Writing Our Love

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by Sammi Cee

  Writing Our Love

  Sammi Cee

  Copyright © 2018 by Sammi Cee

  Published in the United States by Sammi Cee

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any format or by any means without the prior written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. As are any similarities to any businesses, events or locations.

  All products and brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holder and or company. I do not own the rights to these, nor do I claim to.

  Cover Design by Jay Aheer

  * * *

  Writing Our Love is a standalone MMF bisexual ménage romance. It is intended for reader (18+) due to adult situations

  Thank you, thank you, to the ladies who carry me and my Butch! This journey wouldn't be half as awesome without you!


  Diary Excerpt

  1. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  2. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  3. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  4. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  5. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  6. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  7. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  8. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  9. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  10. Shayna



  11. Shayna



  12. Shayna



  Diary Excerpt

  13. Shay



  Diary Excerpt

  14. Shay



  Diary Excerpt

  15. Shay



  Diary Excerpt

  16. Shay



  Diary Excerpt

  17. Shay



  Diary Excerpt

  Chapter 18



  Learn More About Sammi Cee

  Diary Excerpt

  Starting this journey is exciting but scary, Shell says I can do it, and my parents are extremely supportive, so I know I can. I’ve met so many other nice people in the writer’s group I joined. It helps to know I have people to talk to. It’s a support system I never hoped to find. Irene and I seem to get along exceptionally well, which is nice since she’s the only one who lives close. Hopefully, we’ll meet up soon. The things that come out of her crack me up. I’ve never seen one person say fuck and cock quite so much, and so creatively. But I can do this. I know I can.




  Walking into the restaurant, I’m praying there’s a seat at the bar. Many times when I go out, I don’t mind my own company. But tonight, even if it’s just chatting with the bartender, I need human interaction. I’ve been staring at my computer screen all day, even the tons of messages that I returned throughout the day didn’t quell my loneliness.

  My deadline is quickly approaching, while it’s a self-imposed deadline, it’s still important to me. This opportunity to take six months off of work and complete a novel is my life’s dream, and time will get away from me if I don’t focus. The short stories I’ve been writing for myself for years are great— I love them, I do— but I’ve been hungering to do something more.

  “Good evening, seating for one?” the perky little hostess asks with a genuine smile. I’m in here a lot for dinner or brunch. The staff all knows me at least by sight, and I try to make sure to always tip at least twenty-five percent so that they’ll take good care of me. It’s working so far.

  “Hi honey, I think I’m going to sit at the bar tonight if there’s a spot.”

  “You know how popular tonight is,” she says with a grin. “But yes, there’s still availability up there when I last passed through. Go ahead on over. Bobby will take care of ya.”

  “He always does.” I wink at her, and we both laugh. Bobby is everyone’s favorite bartender. He’s completely fabulous and a load of fun. No one can sit at the bar when Bobby’s working and leave without a smile on their face. He treats each patron like they’re special, never forgets a face, or a drink. He’s one of the reasons I’m here tonight and wanting to eat dinner at the bar.

  Making my way through the large main room to the side where the bar is located, it’s obvious that it’s another busy Thursday night. Bobby’s boyfriend, Sean, is a DJ, and he packs it in here on Thursday nights. It’s such fun to watch him get the crowd excited and up on their feet. The two of them have earned quite a reputation and with that, a huge following. They come as a pair, so wherever Sean is DJ’ing, the place gives Bobby access to the bar for the night.

  A quick scan to the right as I get to the bar shows a seat around the other side in between a couple and a man who appears to be alone. Cool. Maybe he’ll be willing to chat; at this point, I don’t even care if it’s stimulating or not. It’s got to be better than the conversation I’ve been having with my cat all day.

  Quickly walking around to make sure no one else moves in and snags my seat, I slide between it and the man who’s with his girlfriend, sliding up onto the stool as gracefully as possible. Unfortunately, that’s too much to hope for as the man is obviously a few drinks in and gesturing wildly to the delight of his companion.

  Before I can go all the way off the seat to the other side trying to miss a jerking elbow, the man on the other side stops my momentum and helps me settle safely into my seat. As I go to thank him, Bobby is leaning across the bar to grab my hand and tug me toward him. “You okay, Shayna-girl? What’ve I told you about being careful? You’re just a little slip of a thing,” Bobby scolds me across the bar.

  Gah! One of the reasons I love this man. I’m not the smallest lady in the world, pleasantly plump really. I have no issues with how I look because I feel great, but I know others doesn’t view it that way, except for people like Bobby. Bobby always treats me like a little-bitty knockout.

