Bloody Ties

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Bloody Ties Page 1

by Claire Marta

  Table of Contents

  Bloody Ties


  A note from the Authors


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Chapter Thirty Six

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Chapter Thirty Eight


  Abri’s Acknowledgements

  Claire’s Acknowledgements

  About The Authors

  Bloody Ties

  Copyright ©2018 Abrianna Denae & Claire Marta


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Trusties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Authors/Publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover: Ampersand Book Covers

  Proofreading: Karen Lowry

  Formatting: CP Smith


  One half of this writing duo is British, as is one of the main characters. Therefore this book uses both US and UK English.

  If you have any questions about the spelling or wording used, please contact the authors.

  Thank you.


  To all the loveable assholes



  THE ALCOHOL ISN’T DOING shit to improve my mood. I shouldn’t even be here, truthfully. But of course dear old Dad had a stick up his ass and forced me to come. I swear, I cannot wait until the old bastard decides to croak. I will happily plunge the dagger in.

  Jamal, my right hand man hands me another tumbler of whiskey. It has to be my sixth one for the night. My blood is buzzing; my body craves more than this shit, even if it is top-shelf.

  All around me are dozens of men and women dressed in their finest. As if these things weren’t bad enough this is a Halloween themed party. Just an excuse for the richest among us to dress in their finest and show off. Even with the damn masks it’s not hard to tell who is who. Bastards won’t let their attendance go unnoticed.

  What I really want to do is go to one of the many clubs in the city. There will be plenty of drunk people around, easy pickings for us. Like children in fucking candy stores is what we are when there are enough intoxicated victims to choose from.

  “Incoming,” Jamal hisses in my ear.

  A slight turn of my head and I spy a bombshell in a blood red dress gliding up to me. I can’t see her face under her feathery mask, but the God awful perfume she wears is a dead giveaway.

  “How are you, darling?” Mistress Vilma Winchester says, not like she really cares.

  “Perfect, and yourself?”

  “I could be better.” Her lips turn up in what is supposed to be a sexy grin.

  “Not tonight, sweetheart.” I tell her. The last thing I want or need is those sticky lips wrapped around my cock.

  Besides her fat prick of a husband is here and if we get caught, again I’ll never hear the end of it.

  She pouts but it doesn’t affect me. I’d have to be emotional for it to.

  Vilma keeps speaking, why I have no idea, nor do I know how she even knew I was me. My outfit doesn’t have any revealing markers on it.

  Dressed in a white tuxedo with a black mask covering my face, hell I even had Jamal help me with spraying my normally curly blond hair with black temporary dye. Contacts for my eyes, so the normally vibrant silvery color doesn’t show.

  Voluminous breasts push up against my arm while over the woman’s shoulder I see something that does catch my attention.

  Wavy black hair cascades to the middle of her dress, the skirt on the dark green dress should be scandalous at this type of party. Long legs ending in killer heels and starting from a nice ass. Really that is all I care about, faces can be covered or turned around, I’m not into breasts so size doesn’t matter.

  Legs and asses, however, yes this female has my attention.

  With a polite smile I remove Vilma from my arm, steer her in the direction I think her husband is in and make my way across the room.

  The one who caught my attention is deep in conversation with someone who is not me, no bother.

  “Excuse me,” I begin in my nicest voice possible.

  A pair of gorgeous amber eyes turns to fixate on mine. My dick stirs. Yes, this is what I want tonight.

  “Do I know you?” She asks in a cool voice.

  Not yet but you will. “I don’t believe so. I just couldn’t help but notice how exquisite your dress looks from behind. I wanted to get a better view.”

  “Well, aren’t you a cocky one.”

  “I am.” No reason to lie.

  “I’m not interested.”

  “Oh, but you will be.” I don’t bother hiding my intentions, I’m really just being polite, if she’s here then she’s somebody in our world. The last thing I need is to piss off another family.

  “Oh, you think so?” She brings her glass to her lips; lips that I notice don’t have any lipstick plastered on them. God that makes my cock harder.

  There’s nothing I hate more than lipstick smeared all over the damn place.

  “Let me get you a refill.” I take the empty glass from her hand. “What are you drinking?”

  “Whatever you are.”

  I narrow my eyes and motion for Jamal to retrieve two glasses from the bar.

  “I thought you were getting me a drink? Not your lackey.”

  “You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” I lean in close, “Does that mouth stay when your clothes are gone?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  The power emitting from this woman is strong. Something that you don’t run across very often any more, interesting. She is definitely higher born. If she wasn’t at this party I would think she is a first born. But fathers don’t send their first born daughters out without an armed escort, after all, there aren’t many ‘good guys’ in this city. Human and Supernatural alike.

