Writing Our Love

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Writing Our Love Page 4

by Sammi Cee

  Slipping my hand between her legs and up to the juncture between her thighs, squeezing lightly as I lean my head onto hers, I murmur, “The other part of me wants to throw you up on this table and eat you for dinner.”

  With our head together, it’s almost impossible to focus on her face, but I zero in on her eyes as they glaze over and her thighs squeeze together squishing my hand. My intention really had been to push her off my lap and into her chair until after dinner. After all, it smells delicious. But now that I’ve kissed her, and I can feel the heat radiating from her pussy, the chivalry is gone.

  Pushing my head up under hers, I latch onto her neck and suck before giving it a little nip. The sweet little gasp that leaves her mouth takes my dick from hardening to fully ready to go. Since she’d given me the tour of her house before, I don’t hesitate to stand up with her in my arms, making my way down the hall to drop her on her bed. No longer able to control myself, I attack her. And my precious-girl doesn’t disappoint.

  As I undo the buttons on her blouse, she undoes the buttons of my shirt. When I move to pull her leggings down, she’s already unzipping my jeans, as I plunge my fingers up into her tight hole, she’s grabbing my cock. Our clothes are half undone laying twisted around us, and it’s like neither of us can stop each other long enough to get fully unclothed. What should have been soft kisses for our first time together, are brutal gnashing of our lips and furious strokes of our tongues, kisses that almost border on painful.

  Yet, it’s still not enough. Finally, standing up I pull her leggings and panties the rest of the way off while I move to remove the rest of my clothes. She shrugs the rest of the way out of her blouse and turns to reach under the pillow next to her producing a condom. The triumphant gleam in her eye makes me want to make her wait. But we both know she has me right where she wants me. Blanketing myself over the top of her, I grab the condom out of her hand before I begin moving down her body, sucking her skin into my mouth before nipping at the spots I leave behind.

  Once she’s a quivering mess, I lean up to roll the condom on and fasten my lips over hers. Plunging my dick into her pussy, I take her at a brutal pace that she has her hips rising and meeting mine with enthusiasm. Our breathing echoes harshly in the quiet room, and her moans only encourage me to pick up the punishing pace. Her legs wrap around my back, and I push her deeper into the bed trying to fuse us together.

  Knowing that I’m not going to be able to hold myself back from coming, I reach down between us and rub her clit. As she screams, “Coop!” I bite down on her neck and come, hard.

  Feeling her move one hand up to begin to gently massage my neck, I rest on her carefully so as not to squash her. “Hey, sweets. I guess you changed your mind about not thinking we’re ready to have sex.” Shayna chuckles quietly.

  Snorting, I bury my face farther in her neck and breathe her in. She always smells like a mix of eucalyptus and vanilla. Who knew this would become my favorite smell in the world?

  Pulling out and rolling off of Shayna, I remove the condom as she cuddles up to me. Not wanting to just drop it on the floor in case Kitty wanders in, I tie it up and set it on the side table to discard later. When my heart finishes feeling like it’s gonna hammer out of my body, I squeeze her to my side a little tighter. “Sorry about that, precious. I don’t know what came over me. Our first time should’ve been…I don’t know…more—”

  She cuts me off. “You better hush up. You’re going to ruin it for me because I thought it was perfect. Although, next time we’re eating first so you don’t gnaw me to death.” She turns her head and nips my chest. Gah! This woman!


  “Hello,” Coop answers the phone.

  “Hey, Coop. How ya been, man?”

  “You can’t even imagine,” he says. “When you coming? You ready? Do you need me to come help you?”

  “No man, I’m good. But what do you mean I couldn’t even imagine? What’s going on with you?”

  The laugh that comes from over the line is odd. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard Coop sound like this before. Then it hits me. “Holy shit, Coop. You’re in love, aren’t ya?”

  “Get out of my head, Eli. How’d you even know that’s what I was thinking?”

  “Um…cause I’m your best friend. I know you better than anyone.”

  “True,” he says. Then after a snort he says, “It’s the weirdest thing. I’ve only known Shayna a little over two weeks, and I already can’t picture life without her. Like, if I didn’t have Bear to come home to, I’d probably be trying to get her to let me move in with her.” He laughs at himself before snorting again. “Ok, how about you? What’re we doing?”

  “Yeah, I actually did call for a reason. I need some advice.”

  “Okay, what’s up?”

  “I think the company I’m going to work for sent me the wrong paperwork.”

  “Huh? What do you mean the wrong paperwork?” Coop asks.

  “So, the lady who hired me said she was sending over the paperwork for my new job, right?”


  “Well, I get all these forms I need to fill out and stuff for employment. You know, all standard stuff I expected. But then I get this page of job duties for the foreman along with salaries and how bonus’ work for the position. I didn’t apply for a foreman position, so I know she made a mistake, but I’m embarrassed to call and ask her for the stuff for the right paperwork. Maybe it’ll make her feel dumb she made a mistake, and she won’t want me to come work there anymore.”

  “Woah, Eli, buddy. Slow down, man. Maybe she didn’t make a mistake. You’re perfectly qualified to be a foreman on any construction site.”

  “Do you really believe that?” I ask, momentarily stunned that he thinks I can handle such an important position.

  “I know it, Eli. You have to get a clearer picture of yourself, man. Look all you accomplished while we were in service. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but you’re not the same kid you were when you joined up. You’ve grown into a fine man. I wish you’d believe me.”

