Love Imagines (Sully Point, Book 6)

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Love Imagines (Sully Point, Book 6) Page 11

by Smith, Nicole

  "Does anyone want ice cream with it?" she asked.

  "Are you kidding me? This is so rich I'll be working for the rest of the week to get rid of these calories," Rose said, and then laughed. "But hey, it's my vacation so I guess that doesn't really matter. Please, though, no ice cream."

  Beth said, "Ice cream for me please."

  "You always did eat everything," Maggie said.

  The men took a bite of the cake and agreed with Rose.

  While having the dessert and coffee, decaffeinated, they discovered that all three couples liked playing board games. Maggie was excited.

  "Mostly everyone in the family plays cards, but nobody wants to play with Eric because of his photographic memory and him being a genius and all."

  There was a pause as they absorbed that statement.

  "There's lots of sitting around on movie sets, and I've played everything," Ben said.

  "I haven't played anything in ages, but it sounds like fun," Rose said.

  "How about playing a game now?" Maggie said. "It's not too late. Although, you know, we have all those extra bedrooms upstairs. You guys could just spend the night if we really get into playing."

  Rose looked at Maggie with widened eyes, but Maggie gave her a completely innocent look back. "Thanks, dear sister, but I think we should all plan to sleep in our respective homes."

  Maggie shrugged and Eric got out a large drawing tablet and set it on an easel.

  "Pictionary!" Beth said, delighted.

  The six of them had a blast playing women against men. The women won, just barely. Then William reminded Beth and Ben they had to be up for rehearsals in the morning, and they decided to call it a night.

  "Thanks, Maggie, for everything. The shopping trip today and dinner tonight really kept my mind off things," Rose said. She hugged Maggie, and then turned to Beth and hugged her too.

  Ben shook Eric's hand, but Maggie wouldn't let him get away without a hug.

  "It was a wonderful evening, both of you. Thanks," Ben said.

  Rose looked at him and realized they'd have to separate to go home. She suddenly threw herself into his arms and squeezed tight. She felt his arms encircling her.

  Beth said, "We'll just leave you two..."

  Maggie said, "You can let yourselves out."

  Once she heard their footsteps walk away, Rose whispered, "Kiss me."

  They kissed passionately, a kiss that felt like it would last forever, a kiss beyond imagination.

  Finally, Rose pulled away from him. "We can't stand here all night. Either we take up Maggie on her offer of a bedroom or we leave separately."

  Ben sighed and pulled her to him again, rubbing her back lightly. "I don't want to leave you, but I think it would be best. At least until they find her, we have to be ultra-careful."

  He kissed her gently one more time and then opened the door to their security guards.

  * * * *

  Sophia knocked briskly on Rose's door the next morning. When it opened, she was confronted with her eldest daughter looking bleary-eyed and out of sorts.

  "Oh, it's you, Mom. Come on in."

  "And good morning to you, too, darling. Heavens, you look awful."

  Rose turned and glared at her, then continued on walking into the kitchen.

  "I brought you a cup of coffee from the Bakery," Sophia said and set down a bag on the table. She opened it up and handed over a large coffee to Rose, who gave her a grateful smile. Pastries were next out of the bag, cinnamon rolls scattered with pecans and drizzled with icing, and still warm.

  Rose picked one up and took a bite. She closed her eyes. "This should be illegal it's so sweet and rich."

  Sophia laughed and sat down opposite her daughter. "I still don't know what possessed Maggie to paint this kitchen yellow and orange. It is too much of a good thing, if you ask me."

  "As opposed to your favorite backdrop of white or cream, so that your designs show up in startling and vivid color."

  "Speaking of designs, I thought Maggie took you shopping for clothes. What on earth are you wearing?"

  "My nightshirt and some sweatpants. Why?"

  "Didn't Maggie buy you any nice lingerie or loungewear?"

  "Yes." Rose took another bite of the cinnamon roll.

  "Then why aren't you wearing it?"