  Shaking my head and laughing at him, I say, “Bobby, you’re such a charmer. You know I’m no little-bitty thing. Besides, I can hold my own just fine.”

  A smoky voice says from beside me, “Darlin’, I beg to differ. Bobby’s right, you’re just precious. You can’t be what five foot two? Definitely a little-bitty lady.”

  Finally turning to face my savior from a moment ago, I’m struck by the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen. Holy cow! His smile is sitting somewhere between friendly and a smirk. Like he hasn’t really decided how he wants to play this, yet. Hmm… “Well, thank you very much. Both of you. If you’re dishing out the compliments, I’m gonna take them. And thank you for not letting me fall on my butt. I appreciate that. I like my drinks without a side of humiliation.”

  Tossing back his head and laughing for a minute, the stranger turns his massive body all the way towards me and leans his elbow on the counter. Once he’s settled, he goes from being on the verge of flirty to just outright friendly.
His smile turns boyish, which is completely charming on a man who looks to be in his mid-thirties with a massive body, and he says, “How about I buy you that drink, precious?”

  “Well,” I say in my most prim and proper voice. “I’d love to take you up on that if you’re still here in say, half an hour, but first I have to eat something. I haven’t had a thing all day, and I don’t want to upset my delicate belly. I am precious you know.”

  He chuckles before extending his right hand to me. “I’m Cooper, my friends call me Coop. I believe I heard Bobby call you Shayna, correct?”

  Smiling, I reach out my own hand to shake his huge paw. Everything about this guy is just massive compared to me. “Yes, Cooper. My name is Shayna. I don’t think we’ve worked up to precious, yet.”

  Bobby startles me when he starts giggling. I didn’t even realize he was still standing at the bar in front of us. “Huh, guess you haven’t worked up to being Coop, yet, either, big boy. You gotta watch this one. She’s feisty.”

  I had turned back to Bobby as he spoke, but my eyes dart right back to Cooper when he drawls, “No, Bobby. I guess I haven’t. I’ll just have to earn both, won’t I?” At that, he gives me a wink, and I’m suddenly very glad I came to the bar tonight.


  Ha! Well, isn’t Shayna a pleasant surprise. I’m here tonight to watch Sean do his thing behind the DJ booth. I’ve only been out to see him a couple times since I retired from the military a little over a year ago. Sean and I were friends back in high school when being gay or bisexual didn’t make you the most popular guys in school. We stuck by each other’s side, and since he’s not the biggest guy, I was always protective of him.

  I’d decided to get out for a beer or two tonight to watch him since I knew I could sit at the bar and enjoy his boyfriend’s company during the show. I couldn’t have found someone more suited for my old friend than Bobby. He’s such an extrovert where Sean is actually rather introverted unless he’s DJ’ing.

  “Well, Bobby, I guess you better get this lady a menu,” I say.

  “No, actually I know exactly what I’m having tonight Bobby.” Shayna shoots me a big impish grin before looking back to Bobby. “Give me the twelve-ounce steak, medium rare, with asparagus and a side salad with French dressing. Oh, and for now I’ll take an iced tea.”

  Bobby smiles at her affectionately, and I can tell this must be one of his favorite customers. I can see why. Her voice has a lyrical quality to it, and she’s smiling at Bobby like an old friend rather than someone she’s waiting to serve her. He raps his left knuckle against the bar before responding, “That’s my girl. If you haven’t eaten today, you need to eat well. Let me get that ordered for you, and I’ll bring you back your tea.”

  Before he can walk off, I say, “You know what? I think I’ll have the same thing. It sounds good.”

  Bobby shakes his head at me and I hear him mutter, “Suck-up,” as he goes to place our orders.

  As Shayna spins her chair back around to face me, the idiot behind her pushes his back into the side of her chair. Not wanting to cause a scene and make the pretty lady think I’m a hot-head, I suggest, “Why don’t we switch seats? He’s gonna end up pushing you over, and I’m pretty sure he’s not moving me.” I stand up so she knows it’s not a discussion. I’m actually scared he’s gonna end up hurting her.

  She shakes her head a little with an amused grin, but thankfully, she accommodates my request, and as she shimmies between our seats and the bar, I walk around the back of hers and give her former seat buddy a firm nudge toward his date as I take her vacated seat. Spinning the chair so I’m looking directly at her, I ask, “What brings a pretty lady like you out tonight on your own?”

