rest. As she looked up, the clouds were getting heavier so she decided she’d better go back to the house soon, not knowing anything about the weather in Texas.

  As she looked over at the direction she came from, she could barely see the house. She hadn’t realized how far she had walked. Just as she was thinking she only had halfway to go, it started to rain. Great. Not two minutes later, she saw the pickup pull up to the house. Apparently, they both saw her because they started to run in her direction.

  When Logan reached her, he scooped her up, trying to shelter her from the now downpour. Caleb ran ahead opening the door and then followed behind once they were inside. As soon as Logan put her down, Caleb asked sternly, “What in the hell were you doin’ out there?” His tone surprised her and she hesitated a moment before answering.

  “I was just taking a walk. I didn’t know it would start raining so fast,” she tried to explain, thinking that would be the end of it. It wasn’t.

  Logan spoke next. The look in his eyes and the tone of his voice made a shudder run through her entire body. “I tell you one thing, darlin’—if you were 100 percent right now, you’d be over my knee and I promise, you wouldn’t be sittin’ easy for at least the next two days.” Am I supposed to respond to that? She quickly decided it would probably be better to just keep her mouth shut. Caleb had gone to get two large bath towels and as he walked back in the room, he threw one to Logan. “Take your clothes off,” he said, as if he had said that very same thing to her a hundred times before.

  “What?” she asked, thinking there was no way in hell she was undressing in front of them. She then quickly crossed her arms over her chest, realizing that they could see right through the wet shirt she had put on and she didn’t have a bra on underneath. When she didn’t begin to undress, Caleb threw the towel over his shoulder and started to unbutton the shirt for her. She stepped back from him in order to stop him, but bumped into Logan, who was now behind her.

  “You’re gettin’ out of those wet clothes, darlin’, and you’re doin’ it right now.” Logan then reached under her shirt and wrapped his arm firmly around her waist. The warmth of his body against her cool, wet, naked skin made her even more conscious of his touch.

  When Caleb was satisfied that Logan had a good hold on her, he stepped forward to finish his job, taking care not to hurt her arm. She now stood topless in front of them and could feel her heart beating faster and faster because of the embarrassment. She felt her face getting flushed and started to panic.

  “Hey,” Logan whispered in her ear. “It’s okay, darlin’. We’re not gonna hurt ya. Are you afraid?” She took a few more breaths and managed to get out “no” in the process. She then felt like she was going to cry. They won’t want me after they see me without clothes. Caleb had noticed the distressed look on her face and the tears welling up in her eyes. He cupped her chin with his hand, making her look at him.

  “This is one of those times when you’re gonna need to start talkin’, sweetheart. Now, take some deep breaths, ’cause we’re not doin’ anything else until we understand what’s going on here.” He let her chin go, but didn’t stop watching her.

  Logan continued to hold her securely against his body while whispering soothing words, helping her to catch her breath. She could feel them communicating with one another with only their glances and nods. True to his word, Caleb did not remove any more of her clothing, but she knew he was losing patience. “The time is now, Kim. Just say the words—don’t worry about the feelings yet.”

  “That’s easy for you to say!” she snapped angrily, still trying to fight the tears and now trying to fight Logan as well. He didn’t waiver, however. He just continued holding her as if she weren’t even struggling. This, of course, made her even angrier, but she didn’t have much strength left in her. She started to cry angry tears, recognizing her near defeat. “Let me go!” she cried, hitting his arms with her fists and stomping her feet. Caleb again cupped her chin and made her look at him.

  “We’re not goin’ anywhere until you talk to us, sweetheart, but I have to tell you—I’m not letting you get sick from staying in these wet clothes, so you have about thirty more seconds.”

  Caleb knew a woman would talk when she was pissed off enough, desperate enough, or after a good spanking, and since she was still recuperating, a spanking was not an option. He could see the damage some asshole had done to her and he figured it was probably more than one. He couldn’t let her get sick though, so desperation was the one he was going for. He started to unbutton her jeans, seeing the look of fear in her eyes.

  “Okay!” she screamed, pushing his hand away. “I hate you, Caleb! I shouldn’t have to tell you anything!” She was glaring at him through her tears.

  Okay, he thought, anger route it is. “You can hate me all you want, sugar, but it’s not gonna change a damn thing. Now, I’m gonna count to three and those jeans will be coming off. One, two…”

  “Please!” she cried. “I can’t let you take my jeans off because I don’t have anything on underneath.” And then, shutting her eyes, she mumbled, “And you won’t want me after you see.”

  “Did she just say what the hell I thought she said?” Logan asked angrily. Caleb nodded his head and then bent down to kiss her on the nose. He wiped the tears from her face and then told her he’d be right back. Logan began to stroke her shoulder and arm gently with his free hand, but still didn’t loosen his grip around her waist, fearing she’d take off.

