The Traitor's Crux (The Dark Powers Book 1)

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The Traitor's Crux (The Dark Powers Book 1) Page 16

by Jessica Prather

  “What? Why?” Olive frowns.

  Emery tucks a loose curl behind her ear and reaches for my hand, “Reed had his magic soldiers hide it. All of his prisons are off the map. You have to transport in and out—his soldiers have to get him there if he wants to visit them. Think of them like secret rooms.”

  We all close our eyes and imagine the prison. My mind wanders to Harlow and my family. I’m so close I can feel it…

  We’re whisked away by magic’s reign and welcomed by hard marble floor. I groan as I pull myself up, considering how many times magic has beat me up today.

  “Get back!” Bryce hisses suddenly. Using his arm, he shoves us against the wall in a hurry. Olive mutters a spell under her breath and our bodies disappear into the cream-colored paint.

  From around the corner, I hear booming voices. Two men—coming straight in our direction.

  Reed’s magic guards. They’ve known that we were coming all along. They’ve been waiting.

  I don’t breathe as they come past, their shoulders nearly brushing my forehead. “Which one is that?” the guard furthest from me asks.

  The other guard laughs, his blonde head bowed over some paper in his hands. “Creston. Remember? She was the hardest one to break, but we did it.”

  My stomach flips. Harlow. They’re talking about Harlow.

  I look to my partners, but can’t see them. They’re still blending in with the wall. I can feel the tenseness as they stand, not daring to breathe.

  “And what does he want us to do with her?” asks the first guard.

  I try to crane my neck so I can hear as slowly their voices fade around the bend of the hall. I can’t make it out.

  Our bodies reappear, and we all gasp for air. “Follow them,” mouths Bryce, nodding towards the hall that they disappeared down.

  We creep along the walls, our backs against the cream-colored paint as we watch, careful not to get too close.

  It gets harder and harder as they take every strange turn possible. We quicken our pace with each step, determined not to lose them. We watch from the corner as the pair of guards make their way up another carpeted stairway decorated with red and gold, and a pearly white bannister.

  We have to act now.

  Ignoring Bryce’s protests, I dart for the staircase, looking both ways for Reed’s guards. They’ve just… disappeared.

  Something wraps itself around my throat, slimy, cool. Like a leash, it yanks me by the neck, tossing me to the floor. I gasp, trying to turn around.

  “What do we have here?” the guard laughs, boots padding against the carpet. “A rogue little witch, hmm?”

  “Let go!” I croak.

  “What was that? Tighter?” he clutches his hand into a fist, and the air escapes my lung. I gasp on the floor like a fish out of water as a loud crash echoes through the hall. The guard holding me back falters with surprise, letting go for just a second as I take control.

  I push myself to my feet, then shove him back with all the power I can wield. I throw him over the bannister, watching as he lands with bone-crunching force.

  I turn to find Bryce right behind me. The guard he battles leaps into action, hands swallowed by flames. I gasp as a flying fireball zooms over my head and nearly takes out Emery. Luckily, Olive stands ready. She counters the spell, swirling it in mid-air and sending it backwards like a boomerang.

  The guard screams as the flames lick upwards, dancing from the sleeve of his shirt to his chest.

  We head up the stairwell, where the hall takes a left turn and ends abruptly, nothing but a large iron door. Bryce lets out a relieved sigh, “This must be it!”

  “How do we get inside?” Olive raises a brow, “There’s not even a door handle.”

  Emery raises her shoulders and slides in front of her sister. She examines the door for a moment, head cocked. “Wait… I know!” she trails off, closing her eyes until her fingers glow a lime green hue.

  “Sis, do you know that you’re glowing? ‘Cause I think we might have a problem if not…”

  “Shh!” says Emery, not looking to us, “Now you’re all going to want to take a step back.”

  Olive shrieks as the door pops, a dent appearing in its surface. There’s another, then another—with a final burst of energy, Emery sends the door crashing inward, flying off its hinges. We all stare at a brilliant white room.

  “Alright,” Olive nudges her sister happily, “I take back every mean thing I’ve ever said about you! Now come on guys!”

