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Sinful (Undone)

Page 4

by Jennifer Dawson

  He shakes his head. “I’m not going to be the one to break it to you.”

  I bite my lip. “Break what to me? Why are you so cryptic?”

  Brandon tilts his head to the side and again studies me before nodding. He takes his cell phone out of his pocket. “Give me your phone number.”

  I bite my lip and rattle it off. “Are you changing your mind?”

  He shakes his head. “If you weren’t hung up on Leo, I’d seriously consider it, despite Michael’s wrath.”

  “Then what do you need my number for?”

  “Because I think this is ridiculous.”

  “You’ve lost me again.”

  “Take mine,” he says and I comply before Brandon slides his cell back into his pocket. “I’ll make you a deal, if Leo doesn’t break, I’ll take you out to dinner and fill you in on some things. Sound fair?”

  I nod and some of that hope dims. “He told me tonight, he’ll never break. That he doesn’t want me.”

  Brandon sighs. “He wants you. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night.”

  Frustrated, I fist my hands. “Then what is his problem?”

  “It’s complicated.” Brandon smiles down at me. “I think it’s time to go in for the kill, don’t you? Ready to get out of here?”

  Nerves skitter across my skin and I glance around. If this night ends without Leo breaking, I’ll be forced to follow through on my plan to forget him, and I’m not quite ready for the last of my hope to be crushed. “But, what if he doesn’t come?”

  “He’ll come.”

  “How do you know?” That tiny bit of hope I still have flairs to greedy life.

  Brandon trails a finger over my jaw. “Because he’d be a fool not to, and Leo is no fool.”

  I take a deep breath. I’ve been taunting him all night and he hasn’t made a move, thirty more minutes isn’t going to make a difference. “All right, I’m ready. But, if he doesn’t come after us, you have to promise to take me out for drinks so I can cry on your shoulder.”

  “Fair enough.” His brow furrows as though thinking hard on something. “In return, I want you to do me a favor, okay?”

  “Of course, I owe you.” And I did. I genuinely like Brandon, a lot. I think we could become friends if he lets me.

  “When Leo follows us out, I want you to hold my hand and say nothing. Understood?”

  It’s an odd request. “Why?”

  “Just trust me on this. I mean it; just keep that extremely fuckable mouth closed. All right?”

  “Seems reasonable.” Not really, but he’s clearly not about to elaborate, and desperate times call for desperate measures. I flutter my lashes at him. “Do you really think my mouth is fuckable?”

  He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “You have no idea.”

  He starts to pull me toward the door and I stop, tugging him back. When he turns to look at me in question, I say in all sincerity, “Hey. Thank you for tonight. I don’t know why you spent your evening helping me when you could probably go home with any girl here, but I appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome, I genuinely had a great time with you and it was nice not to have to be on for a change.” He flashes those dimples then gives me a lecherous once over. “Besides if I’m so inclined, I can have some girl worshipping my cock in less than thirty.”

  I laugh. His ego is part of his charm. “You know, after spending the evening with you, I actually believe that.”

  He pulls my hand and we start walking, and just as we open the door to the street, he looks back at me. “Remember, no talking.”

  I make a motion that my lips are sealed, tossing away the key for good measure, and we head outside. The streets of Chicago are still hopping and we have to wait in a valet line that’s four people deep.

  I try and pay attention to what Brandon is saying but my mind is on Leo, and the fact that this is my last shot.

  Every second is an eternity.

  I can’t help but glance back at the entrance to the bar, but the door stays stubbornly closed.

  My heart is lodged in my throat.

  It takes five minutes.

  And then he’s there, his expression full of aggression. He glares at me then turns to Brandon in full badass cop mode. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  Words fill in my throat, but I remember my promise to keep quiet, and push them back down.

  Completely calm, Brandon slides a hand around my back and curls onto my hip. “Where does it look like I’m going?”

