Forever in Haven's Crossing

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Forever in Haven's Crossing Page 6

by Kyleigh Drake

  “I don’t like having to do this, darlin’, but you’ve been needin’ one. It’ll all be over in a few minutes and Caleb’s gonna be checkin’ to make sure you’re okay.”

  The first swat was harder than the one he had just given her when she was over his shoulder, and the sting caused her to let out a little gasp. After about five, she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, but she was determined not to release them so early. Kim held on to his pants leg and counted silently in her head. She knew she had been out of line, but they had pushed her there, dammit. As Logan continued, he began to pick up speed and there was less time to recover in between. Caleb squatted down, moving her hair from her face and putting it behind her ear. “You need to quit being so damn stubborn,” he said. “His will is stronger than yours, sugar. You won’t win this. Now—let it go.” His words caused her to release the tears she had tried so desperately to hold back. She was quickly sobbing and Logan immediately stopped, placing his hand lightly on her bottom. Caleb had been right. Logan quit just as soon as she let go of her defiance.

  Chapter 10

  Logan picked her up and sat her on his lap, her face now against his hard chest. He started to rub her back and kissed her on the top of the head. His shirt was soon soaked from her tears and he began to soothe her with his words. “Shhhh, it’s all over with, baby. No more spankin’. I got ya.” Surprisingly, she wanted to be in his arms and she actually wanted to be right next to his body. When she started to turn toward him and he realized what she was doing, he moved her skirt up over her bottom so she could straddle him with her legs around his body. They were now chest to chest and she put her good arm around his neck and lay her head on his shoulder, crying into his neck and chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her closely. She could now feel the roughness of his jeans rubbing up against her tender bottom and she moved forward, in an attempt to find some relief.

  She heard Caleb sit beside them, so she turned her face over on Logan’s shoulder so she was now looking directly at him. He rubbed her back as she continued to cry softly. He moved her hair behind her ear and caressed her face and lips with his thumb. She knew then, that even though the spanking wasn’t pleasant, she wanted more of what she had right there with them at that very moment.

  When she kept inadvertently rubbing up against Logan’s crotch, he said, “Darlin’, if you don’t quit doin’ that you’re about to get a lot more attention.” She could feel the bulge getting harder and harder beneath her. Caleb was still at her side and through her last bit of sniffles, she grinned at him and rubbed against Logan once more.

  Caleb raised his brow and tilted his head. “Logan, I think you’re being teased, brother. And—I’ll just bet—that if I checked somebody’s sweet little pussy, it’d be wet and ready.”

  “Noooo,” she whined, feigning protest and trying to move. But, Logan held her firm as she watched Caleb stand and take something from his pocket. A pocketknife?

  “Don’t move, sugar,” he said, smiling as he flipped the blade open. A look of fear came over her face as he proceeded to lift her skirt up even higher and then began to cut her panties off.

  “Are you crazy?” she asked, still not able to move in Logan’s strong arms.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’re gonna take you shoppin’, so you won’t need these anymore.” Caleb grinned as he pulled the shredded material from her body.

  As he moved forward, she really did struggle because she realized how wet she really was and didn’t want them to see. Logan gave her a gentle pat on the side of the leg and then lifted her up toward him, so Caleb could have better access to her pussy. “You need to let Caleb check ya, darlin’.” She was going to die of embarrassment. She felt Caleb’s fingers sliding in between her lips, spreading her apart. He inserted his thick finger into her hole, causing her to whimper against her will.

  “Oh yeah, Logan, our baby girl’s nice and wet—I think she may have liked that spankin’ a little more than she’s lettin’ on.” She felt him withdraw and then heard him suck her juices from his finger.

