Bought for the Billionaire

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Bought for the Billionaire Page 1

by Lacy Dae

  Bought for the Billionaire

  Book One of Bought & Sold

  By Lacy Dae

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2012 Lacy Dae

  If you like this book, check out others by this Author at

  By the Pack Series 1 (werewolf gangbangs): Fucked by the Pack, Forced by the Pack and Claimed by the Pack. Or save money by buying all 3 in one 16,000 word bundle: Hunted by the Pack!

  By the Pack Series 2 (werewolf gangbangs): Taken by the Pack, Torn from the Pack and Tamed by the Pack. Or get the 20,000 word bundle: Stolen by the Pack!

  Get all 6 of these hot werewolf gangbang stories in one 36,000 word mega-bundle! Pursued by the Pack

  Wolf’s Lust Series (werewolf gangbangs): Lycan’s Lust, Pack’s Lust and King’s Lust. Or buy the bundle: Wolf’s Lust.

  Taming the Beast Series (fairy tale erotica): The Sacrifice, The Temptress and The Deceiver. All 3 stories in one money-saving bundle: Taming the Beast.

  Stand-Alone Stories: My Hairy Valentine (werewolf romance), Sex Hex (MF, gangbang, FF) and Tempting Eve (biblical erotica).

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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  This book contains adult content. All characters are fictional, and are at least 18 years of age.

  I gulped, knees quaking, as the auctioneer's distant voice echoed through the waiting room. "Up next: Sandra Blake!" The dark-haired girl next to me gasped and jerked to her feet, pale with fright. I met her eyes briefly, reading my own jangling nerves in her flickering glance, as the hulking escorts gently led her to the door. The chains on her ankles clanked as she walked, but she rallied her nerve, and left the room with her head held high, a sharp-edged smile pasted on her face. You show them, girl!

  Straightening on the thread-bare couch, I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing. I didn't know "Sandra", hadn't even spoke to her, but her bravery shamed me. I had been a huddling, hyperventilating mess for the last hour, for no real reason. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that despite appearances, I wasn't really being sold into slavery. This was just an elaborate game of make-believe, a way for some rich freaks to get their rocks off. I'd make some easy cash and be free to go, nothing hurt but my pride and self-respect. Exhaling quietly, I glanced around the room. The auction was nearly over and there were just a few girls left, all of us carefully ignoring one another.

  Idly, I wondered if they had all been recruited the same way I'd been, with that odd online advertisement: "Virgins Wanted! Your First Time Could Earn You Big Bucks!" I had nearly laughed when I saw it while looking for free-lance work. What kind of sick weirdo would "buy" a woman in an auction? And how desperate would a virgin have to be to agree to that, anyways? But when I suddenly needed money, the crazy idea just wouldn't leave my mind. And so here I was.

  Lost in my thoughts, I jumped as one of the bare-chested men nudged me. "Sophia Anders?" I hadn't heard the auctioneer call my assumed name! Flushing hotly, I took his hand to stand between the two escorts. Both men were heavily muscled and tanned, dressed dramatically in loose pants and tight leather straps. The auction manager had given me a costume to wear too, and a private room to change in, thankfully. The bandeau top and gauzy pants were those of a harem girl, in a rich emerald that glowed against my pale skin. My blonde hair was twisted high, with only a few long curling tendrils tickling my back and shoulders. At his request, I wore dramatic make-up, with dark smoky eyes and red lips, very different from my usual look.

  The harmless fantasy had taken a darker turn, though, when I left the dressing room. The shackles that loosely chained my hands and ankles had been non-negotiable. So, too, the leather collar around my throat, with a leash attached that I currently held tight in my own hands. I'd been appalled at the bondage gear, at first, but now I felt oddly grateful for the over-done theatrics. I felt like a character in a cheesy play, not a real person doing something really stupid. It helped. A little.