  "Mom...those nice things are for when Ben is around. When it's just me, I figure wearing the old stuff is okay."

  "Rose Amelia Carter. Have I taught you nothing? You dress for yourself, not just for some man. If you wear nice things you feel better. I bet you'd have been in a better mood this morning if you'd been wearing silk or something beautiful."

  Rose began to laugh. A little chuckle at first, and then great big laughs that doubled her over.

  Sophia stared at her.

  "Mother...clothes...are not going to help the situation," Rose finally said. "There's a disturbed woman out there who has already injured someone. She wants Ben. Maybe to hurt him. Or she wants to hurt me. Either way, some silk and pretty colors aren't going to improve my mood."

  Sophia shook her head and crossed her arms. "It couldn't hurt."

  This set Rose off again laughing, although this time, the laughs turned into sobs. Soon Sophia was up and standing by her daughter's chair, as Rose hugged her around the waist and cried.

  "What am I going to do, Mom? I think I'm in love with him."

  "Do? Do you have to do anything, darling? Just love him. Everything will work out." She ran her hand gently down the strawberry blonde hair that was still mussed from sleep. "Come now, let's get you cleaned up. I'll comb your hair out for you. You used to love that when you were little."

  "Okay. Can I bring my coffee while you do that?" Rose asked in a small voice.


  Then Sophia hugged Rose tightly for a moment. "I love you."

  "I love you, too, Mom."

  Rose went into the bedroom and got her large-toothed comb and Sophia began combing out her hair.

  "This does remind me of when I was little."

  "You cut your hair, I noticed."

  "Not all that much, but waist-length was just too much. The hospital left me no time to take care of it."

  "What happened, Rose? Really. I know you wanted to get that clinic established. Did you step on somebody's toes?"

  Sophia waited in silence for almost a full minute, and then Rose sighed.

  "I think I was a burn-out case for a while before it all went down. So when the clinic thing came up, I just obsessed about it. All I ever saw was traumatic injuries, and too many times, death. The clinic would have been about prevention, about keeping people healthy, not about treating gunshot and stabbing wounds every single day. But the funding just wasn't there, and yes, I did step on toes trying to get it off the ground."

  "So what happens now?" Sophia asked, pulling the comb carefully through the long hair.

  "They don't want me back at the hospital."


  "Yes, it's true. However, an offer has been made to me."

  Rose turned to face Sophia, her face very serious.

  "What is it?"

  "Doc Watson, here in town, has asked me to join him, to eventually take over the practice here in Sully Point."

  It took all of Sophia's self-control not to jump up and down at this news. But she remained calm, and nodded slowly.

  "How do you feel about that?"

  Rose's lips quirked into a bit of a smile. "Well, it is nice to know there is a job out there. On the other hand, I wonder about such a drastic change of pace. I like this town, but to stay here permanently...I'd never envisioned that."

  "But wasn't the pace at the hospital part of the problem, part of what caused you to burn out?"

  "Yes, it was part of it. I also know that I thrived on that adrenalin rush you get working in the Emergency Room. Could I really adjust to not having that?"

  "How has it been for you since you've been here? Have you missed the action?"

p; Rose gave a little laugh. "Yesterday I was bored out of my mind at one point, but that may have been because I was sitting around here doing nothing. If I took the job, I'd do a lot with education and prevention and not just seeing people in the office."

  "That sounds like something that would appeal to you after what you tried to do with the clinic idea."

  "Yes, I do think it would be fun and fulfilling for me."

  "Then...what's the hold-up? Why not tell Doc that you want the job? You know that the family would love having you live here."

  "Mom...what about Ben? He lives in L.A. and I'd be here. I don't want a long-distance relationship."

  "Is it that serious with you two?"

  "It could be, I think."

  "Well then, you just have to talk to him about it when the time is right. Maybe there is some sort of compromise. Look at Beth and William. Their home base is Sully Point, but they do spend time in other places."

  "Yes, but if I'm going to be the town doctor, I can't just go flitting off wherever at the drop of a hat."

