Charlotte & Nate (Royals of Valleria #4)

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Charlotte & Nate (Royals of Valleria #4) Page 12

by Marianne Knightly

  Rebecca tucked a lock of her wavy, free-flowing chestnut hair behind her ear. “The Queen told me that Coco nominated you for her replacement.”

  Charlie nodded, her back stiff against her chair. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Oh, please don’t call me ‘ma’am’. It makes me feel so old.” Rebecca took a hold of Charlie’s hand, surprising her. “I know this is terribly awkward. I mean, I’m not officially anything yet, am I? And here I am interviewing you because we’ll be working so closely together in the future.”

  Rebecca was calming Charlie down? “I apologize if I made you feel awkward. I certainly didn’t mean to.”

  Rebecca chuckled. “Well, I think we’re off to a fine start. We’re both apologizing for the same thing. I think we’ll get along very well.”

  “You do?”

  “Oh, yes.” Rebecca gave Charlie an assessing glance, then patted their joined hands. “Can you keep a secret, Charlie?”

  Charlie nodded. “Of course. You wouldn’t have to worry about me divulging any details about planned events, including your wedding, if I were to take over Coco’s position.”

  “That’s very good to know. However, I was asking more on a personal level than a professional one.”

  “Oh?” Did this have something to do with Nate? But how could Rebecca know? Unless she saw them last night, or someone else did? Or, perhaps, Nate mentioned something?

  Rebecca leaned closer, forcing Charlie to lean in as well. “The truth is, Charlie – you prefer ‘Charlie’, do you? – I feel like a fish out of water.”

  “You do?”

  Rebecca nodded. “I may have grown up on the palace grounds, but I never, ever dreamed I’d actually be a princess or queen one day.”

  “That’s a very personal statement.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t ordinarily be so honest, but I sense a kinship with you. We’re both ‘commoners’ if you want to think of it that way. I may get a new name and title when I marry, but I’m still just Rebecca. I hope that thought puts you at ease. I’d like to think of us as two friends working together, rather than me just bossing you around.”

  Charlie had to admit that it was hard to dislike Rebecca or treat her as formally as she should. “I’d like that very much, but I wouldn’t want to violate protocol in any way.”

  Rebecca patted their hands again and then let go. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that. I know it can be difficult to remember all of those things. I certainly forget about it, too, and I live with the royal family. Fortunately, it’s only important when there’s an official function around, like the state dinner this week. Otherwise, we’re all fairly casual with each other.”

  Charlie bit her lip, wondering if she should ask what she really wanted to. “May I ask you a question, one that may be a bit personal?”

  Rebecca quirked an eyebrow, her face displaying a cautious smile. “You can ask it, but I may not answer.”

  “Was it difficult fitting in with the royal family after you and Prince Alexander became a couple?”

  Rebecca’s guarded smile turned into a wistful one at the sound of her fiancé’s name. “Well, just between us, no, it wasn’t. They’re just people, like you and me. The main difference is that they’re held to a higher standard because of who they are, and I suppose I am now, too. They’re just wonderful people. It was a little different for me, I suppose, as I grew up with them, particularly Catharine, Alex’s twin. I love them all very much and, honestly, I couldn’t imagine another life for myself now.”

  Charlie pondered that, and wondered if she and Nate would ever be accepted as a couple, if even she could be accepted on her own. She just wasn’t sure.

  “Why do you ask, Charlie? Are you worried the family may be difficult because you’re not Vallerian? I assure you, that won’t be the case. It doesn’t matter where a person has come from, it’s what they do with their life that matters. And, by all accounts, you’ve done great and delicious things with yours.”

  Charlie smiled. “Thank you, Rebecca.”

  “I know I came by unannounced, but you wouldn’t happen to have any treats lying about that I could sample, do you? Oh, wonderful, here’s the tea.”

  As some of her colleagues arranged the tea service on their table, they gave Charlie curious looks. If Coco’s retirement had been a secret before, it likely wouldn’t be for much longer and neither would the potential for Charlie to take over.

  Charlie pulled a few pastries she’d created that morning and brought them over to their table. Over tea, Rebecca outlined how she foresaw their arrangement working, and what she expected from her. Charlie appreciated her straightforward attitude and organized approach to planning. As Rebecca had been Princess Catharine’s former chief of staff until she’d gotten engaged, her professional demeanor wasn’t surprising.

  It also helped that Rebecca seemed to love cooking and baking as much as she did. Charlie would enjoy working with someone who had her passion for food.

  “Excellent,” Rebecca said as she stood, and Charlie followed. “I think this will work out very well. Of course, right now, it’s ultimately the Queen’s decision, but she’ll take my recommendation into account.”