  Caleb was back in an instant with a big white bathrobe in his hands. He and Logan wrapped the bathrobe around her and then Caleb unbuttoned her jeans, slid the zipper down, and started to peel them from her wet body. He covered her up as much as he could, which made her relax and calm down. He could see in her eyes that she was grateful he didn’t make her stand naked in front of both of them.

  He took the towel and dried her off one section at a time, all the while allowing her to wear the robe as a security blanket. Once Logan felt her body relax, he released his arm. He then took the other towel and began to dry her hair, making sure not to touch the stitches. When they were both satisfied, Logan turned her around, grabbed her by the shoulders, and gave her a quick kiss on the top of the head. He then motioned with his head for her to go to the dining room table and swatted her on the bottom as she began to walk that way. When she gasped and turned back to look at him, he smiled and gave her a wink. She tried not to smile back, but he could see the grin emerging, despite her efforts. He chuckled as she rubbed her bottom and walked away. Caleb was already at the table and had her chair pulled out, waiting. Logan picked up her wet clothes and towels and h
eaded for a room off the kitchen, which she guessed was the laundry room. He grabbed two beers on the way back, handed Caleb one, and then opened the other and sat down.

  Chapter 7

  Caleb reached for Kim’s hand and started rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. Logan just watched her, occasionally taking a sip of his beer. No one spoke for the next few minutes, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Caleb then raised her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “We’re very proud of you, sugar. You came right out and said what was on your mind and you didn’t even try to lie about it. Now—that doesn’t mean we agree with what you said, so that’s why we’re gonna have to come to an understandin’. I don’t know what happened to you over the years, but I do know there’s some damage Logan and I are gonna have to be fixin’.”

  Kim looked down when she felt the tears welling up again. Dammit, I never cry this much! Caleb didn’t make her look up at him because he knew she was listening. “And I hate to tell you this, sweetheart, but we’re gonna be doin’ that fixin’ without any clothes on. We understand you’re nervous and a little self-conscious, but once we’ve seen you a few times, you won’t even be bothered by it—hell, you might even like it.” With that, Kim looked up and smiled. Caleb raised his brow and then continued.

  “The very last thing you said is what bothered us the most. Look at me.” His tone had changed and she did what he said. “Good girl. Now listen carefully. We know you don’t know us well enough to trust us completely, but I think you might a little and that’ll get better over time. I don’t know what you think we are, but we are not those other men you’ve had in your life. We don’t lie and we don’t play games. Do you believe that?” Kim nodded and said, “Yes,” not taking her eyes off him. “I’m really glad you believe me, sugar, ’cause that means you have to believe me when I tell you we don’t want you to be some perfect size the outside world says you’re supposed to be. We have flaws and scars, too, baby, but you wouldn’t just up and leave after seein’ ’em, would ya?”

  “Of course not,” she said immediately.

  “Then I guess we deserve the same benefit of the doubt, wouldn’t you say?” Kim nodded her head, understanding the point they were trying to make.

  It surprised her when Logan scooted his chair back and stood up. He had been quietly watching the entire time. Clearly, he was a man of few words, but the words he did say were always powerful. He put his hand on her shoulder, bent down close to her ear, and said, “And I believe—that now is as good a time as any to start doin’ some of that fixin’.” Wink. Oh, God. Deep breaths. Breathe. Breathe.

  As much as she hated the thought of taking off her robe, she couldn’t help but notice how wet she was getting. She bit her bottom lip, causing Caleb to chuckle. “C’mon, sugar,” he said, standing as well and holding out his hand for her to take. “Logan’s not a patient man.” They led her into the bedroom she was taken to earlier.

  “Can I ask you a question?” she asked nervously, trying to make small talk.

  “Ask away,” Caleb answered.

  “So, why don’t either one of you sleep in this room? It’s so much bigger than the other ones,” she asked.

  “So you’ve checked out the other rooms, huh?” he said as he raised his brow again. Dammit!

  “Uh, well, I took a shower earlier and didn’t have any clean clothes, so I looked for a shirt to wear. I hope that’s all right.” Logan moved in closer.

  “Darlin’, you can go anywhere in this house you want and wear anything you like, but just know this—you wearin’ one of my shirts, especially when it’s wet, has got me so hard I can barely contain myself.” Kim’s eyes went directly to his bulging crotch and she began to blush. Both men smiled and all of a sudden, the room seemed a lot smaller and the robe started to feel too warm. She had never been with two men before and wasn’t quite sure how this was all going to work.

