Holding The Line (Book 2)

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Holding The Line (Book 2) Page 19

by Andrew Wood

  With the complete blackness looking out beyond the wall, he did not foresee any problem spotting a signal. The only dilemma was other people on the wall would also spot it. This was going to be a chance they would have to take. Perhaps the Darekians might think nothing of it, he guessed only time would tell. It was no good him making assumptions on what might or might not happen on the night. He was experienced enough to deal with whatever scenario was thrown at him. With that thought of renewed positivity in mind, he slowly drifted amongst the dark alleyways to the house they called base.

  In New Easton, it was an overcast but warm morning, and the people working on the new dock entrance to the city got a surprise. The wall had been removed from a section some twenty paces wide and the two reveals were being smoothed over with render. Being built were another large pair of wooden gates, similar to the bridge gatehouse ones. These when ready would be fitted to ensure the city could still be proficiently sealed up and defended.

  A timber-structured building would contain the offices needed for noting the comings and goings. A wooden barrier had been built, that lifted up and down, and that would act as a stopping point for people bringing goods in to the city. The docking area and wharf were now complete, and the surprise to those working there was the massive flat-bottomed barge coming up the river towards them.

  Being, as they were not yet expecting any such deliveries, the workers had no option other than to raise an alarm. It was unlikely the barge posed any threat but chances in the current climate could not be taken. Hence, the workers now stood off to one side, looking as a line of Infantry was forming across the wooden wharf.

  The barge moved very slowly, being as it was being propelled by six men using poles and going against the current. Only as it got nearer did the workers and guards notice the small flag at the vessels rear. It was the lion's heads of Murati, fluttering briskly in the breeze. On noticing who was coming, one of the soldiers was quickly sent back across the city to the keep, to notify those in command.

  Lord Galliss was the man most intrigued by what was being delivered, and so volunteered to make the trip to the dock. As he was arriving, the vessel was just being moored up, as men onboard threw large thick ropes to those on the wharf. These were then manned and pulled, tugging the vessel sideward until the barges deck came to a halt tightly alongside the timber planks.

  A familiar face smiled as he emerged from below deck, and waved as he in turn recognised Lord Galliss. "What the bloody hell does he want," he uttered to one of the guards stood beside him. The young Murati, known as Prince Issac vaulted over the barges side and onto the wharf, in quite acrobatic fashion. "Lord Galliss wasn't it?" came the shout. "Ah! Good morning highness. It is so good of you to come, unannounced again. With a barge we are not really ready for..." he trailed off, as he could not really think of anything else to say.

  Prince Issac took the tongue in cheek comments, and just laughed, "Yes I probably should have let you know I was coming. No matter I am here now. Shall we go see the king?" he ushered his way past Lord Galliss and stopped briefly admiring the new entrance in to the city. After nodding his approval, he carried on walking at a brisk pace, heading for the keep. "I'll have my men start unloading," he said turning back to where Galliss and two of the guards were struggling to keep pace.

  Galliss shook his head with a certain amount of disbelief, "unload what your highness?" There was a silence as the Murati prince had to side step a wagon heading his way down the street, "Oh you know, a bit of this and that. I'll explain it further a little later."

  As they approached the keep gates, the guards stepped across blocking any further progress. This at least allowed Galliss to catch up. Prince Issac smiled, "I see they remember me he joked. Probably trying to keep me out eh?" Galliss faked a laugh, and thought that statement was probably truer than you think. He gave a nod to the guards and they stepped aside allowing them all entry. Before Issac stopped again on the yard, looking at the new barracks and stables, that were now nearing completion.

  After another brief stop at the keep entrance, the party waited in the entrance hall while word was sent to the king that his favourite, most recent ally was here to see him, again. When the message reached him, Caldar was going through his morning ritual of listening to Levin, telling him which set of papers needed his most urgent attention and which less so. "Oh bloody hell that man is becoming a pain in the ass. Does he never give warning he is turning up. Oh well Levin, you can come too, he likes you."