  Leaning back into the couch, my leg begins bouncing, I close my eyes. Whispering into the phone, I say, “I think I started to know it, maybe believe it a little. But then I came back here. My parents don’t really talk to me, they just look at me. And my siblings aren’t much better. It’s so uncomfortable when I go over there for a meal with everyone. It makes me feel like they still see that kid who almost got himself killed. The one who only didn’t end up hurting someone else because of the grace of God. How do you ever come back from being that big a disappointment, Coop?”

  The silence between us extends for what feels like forever, although I can hear Coop doing something on the other end. Suddenly he says, “Okay, my schedule’s all clear, and my flight is booked. That’s convenient we’re close enough to drive, but far enough away I could book a flight. You’re picking me up at the airport in three days, we’ll load up whatever you’re bringing in the car, and I’ll drive back with you.”

  “What? No. You don’t have to do that. I’m not bringing a lot since you said the guest room is furnished, and I hadn’t really bought a lot for this place anyway. Don’t worry, I can get there on my own.”

  “Eli, there’s a lot of things you can do on your own. But this is something you don’t have to do on your own. It’s already done. Finish gathering your stuff and go say bye to your parents. I’m forwarding you my flight information so don’t be late, or I’m kicking your ass. I gotta date so I gotta go. Later.”

  Long after Coop hangs up, I’m still holding my phone to my ear. Finally, lowering it back down to my side, I realize that my face is wet from my tears. I don’t know if I’m thankful that Coop is coming to save me again, or if I’m more upset that I can’t seem to figure out how to save myself. That’s when it occurs to me, he never did tell me what he thinks I should do about my new job.

  Not wanting him to think that letting me live with him means he’s gonna have to start wiping my ass, too,
I open my laptop to email Cecile.

  Dear Cecile,

  * * *

  I’m sure you’re very busy, and I know that you were running an ad for several positions. I’m afraid that you accidentally sent me the job description for another new hire. If you would like to forward me the correct information, I’ll disregard this.

  * * *


  * * *

  Elijah Norton

  Her response to my email is instantaneous.

  Dear Mr. Norton,

  * * *

  I’m sorry about any confusion. I know that you applied for a laborer position, but based on your resume, I believe foreman is the job you are most qualified for. We look forward to working with you.

  * * *

  Highest Regards,

  * * *

  Cecile Norton

  Huh. This will make it easier to explain to my parents I’m moving away. Instead of it looking like I’m running from them, maybe I can make it sound like it’s because of the job opportunity. Although, I’m sure it’ll be a relief to them I’m going, this will still make it easier on all of us.

  Diary Excerpt

  Cooper is flying to bring Eli home right now. When he first told me Eli was coming, I don’t think I realized that he actually meant that Eli would be living with him. I keep waiting for the reality of the whole situation to bother me, but it doesn’t. Maybe that’ll change once Eli’s actually here, but I don’t feel like it will. Coop already made plans to bring Eli here for dinner a week after they’re back. The silly man said he’d need to spend a couple days home with Eli getting him settled in, and then he’d need some alone time with me for some good lovings. He’s such a charmer.

  * * *

  Irene thinks it’s awesome how open I’m being about the whole thing, and I’m glad I have her. Who would have known that joining an online writing group would give me such a good friend? I talk to my best friend Ruth about Coop all the time, of course, but I’m scared to tell her about Coop and Eli’s past, or even that Cooper is bisexual. She’s been pretty good about my whole writing gay romance thing, but I know she thinks it’s odd. If she ever read it, she’d either doubt being friends with me or she’d fall in love with it and get my love for it. Who knows…

  * * *

  One thing for sure, I need to take advantage of Cooper being gone and try to get some words down. I also have a couple of beta reads to do. It’s so fun watching my friends finish their books. I can’t even imagine yet what that feels like, that sense of accomplishment. But I will find out. I’m determined.




  *Me: I’m so nervous

  *BabyLove: Why

  *Me: What if he doesn’t like me?

  *BabyLove: Um…who cares???

  *Me: I do

  *BabyLove: Mom! You’re being ridiculous. First of all, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t like you. Second of all, what’s not to like about you?

  *Me: Thanks, honey.

  *BabyLove: Call me tomorrow and let me know how it goes. I’d say tonight, but I’m sure you’ll be doing the humpty-hump and I don’t want to intrude.

  *Me: I’m still your mother! Show some respect

  *BabyLove: ~gif of a spinning condom~

  *Me: Classy, Shelly. Real classy. Have a good night and BEHAVE!

  * * *

  At some point, I need to realize that my daughter isn’t the person to talk to if I want to overcome my anxiety. Surveying my closet is helping even less than texting Shelly did. Hearing the chime from my phone, I go to pick it up to see what other less than appropriate advice my daughter is providing. I’m pleasantly surprised when I see it’s from Cooper.

  * * *

  *Sweets: Hey, Precious

  *Me: Hiya, sweets. Is everything okay?

  *Sweets: Yep, but I wanted to make sure you’re okay. If you’re anywhere near as nervous as Eli, then you’re freaking out right now.

  *Me: What is Eli freaking out about?

  *Sweets: Meeting you silly

  *Me: But why is he freaking out about meeting me? I’m the new gf who has to rate.

  *Sweets: LOL. I’ll tell you like I told him. You have to love each other, there are no other options cause I’m keeping you both

  *Me: LOL. Ok! I guess that helps make me feel better

  *Sweets: We’ll be there soon. <3

  * * *

  Okay, they’ll be here soon. