Star Bridge (Space Rogue Book 4)

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Star Bridge (Space Rogue Book 4) Page 2

by Jay Toney

  "Lieutenant Paris, report on short range sensors, scan for communications interference."

  "Scans show communications are clear. Oh my God, they're firing missiles at us!"

  "Raise shields! Battle stations!"


  Nazzel's comm unit signaled for his attention, "Yes Amos."

  "Have the Alliance ships been taken care of?"

  "They have been eliminated. Our salvage crews are cleaning the remains of the Alliance ships. We have recovered several escape pods and life boats. The Kildarians will be very pleased, and we will profit greatly from them. We have enough human cargo to fill their cargo holds."

  "Very good, return to normal operations."


  The ships dampers extended grabbing real space slowing the Persephone below light speed. The ship reversed thrust, slowing the ship further. The Vengeance appeared on Amber's sensor's screen followed by the Falcon and the Griffon. The Lucy's absence still haunted Amber, Jewel, and Nathaniel.

  Amber reported, "Proxima Rhodana is a system of seven planets orbiting an orange sun. Colonies exist on the second planet, with outposts on the moons of the fourth and fifth planets. Little else is known about the system. They have kept their records private, not sharing or updating their information."

  "Captain, I'm picking up a low band signal from the second moon of the fifth planet. I believe it's something they use to call radio. It is an old fashion analog signal. The message is unintelligible. All I'm getting is a repeating series of long and short pulses."

  "It is possible the message may be in some sort of code. Persephone, can you translate the message?"

  "It is a repeating code, "... --- ..., ... --- ...," it matches an archaic form of communications known as Morse Code. It translates as S-O-S."

  "What does SOS mean?"

  "It is a call for help."

  "Sultan set our course for the second moon of the fifth planet."

  "Course plotted and set Captain."

  "Jewel, inform the fleet about this call and our course change. We will be investigating it."

  "Yes, Captain."

  The image on our viewscreen changed from the view of the starfield ahead of us to the gas giant and its moons, on our new course. It was still little more than a pinpoint of distant light amongst the many stars in our view. It grew larger and brighter as our ship neared. Persephone highlighted the position of the moon that was our goal, with a target reticle. It was still too small and faint for our eyes to see, even under maximum magnification.

  The planet slowly shifted to the right side of our viewscreen growing as we neared the moon. Our radiation shields began glowing slightly as they deflected the harmful radiation from the gas giant's radiation field. Our sensors still did not detect any activity, as we continued our approach to the moon.

  The viewscreen centered on the moon and we began decelerating towards it. Our ships entered orbit 120 kilometers above the moon's surface. Jewel tried contacting the inhabitants of the research station we orbited above without success. I decided to bring a small landing party with me to the surface. Jewel, Amber, Doc and Mike boarded my marauder with me, and we launched, heading to the moon's surface.

  Amber sat with me in the shuttle's cockpit, sitting in the copilot's seat. She tried contacting the research station, while we descended towards the moon's surface. She was unable to contact any of the station's inhabitants, but she was rewarded with lights coming on, illuminating a landing pad and the research facility.

  I landed the shuttle gently on the center of the pad. The landing pad began descending below the moon's surface, as soon as we touched down. Overhead doors closed, lights came on, and air filled the hangar. There was a small transition when we changed to the research station's artificial gravity. There was a single transport ship parked on the far side of the hangar's floor. The hangar was otherwise empty.

  I shut down the Marauder's engines and we went to the shuttle's rear hatch. The instruments showed that the atmosphere was breathable. I lowered our pressure to match the hangars pressure. I opened the shuttle's rear hatch, as soon as our pressure was equalized. Our small group exited the Marauder, heading to the research stations operations center. We searched the small research facility from top to bottom. There wasn't anyone on board.

  There weren't any signs of violence. It was as if everyone just decided to leave, without packing up their belongings. Our scans detected a sealed hatch hidden by a cloaking shield. As soon as we managed to shut down the cloaking shield, a hatch appeared on what was once a blank wall. The hatchway opened revealing a short corridor. We followed the corridor to an elevator and took the elevator down.

  The elevator stopped after descending a long way down from the surface. It deposited us in a large cavern. We followed a string of lights, illuminating the cavern. It led us to a small alcove. Fifteen of the research stations scientists were here, studying the moons hollow core, with various instruments. One of the researchers introduced himself as Dr. Marcus.

  "We have made many new advances in terraforming. Take a look for yourself." Dr. Marcus led us to the edge of the alcove, where there was a small winding path leading into the moon's core. "Watch your step, the transition to the moon's inner gravity is a bit unsettling, to say the least."

  We followed the doctor. Near the path's end, gravity changed. It increased and changed its orientation. The hollowed walls of the moon became its floor. The footpath we were on led us to a meadow, before continuing towards a grove of trees. What looked like a miniature sun illuminated the interior of the moon. There were trees and shrubs of all types. Ripe fruit from a nearby fruit tree was ready to be picked and eaten. Looking further away, we could see rivers and streams flowing into lakes. Patches of wildflowers blossomed in the sun's light and ferns flourished in the shade of the trees. The place looked perfect, the buzz of insects and calls of birds filled the air.