  Caldar and Levin surrounded by guards slowly made their way down the stairs and to the entrance hall. Prince Issac watched as they approached and smiled, before bowing, "Your majesty, it is good to see you again." He then turned to Levin, "and you young Levin, it is always good to see." Levin bowed his head, "Thank you your highness. King Caldar was just saying how pleased he was you are back." He looked up to Caldar with a slight grin on his face. "Oh! Yes Issac I was saying just that. Welcome to Corlan, now what surprises do you have for us this time?" Caldar said gesturing they go upstairs.

  They went up a few floors and found a less formal room that was furnished with a couple of couches and a low table. A number of bookcases lined the walls, though many were empty. This room when finished would be the library or reading room."Come on in here, we can get some drinks and be comfortably seated."

  There was one thing Levin loved about being assistant to General Skalton and more so, to the King, you always got to have drinks and food bought to you. This time was no different, and Issac sat himself down beside Levin, while Caldar seated himself beside Lord Galliss. A maid bought in a silver tray, with glasses and a decanter upon it, which she placed on the table. Normally Levin would now be the one pouring, but the maid did the honours and Levin was allowed to remain seated, looking and feeling all-important.

  Levin was enjoying himself, at least that was until he tasted the sherry they were all drinking. It was so vile he could have spat it out, but smiled and swallowed it down as the others did. That was one drink he would not be in a hurry to drink again. Once they were all comfortably settled sipping their glasses, Prince Issac gave the reasons for his one more uninvited appearance.

  "My Father was pleased your majesty, with the deals we brokered between us. As a show of good will on our behalf he wanted to send the first shipment of goods early." Caldar nodded, thinking they would only do that to be paid sooner. His theory was soon proved wrong, and he did feel a little ashamed at always thinking the worst of this man. It was true the intentions of the Murati had certainly not originally been good ones. However, afterwards Issac and he had appeared to bury the hatchet, and become more honest and open.

  The reason for them sending the goods early, "so my father wishes for you to keep the barge, as a gift." Issac explained he had noticed on his previous visit that they had none. Payments for the goods would need not to be paid until due, which would be three months down the line. "I did not think you would want the same items, so I have sent a whole mix of stuff," he said digging into his tunic and handing a heap of papers to Lord Galliss. "It's all listed on there," he said.

  Caldar was a little confused on how he had even gotten a barge from Murati to New Easton. Prince Issac explained that as well, telling them he had come by ship. The ship had tugged the barge, and being the seas were still quite calm, they had slowly moved up the coast to the Fivan estuary. The ship had docked there, and he left it to unload workers and materials for the promised new port being built at that location. They had then made their own way up river and finally docked at the new river port of New Easton.

  Caldar realised he had very much misjudged this man. He had thought the Murati would not even start building the seaport until next spring. He was just thinking he could get to like Issac, until the prince then told him he had sixty trainee recruits making their way northward as they spoke. "They should be here in the next day or so," he said looking quite pleased. Caldar felt like groaning loudly when Issac then told them all, that he was the co
mmanding officer, and as a result, he would be staying with them for the next six weeks. "Isn't that marvellous," he shouted. "Oh! Splendid Issac, I'll have some rooms sorted out for you," Caldar replied with feigned enthusiasm.

  Issac turned to Levin, and asked if the young man would be permitted to be his aide once more. King Caldar apologised, "sorry Levin is working for me now. I am afraid he is too damn valuable to spare. I'll find someone else for you." The Murati shrugged "Oh! Well never mind, I'm sure we'll catch up at some point." Levin nodded, he actually quite liked the man, especially the parts that handed the gold coins over, "sure, no doubt meal times and such like."