  My heart pounds in my chest. I could be feet away from my brother. He could be in this very room.

  I move first, my footsteps loud against the concrete floor. The lights buzz and flicker overhead, unnaturally white. It’s so silent and still. My breathing seems too loud as I go further in, coming across cells on each side, smashed together tightly. Each cell is small and cramped, with narrow walls and no furniture. Most are empty. I hold my breath as we walk, four pairs of feet in this too-quiet room.

  My heart pounds with the sound of my brother’s name. Eli, Eli, Eli. So close. He has to be.

  “You okay?” Bryce whispers from behind me. His expression is still stern, but his green eyes watch me sadly.

  I nod, taking in a big gulp. “I’m not sure. Let’s just find them and get out.”

  “Guys, here,” Emery calls, worry dripping from her voice. She stands at a lone cell with a little boy inside. The doors don’t budge as she pushes, trying to ease him out. The young boy inside cowers in fear, cuts and bruises all over his face.

  Bryce whispers a spell as the glass breaks and the boy cries.

  “You’re okay. You’re safe,” Emery coos softly. “We’re here to get you out.”

  I continue to walk, feeling as if my heart is going to explode from my chest. This prison seems never-ending, as if it could go on forever with its vast white walls. Finally, we near another cell with a crumpled form inside.

  “Harlow!” shouts Bryce, running to the glass. I stop to do a double take. The cell is bloody and dim, with a flickering light bulb and no furniture, just like the others. Harlow looks tiny and fragile, her arms shackled high above her fallen form, her feet bare and her ankles caked in dried blood. She doesn’t move as Bryce breaks the walls and kneels beside her.

  “Har—Har, wake up!” Bryce shakes her softly, panic filling his voice.

  Slowly, gently, her eyelashes flutter and her unfocused blue eyes meet Bryce’s. He gasps, tears on his cheeks. This was too close of a call.

  “Har, we’re breaking you out. Can you walk?”

  I can barely make out a nod, as Bryce wraps her arm around his shoulder to help her up. As soon as she tries to stand, her legs crumple beneath her and Harlow falls weakly to the ground. Bryce catches her swiftly, scooping her into his arms. “It’s okay, don’t push it.”

  “Hey, we checked—they’re all the prisoners in here.” Olive comes running up, panting to catch her breath.

  “What? No! My brother should be here. And my mom—” I say, shaking my head defiantly.

  Olive only shrugs, “You can check, but it was only these two that we found. We checked every cell.”

  “We’ll check again. It’s okay. We’ll find them.” Bryce’s eyes meet mine, steady, calm.

  But before we can move, the white halls are lit with a bright red light and the shrieking wails of a siren. The alarms.

  “Shit! Again?” swears Olive, “How did that happen?”

  “I don’t know, but we—”

  “You just weren’t fast enough.” A familiar female voice echoes from behind me. Chills raise on my neck. “Hello, Kenadee,” says my mother.

  29 “MOM?”

  I feel my mouth fall open as I stare at the woman looking back at me. “You—Reed killed you.”

  “Magic is a wonderful thing, is it not?” she shrugs, heels clomping against the floor as she steps closer. “You have such a trusting soul, you didn’t even question the performance.”

  My cheeks turn hot as she brushe
s the loose hair from my face and laughs. I catch her scent and it’s different… she smells of expensive perfume and champagne. I look at her clothes, a fitted suit and shiny heels, and feel disgusted. “You never suffered a day here. Is Eli—?” I’m about to say a traitor too, but I stop myself.

  “I haven’t suffered because I took the right side. You never really thought about where your magic came from? You never thought that I was just like you? I spent so long afraid of myself, afraid of my children because I knew that you shared my power. President Reed has helped me overcome that fear. He’s helped me see what I could become. Eli’s like you. He doesn’t see that we’re trying to help the world—”

  “Help the world?” I scoff. “Reed has done nothing but take innocent lives!”

  My mom makes a small sound in the back of her throat, and turns to the guards behind her. “Well… think what you may, but I’m going to need you to all come with us. Don’t try to resist. These cuffs have been crafted by the President’s magic team so that even you can’t break through them.”