  Logan leaned her back into Caleb’s arms and Caleb held her up enough so that Logan could unzip his jeans, allowing his stiff cock to spring free. He then took his hand, stroking his cock in front of her, making her swallow the lump in her throat. They both lifted her up gently and sat her down, impaling her with his cock. “That’s it, darlin’. You’re gonna go for a little ride, aren’t ya? Easy now, I don’t wanna hurt ya.” Kim could not believe how full she felt and she was ready to go, but they wouldn’t release her so she could move freely. Her hands were on Logan’s broad shoulders, but she wanted to feel his skin against hers, so she started to take off his shirt. He smiled and kissed her hard, leaving her lips red and swollen, before allowing her to continue. He then helped Caleb to take her shirt off and Caleb removed her bra.

  There she sat, impaled on this majestic cock, her skirt pushed up to her waist, her breasts bare, her panties cut off. “Please,” she begged, as Caleb fondled her breasts and tweaked her nipples. He then kissed her on her favorite “oh yes, please fuck me” spot on her back and she thought she was going to die. They were in complete control. Logan in front and Caleb in back. She could only move when they let her, and she wasn’t liking their little game. Kim began to clench her pussy in hopes of getting her needs met and Logan began to move her up and down, gradually going faster and faster. She couldn’t believe how incredibly good it felt. She leaned forward and whispered in Logan’s ear. “Please fuck me, Logan—harder, I need it harder.”

  He chuckled and said, “Patience, love, patience. We’ll give you what ya need.” She wasn’t patient, however. She had never been patient, nor did she want to be patient. She whimpered at his words, like a spoiled child.

  Logan began to kiss her again as he slowly fucked her aching pussy. She felt Caleb get up and wondered what he was doing, but that only lasted a moment and then she was lost in time with Logan again. She groaned when he ended their kiss and his fucking, to tighten his hold around her waist. She felt Caleb behind her again, but couldn’t see what he was doing. “Caleb’s gonna be takin’ care of your ass, sweetheart.” When she gasped, he added, “You trust us, don’t ya?” She slowly nodded her head in confirmation. “He’s not gonna use his cock right now. We’ll work up to that, but right now, I promise you’re gonna have a real good come, so I want you to be brave and at least try, okay?” She again nodded. “That’s our girl.” With that, he lifted her forward and told her to put her head on his shoulder. She could feel Caleb’s lubricated finger rubbing her puckered hole and she started to tense up. Logan began to fuck her again and reached down to rub her clit at the same time, helping her to relax. This gave Caleb the opportunity to push his finger all the way in, causing a chill to run through her body. With both of them in, she moaned in pleasure and then Caleb added another finger.

  All she could do was feel. They had taken away everything else and that’s all they wanted from her. She had never not been in control her entire adult life because that was how she had learned how to be. Now, they were stripping her down to her very soul and even though she was fighting like hell to stop them, she really didn’t want them to. She wanted to surrender her very being to them both, so they could do as they wished—but the fear of being hurt would always prevent her from doing that very thing.

  Her climax began to build and she could feel glistening beads of moisture gathering on her face from being so hot. They both knew she was close and Logan began to fuck harder, deeper, faster. “Open your eyes and look at me, baby,” Logan whispered hoarsely. When she obeyed, he then added, “Now let me see ya come.” With his words still in her ears, she began to feel the eruption exploding within her, causing her body to shudder. And Logan was there, looking right down into the depths of her soul at her most vulnerable moment.

  She collapsed forward against his chest as she felt him release deep within her. She again milked his cock, causing him to moan and her to smile. If t
hat was the only control she had, she was going to damn well take advantage of every single opportunity. When his body was able to finally relax, they all sat there, skin to skin, no words being said. She heard Caleb get up, but she just lay there against Logan, knowing that if they wanted her to move, they’d move her. Caleb returned shortly and silently cleaned her up with a warm washcloth. He then picked her up carefully from Logan’s lap and carried her into the bedroom. When he lay her down on the bed, he removed her skirt and tucked her under the covers. She looked at him, confused. “What about you, Caleb?” she asked. He just smiled sweetly and touched her hair.

  “You don’t worry about me, sugar. You need to rest awhile. Logan and I are gonna fix some supper, and we’ll come get ya when it’s ready, okay?”

  “Where did you come from?” she asked in awe. He tilted his head, not understanding what she was asking. “You can’t be real,” she added.