  "Are you ready?" I nodded, swallowing hard, and walked towards the door, the men on either side a step behind me. Opening the door, I entered the long dark hallway. A warm light glowed at its end, revealing low stairs that led up to the stage. The first man continued speaking, issuing instructions. "Just stand on the stage quietly. You don't have to do anything and no one will touch you. When the auction's over, walk off the stage to the right, and the auctioneer will hand your leash to the buyer. Then you'll go with him." The soothing, matter-of-fact tone was comforting, and I nodded again.

  The contract I'd signed had included a lot of safety assurances. The auction house would know my real name, but the buyer wouldn't, to protect my privacy. They'd record the details of the transaction, including names, times and addresses. I was also instructed to check in at a specific phone number every twelve hours until the contract was satisfied. If I missed a call, for whatever reason, they'd take action. As a back-up plan, I'd also arranged for my best friend to call the cops if I didn't contact her within 48 hours. Despite all my precautions, though, I certainly didn't feel safe!

  My hands started to shake as I climbed the stairs, blinking in the bright lights and fighting the urge to flee. Oh God, why am I doing this?!? I forced myself forward, to stand in the spotlight in the center of the stage. Through the dazzle of the stage lights, I could barely see the shadowy figures in the theater seats, maybe a dozen people all together. The bidders. In a few minutes, one of them would own me. Trembling, I stared down at my feet.

  The auctioneer quickly recited my virtues: tall, blonde, college graduate, with verified virginity. That had been a particularly fun part of the process! He went on and on, and I started to tune him out, carefully counting the links on the chain connecting my ankles. Anything to distract myself from this terrifying situation! But hearing the word 'submissive' yanked my head up.

  "Hey!" The auctioneer turned, scowling at my interruption. "I'm not submissive!" Even as a virgin, I knew that submissive people were hurt and abused during sex, and I'd be damned before I'd be sold to anyone who expected that from me!

  The auctioneer cleared his throat as I glared at him. "Fine! She's feisty!" There were a few muffled snickers from the audience, and the bidding started. As the adrenaline of my outburst faded, I just felt sick again, dizzy and light-headed. Lights and sounds blurred together into a chaotic mess that left me floundering, trying not to faint. The solid bang of the auctioneer's hammer jerked me back to reality with a start. "Sold! To number 34!"

  I stumbled out of the spotlight, dazed. Who had bought me? And for how much? Oh God, the money had better be worth this! The auctioneer yanked my leash from my shocked grasp, and thrust it towards a dark-haired young man in a black suit. He accepted the leash soberly, leading me off the stage, then paused and leaned towards me. "Sorry, miss, orders!" I stared at him, totally lost, then yelped as a black hood was pulled down over my head. Ignoring my muffled protests, he pulled me forward by the chains between my wrists. As I stumbled blindly, the door slammed behind us, and cold air sent goose-bumps rippling down my bare skin. We were outside. A few more faltering steps, and then a firm push on my head had me ducking into a car.

  Dread hollowed my stomach as the car's engine vibrations rippled the cool leather seats. "W-where are we going?" My voice trembled despite myself. I felt so helpless, blind and bound, the safety precautions I'd
taken comfort in revealed as the flimsy protection they truly were. The young man's response didn't reassure me. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that." Those cool, dispassionate words were all he'd say to me, and I soon stopped asking questions.

  The drive seemed to last forever. My shuddering breaths inside the hood made the fabric damp and clammy, clinging to my skin claustrophobically. The unseen turns of the car confused my inner ear, causing motion sickness to churn in my stomach. I swallowed hard again and again, desperate not to lose all control, while fighting down tears of stress and fear. No one spoke to me, touched me, or even seemed to look at me, an isolation that somehow made everything worse, even though my common sense screamed that being left alone was the best possible outcome.

  Finally, the car slowed to a stop. Doors opened, and I could hear footsteps on a gravel driveway, and raised voices. An argument? It seemed to last forever as I huddled in the seat. Finally, though, the car door opened and gentle hands pulled and lifted me out, steadying me as I swayed. After a moment to catch my balance, I was led forward once more, up a short flight of stairs, and then through several doors. As the last door closed behind me, the suffocating hood was suddenly yanked off, and I gasped, intensely grateful to be freed of it. Hood in hand, the dark-haired man met my eyes, frowning thoughtfully. I froze as he raised his hands to my throat, but to my relief, he merely unbuckled the collar, removing the horrid leash with it. Stepping back, he ran his gaze over my face, then down my body, before nodding and turning away. He closed the door gently as he left the room. I was alone.