  A guard behind me yanks my shoulder backwards. I can hear it pop as he clasps my wrists together in cold metal cuffs. He spins me around as the other guards do the same to the rest of the team. It takes several to yank Harlow from Bryce’s arms and subdue him enough to chain him.

  “Leave them alone!” I hear myself shout as the guards try and force Harlow to her feet. Her legs collapse, and they drag her instead.

  My mother clasps her hands together in excitement, “Good work, men. Take them to the President’s office. He came all the way home for this little… reunion.”

  We’re taken to the Oval Office, where the guards hold us back and my mother raps on the partially open door. I can hear his voice, low and quiet, but creepy as ever, as he talks to someone unseen. I can’t make out his words, but his voice reminds me of a snake, smooth and dangerous. He seems to be threatening whoever has the unfortunate luck of standing in that room. As my mother knocks, his voice stops. He pauses for only a brief second before everything changes entirely. His tone becomes falsely pleasant as he calls us in.

  Our captors bow their heads in respect as the door creaks open. I bite my lip, refusing to look the monster in the face. The President stands before them, arms crossed as he leans against the desk.

  “Mr. President, sir. We have them,” says my mother in an official tone.

  “I can see that, thank you. Kenadee, it’s nice to see you again. Unfortunate that it has to be under these conditions.” We’re shoved to our knees on the carpet right in front of his shiny black shoes, which don’t budge as he takes in our ragged forms. “Do you really think that was a clever idea? You really thought you could win against me? Now look at you. Pathetic.”

  “Screw you,” I spit, earning a swift kick right in the back from my guard. Throwing his head back, the President laughs cruelly.

  “You know, Kenadee, you’ve disappointed me greatly. That’s the thing with you magic people. Your loyalty is shaky at best. Always living to serve yourself, aren’t you?” Reed’s dark eyes drift from my face, to Bryce’s, lingering there for a moment as they glare at each other. Something hangs in the air like a heavy cloud, a secret, something unspoken. But before I can ask, Reed’s scrutiny is back on me. “I honestly thought your mother’s faked death would be enough to steer you back in the right direction. Clearly, you haven’t learned. So, what must I do to get the message to you? How many times must I explain before—well, you know. Bring him over.” One of Reed’s men nods dutifully and pulls open the large white door, summoning to someone just outside. Seconds later, several more guards enter, shoving forward a young man. It’s been years, but I recognize him immediately.

  “Eli!” I shout, shoving my way forward. Or, at least, trying to. The guard grabs me, yanking me backwards so that I fall at his feet. My brother. Here. He’s alive.

  He’s gagged and I can see the shock in his hazel eyes. His muffled cries ring through the room as the President continues to chuckle. “Poor Mr. Coria. What’ll happen to you? I have to say, I am rather sorry to see you go. But I promised your sister she’d witness your death if she defied me.”

  “No!” I shriek, stumbling forward again. I thrash and fight as my guard tries to restrain me, “Don’t you touch him!”

  Eli’s guards pull him to his feet as he kicks and elbows, trying to free himself despite the heavy restraints binding him. I can feel myself screaming and the tears rolling down my cheeks as I’m hauled backwards. At this point, I no longer care about anything but Eli.

  Reed casually pulls a handgun from his pocket, taking his time to load it. One bullet.

  He makes his way to my brother, aiming straight for the heart. My eyes are blurred with tears as I scream and thrash. He can’t do this—he can’t!

  “With all due respect, sir, why don’t you drop your weapons?” A slow, calm drawl makes my heart skip a beat.

  Jay stands at the door, his hands around my mother’s thin neck. The President draws back, surprised as the whole team floods in through the doors. Our team, our heroes. They came back.

  Reed’s guards take position immediately.

  “Now I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Jay says, clicking his tongue. “I’d hate to break her pretty little neck when she’s been such a dutiful servant.”

  But Reed only laughs, giving an indifferent shrug, “Kill her. I’ll find another.”

  It’s the only cue his men need. They leap into action, power spiraling through the room. I press myself against the ground as the spells fly overhead. I need to find a way to get out of these cuffs. A body falls, a limp hand landing outstretched on my arm. It’s the soldier that had been holding on to me, but now he stares at the ceiling with blank eyes. I shudder and roll away, nearly landing on top of Bryce. “How do we get out of these?”