  “Thank you. I very much appreciate your vote of confidence.” Charlie glanced past Rebecca to the door and, when she was sure there was no one nearby, asked, “Are you sure you don’t anticipate any issues with my background?”

  “No, I don’t, and you shouldn’t, either.” Rebecca gave her hand a quick squeeze and bid her good-bye, her security agents trailing in her wake as she walked away.

  Charlie took a deep breath, and felt almost hopeful that she might really get the job. She was so close, she could almost taste it. She knew from experience, however, that disappointment could easily be hiding around the next corner.


  Charlie turned and saw Nate in the doorway. One broad hand rested on the doorjamb, the other was tucked away in the pocket of his sleek suit. His hair was tied back, and every chiseled inch of his square, slightly stubbled face could be seen. She wanted to run into his wide arms where she’d felt safe and assured, but it was the pain on his own face that gave her pause.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked as she drew near him. “What’s happened?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She paused as her gut clenched furiously. “What are you sorry for?”

  “I shouldn’t be bothering you at work. I’ll go.”

  “Wait.” She reached out a hand to stop him, the soft fabric of his coat a mighty contrast to the muscled arm it hid. “Something’s wrong. Tell me.” Tell me if you don’t want me anymore. Just get it over with.

  Indecision racked his face before he asked, “May I hold you, Charlie? Just for a minute?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “All right. Let’s go over here.” She led him to a corner of the kitchen that was out of view of the doorway. “There are still cameras here but it’s out of view of the rest of the kitchens.”

  He waited barely another second before pulling her against him. Her head rested easily under his chin, and she felt his chest move as he took a long, deep breath. Her hair rustled as he exhaled.

  His arms were wrapped completely around her, enveloping her in the same warm cocoon as she’d been in last night. Her hands slid around his waist and rested along the fit lines of his back. She rubbed in small circles, hoping her slim hands were bringing him as much as comfort as his hands were to her.

  After a minute, she asked again. “What happened, Nate?”

  He nuzzled her temple for a moment before resting his forehead against hers. “I’m being blamed for the embezzlement,” he whispered.

  “What?” When she tried to pull away, he held on and she let him. “Who’s blaming you?”

  His voice cracked when he spoke, his breath both sweet and bitter from his morning coffee. “My family.”

  “Oh, Nate. Really?”

  He sighed; it almost broke her heart to hear it. She’d h
eard him sigh before, but this was a sigh of a man who felt defeated. “They know I didn’t cause Valleria to fall into this situation, but they think I may have inadvertently made it worse.”


  “It doesn’t matter.”

  She lifted one hand to his cheek; it was the same thing Lola used to do when she’d needed comfort and thought it might help him. “It does matter. What did they accuse you of?”

  “Being an idiot, mostly.”

  “Well, you are an idiot, but not about this.”

  The ghost of a smile crossed his lips. “Is that so? How exactly am I an idiot in your eyes?”

  “Well, you’re a prince who seems to like me. If that doesn’t make you an idiot, I’m not sure what else does.”

  His smile faded into a scowl; at least he wasn’t as sad anymore. “Don’t diminish yourself. You’re lovely.” His knuckles rose to brush her cheek. “Positively lovely.”

  She blushed, something that was typically a rare occurrence since her body hardly reacted the way it should to a man. “Thank you.”

  “Finally. I thought you’d never be able to accept my compliments.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek. “You should get used to hearing them, Charlotte.”

  His tone was teasing and seductive, but now was not the time for such indulgences. “Are you all right?”

  He nodded and dropped another kiss to her cheek before pulling back a little. “I will be. It’s hard knowing your family thinks so little of you.”

  “I understand. That’s why you came to see me, isn’t it? Because I was dismissed by my family, too?”

  Nate blinked, then looked horrified. “I didn’t mean–”

  She put her slim fingers over his full lips. “I know you didn’t mean to offend or upset me. I’m not. Our situations are a little different. Somehow, I think you’ve got it worse.”

  “I do?”

  She nodded. “I never had any real love from my parents. I can barely remember them, really. You’ve had a lifetime with them. It hurts more when you thought you were accepted, only to find out you weren’t.”

  Nate tucked an errant wisp of her hair behind her ear. “You’re right. It does hurt. It cuts deep to the bone. I never thought I’d be labeled incompetent by my family. They haven’t always approved my past choices, but I’ve never given them cause to believe I’d do anything like this, even unintentionally.”

  “Why do they believe it? If there’s evidence, how can you be sure it’s accurate? Maybe someone planted it there.”

  “I think that, too. I think my family does as well, at least I hope they do.” Nate gave her an appraising glance. “Wise Charlotte. What am I going to do with you?”

  “You’re going to have dinner with me tonight. That is, if you’re still able to.”