  Rolling her eyes, she answers, “You can lay off the compliments, you know. I’m already more than willing to sit and have dinner and a drink with you. Actually, a little company is just what I needed after today. I was hungry and frustrated, and Bobby is always a good one to pull me out of a mood.”

  Her lips haven’t drawn down once since she first arrived, and we got her settled in. If this is what she looks like when she needs to be cheered up, then she’s the type of person I want to spend time with.

  We make general small talk about the weather and the crowd in the bar until our food arrives. When Bobby places our food down before us, we settle into a companionable silence while we eat. The people in the restaurant are fun to watch and Bobby is at his entertaining best. Several of the crowd who follow him and Sean from place to place are here, so there’s an electric energy in the air and a feeling of excitement.

  As Shayna swallows her last bite, she asks, “So you still gonna buy me a drink there, Cooper?”

  “But of course.” Turing my head toward the other end of the bar, I yell, “Bobby, precious is ready for a drink now.”

  Before I can turn back to her, Shayna is poking me in my side. “I don’t know anything about you, yet, Cooper. I do believe I told you that you had to work up to precious.” She gives me a teasing grin and I chuckle.

  “What would you like to know?”

  As she starts to open her mouth to answer, Bobby is back with a drink that he sets in front of Shayna, and he sets a beer in front of me. “One double gin and tonic with three limes. I’ll be back to chat with y’all in a minute now that you’ve eaten.” Giving her another exaggerated wink, he picks up our empty plates and is off to the other side of the bar.

  Shayna sings out, “Thank you, Bobby,” to his retreating back before fixing her gaze on me. “Well, why don’t you tell me what you do for a living?”

  “Right now, I’m doing consulting jobs. I was in the military for seventeen years. I loved every minute of it, but when I got out, I wanted to have more control of my schedule with a helluva lot more flexibility. So now it’s my turn. What do you do that brought you in here tonight frustrated, but had you forgetting to eat all day?”

  “Cooper, you’ll never believe it.”

  “Try me.” How bad could it be?

  “Well, I was in administration for a company that eventually went out of business, so I’m taking a little time to myself before I look for another job to try my hand at writing.”

  “Hey, that’s cool. What do you write?”

  Shayna chokes on her drink and gasps before looking up at me with big eyes. “Um…I guess I should have expected that to be your next question, huh?”

  “Ohhh…what are you writing?” Waiting to hear her answer is entertaining. She’s turned the prettiest shade of pink while she seems to deliberate answering me.

  “Ok, well, I’m assuming since your friends with Bobby and Sean, this won’t make you run screaming from me. I’m having a lovely time; I’d hate for you to go now.” Instead of answering, I merely raise one eyebrow up at her and roll my hand for her to continue.

  Breathing out, she shakes her head to the side before focusing her eyes on the bar and muttering, “I’m taking time to try my hand at writing gay romance. Um…right now I’m writing about two men, but I’m hoping to make it into a series and write about two women next.”

  “That’s so cool.”

  Popping her focus back at me, her face breaks into a beaming smile before she asks, “You really think so, or you’re just saying that to be nice?

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I think so? If you’re worried I’m judging you writing romance, then don’t. I think it’s great that you can write, and you’re spending some time to pursue that. And I know we don’t know each other, yet, but I’m bisexual so the gay romance thing certainly doesn’t bother me. I think that’s extraordinary. I don’t think I even knew there were such a thing as gay romance.”

  “You know, Coop, I think I like you.”

  Ha! She called me Coop! We spent the rest of the night with her telling me about her plans for her series. She described the street they lived on, and all the different characters she had plans for. Her excitement was contagious, and I found myself sucked into the lives that she was creating. Her love
for writing them was palatable, as was her irritation at herself for not finding a groove, yet.

  By the time I paid the bill— much to her chagrin since I didn’t let her pay a dime— we had exchanged phone numbers with my promise that I would help her if any questions came up for her sex scenes. Well, that’s why she wanted to exchange numbers. By the end of the night I know that Shayna’s divorced— and rarely dates— has a 20 year-old-daughter she adores, a cat she named Kitty, and is six years older than me.

  I walk her out to her car before going back in to the restaurant to say goodnight to my friends. Bobby’s standing over with Sean as he packs up his equipment.

  Strolling over to my friend, I put my hand on his shoulder and lean against him. “Great night, Sean. You just get better and better. You had everyone in here on their feet and having a good time.”

  “Now, Coop, I know I was busy, but not so busy I didn’t notice you didn’t walk away from a certain beauty all night. I’m surprised you even heard the music, more less noticed the crowd.”


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