  “I-I don’t know,” His eyes scan the chaotic room frantically. “It needs a spell…”

  There’s a crash and more guards spill through the doors. I look up just in time to see Reed flee the room, three guards in tow.


  “Don’t worry,” says Emery, “I know a spell!” She crouches down beside me and sets her hands to the cuffs. “Sorry, this might sting.”

  A sharp hiss escapes me as sure enough, the metal begins to grow hotter. It tingles against my skin and pop!

  The handcuffs clatter to the floor.

  “Thanks Emery!” I rub my aching wrists, the burns from the spell already making my skin a tender pink. Everywhere, people fight. I turn just in time to see Tess’ head crack into a wall. The guard steps over her lifeless body with a smirk.

  “Leave her alone!” I cry, and the woman’s eyes fly to my face. I don’t give her any time. “Praemium!” The woman freezes in mid-air, staring at me as she realizes what’s happening. A second passes, and with a large crash, the woman explodes.

  I kneel beside Tess to make sure she’s still breathing. There’s blood dripping down her forehead, but her chest rises with each steady, deep breath. I sigh with relief, then push myself up. My team battles hard, but I can see the fatigue written into almost all of their faces. They know there’s no way we’ll win this. Not against magic this dark.

  An idea pops up in my mind.

  I rush to my brother, using my power to knock a guard out of the wall. “Eli! I need you—come here!” I don’t turn to see if he’s following as I kneel beside Harlow. She’s slumped against the wall, barely conscious, but her head turns just slightly toward me. I reach for my brother, helping him down as I explain. “I need you both to combine your magic with mine. You’re weak, but with three of us it might work. Give me your hands.”

  Eli’s brows furrow, but he obeys silently. I close my eyes as Harlow’s weak fingers clutch mine. I draw in a deep breath, and focus on our powers. Every nerve in my body begins to tingle as it rises, gaining in strength, letting me build it up.

  Somewhere there’s a shout. I release their hands, glancing up just as a soldier march
es towards us. She raises a hand but I’m faster. I’m more powerful. I send the President’s desk flying at her, clutter flying from its top and knocking her back into the wall. I’m on my feet in the blink of an eye, feeling the strongest I’ve ever felt. The magic practically seeps from my skin as I knock Reed’s soldiers out like a line of dominos.

  “Kenadee!” comes a warning voice. My mother is the only soldier not affected, looking calm as she steps toward me. I don’t wait. I set flame to the arsonist’s office, motioning my friends closer. Jay wraps Harlow’s arm around his shoulder as he helps her up, and Benson takes the other side. A bloody Tess looks like she’s about to pass out, and Kenzie helps sport her. Bryce is already reaching for the transportation device when my mom’s magic rips through the air.

  “Get down!” I shriek, pushing Eli just in time to avoid the spell.

  Olive is too late. Emery screams as blood spews from her sister’s mouth, her ears, and her nose. Delia grabs Emery, yanking her back as Olive falls backward.


  Bryce murmurs something that I can’t hear, and we disappear into the daylight.

  30 MY REUNION WITH ELI IS short-lived, as Delia carts him off to the hospital a few minutes later. Too tired to argue, I go home and shower, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  Delia is the first person I see the next morning as I weave through the dark hospital halls, excitement in my chest at the thought of seeing my brother.

  My brother is here! He’s actually here!

  “Kenadee!” I frown as Delia emerges from behind the nurse’s station and plants herself in front of me. “I’ve been wondering when you were going to come around.”

  “You have?” I ask, confused. None of my friends have exactly been friendly with me since I’ve come back from the prison.

  “Of course! Hey, you wanna take a walk? I promised your brother I’d pick him up breakfast. But since you’re here, you can come with me!”

  “Uh… well, I was going to see Eli…”

  “You can see him when you get back. Come on!” She grabs my arm, leading me out the large glass doors and towards the hospital cafeteria. “I ordered ahead of time. The cooks said they’d have it ready for us. I ordered for your brother and Harlow, if she feels like eating.”


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