The Darkness Within

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by Knight, Charisma

  The Darkness Within

  By Charisma Knight

  Copyright © November 2011, Charisma Knight

  Cover art by Mina Carter © November 2011

  ISBN 978-1-936668-39-7

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

  Sugar and Spice Press

  North Carolina, USA

  Chapter One

  Althea Johnson sat straight up in bed after the hellish nightmare she had just experienced. Still in the midst of her dream and the abrupt awakening, she cursed underneath her breath before turning the lamp on with a simple wave of her hand. She was disoriented and tried pulling herself together.

  Then she remembered the incubus who sought to possess her mind, body, and soul. There was something rather familiar about him, but she couldn’t put a finger on it. Then, there was the matter of the witch—the one who sought to snuff her out.

  Her silk nightgown clung to her sweat-laden body as she sat on the side of the bed, looking around the room. How the hell had she managed to get divorced and then have strange occurrences invade her supposedly normal life?

  Suddenly it struck her. Quinton and Vukasin, her vampire and wolf shifter lovers had not visited her in the past few evenings.

  It was now many months after her divorce from that sadistic pig Rufus, who had mentally abused her. In two years of marriage, he’d hit her twice. That was two times too many. The first time, she didn’t dismiss it, but the next day she fed him spoiled pork chops and watched with a slight smirk as the jerk woofed them down. The next day he experienced a slight bout of food poisoning. She smiled at the memory.

  The second incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Not only had he bad-mouthed her because she was pleasantly plump, he had the audacity to strike her when she refused to answer him while she cooked dinner. That was also the night she learned of his infidelity.

  That night something inside Althea snapped and after listening to the voice inside her head, she was seduced into beating him with a cast-iron skillet. A woman could only take so much. No one deserved to be treated like scum on the bottom of someone’s shoe.

  Since that incident, strange occurrences had started happening, and her otherworldly lovers began to steal her away into their realm. Althea also gained a telekinetic power, but while acquiring this wonderful gift, she’d managed to pick up a few evil entities along the way. The witch. She cringed at the thought of facing her. In some sick and twisted way, the woman reminded her of herself.

  The first time she moved an object without touching, she almost passed out. It had taken time and the help of Quinton and Vukasin to become accustomed to her newfound powers. Althea yawned and stretched before slipping out of the bed. The desire to be with her lovers was strong, and she did not wish to be alone in her bed any longer. Instead of waiting for them to come to her, she decided to meet them in their realm.

  She closed her eyes and focused on where she wanted to be. “Vukasin and Quinton. Take me to them, now,” she commanded. Instantly, she appeared in the castle.

  Althea shivered as she walked barefoot down the castle corridor. Her stomach lurched as a feeling of uneasiness settled over her. Normally, when she drifted off to their realm, Cailheim, she felt no fear. However, this time was different.

  A sharp pang of instinct warned her of an impending danger. She stopped and mentally scanned the corridor, but nothing was there. Althea’s heart pounded against her ribcage as she continued her journey.

  Suddenly, a figure clad in black jumped her from behind, pushing her against the cold castle wall. Immediately, Althea’s instincts kicked in as the figure charged her. Delivering a kick to the figure’s midsection, Althea tried snatching the black cloak to see who her assailant was.

  Malevolent laughter erupted, echoing off the castle walls as Althea assumed the fighting stance. Heart racing, she tried concealing her fear, but it was no use. “Who the hell are you?” she demanded, and cringed when a woman’s voice spoke.

  “You don’t know?” the figure in black asked. “I know you.” Those words sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Never come here again!” she ordered.

  “Who the hell are you to give orders!” the woman in black said with a snarl. “Apparently you don’t know the power I possess.”

  She shuddered as the tall figure stilled, making her panic when she realized her feet wouldn’t move. As a matter of fact, her entire body ceased to move.