  Or was I? Wide-eyed with fear, I stared around the room. I was in an exquisitely appointed bedroom, dominated by a huge four-poster bed. The room was dark, lit only by the cheery flames crackling in the fireplace, their inviting warmth luring me in closer. With a cautious look around, I knelt before the fire, holding my cold hands up to its welcome heat. The rattling of the chain I still wore suddenly infuriated me, though, as a reminder of the helpless terror I'd felt in the car. I had to get them off! Clawing at the smooth metal bands circling my wrists, I searched in vain for the quick-release latches that I'd been assured were built-in to the cuffs.

  A sudden chuckle had me whipping around on the soft rug. He leaned against the bed-post, lean and arrogant, a man in his late thirties, with a few silver strands glinting in his dark hair. Holding my gaze, he crossed to the room with a confident stride. I felt pinned in place by the cold amusement in his eyes. He laughed again as he threw himself into one of the armchairs facing the fireplace. "I have the key." His voice was wicked, deep and resonant, and I shivered in helpless reflex. "Would you like me to release you?"

  I stared at him wordlessly, still recovering from the shock of his sudden presence. After a long moment, he raised a brow mockingly at me. Anger surged at this condescension and I spoke without thinking. "Give me the key!"

  Ignoring my outburst, he poured dark crimson wine into a crystalline glass. He swirled it, admiring its color, before taking a drink. Nearly mesmerized by the firelight dancing on his smooth skin, the careless grace of his motions, I jumped when he spoke. "No."

  "No?" Awkward under his steady gaze, I climbed to my feet. "Look, whoever you are..." He interrupted me.

  "I'm your new owner, darling." He looked over his wine-glass at me, his dark eyes hard. "You've been bought and paid for." I winced at his contemptuous tone, inhaling sharply. How dare he look down at me, he's the pervert who buys virgins at auctions! Before I could unleash the my ire, though, he raised a hand, spreading his long fingers soothingly.

  "I'm sure you had your reasons, darling. Spare me the justifications. Just recognize that we're in the midst of a business transaction, and until it's complete, you don't get to make any demands." He stood abruptly, looming over me. "Now sit down." Command rang in his tone.

  Scowling, I obeyed, sitting in the other armchair. He was right, damn him, I had agreed to exchange my virginity for money. I had prostituted myself, but what other choice was there? Simmering silence descended as he sank back into his chair. He's a client, sort of, at least try to be professional.

  "Wh-" I cleared my throat and tried again. "What do you want from me?"

  He smiled at me, and despite myself, I warmed at his approval. "Very good." Setting aside the glass, he rose to his feet once more. He crossed to stand in front of me, then caught the chain between my wrists and yanked me to my feet. Thrown off balance, I stumbled into him, gasping as my breasts were crushed against his hard chest. He caught my chin in his hand, raising my face upwards. Meeting my eyes, he smiled. "I know you're not as innocent as you look." I trembled against him, attracted by the firm heat of his body but repelled by the cold cruelty in his eyes.

  Taking advantage of my hesitation, he lowered his mouth to mine. He kissed me hard, roughly, forcing his tongue between my lips. I tried to pull away from his bruising mouth, but he sank his other hand into my hair, holding me against him, helpless to resist. Heat coiled inside me as he plundered my mouth, claiming it for himself. I whimpered when he nipped at my lower lip, the sharp pain curiously adding to the pleasure building inside me.

  I gasped as he finally pulled back, a calculating look in his eyes. "I think I'm beginning to understand." Understand what? Confused, I opened my mouth but before I could ask he shoved me down into the chair and lifted the chain connecting my wrists. Pulling a tiny key from his pants pocket, he removed it, leaving the smooth metal bands still circling my wrists. I protested wordlessly. "Cooperation brings freedom, darling, but let's not be too hasty." As I drew my hands in, resentfully rubbing the shackles I still bore, he pooled the chain in his hands, passing it back and forth. "Thank me for this kindness I've shown you."