  "All of the fruit here is edible and quite tasty," the doctor said, picking a piece of ripened fruit and cutting it in half offering me a piece. It was tasty, and juicy. "Everything you see before us was formed in a little less than a year. We have only been able to explore a small portion of the inner world. We have collected enough data, and refined our terraforming techniques enough to save our planet. Elements of our ships reactor were used to fuel the artificial sun. We have no means of leaving now. We tried contacting our planet, but haven't received any replies. Would you be so kind as to transport us, and our research data to the second planet of this system?"

  "If this is everyone, we shouldn't have any problems taking you to your home planet. Space will be limited though."

  Dr. Marcus led all of us back to the research complex. He looked at our Marauder through the operations center viewport. "Your ship is smaller than I hoped, but it will do."

  He downloaded the terraforming files onto a set of memory crystals. The research scientists collected a few personal possessions that they thought of as essential, abandoning most of their property. Everything that they left behind could either be replaced or collected at a later date.

  Dr. Marcus provided me with the frequency and command codes that would activate the launch pad. We boarded the Marauder. As soon as everyone was seated and strapped in, I sent the signal that began evacuating the air, opening the doors, and raising the landing pad to the surface. As soon as the landing pad was in place, I started the engines and launched my ship.

  It only took about 10 minutes to reach orbit and the Persephone. Our passengers would be in for a surprise with her size. They were expecting to make the trip home in the marauder. We landed smoothly and I let the passengers out after powering down my Marauder.

  The looks of surprise on the researcher's faces
was priceless. They never imagined a ship of this size existed. The Persephone was huge, but by no means close to the largest ships in the human commonwealth or that of our neighbors. Red's battleship was easily twice the size of the Persephone. I saw a dreadnaught that was at least three times the size of the Vengeance, making us look small in comparison. With this system maintaining its isolation, it was limited to smaller ships used only for inner system travel.

  "Doc, take our guests to sickbay for their medical evaluations and then escort them to the recreation center. We will be on our way shortly."

  I signaled Amber, Jewel, and Mike to wait. As soon as the researchers left the shuttle bay, I spoke to them privately. "You three get some crewmen and head back to the research station. Mike, copy all of their terraforming data, it may come in handy someday. If nothing else, we may be able to trade for it. Jewel and Amber, search the research center for anything that may be of value and bring it back. Hurry, I can only delay the researchers for a few hours before they become suspicious."

  Amber, Jewel, and Mike hurried to their tasks, and I headed to the bridge. "Sultan plot a course for the second planet. I expect it to be complete in three hours, no earlier."

  "Aye, aye Captain."

  I sat in my seat and slipped the neurolink headset on. Persephone's image immediately appeared in my mind. "Captain, this is an unexpected surprise. How may I be of service?"

  "I need to keep our guests distracted long enough for Mike, Amber, and Jewel to complete their missions and return."

  "May I suggest some form of entertainment?"

  "Beverly's girls have appointments to keep, I can't use them."

  "I was thinking of something less physical."

  "Like what?"

  "Maybe a beautiful lady singing and dancing to entertain them."

  "Where would I find a beautiful lady talented enough to do that, with such short notice?"

  "Aren't I beautiful enough?"

  "Yes but... ."

  "Yes but nothing. Trust me I can sing, dance, time music to my singing, and provide visual effects. I am a one lady show. Besides, it will be fun."

  "I didn't realize you could do any of that."

  "I couldn't before the Iniguar upgraded my systems and Nugget's installation of holographic emitters. I can now."

  "Thank you, Persephone. If you had a body, I would give you a kiss."

  "You can still try."

  Persephone vanished and I removed my headset and hurried to the recreation center. All of the lights were dimmed, and a spotlight was on Persephone. Fog covered the stage floor where she was performing. All eyes were on her as she sang and danced for the audience. She sang a mix of pop, rock, folk songs and ballads. She was currently singing an old ballad:

  "The boys in their ships call to the girls on the docks.

  Teasing the ladies that they all adore.

  Late into the evening, the courting continues.

  Their love shared before they bid farewell.

  Then onto another station where it begins again."

  Not a sound of conversation could be heard, nor was there any movement. Everyone was captivated by Persephone's performance. My comm unit vibrated for attention. Mike was back. I told him to upload the files to Persephone and hurry to the recreation center before the show ended.

  Mike arrived fifteen minutes later. He found my table and seated himself. His eyes like everybody else was drawn to Persephone. Everyone adored her. She wasn't just beautiful, she also had the voice of an angel. She concluded the song she was singing, then was enveloped in fog. When the last notes of music faded, the fog vanished, and she was gone.