  Luken had taken his full detail of six guards out of the city walls. He sat on the riverbank close to where Father Dagon had been buried. He felt a certain feeling of unfinished business between the two of them, and a deep regret the man had died. Sarena had made an arrangement of flowers for him to place on the grave. Made up with pinks, purples and reds with white around the outside, it did look pretty. They now sat beside the mound of earth covering the dead man's body, and Luken looked out across the river in a thoughtful mood.

  As much as the man had irritated him, he could not help but feel a certain amount of sorrow now he was gone. In a strange sort of way, he missed the arguments and the snide remarks. He recalled the last lesson Dagon had tried to teach him, the occasion that had caused the man to storm off. He remembered that he was to try to make fire, into a kind of beam so it intensified the heat. Instead, he had shown off with his spinning vortex of flames, rather than do what was asked. At the time, the task had appeared too difficult, and he had wanted to show Dagon something he had taught himself.

  He had no candle with him to attempt the skill, so instead decided to do it with water instead. Though he was not sure, Dagon would approve of him doing so. He quietly apologised to the dead man's grave in advance. Warning his guards they might wish to step back a little just in case things did not go entirely to plan. They did not need asking twice, and Luken felt a little peeved they all agreed so readily.

  He closed his eyes and felt the energy filling inside his body, and concentrated as best he knew how. He was not doing this just for himself, he was attempting to show the man whose grave he sat beside he could do it. He had not even considered the fact that maybe such a thing could not be achieved with him using water.

  He opened his eyes and gesticulated with his hand and a thin stream of water shot skywards. He was even amazed, as it must have gone two or three hundred paces at least, directly upwards, like an enormous fountain. He then aimed his hand outwards and pointed across the other side of the river. The jet of water thumped into the bank and huge clumps of turf flew upwards as the water started drilling a hole deep into it.

  He released the power, and the line of water dropped into the river with a splash. He then stepped forward a few paces to look more closely at the far bank. The jet of water had made a sort of narrow tunnel, which appeared to go quite some depth. The water was still running back out of the hole and into the river. He nodded his head, moderately pleased with his achievements, before sitting back down beside Dagon's grave. "I know it was not the fire you asked for, but I hope that was sufficient enough for you," he said quietly.

  Chapter 20.

  The Murati recruits made their appearance two days after Prince Issac. All mounted, they rode up to the camp just south of the city and lined up, waiting for further orders. Jak Corley had been given the task of overseeing their stay. He walked confidently along the line, as he had his own troops on their first day. The youngsters, all tanned and most with dark or black hair kept themselves as still as possible and listened to his words.

  "Welcome to Corlan. Prince Issac has permitted me to take charge of your training whilst you are here." He noted faces as he walked along the line. As with every group, there were those who took things serious, and those who did not. He just had to weed out the jokers amongst them, and put them right. He warned them that as guests, they were to behave, and whilst he expected some rivalry between the two sets of recruits, did not want it to go beyond a friendly one.

  Jak had been told that none of the recruits had ever received any promotion, and as such were all at the equivalent rank as his own. All except Dane of course, who was Squad Leader, "This is Dane, he has earned rank and as such you will do as he asks. Any order from him is no different than if it had come from me or your Prince." Dane stood up to the mark, just to show his face, though he was the first to admit he felt very nervous. He noticed a few of the Murati giving him contemptuous looks, and suddenly had a feeling of anxiousness to add to it.

  Jak ordered the recruits to dismount and stable their horses before they set their camp. As they had just arrived, and once the camp was satisfactory, they could have the rest of the day to rest, before starting full training tomorrow. The Corlan recruits looked on, despite the fact they were supposed to be training. The novelty of the entire situation, for now at least, was enough to risk the wrath of their Captain should they be spotted.

  Lord Galliss stood in one of the new timber warehouses with a list in his hand. He had been tasked with checking off every item that had been unloaded off the barge. He had not imagined so much could have fitted into such a space. Prince Issac had not been lying when he said he had bought a variety of goods. There were various types and colours of textiles, silks and cottons. Several enormous barrels of Ale and wine that had proved more than slightly problematic to unload, being as no crane or winching gear had yet been set up.