  Jamal returns with three glasses and I raise an eyebrow.

  If I have to stick around watching you pick up the only decent woman at this thing I’m not going to do it sober. He tells me silently.

  Fair enough.

  I hand one glass to my new friend. “What’s your name?” I ask.r />
  “Ava. Yours?”

  I give her an alias, “Michael.” I never give out my real name to fucks. Too complicated.

  “Liar.” She whispers.

  “Prove it.”

  Her lips curl up in a half grin and she drinks the whiskey.

  “I try to be the gentleman, but that can only last for so long. What do I have to do to get you into bed?”

  “Be honest.” She replies.

  “I just was.”

  “But not with your name.”

  “Never with my name.”


  “Because my name will give you nightmares.” And that is the truth.

  “I doubt it,” she shrugs. “I noticed you talking to the senator’s wife. Are you well acquainted?”

  “You could say that.”

  “It’s a good thing neither one of you is human. Who knows what you could have caught if not.”

  I smile. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  “Ain’t? That’s not a word. And here I thought you were educated.” Her haughty tone and slight British accent sends more blood to my hard cock.

  “Only when it counts, Miss. Ava.”

  “Hmmm,” Is her only response.

  I knock back my drink and place it on a side table. Checking my watch I see I only have a few hours before I’m supposed to be in a meeting. I need to work fast.

  Taking a few steps closer to Ava I look down into her swirling eyes. “Let me make this perfectly clear for you.

  You’ve captured my attention. That does not happen often.

  Normally I pick the least offensive female to stick my dick in. But you,” I reach out to finger a strand of hair. “You intrigue me.

  Your aura is very inviting.” She laughs.

  “Most stay away from me.”

  “I like the danger I can sense lurking underneath all these pretty things. It’s very simple.

  I want you, you want me.” Trailing a finger down her cheek to her neck I press my finger to the hollow of her throat. “Tell me how we can both get what we want?”

  Something changes in the air. The electricity between us is staggering.

  “I only have a few hours.” She says.

  “That’s fine.”

  “I like to bite. I like to drink.” She leans up to my ear, “I like to be in charge.”

  “Oh my dear sweet girl, we’re going to have so much fun together.”


  I shouldn’t be here. I know that and that is what makes this all the more tempting. Somewhere behind me in the crowd I can sense Kylie’s disapproving glare. My bodyguard is pissed with me tonight. She doesn’t like me rebelling. We both know if I get caught then it’s both our hides that will get punished. But I am done being Daddy’s good little girl. Nothing I do pleases him. So why should I even try? It’s absurd he still thinks I’m his perfect untouched little princess. That girl died long ago under his cold uninterested touch. I fuck who I want. I feed where I please. No matter how many times he drags me out all dressed up for meetings with the rest of his cronies it won’t change who I really am inside.

  “I hope we don’t have far to go.” Licking my lips I meet Michael’s intense stare. I like his forwardness. Why should we waste time when it’s what we both want? I don’t need games tonight; I have to many of those in my life already. An uncomplicated fuck is just what I need to lighten my mood. If he wants to keep his real name secret I really don’t mind.

  A smirk touches his mouth below his black mask. The fact we can’t see each other’s faces makes this even hotter. He’s radiating a confidence I haven’t seen in many males. It makes him lethal, a shark among the rest of the people within the room. Michael feels dangerous. I like that. I like that very much. I’m used to being around predators.

  “Come with me.” Tugging on my hand he leads me through the throng. Already I can feel my nipples stiffening in response to the lust I hear in those three little words.

  Kylie slinks after us. I know she won’t interfere unless I need her. From the age of six she taught me how to wield a knife. If a man ever tries to force me into something I don’t like they soon feel the bite of my blade against their balls.

  We end up in a long elegant hallway. Grabbing the knob of the nearest door Michael twists it open. Before I can blink I find myself inside a closet. Racks of coats are hanging from a railing. I can smell the faint odour of lavender coming from the little pouches hooked onto the hangers. Michael pushes me roughly until my back hits the wall as the cellophane slides past my limbs. With the door closed our small confined space is pitch black. An intimate enclosure. Luckily I have no problem seeing in the dark.

  Hot, hungry lips find my neck. His hands are everywhere. Arching my back I press myself into the thick hardness I know I will find between his legs. He wants me bad. That knowledge sends a thrill of power through my already throbbing blood.

  Brushing my hand down his side I boldly cup him.

  “Fuck yes.” Thrusting forward into my palm he gyrates against me.