  “What have you done to me?” Althea asked with as much courage as one could summon in her situation. She whimpered when she noticed her strength swiftly draining from her. “Dammit!” she swore as she felt her energies being depleted.

  Quinton and Vukasin often warned her of the deadly force as it continued to grow stronger with each passing day.

  A chill dashed through her body, cutting her to the quick. If she didn’t fight, somehow, this demonic creature would manage to possess her. A bright blue shield erupted in front of her, hurling the specter against the wall.

  “I’ll be better prepared, next time,” the woman said. “If you want to know who I am, take a deep look inside yourself.” With that, she disappeared, leaving Althea to unravel a mystery.

  Althea leaned against the cold wall, trembling from the encounter. It pissed her off that another female almost beat her down in a world she created.

  With a huff, she grabbed a torch and continued her journey down the corridor. She came through a grand dining room that would undoubtedly seat three churches, she decided. On each side of the dining table were shining coats of armor. Eventually, her feet carried her to a large veranda, adorned with roses. As she strolled out, she could see nothing but land for miles around. Off in the distance were trees and cobblestone courtyards.

  Leaning on the stone wall, she closed her eyes as a warm breeze caressed her cheek. In the sky hung a large, silvery full moon, and to the right of it, was a smaller moon. Half of it was shadowed in the depth of the evening sky. Stars glittered like tiny diamonds against a black velvet background. She sighed. This place always comforted her.

  Suddenly, a nagging thought broke through the small bit of comfort she almost reveled in. Darkness demanded her soul in this place. Darkness wanted her stranded in this place. But why? The mysterious stranger had struck a large amount of fear in her, and she suspected she’d cross paths with her again.

  Why did that knowledge frighten her? If that wasn’t enough, not knowing the entity’s true origins scared her even more. She knew it would not rest until it laid Althea to rest.

  A beautiful white bird flew past her as she tried collecting her energies and making sense of the incident that had just occurred. “Come on, girl, get it together,” Althea whispered. “I refuse to let this thing, whatever it is, take me over.

  With that, she left the balcony. Once again, she continued walking down the corridor and immediately was joined by another presence.

  “Who’s there?” This presence was different. She quickly turned around, ready to defend herself.

  “Ah, I’m disappointed. Surely we have not been away so long that you do not remember me?”

  Althea smiled. “Vukasin!” She threw her arms around the large man. “Oh, I’m so happy to see you! Where the hell have you been?”

  “Come,” the wolf circled his arm around hers. “There is much you must know.”

  Chapter Two

  Before she could blink, they were at the door of his bedchambers.

  “Am I dreaming?” she asked before he brushed sensual, thin lips against hers. “Or,
am I daydreaming?” She snickered as his grip tightened around her plush body.

  “I assure you, beautiful, this is far from a dream,” he replied as he approached a double wooden door that had been left ajar. Quickly, the handsome devil strode into the room and placed her on a large four-post bed with sheer bloodred curtains. She giggled as the bed seemed to swallow her up, and she reveled in the feeling of the satin and silk brushing against her skin. She blushed as Vukasin lay beside her.

  “It has been too long,” she whispered as he brushed his hand lightly against her cheek, causing goose bumps to rise over her delicate flesh. “My life, just seems so complicated right now,” she said with a frown. “Sometimes I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.”

  Vukasin grinned. “I assure you, on this night, my lady, I shall have you coming,” he said softly before splaying moist kisses along her neck. Her core clenched as beads of moisture clung to the fevered triangle between her thighs.

  “Where have you been?” She smiled and playfully nudged her handsome suitor.

  “You never cease to bring joy into my existence,” he said before parting her lips with his tongue. Althea groaned as his large hand crept to the nape of her neck, pulling her against his hard body.

  “We’ve been battling our own demons,” the wolf murmured huskily. “Something pursues you. We’ve been trying to keep the force here, in this realm, instead of letting it spill out into yours. Unfortunately, I fear she grows too strong for us.”