  “Oh, we’re real sweetheart and just to prove it—I’m gonna show you just how real I am later on tonight,” he said with a wink. He then walked away, leaving her with only her thoughts to keep her company. You know it won’t last, her inner voice rudely interjected. They could have any woman out there, so don’t get too attached. But, it’s too late, she answered in her mind. I’m already attached. With that last thought, she shut her eyes and sleep quickly took over.

  Chapter 11

  She only slept about an hour, waking up to ice being put in the glasses. She grabbed her short satin robe out of the closet and wrapped it around her. She headed toward the kitchen and smiled to herself when she saw Logan standing there at the counter with a dish towel slung over his shoulder. That is so freaking sexy, she thought as she walked toward them. “Can I help?” she asked. Caleb gave her a hug and a quick kiss.

  “You can pour the tea and we’ll get everything on the table.” They sat before her a feast of steaks, baked potatoes, salad, and hot rolls.

  “This is amazing,” she said, as she began to eat.

  “Our momma made us both learn to cook when we were little,” Logan answered, smiling.

  “Well she did a fine job,” Kim replied.

  During supper, they all laughed and talked, making the moment even more special. They all three cleaned up afterwards, which took no time at all. As Logan finished putting away the last of the dishes, Caleb took her hand and led her out on the front porch. They sat down on the swing and Kim noticed three little hummingbirds near the flower garden. Logan came out and took a chair across from the swing, propping his boots up on the banister and lacing his fingers behind his head. “Whatcha thinkin’, darlin’?” he said lazily. She looked away before answering. Why is it so hard for me to look at them when they ask me what I think or feel?

  “Just thinking about how beautiful it is out here. It’s really peaceful actually.” A soft breeze made her shiver just a little and Caleb pulled her closer, putting his arm around her.

  “Want me to go get ya a jacket or somethin’?”

  “No thanks, you’ll work just fine,” she replied with a smile, as she laid her head against his warm body.

  They sat there awhile, enjoying the evening sky and then Logan put his feet down and moved his chair so it was facing her and Caleb. “I think now’s a good time to tell us why you were cryin’ this mornin’, don’t you?” Dammit! He smiled when she let out a loud sigh and rolled her eyes. “You didn’t think we’d forget now, did ya?”

  “No,” she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  “Then get to it,” he ordered.

  “Fine,” she said, again not looking at him but feeling his eyes on her. “It was just really overwhelming I guess. Your parents were so nice to me and when your mom hugged me…” She started to feel the tears again, but didn’t want to cry so she stopped a moment. Caleb rubbed her arm up and down with his hand.

  “When Mom hugged you, what, baby? We really want to know.” She swallowed and started again.

  “It made me wish that I had a mom like that.”

  “Can you tell us what happened to your parents, sugar?” Caleb asked gently. She took another deep breath before speaking.

  “They were both killed in a car accident when I was eleven. My sister and I were shipped off to some aunt who didn’t really want us, but took us just out of a feeling of guilt, I think. So, life pretty much sucked after that and I learned real quick that I needed to take care of myself.” Caleb put his head on hers and Logan leaned forward and took her hands in his, rubbing her knuckles with his thumbs. She looked up at him and saw so much love and sincerity in his eyes.

  “We’re so sorry your life didn’t start out good, sweetheart. Every kid deserves to be happy and to not have to worry about the things you worried about. We’re here now though and we’re gonna make up for all that lovin’ you didn’t get growin’ up. I’m just so sorry we didn’t find ya sooner.” She began to cry after hearing his words and leaned forward to hug him.

  She decided to tell them the truth, so between her tears and sniffles she said, “I want to believe you—but I’m afraid you’ll leave me, too.”

  “Shhh, it’s okay, baby,” Logan soothed “Let it all out. We’re not ever gonna leave ya, darlin’, and you’re not goin’ anywhere either, so you’re pretty much stuck with us forever.”

  “Forever?” she asked. Caleb stood up and pulled her up out of Logan’s arms. He put his arms around her and then began to kiss away all her tears.