  My palm begins to toy with his hard length at his encouragement. I like men with dirty mouths. I like to do dirty things to them. Just the thought of having Michael’s cock in my mouth while I drive him insane with pleasure has me almost sinking to my knees. But I know we don’t have much time and I am greedy for my own release.

  He massages the globes of my arse as he lifts me up on tiptoe. Doing this in a closet doesn’t bother me. I’ve fucked in worse places. The smell of his cologne, something overtly masculine and woodsy, is heavy in the air.

  My mouth meets his. Our tongues are in a frenzied mating and we’re both desperate, knowing our stolen moments are ticking by.

  Fingering the belt of his trousers I quickly unbuckle him. When my hand finds a path inside his silky boxers I cannot contain my hungry moan. Fuck he’s big. Caressing his shaft with satisfaction I know it’s going to be quite a ride.

  “You’re an eager one.” He growls in my ear making me shiver. “I like that very much.” His touch has found its way beneath my flimsy thong. Expertly his fingers ghost down the cleft of my arse to my waiting pussy.

  “Why waste anymore time?” I ask breathlessly as I nibble on his ear lobe. The soft brush of his mask against my cheek distracts me. Foreplay is something I enjoy, but right at this moment I’m wetter than I have ever been before. This male has me craving him and I need to scratch that itch. I have no interest in small talk.

  Curling my leg around his hip he begins to finger my waiting slick channel. There is nothing gentle about him. Right at this second we are both lost in what we both want. Clit throbbing as his thumb begins to work it I bite down hard on his shoulder. Beneath his firm skin I can sense the pumping of his blood. Feel the strength of his heart as it beats fiercely behind his ribcage.

  “Stop teasing me, just fuck me already.” I hiss as I rub myself against him. Trousers and boxers around his knees, his hot flesh is pulsing against my stomach. I feel like I might combust if he doesn’t fill me soon.

  “As you wish, sweetheart.” Lifting me off my feet I wrap my long legs around his lean hips. Beneath his expensive suit I can feel the raw power of his muscles bunching and flexing. I know then that he is keeping himself under tight control.

  The tip of his cock probes my pussy for entry, making me whimper. The anticipation is killing me. I can feel his own need gathering in his hips as he readies himself to take me.

  “Ava, we got to go.”

  Hissing I turn my head away from the explosion of light as the door to our hideaway is flung open. Hands on her hips Kylie stands eyeing us angrily.

  “I’m busy.” Clinging to Michael’s neck I cradle his face, dragging his attention back to me as I kiss him brutally. He needs to fulfill the promise of sex.

  “Ava, now. I am serious, kiss your fuck buddy goodbye and pull down your dress.”

  I know then the moment is gone. Michael’s enthusiasm has waned at the interruption. Trying not to let my disappointment sho
w I release my hold on him. This was not how I saw my evening going. The need to continue what we started surges through me, but I push it aside.

  “Sorry I have to leave.” I mumble, pissed off at Kylie, but knowing it’s probably not her fault. Daddy dearest has no doubt caught on we aren’t where we are supposed to be. Staying here and being discovered will only make the penalty we face worse.

  “We aren’t done until I say so, sweetheart, and I have barely started.” His tone is arrogant and commanding. It’s the voice of a man who gets what he wants. Jerking up his trousers and boxers he leaves them hanging open around his hips.

  “Another time maybe.” Clutching the front of his shirt I tow him close for another kiss. This time I take his bottom lip between my teeth and bite down. This close I can see his eyes dilate with pleasure. I know we won’t cross paths again. We haven’t met before tonight and I doubt he goes to the clubs I frequent.

  Another bout of dissatisfaction hits me. This time it’s harder to push away what I want and do what I must. Smoothing down my dress I swivel to find my friend and confidant waiting. I know we have to move quickly. Daddy’s hounds will already be out looking for us. Not waiting for Michael to try and convince me to stay I step out into the hallway.

  Kylie lets the door thud shut not waiting for my companion.

  “How long have we got?” I ask her as I follow her quickly through the masked crowd.

  “Fifteen minutes tops.” She tells me grimly steering me towards the exit. “I suggest you try not to look so thoroughly ravaged if they find us.”

  “You interrupted us before we could even start fucking.” I mutter back. At least getting a taste of Michael would have made this evening worth it. My sense of freedom deflates as I admit to myself it is just an illusion. As we reach the door I glance back. Although the place is heaving I still manage to catch a glimpse of the man in question.

  Eyes narrowed to slits behind his mask he is watching us from a distance. The curl of his mouth in annoyed displeasure is hard to miss. It’s the look in his eyes that gets me most. Hungry, savage, and blazing.


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