  There were also boxes of tobacco leaves, and huge clay pots containing various spices. Crates of fruits, some of which he had no idea of what they were. Sacks of flour and sugar were piled high and then there were smaller items; Jars of honey and bottles of sherry and brandy, the latter of which he would not mind himself.

  It was obvious some thought had been given on what goods to send, as amongst them were a number of items needed for rebuilding the city homes. Aside from a number of wood working tools, there were nails and tacks and jars of some black oil based product that, according to his papers, were some form of water proofing agent.

  Once all checked and counted, some of the items would go to the keep for use there. Distribution of the rest was still yet to be decided due to them not expecting anything this early. For now, it would remain under guard in the new warehouse, inside the city walls by the new dock entrance.

  Despite being told not to, Luken had now ventured out to practice his skills on several occasions. Sarena had told him, she still needed more time to understand, and hence, was still learning from Sandred. He had apparently asked her to inform Luken, to refrain from attempting anything until she was capable of understanding what needed to be done. Sarena said she had to learn the limitations and dangers of his skills before they could continue.

  Luken of course had listened to none of it, and made excuses to venture out to the riverbank beside Dagon's grave. He had made sure his guards knew they were to keep hushed about the entire affair. Each time he went, he tried to achieve something new. Aside from his water jet, he had managed similar with a flame, after he had had one of the guards carry a lamp out with them. The heat from the narrow beam of fire had been so intense it appeared white, and was fortunate he had aimed it at the water. The resulting amount of steam, he was certain could have been seen from some distance.

  He did also have less spectacular results when he tried doing likewise with earth. All he succeeded in doing was showering his guards with soil and grass. His self-learning lessons were only brief, and he felt as his body felt none the worse afterwards. He had now passed eighteen years of age, and as he had always been told, as he grew older, so the magic would become less draining. He had been wise enough not to push things too far without someone knowledgeable being present. He was pleased with his own achievements, and after each, he asked Dagon what he thought. Doing so gave him some sense, that his hard work was somehow what the old man would have wanted.

sa walked her way out of the keep, with her guard at her side, much to her disgust. She had told Caldar that it was not needed, and despite him telling her it was not his doing, had seen them argue. She only wanted to go down the main street and see her Father and brothers. She had told him, she was no one important and did not need to be followed around everywhere. By the fact she still had a large burly man with her, was plain for everyone to see, she had inevitably lost the disagreement.

  She caught up with her father, just as the last of the large timber support frames were being put in place on the inn he was building with most of her brothers. Mitch, the youngest noticed her first and gave her a wave, before climbing down to greet her. "What do you think?" he asked waving his arm out in presentation. Vanessa nodded, "good, when will it be ready?" He just shrugged, "Don't know, father thinks maybe another month at least. Though he did say we could perhaps get the bar part up and running before all the upstairs rooms were done."

  She could see how far they had come since last time she had checked on their progress. The cellar was no longer visible, as the wooden flooring was in place. The base walls were built, and the entire framework was now up. It was now a case of putting the walls up; this was to consist of overlapping timbers on the outside, and flat boarding on the inside. The space in between was to insulated in a similar fashion to the cities houses. The roof was going to be timber shingles; overlapping squares of wood. There were spaces for windows on both the ground and first floors, and the frames for these were already made.

  After spending a little time with her father, Vanessa crossed the main street to a much smaller building. It had a larger window at the front, displaying a few items of furniture. She walked in through the door, and could hear hammering coming from the workshop at the rear. "Edward!" she shouted, and the noise ceased, and her male twin popped his around the doorway. "Hi, how are you?" before a second man popped his around, "Hi Vanessa." She smiled at the two of them, "Hi Hunter, you two busy I see. I only called to see how you were getting on."


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