  “It looks a hell of a lot like you’re taking her home.” Leo’s tone is full of belligerence.

  Brandon smiles. “So you’re not confused.”

  Again I resist the urge to speak, too curious about where this is going. Since Brandon knows Leo I’m guessing he has his reasons. And after the night we spent together, I trust him.

  Leo whips towards me and barks out, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  I want to say something but turn to look at Brandon in question. Something flashes across his features but he shakes his head, and returns his attention to Leo and says in a voice full of hard edges, “I suggest you drop that tone when speaking to her.”

  Leo stares at Brandon as though dumbfounded, his gaze shifting back and forth between us. He takes a deep breath and settles on me, speaking in a soft, low voice. “Jillian, you can’t go home with him.”

  “And why not?” Brandon says, speaking for me.

  He grimaces and glares at Brandon. “You know why not, you asshole.”

  Brandon glances down at me then back at Leo. “If not me, then who? Because she’s clearly got a type.”

  Leo’s expression contorts. “She does not.”

  “No?” Brandon raises a brow. “So let’s think about this, after you reject her, she decides to go on a crawl through the pub. With the dress she’s wearing, she has her pick of every guy in that room, and out of all of them, she lands on me.”

  What in the hell are they talking about? I shift, restless to insert myself into the conversation, but Brandon digs his fingers into my hip, signaling me to keep quiet.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, not sure why I’m agreeing to this madness.

  “That’s a fucking coincidence.”

  “Are you sure about that? It doesn’t seem a little odd?”

  Not having a clue what’s going on, I grit my teeth.

  Leo’s dark gaze slides to me. “I’m sure.”

  Brandon flashes a smile. “I suppose I’ll find out for myself soon enough.”

  “The hell you will.” Leo points at me. “You are not going home with him, and that’s final. Understood?”

  Unable to stand it a second longer, I open my mouth, but Brandon beats me to it and I’m forced to remain silent. “I’m at a considerable disadvantage here, since she’s obviously hung up on you, but she’s worth the effort and I’m pretty sure I can turn her. You know how convincing I can be.”

  Turn me? Turn me to what?

  Leo shakes his head. “Michael’s going to fucking kill you. And you can’t turn her, she’s not like that.”

  Brandon shakes his head. “You’re blind. But that’s your problem, not mine. I see only two choices here. Since I’m a nice guy, and you technically got there first, I’ll let you decide. Either you tell her, or I will.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  Brandon hands his keys to the valet and shrugs. “Suit yourself.”

  “You’re bluffing.” Leo blows out an exasperated breath, and turns to search my face.

  Our eyes meet, and something thickens in the air, something hot and tangible and totally different than anything I’ve experienced with him before.

  Brandon slides his hand up and down the curve of my hip. “I’ll do better than tell her, I’ll show her.” He glances toward the direction where the valet ran off. “This is your last chance, what’s it going to be?”

  Leo shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair. “Get over here, Jillia
n, you’re coming with me.”

  Oh. My. God. It worked.

  I have no idea what just happened, or how, but Brandon managed to pull it off. And I didn’t say a word.

  Brandon smiles. “Somehow I thought so.”

  A sleek silver Mercedes pulls up. He turns to me, and kisses my forehead. “You be a good girl and go with Leo. He’ll explain everything.”

  I beam at him and rise to my tiptoes, throwing my arms around his neck, I whisper in his ear, “You’re amazing.”

  “Enough,” Leo barks.

  Brandon laughs and hugs me tighter. “Go easy on him, he’s about to have a very rough time.”

  “Thank you.”

  He lets me go and stands back, cocking a brow at Leo. “You’ll take good care of her.”

  “Will you get the hell out of here.” Leo jerks an angry finger at the car.

  “I’ll call you in a few days to see if you want to talk,” Brandon says.

  “You will not.” Leo’s voice is hard.

  Brandon winks at me. “You’ll hear from me soon.”