  It was still raining outside, so even though it wasn’t yet evening, it was still somewhat dark in the bedroom. Caleb turned on the light in the bathroom and closed the door almost shut. He had intentionally left the light off in the bedroom for her benefit and that gesture truly touched her heart. “To answer your question,” Logan said, stepping into her personal space, not leaving even an inch between them, “We’ve never used this room because we were waitin’ for you, darlin’.” That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. He then bent down and began to kiss her like he had done before. Logan made time stand still for her again and his body willed her to remain right there with him until he decided otherwise. She was barely conscious of Caleb behind her until he began to remove the big white robe slowly, stopping when it was draped down past her shoulders. The way he kissed her back made her melt, and had they not been holding her up, she would have collapsed. She moaned as he kissed the area he now knew was her weakness. Cold chills ran over her and her nipples reacted to his tease.

  “You like that, don’t ya?” he asked hoarsely, almost whispering.

  Logan, feeling her reaction, placed his calloused hand over one breast and moved his mouth from hers to say, “See, just the right size.” He then tweaked her nipple with his fingers, causing her to gasp.

  She could feel Caleb’s hardening cock pressed against her back and when both men stopped, she almost cried out in protest until she realized they were moving her toward the bed. Caleb lifted her up and placed her in the middle, then scooted in beside her, taking his turn with her mouth. Logan moved to the end of the bed, and when she instinctively realized his intentions, she tried to rise up, but Caleb quickly held her back down with one arm. She could feel the strength in his arms, the muscles tight and hard. “You’re not going anywhere, little one. Just relax. Logan’s gonna make you feel real good.” Logan proceeded to pry her legs apart. Did I shave well enough? she wondered, wishing she had taken more time. Logan lifted her legs one at a time, placing each one over his shoulders.

  His head was now directly over her pussy, and she clenched her eyes shut as he parted her lips and began to lick from bottom to top and then repeated the sensuous process over and over again. He then spent several minutes teasing her clit, nipping it gently and making her gasp. “You’re awful wet, darlin’, and I have to say—you taste even sweeter than honey,” he said with a wicked grin.

  “Oh God,” she said, knowing she was going to die before the night was over. Both men chuckled and then continued in their separate, but equally pleasurable ministrations. Caleb moved to her breasts and she moaned, arching her pussy toward Logan’s tongue each time he suckled and nipped, causing a bolt of electricity to go directly down below. It was like they were working in unison and one knew what was needed by the other in order to pull off the perfect grand finale. Logan took his thick finger and thrust it in her eager pussy, causing her to make noises she never knew she could. She could feel her climax building, her body flush and hot.

  When they felt her tensing, Caleb tightened his hold on her and said, “Open your eyes and look at me, sugar. I wanna see you when you come for us.” Logan began moving his finger faster, in and out, while his tongue continued to lick her clit. Caleb was talking to her the entire time, while looking directly in her eyes. “Come for us, baby. You need to come real good so Logan can lick up all that sweet cream.” As she started to scream, he continued. “That’s a good girl, you’re givin’ it all to him, aren’t ya.” Kim had never had an orgasm that lasted so long. Logan continued to lick, but only gently, so she could come down slowly. When it was over, they all lay exactly where they were, taking a few moments to find their strength.

  Logan was the first to move. “You gotta taste her, Caleb. You’re not gonna believe how sweet she is,” he said with a smile.

  “Don’t you worry, I have every intention,” Caleb replied, “but I’m gonna fill her with my cock right now.” Both men began to switch positions. “Sweetheart, are you on the pill?” he asked.

  “Uh-huh,” she whispered faintly.

  “Are you okay, baby? Do
you need us to stop for a little bit?” Logan asked.

  “Uh-uh,” she said, wanting more of what they had to offer. She then added, “But, I can’t come anymore, though. I’ve never been able to have more than one orgasm, but it’s okay, I still don’t want you to quit, I just didn’t want you to be disappointed.”

  Logan smiled. “Darlin’, you’re gonna come at least two more times before we’re done with ya and I can just about promise ya that.”

  He was now on his knees beside her head and his cock was rock hard, begging for some attention. Kim couldn’t believe how much she wanted to taste him in her mouth and she licked her lips, seeing the need in Logan’s eyes. She then looked at Caleb, who was now holding his swollen cock between her legs, and he was watching her as he stroked his hand up and down his shaft. She wanted him in her pussy and he wanted to tease her. She had two throbbing cocks calling her name and she wanted them both—right now. “Please,” she said, not quite begging, but close.

  “Please what, darlin’?” Logan asked, his cock almost touching her lips.

  “I want you,” she stammered.

  “What do you want, baby? Say the words,” Caleb said deviously. She couldn’t wait any longer, so she told them exactly what she wanted.

  “I want to suck your cock, Logan. Caleb, I want you to fuck me.” Oh my God—I’ve never said anything like that before!

  “Logan, since our girl knows what she wants, I think we oughta give it to her, don’t ya think?” Caleb asked.


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