  “I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Though, if I don’t show up, you may want to check the news in case I was arrested.” At Charlie’s jaw-dropping expression, he chuckled. “Only half-kidding, Charlie.”

  He looked so miserable and trying to hide it, that Charlie did the only thing she could think of. Shifting onto her tiptoes, she leaned up and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his mouth. Nate kept her body tight against his for a moment while he explored the seam of her lips with his tongue, and then let go. “You taste like jam.”

  Charlie licked her lips. “I made some this morning. I’m preparing desserts for the Prime Minister’s visit and the jam’s a layer in frog cake, which is from Australia. We’re going to serve it with tea tomorrow.”

  “Did you come up with the idea to serve frog cake?” When she nodded, a proud, smug smile lit his face. “You’re going to be perfect in Coco’s role. I ran into Rebecca on my way here, who mentioned she thought the same, too.”

  Fear paralyzed her stomach for a moment. “I don’t know about that. The Queen could still decide I’m terrible for the position, especially if she finds out about us.”

  An even broader smile stretched across his face. “So, you finally admit there’s an ‘us’? Thank God.”

  Charlie couldn’t help but smile back; it made the next words she said easier. “I still don’t know if it’ll work out with us, but I’m glad we’re trying.”

  His hold tightened. “You won’t regret it, Charlie. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but we can make it through together. I need you; I hope you realize that.”

  She still wasn’t used to being needed; it was such a foreign concept to her, she was sure she would screw it up, screw them up. Just as she was about to speak, a voice paralyzed them both.

  “Nathaniel? Are you down here, dear?” Genevieve entered the kitchen just as Charlie and Nate jumped apart, but she still caught the movement, and their guilty expressions that followed. “Well, what do we have here?”

  “Your Majesty,” Charlie said and curtsied. When she stood up, she chanced a glance at Nate, whose determined expression made her wary.

  “Mama, I believe you’ve met Charlotte Wyler.” When he put his arm around her, she was sure her face was bright red. Holy shit. What would happen to her now?

  Chapter 9

  Nate stared down his mother. She was surprised, that much was easy to see. It was harder to determine what she really thought about the situation. Years of playing politics as Queen had made her poker face one of the best.

  “I have met, Charlotte, Nathaniel. Would you mind telling me what’s going on here?”

  He thought she might at least excuse Charlie from her wrath, but it seemed that wouldn’t do for her today. He tightened his arm around Charlie and steeled himself. “Charlie and I are seeing each other.”

  “Oh? ‘Charlie’ is it?”

  Charlie cleared her throat. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “And were you seeing my son when you asked Coco to vouch for you? Did you think sleeping with a prince would help you get Coco’s job? Is that the type of woman you are?”

  Nate couldn’t believe what his mother was saying. He’d just begun to leap to Charlie’s defense when she rushed to defend herself instead.

  “How dare you, Your Majesty? I know I’m not as sophisticated as any of your family, but that does not give you the right to call me dishonest, or call me a-a-a whore.”

  Nate’s heart tumbled as she stumbled over her words. “Mama, you had no right.”

  “I have every right.” She turned back to Charlie. “If you think you’re getting Coco’s job now, you can forget it. I’m not firing you,” she said magnanimously. “You do exceptional work, and we’re shorthanded this week enough as it is.”

  “Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty,” Charlie said sarcastically and fell into a deep curtsy.

  “Don’t take that tone with me.”

  “Mama, enough,” Nate bellowed, and he was sure everyone in the kitchens would know a fight between the royals was brewing. He continued in a more even voice. “I will not stand by and let you terrorize an innocent person. What’s the matter with you? You have never acted this way before.”

  “You’ve never slept with the help before.”

  Nate ignored Charlie’s gasp, keeping his eyes locked on his mother’s. “I haven’t slept with her at all, not that it’s any of your business. I care for Charlie. That’s the truth.” He shook his head. “If I’d known how much every person in my family hates me and how poorly they think of me, I might never have come back.”

  Genevieve’s face softened. “Nathaniel, no.”

  “It’s the truth,” Nate spat back. “I thought I came back to help my family, but now I believe there’s another reason fate brought be back here. I think that reason’s Charlie.” He turned to her, and saw doubt on her face. The corner of his mouth quirked up; his ever rational, practical Charlotte.

  “It’s true, Charlie.” He lifted her hand to his lips and heard his mother’s gasp. He couldn’t let Charlie think anything his mother said would stop him; it hadn’t before and it wouldn’t now.

  “Apologize to Charlie, Mama. You were wrong, an
d I suggest you admit it before our relationship becomes irrevocably damaged.”

  After a few moments, Genevieve spoke, her face flushed. “I apologize, Charlotte. Truly. You certainly don’t deserve to hear such statements from me. Perhaps one day you’ll understand. I still can’t guarantee you’ll get Coco’s position.”


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