  “I hate to say this, but I think whatever it is you’re talking about visits me in my dreams. I just met with it in the corridor, not long before running into you.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Vukasin replied. “Perhaps we shouldn’t make love, not now.”

  “I need to feel your touch. After what I’ve just been through, do not deprive me of that.” She lowered her hand to the large bulge of his pants and squeezed.

  He growled—at least, she thought she heard him growl. Breaking the connection to look into his eyes, she gasped. Silver eyes peered at her. He smiled, revealing a pair of incisors that reflected the candlelight.

  “Do I frighten you?” Vukasin asked before brushing a lock of hair away from her eyes.

  “No, I’m not frightened,” she whispered, as her heart beat hard against her ribcage. “I—what the hell is happening?” she asked in confusion. “Something doesn’t feel quite right to me

  “Well, my dear. You have once again crossed over into our realm, body and spirit. Usually, when you fantasize or dream, your spirit roams, leaving your body behind. This time, I’m afraid, you are actually here, in the flesh.”

  Just then an insistent knock came at the door.

  “Open up, Vukasin,” a deep voice urged. “What are you doing in there with her!”

  “I knew it would be only a matter of time,” Vukasin grumbled, rising to his feet. “Can’t we just stake him and get it over with?” the wolf said casually as he opened the door.

  “I heard that!” An equally tall man stormed into the wolf’s chambers, and crossed his arms. Althea marveled at the handsome fellow, the vampire, who’d given her many nights of erotic pleasure. In fact, both creatures went out of their way to sate her otherworldly desires and were equally handsome.

  “Quinton,” she murmured, as the pale vampire strode in her direction. His alabaster skin almost seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. He was around the same height, maybe even taller than Vuk, and equally muscular. His white hair was combed back away from his face and hung to the small of his back. The black suit he sported contrasted richly with his skin tone.

  “You were meant to,” Vukasin snapped, leaning against the wall and rolling his eyes.

  “My beauty,” Quinton said before bowing. He rose, and kissed the back of Althea’s hand, making her giggle like a schoolgirl. “Ah, it has been too long,” he said with a wink of his blue eye.

  “Indeed it has,” Althea murmured. Both men were suddenly naked. A buzz throbbed in her lower belly as each man graced her side. Vukasin’s teeth gently nipped at the sensitive flesh of her neck as his fingers parted her thick lips. “Oh, dear, sweet—” Her hips lifted off the bed as Quinton’s mouth claimed hers in a deep, passionate kiss. Gently, he rolled a nipple between his fingers.

  Her body bubbled into a rich sexual puddle as the wolf’s skilled fingers stroked her cunt into orgasm. “Vukasin!” The strangled cry erupted from her throat as her body writhed uncontrollably at the ministrations of both men.

  “Yes.” Vukasin moaned against her lips. “Let yourself go, beautiful,” he urged her gently. “We want you to be fulfilled.” Slowly, he shifted between man and wolf as he eased himself between Althea’s luscious thighs. He dipped his head to inhale her musky aroma. “Mmm. Delicious,” he moaned before delivering another swipe of his tongue against her swollen clit.

  Quinton palmed her large breasts and began to stroke the sensitive nipples into submission. His fangs descended. Gently, he grazed her nipples with his incisors.

  “Please!” she choked out. “Please, drink from me!”

  Quinton chuckled as he buried his head in between her generous bosom before pushing the large globes together. “Definitely more than a handful,” he confessed before sucking on the tips as though his existence depended upon it.

  Althea thought she would pass out from the combined pleasure. She observed the bedchamber. Bright light from the full moons illuminated the room. The velvet curtains were tied back to allow the light to spill into the room. The torch on the far side of the wall added a more primal light to the glimmer of the moons.

  Vukasin’s bedchamber harbored the smell of male, musk, and her feminine arousal. The silvery moonlight shadowed both her lovers’ faces, and their eyes burned with intensity.