  “Go,” Leo says, the word like a bullet.

  Brandon waves goodbye, jumps in his car, and is gone.

  Leaving me alone with a furious Leo.

  “Are you happy now?” he yells.

  Suddenly, I’m just as furious as he is and not willing to take this unreasonable behavior a second longer. I kept quiet when Brandon was there, but I’m done now.

  “What do I have to be happy about?” I jab him in the chest with my nail. “I’m giving you what you want and you run off the only viable prospect of the night.”

  “Him? Out of everyone in that room, you pick him? Of all people?” Leo points at the street where Brandon drove off.

  “Why not him? What, is he too smart, fun, and good looking for me?” We’re causing a scene and people are watching us with avid interest. “Or is it that you can’t stand that he treats me like an actual woman instead of some stupid little girl?”

  I’m so mad. So sick of this. This isn’t what I wanted at all. I don’t want to fight, but here we are in the thick of it, and I just can’t stand him one more second. I stomp off, walking in the vague direction of my apartment. If I can walk down the street where it’s less crowded, I can get a cab and forget this miserable night.

  His footsteps pound the pavement behind me and he grabs my elbow. “Don’t you walk away from me.”

  I jerk away. “Why the hell not? That’s what you keep telling me to do. I’m giving you what you want.”

  He grips my elbow again, pulls me around the corner and presses me against the building with his forearm across my chest. “Just stop for a goddamn second.”

  I’m breathing hard now, and all my bravado and indignation is fading into something sad, something that threatens to bring tears to my eyes. I let all the tension drain from my body and sag against the brick of the building, ignoring the scratch against my bare back. “You can’t have it both ways, Leo. You don’t get to reject me but run off any guy that shows interest. It’s not fair.”

  He drops his arm to his side before raking his hand through his hair. “You don’t think I know that?”

  “I have no idea what you think.”

  He blows out a deep breath and shakes his head, but his voice is softer now. “I hate that you’re forcing my hand on this. That you’re playing me and I’m falling for it.”

  I could deny it, but don’t, that’s not the way I operate. “What did you expect me to do? We’ve been in this limbo for years, aren’t you tired?”

  “Yes.” A muscle clenches in his jaw.

  “I can’t do this anymore. You keep saying nothing will ever happen between us, so I have no choice but to get over you.” It’s the truth. I need to move on, get on with my life. “It’s enough, Leo.”

  He pins me with a stare I can’t even begin to decipher, studying me so intently I resist a sudden urge to squirm under the scrutiny. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Jillian, why did you pick Brandon?”

  The question puzzles me, although I don’t know why, it’s something about the inflection of his voice. “Who was I supposed to pick?”

  “Could you please just answer the question? Why Brandon?”

  “I don’t know. He just had the right kind of look. I thought he was a player at first, but I liked the way he came right over to me. With my height I intimidate most guys and he wasn’t. He’s also fun, smart and good looking.” I shrug. “I liked the way he talked to me.”

  “And how did he talk to you?” He’s wearing his cop look, all rigid posture and aggressive jaw.

  I bite my lip and think about the question. What was it about Brandon that endeared me to him so quickly? Because even though I’d known nothing was going to happen between us, something about him drew me in. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how to articulate it. It’s like I didn’t have to guess, he didn’t play games, and I knew exactly where I stood and what to expect.”

  This answer seems to disturb him and a shadow passes over his expression. “What else attracted you?”

  I lick my dry lips, clearly this has something to do with Brandon’s assertion that I have a type, but I can’t figure out what they all know that I don’t. So I answer as honestly as I can. It’s the only way. Leo and I need to settle this, one way or another. And if it’s without him, I’ll be heartbroken, but at least I’ll be able to move on. “He just had the type of presence I like.”

  “Which is?” Leo’s in full interrogation mode and his face is unreadable.