  “That’s right, baby—forever. That means that we’re claiming you as ours and from this moment on you’re stuck. We know you’re not even divorced yet and may be a little gun shy, but we wanna marry you, sweetheart. We love you. We always have—it just took us a little longer to find you and now that we have, we’re not lettin’ you go.”

  “But you don’t even know me,” she said, still sniffling.

  “We know plenty,” Caleb continued, lifting her chin up with his finger. “We’re not sayin’ it’s all gonna be a bed of roses. Roses have thorns. That’s a part of life. You’re not always gonna like us, but in the end it’s all gonna be okay. You’re not gonna scare us off with your PMS or your temper. You can throw a tantrum if you need to, that’s just fine—we can handle that. We want you through the good, the bad, and the ugly. You just gotta give us a chance and let us show ya, sugar. We understand a little better now why it’s so hard for you to trust us. That’s why we’re always makin’ you talk when you don’t want to. We need to know what’s goin’ on in that pretty little head of yours. So, what do ya say? Are you gonna give us a chance?” She knew in her heart this was what she wanted and she decided she would just “shhhh” her annoying inner voice anytime she tried to speak.

  “Yes,” she said clearly. “I want to marry you—both of you.”

  Caleb picked her up and swung her around in a circle, then Logan did the same. She took turns kissing them both, still feeling like this was all a dream. All she had on was that little robe and Caleb tried to untie the belt to take it off her. She slapped his hand to try and stop him, but he just continued on. “Caleb! Stop—somebody will see!”

  “No one’s gonna see, sugar. It’s dark now anyway, so come here—I wanna feel you naked against my body.” The robe slipped down to the ground and a cool breeze hit her naked body, causing her to shiver and her nipples to harden.

  “It’s too chilly out here, Caleb, we need to get her inside,” Logan said. As Caleb released her, she bent down to pick up the robe, but he grabbed it from her hands, smiling that devilish smile. When he opened the door, she took off running and they were on her heels, stripping their clothes off in the process. She jumped in bed and Caleb was right there with her. She could feel his need and he was not being slow or patient. He pushed her back on the pillow and then lowered his head to her nipple, causing her to moan and her pussy to throb. Logan was on the other side of her and she felt his hand moving toward the ache. She spread her legs, wanting him to touch her and she arched as his rough fingers rubbed in between her lips and
around her clit. “You’re always so ready for us darlin’. I like that.”

  Caleb’s hard, warm cock was rubbing against her skin. As if they had rehearsed it before, Caleb quickly moved to the end of the bed and Logan remained at her side, spreading her legs open by pulling her knees up toward her chest. She was now fully exposed to Caleb and he began to tease her by rubbing his cock up and down her pussy. When she moaned and arched her back, he slid in with one thrust, filling her completely all the way to his balls. She moaned and threw her head back, needing him to fuck her hard. She started to move her hand down to touch herself, but Logan quickly grabbed her wrist and then pinned both arms up over her head. “No, ma’am. We’ll do all the touchin’ from now on and if you need to come, we’ll take care of it.” He then began to nibble on her neck and again she could do nothing but feel—so that’s what she did.

  Caleb began to increase his speed, making her scream his name. “He’s givin’ it to ya good, ain’t he, baby?” Logan whispered wickedly. “You like it nice and hard like that.” She could feel herself getting hotter as he talked. She loved it when they did that and they both knew it. “I think you need a good finger fuck in that tight little ass, too—now be a good girl and open up for me.”

  “Noooo,” she whimpered, still not willing to admit she liked it.

  “Oh, yeah,” he said, reaching down to lubricate his finger with her pussy juice and then moving in between her ass cheeks. She felt his finger slide in surprisingly easy and he began to pump in and out, faster and faster. As soon as he did, she felt herself going over the top and began to moan and writhe her body against their hold.

  “Oh God, I’m coming!” She screamed as she surrendered herself to her men. She felt Caleb coming, too, and as she looked over at him, she could tell from the look on his face that with every thrust of his cock he was staking his claim on her again and again and again.


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