  Quinton released her breasts and eased down next to her, caging her between his muscular arms. The energy from his body crowded her, pulsating like a living, breathing entity as he traced a finger across her sensitive skin.

  Goose bumps erupted along her flesh, and her nipples tightened in response to his gentle caress. Quinton nuzzled her with his jaw before licking her up the side of her neck with his hot tongue. Slowly, he inhaled. “Mmm, there is nothing sweeter than the scent of a well-pleasured woman.”

  Between his words and Vukasin’s body she trembled with orgasm. The wolf collected every drop of her essence with his hungry tongue. As she cried out, Quinton’s hand lightly brushed her heaving breasts.

  “I need you both, now!” Her words were garbled, and her throat dry. “Please,” she begged. “You’re being too cruel!”

  Vukasin licked his lips and crawled toward her. Slowly, he allowed his hand to explore her breast before it cupped her delicate jaw. With a growl, he slid his hand to her neck. Gently, he tightened his grip.

  “The moons are full,” Vukasin said gruffly. “As it is, I’m exerting so much power to stay in control.”

  “As am I!” Quinton’s eyes became glowing red orbs. “We could both ravish you!” His voice was just as rough as the wolf’s.

  “You can’t hurt me,” Althea stated. It was a turn on to see both beings fighting to stay in control of their baser instincts. Their minds were linked with hers, and she smiled as they imagined all the wicked ways of taking her. Finally, they decided on one perfect start.

  “Come,” Quinton said with a smile.

  “I certainly hope so.” She bit out. “All this waiting is killing me!”

  Vukasin growled. “Ah, my love. Patience is a virtue. Your body is a temple we worship. This is not to be rushed. But at your command, it is now time to plunder.” His eyes were now silver, and his voice she no longer recognized. Soon, he was between her legs, teasing her folds with the head of his cock. Althea grabbed his hips and tried to ease him into her.

  “Please.” She gasped. She winced in pleasure as Quinton twisted her nipple.

  “Please what?” he ground out. Clearly, control nearly gone.

  She twisted beneath the large wolf, the
movement coating his large cock with her juices.

  “Look at me.” the wolf said with a growl.

  She did as he commanded. It pleased him, pleased them both at the complete trust she held for both men.

  “Tell us what you want. You only need to peer into our minds to see what we desire.”

  She focused on their thoughts. They wanted her total surrender. Tight-lipped, she pushed her upper body off the bed and wrapped her legs around Vukasin’s waist. “Fuck me!” she murmured against his mouth. The rapid beating of his heart, and the low growl developing in his chest turned her into a quivering pile of jelly.

  “As you wish!” The wolf growled as he slid his large cock into Althea’s tight, velvety cunt in one smooth thrust.

  Althea tightened her thighs around Vuk’s body as Quinton slid himself beneath her. Now, she was sandwiched in between vampire and wolf. Vukasin’s cock throbbed deep inside her pussy as the vampire invaded her already-stuffed cunt, joining the three of them. The friction was beyond pleasurable.

  Vukasin held her there, tightly, propped on his elbows, as his arms corded. She sighed as the wiry hair on his legs roughly brushed against the softness of her inner thighs. Her heart thumped against her ribcage. Quinton’s smooth, cold skin was a great contrast to the wolf’s hot, moist skin.

  She felt the wolf stiffen on top of her. His body shook and he growled. “Vukasin?”

  “A moment!” he grated out harshly. “You make me lose control all too soon, Althea!”

  “Tell me you want to fuck me!” she howled.

  “Arrggh!” the wolf howled. “I want to fuck you! I’m going to fuck you! Hard and fast!”

  Needing relief, Althea lifted her hips up. The tilt of her hips pushed her clit harder against his pubis as the large, swollen head of his cock nudged her G-spot. “Oh! Dear God!”

  Teasing her, Vukasin pulled out of her as Quinton lunged upward, his cock sliding past the wolf’s. Simultaneously, they took turns tapping her cervix with the head of their cocks.


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