  Sophia stared into Rose's big brown eyes and sighed. "Darling, I think you need more time to figure this out. See where things go with Ben. Perhaps talk to Doc Watson some more about what is involved in the job. You don't need to decide this today. Sit with it for a while and see how you feel. I don't think you should make any choices until after this Suzanne thing has been cleared up."

  Rose's face tightened and anger sparked in her eyes. She stood up and began pacing.

  "That's another thing. I can't even be with Ben without being afraid she's watching and will attack us. I don't think we should keep our relationship a secret and I'm going to tell Dad that today. We are changing our behavior to accommodate her, and that feels wrong."

  "Just be careful, Rose. The woman is unstable. I don't want anything to happen to you."

  Rose stopped pacing and smiled. "Don't worry. I don't want anything to happen to me either. I hope they can find her and arrest her for her attack on Lucretia. Then this would be over."

  Sophia didn't think it was going to be that easy, but she didn't say anything else. She'd done some reading on the internet about stalking and came away from it more alarmed than she'd been before. She knew Ed was much more concerned than he was saying aloud.

  "What was your plan for today?"

  "I have no plans. Well, I was going to help Maggie with the nursery, since Ben is going to be at the Playhouse for most of the day."

  "Why don't you come with me? I was going to drive to a fabric outlet a couple of towns over from here. You could choose some material for a few dresses. I was sketching last night and have some designs that will look sensational on you. I'll call Maggie and let her know you'll help her out another day. I'm sure she'll understand."

  Rose frowned. "Mom, Maggie just bought me a bunch of new clothes."

  Sophia shook her head. "Those are for the summer, around here. What I have in mind is formal wear, for when you appear on the red carpet at a movie premiere with Ben."

  The smile that lit up Rose's face warmed Sophia's heart.

  * * * *

  Frank was on the phone with the butcher shop. "That's right. Ten more pounds of chicken and ribs each."

  He got off the phone as William walked into the store.

  "Frank, I need to tell you that I've invited the cast of the play to the barbecue tomorrow."

  "You have? Damn, and I just got off the phone with the butcher."

  "They've been working really hard, and I thought it would be a nice way to reward them. But it may have just about doubled the amount of people who'll be there."

  "No worries. Sam and Cody are paying the bills at the butcher shop and grocery. We have a whole slew of grills lined up. I think we have enough side dishes, but if any of your people want to bring something, they are welcome to do so."

  "What about entertainment?" asked William.

  "We have a badminton set and volleyball net to set up, and Cody is bringing some jet skis over there. Tell your people to bring their own towels and blankets for the beach and we'll be all set."

  William nodded. "I wonder if anyone will notice the security guards that will be out on the beach, too."

  "I know," Frank said. "Isn't that a hell of a thing? Poor Lucretia. Is she out of the hospital yet?"

  "Oh, yes. She came to rehearsals today. Fortunately, the part of the play we are rehearsing has her reclining in bed, so it was fairly easy on her."

  A voice from behind William said, "You have to wonder though, don't you? About what she could have done to bring something like that upon herself?"

  Frank mumbled, "Dammit Maelynne."

  William whirled around. "Listen up, Maelynne. Don't you go spreading rumors about what happened to Lucretia. She was attacked. She didn't do anything wrong. It's just like you to try and find something bad about the victim to blame them."

  Maelynne's eyes glittered, but Frank noticed that her voice maintained its virtuous tone. "My, my, Mr. Christopher. Aren't you the quick defender there. But maybe that's because she's one of your actresses. I've heard things about some of your cast. One in particular. A slightly famous young man who was hiding the fact that his fiancée had arrived here in town. I bet you didn't even know that he's just out-and-out dumped the poor girl. Ruined her and set her aside like trash."

  Frank saw William's body stiffen and he wanted to say something but wasn't sure what. Clearly, Maelynne had talked to that stalker woman.

  William gave a chuckle after a minute, surprising Frank. "Maelynne, when are you going to learn not to listen to gossip? That particular young man has no fiancée. He never did. Whoever told you that lied to you."