  Everyone applauded, then began talking about her. Amber and Jewel arrived, to late to watch the show. They ushered Mike and me back to the shuttle bay, where they had a surprise waiting for us. Jewel had a DNA sequencer and its entire library of files aboard her shuttle. It could be used to establish all of the insect life, aquatic life, and animals needed to establish a complete ecological system for a planet.

  Amber had all of the researcher's data. It could be used in our replicators to establish every sort of plant life imaginable, and some not imaginable. She also had the researchers complete seed bank and an assortment of fresh-picked fruit for us to enjoy. Both the DNA sequencer and the seed bank were to valuable to trade. They would have to be kept aboard the ship in a secure environment.

  Mike got a crew together to unload the shuttles. The fruit was taken to the officer's mess, and the seed bank and DNA sequencer were taken to one of the ship's vaults. Amber, Jewel and I headed to the bridge.

  "Sultan, take us out of orbit and set course to the second planet."

  "Aye, aye Captain."

  The trip took six hours. Once in orbit, Amber scanned the planet, and Jewel tried establishing communications. There was no response to Jewels communications attempts. Amber's scans, while incomplete, were grim. Optical scans showed the complete devastation of the planet's major cities. Radiation levels were extremely high. They were to dangerous to send a landing party down to search for survivors. Bio scans showed no lifeforms in the cities. It was possible that the radiation could be interfering with our scans, but any survivors would perish shortly in the high radiation. This was a prime example of mutually assured destruction. The planets occupants nuked each other in a very short war.

  "Mike, we are going to need additional bunks installed in our crew quarters for our guests."

  "I'll get to work and get them settled."

  "Persephone, did you record your performance?"

  "I have a complete recording in my files."

  "Send a copy to Red and Nugget. I'm sure they will enjoy it. Also, send a copy to my quarters. I missed the opening act and Jewel and Amber missed the entire performance."

  "The requested files are sent, is there anything else I can do for you."

  "That is all. Thank you."

  "Sultan set a course for the Crius System, and enter hyperspace when ready."

  The Siren's Song

  The Crius system, or what was left of it, was filled with a bunch of asteroids. It was theorized that the asteroids that fill this system are what is left over from the destruction of its planets. The system is a rock hoppers dream, with an abundance of metals and gems to be found. It is also a helmsman's nightmare, having to slowly maneuver his ship through the chaotic mess that surrounds his ship.

  Sultan was the one suffering the stress involved in navigating the Persephone through the asteroid field. Every bang from a collision, caused him to cringe. Worse were the asteroids that grated on the hull. The deflector shields did their best to push the asteroids out of our way, but there were simply too many, or they were too large.

  The Falcon and the Griffon had a much easier time, being considerably smaller. They were able to weave in and out of patches of asteroids that we had no choice but to push our way through. The Vengeance was taking a beating too. Red's ship was following in our wake, but it still managed to get its share of collisions from the surrounding asteroids.

  There were clear trade routes marked in the system, but none near us. We came out of hyperspace in the middle of a large asteroid field. If we couldn't get into some clear space soon, we would have no choice in locating one of the repair stations, strategically located along the trade lanes. The rockhoppers, traders and other people traveling through this maze of rock were more than enough to keep the repair stations in business, with their frequent need of repairs and servicing.

  "Captain, the sensor reflections from all of these asteroids is making it impossible to locate any clear space, but it appears to become less dense 20° to starboard."

sp; "Sultan adjust our course 20° to starboard. Let us hope for some clear space ahead."

  "Gladly Captain, I can't take much more of those rocks banging against our hull."

  After few dozen more collisions, we broke through the asteroid field into a clear pocket of space. Mike, Jane, and several crew members took advantage of the clear space to suit up and inspect the hull for damage. While they were inspecting the hull and making needed repairs, Amber took advantage of the open space to increase her scan range. "Captain, I have what appears to be a fleet of ships on our long-range sensors. I am not detecting any activity."

  "I'm not detecting any communications signals. They are receiving but not answering my hails," Jewel added to Amber's report.

  "Persephone, silence our transponders. Let's not advertise who we are until we know more about the fleet of ships. Sultan, adjust our course to intercept the unknown ships ahead."

  Mikes voice came in clear and strong from the ship's comms, "Captain, the damage to our forward armor is worse than I thought. It will have to be repaired before we can continue through the asteroid field. We risk hull rupture if we continue without repairing and replacing some of our armor platings."

  "Go ahead and start repairs. We are moving across the void to what appears to be a fleet of ships. They may have some armor plating we can trade for if we don't have enough spare plating in our cargo holds."

  "Give us some warning if they appear to be unfriendly. I don't want to be caught out here if there's trouble."

  "So far they aren't responding to our hails and there is no activity from them. I will keep you informed of any changes."

  Red's ship fared much better than ours. He had several divots in his armor plating where asteroids impacted with his hull. Several pieces of plating were also cracked. The damage to his hull was minor in comparison to the Persephone's. Teams of his workers were taking advantage of their time to weld the cracked plating on the Vengeance. The Falcon and the Griffon were relatively undamaged, needing only minor repairs.


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