  I cross my arms protectively over my chest. “He’s confident, slightly aggressive, and clearly knows how to handle a woman. When he talked to me, I felt like he was actually listening. There was no hesitation in him, and I like that.”

  Leo looks past me, eyes narrowing. He’s silent for a good thirty seconds before he returns his attention to me. “You know, I thought I could avoid this. I wanted to, and if you didn’t get under my skin, I could have, but I see now that’s not going to be possible.”

  His irritation, his responding only because he’s been pushed into a corner, renews my anger. I scowl. “Don’t do me any favors, Leo. If I’m so unpalatable, let me go and as I said, I’ll move on.”

  He pinches the bridge of his nose. “You don’t fucking get it, Jillian.”

  “What don’t I get?”

  He raises his head and looks at me, really looks at me, unguarded and unrestrained and what I see there catches my breath in my throat. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a woman in my life. Do you think I like running around like a fucking, jealous lunatic? Do you think I like acting like some unreasonable prick?”

  Stunned, I can only gape at him, wide eyed.

  He blows out a harsh breath. “Since the second I met you I’ve been fighting this attraction to you, trying to do what’s best.”

  It’s the words I’ve been waiting to hear for years but instead of elation, I’m filled with a stirring worry. The be-careful-what-you-wish-for kind of worry, Gwen warned me about. I clear my throat. “Is this because of Michael?”

  “He’s part of it. He’s my best friend, and getting involved with you puts a…strain on my relationship with him because of what he knows about me, that you don’t. And believe me, what he knows is the last thing he wants for his baby sister.”

  Now he sounds like Brandon. These men, god they’re enough to drive me crazy. “I’m not some babe in the woods, I’m sure whatever big bad secret you have isn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be.”

  Leo shakes his head, his lips quirking in a smile. “You talk such a good game. And, to some extent you’re right, nowadays it’s hardly a big deal, but the truth is— Maybe Brandon is right and you’ve got it hidden away inside you—but I don’t think you’re in any way prepared for what I’d require from you.”

  “Require from me?” Frustrated by both him and Brandon’s continued evasiveness I straighten and let out a small scream. “For god’s sake, I’m not
a child. Would you guys just stop with the cryptic shit and tell me?”

  When he says nothing I continue, determined to get to the truth. “I have Brandon’s number, if you don’t tell me, I’ll call him and he will.”

  His eyes narrow on me. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

  He laughs, but there’s no humor in the sound. “I’m going to let you enjoy these last few minutes, because this is the last time you’ll be able to emotionally blackmail me. And if you don’t run screaming, we’ll definitely be working on that sassy attitude of yours.”

  I blink at him, and something stirs in my belly, but I ignore the odd sensation. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  In a flash, he’s on me, his body pressing me against the wall, he grabs my wrists and brings them high over my head.

  Surprised by the sudden movement, I gasp.

  He inserts his knee between my legs and pins me to the wall, immobilizing me. “I know the fantasy you’ve concocted in your head, but that sure as hell won’t be the reality. You envision a nice, regular relationship, but you have no idea of the things I will do to you. I’m a dominant, Jillian. With a slightly sadistic streak. I will control you. I’ll make you beg me to stop and beg me to continue. I’ll make you ask me for every orgasm you have. I will tie you up. Smack your ass. Fuck you in every way known to man. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You will belong to me in a way you never thought possible. That is what a relationship with me is like.”

  He drops my wrists, stands back and gives me a level stare, as though he hasn’t just shattered all my preconceived notions about him.

  As though my world hasn’t been turned upside down.


  All Jillian does is stare at me, her mouth slightly open, a stunned deer-in-the-headlights expression on her face.

  Adrenaline is like a power surge through my veins as I try and calm down. I’m so fucking furious at her, at Brandon for forcing me into a decision I wasn’t willing to make. At least that’s the way it feels, even though it’s probably not true.

  That was the thing about Jillian—she made a decision and she acted. She didn’t care if I caught up or not.


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