  What? I stared at him, searching his face. He wasn't kidding. His face darkened at my silence and he reached for my wrist. "Th-thank you!" My voice shook in my haste to stop him. He tilted his head, his arched eyebrow a clear invitation to continue, so I tried again. "Thank you for your... kindness." I nearly choked on the words, but I truly did not want the chains again!

  "Thank you for your kindness...?" he prompted.

  Struggling with my pride, I forced it out. "Thank you for your kindness, sir." He pursed his lips for a long moment, considering, then nodded acceptance of this effort. I ground my teeth in quiet rage.

  He knelt on the floor before me. "Now, would you like your ankles freed also?" I nodded mutely, and he shook his head at me. "Use your words, darling."

  "Yes, please." I whispered, ashamed to be begging. He arched a brow and I sighed. "Yes, please, sir."

  "What will you do to earn that reward?" I shook my head, baffled. What does he want from me?

  He sighed, sounding aggravated with my denseness. "Darling, surely you have something you can offer me. Use your imagination." I scowled at him, staying stubbornly silent. I'd do what he asked, that was the deal, but I sure as hell didn't have to offer him anything!

  He met my eyes for a tense moment, a faint smile playing on his lush mouth, before sitting back and dropping his hands to his thighs. "Resistance has consequences. Let's leave these chains on for now, shall we?" Pocketing the key and dusting his hands, he rose easily to his feet, as I stared moodily at the length of chain linking my ankles. Was my pride really worth this? Looking down at me, he started to say something, but turned away, pacing quickly back to the other chair.

  He snatched up his wineglass and took a deep drink, staring into the fireplace. "I want you out of those ridiculous clothes." I stammered a protest at the insult, reflexively. It's not like I'd picked out the outfit! He ignored me and went on. "There's a bathroom in the next room. Clean yourself up and get in the bed."

  I rose to my feet slowly, shaking at the mention of the bed, the sudden realization that this was really happening. I was going to have to do it. Have sex for the first time. With this demanding stranger. A cold knot grew in my belly at the thought. Despite myself, I made a weak attempt to delay the inevitable. "How can I change clothes with my ankles chained together?
" As though that would be a conundrum too difficult for him to solve and he would free me!

  He turned at my timid question, and then started to chuckle, the deep sound quivering in my belly. I retreated a step as he walked towards me, the back of my legs brushing the chair. He stepped in close, his firm chest just meeting my breasts, the feathery touch sending an unwilling rush of heat through me. Raising his hand to my face, he touched my cheek, then dragged his thumb lightly across my parted lips. I licked them reflexively, then jerked as he brushed his mouth against mine, the teasing caress a stark contrast to the brutal kiss he'd forced on me earlier. He repeated the motion, dropping coaxing kisses on my trembling mouth. His strong hands ran up my back, warmly rubbing loose the muscles tightened by tension.

  After a startled hesitation, I leaned into him, my own hands rising to tentatively grasp his broad shoulders. Each fleeting touch of his lips against mine made me yearn for more solid contact, and he chuckled as I pressed myself against his chest, suddenly craving the feel of his body against mine. The hands cradling my back lifted to wind themselves in my hair, gently tugging as we kissed. He lifted his head and smiled down at me. I smiled back, relieved at this new tenderness. Maybe this won't be so bad...

  Without warning, his hand tightened in my hair. A sharp yank backwards knocked me off balance, and I fell into the chair, gasping in shock. As I stared up at him, eyes wide, he leaned on the chair, trapping me between his arms. His grip in my hair tilted my head back, and he slowly dragged a fingernail down the length of my exposed throat, a line of fire searing into my skin. I shuddered and tried to pull free, then froze as his hand loosely closed around my neck.

  He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "There are only two rules, darling. Cooperation brings freedom. And resistance," he frowned and tugged on my hair until I winced, "any resistance has consequences."


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