  "But she said—"

  "Like I just said, you were lied to. Someone is using you to spread an untrue rumor. I wonder why she's doing that Maelynne. You might want to give that some thought before you spread this rumor around town."

  With that, William turned back to Frank, his face changing as he turned from Maelynne to look very serious.

  "So we're all set, Frank? And I'll just pass the word on to double up on things?"

  "That's right, William. I'll see you Saturday," Frank said and watched the director pass by Maelynne with a smile on his face again. It seemed like William wasn't a half-bad actor himself.

  "Hmph," Maelynne uttered, and quickly left the store.

  Frank gave a sigh of relief at seeing her leave and then picked up the phone to double his meat order with the butcher.

  * * * *

  "She said what?" Ben almost shouted.

  William just looked at him and nodded his head.

  "Fiancée? Is she nuts?"

  "Well, I think that is what we are assuming, yes."

  "This is beyond anything. I'm going to see Rose. I don't want her hearing this from anyone."

  "What about you two staying away from each other?"

  "I think that's been a mistake. Suzanne has to face reality, and Rose and I are very much a reality."

  Ben walked quickly out the doors of the Playhouse. He'd been talking to the costume designer when William had returned with the latest news. As he exited, Leo and Kevin came up to him.

  "What's up?" asked Leo.

  "I'm going to see Rose. I have to speak to her right away."

  "Might want to just call her."

  "No, I'm going to see her. Although, I suppose I should check and make sure she's home."

  He pulled out his cell phone and called her number.


  "Yes, Ben. I'm here."

  "We need to talk about something. Are you home?"

  "No, I'm at a fabric store with my mother. I'll be home in about an hour. Are you coming over?"

  "Yes, and don't try and talk me out of it."

  "No, I'm not going to. I decided this morning that we need to live our lives and not let her control what we do."

  "That's exactly what I think, too. I'll come over in an hour or so."

  "I'll see you then."
  Ben put away his phone. "Okay, guys. We've got an hour to kill. Let's go find Ed and tell him the latest."

  "You haven't told us the latest yet, either," Kevin pointed out.

  "Right. You'll hear it then, too, so I don't have to repeat myself."

  They met up with Ed Carter at his house. At first, Ed was outraged.

  "Absolutely not! Do you realize the chances you'd be taking with my daughter's life?"

  "She agrees with me, Ed. We are letting Suzanne control our behavior. That can't be right. We have the security guards. We'll be careful."

  "Why does she think she was your fiancée? Were you two ever engaged?"

  "Engaged? We hardly even dated. Seriously, a few dates and she thinks we were going to get married? Believe me, there was nothing even remotely like that. This is part of her fantasy world."

  Ed sighed. "Damn. Well, all right. You were both going to be at the barbecue, and anyone who's around you can see that you have feelings for each other. We'll try it your way."

  He stood up and motioned to the security guards. "You guys need to keep an eagle eye out at the barbecue. There will be a bunch of people there. And seeing as how you're all here three come out to the garage and help me put these two grills into the SUV."

  * * * *

  The forest green jersey material sparkled as if the stars were spread upon it. Rose held it up in front of her body and looked in the mirror. The strapless tight-fitted bodice was going to look sophisticated, yet sexy, made up in this material. The skirt would be in the same color but the sparkles would gradually change in size and turn into sequins in a swirl at the bottom part of the dress. Sophia had told her to take the material into her apartment and look through her jewelry to see if anything would go with it. Rose already knew that nothing she had was sparkly enough.

  She realized she was looking forward to working with her mother on the dress. Rose would mostly be standing around as a mannequin to be fitted for the dress, but Sophia in full design mode was fun to watch. Like her sisters, she'd spent time at Sophia's studio as a child, playing with dolls, dressing them up, and watching the brilliant designer who was also 'Mom' bossing people around as she created gorgeous wearable art. Now Rose would have one of her mother's elegant designs for her very own.


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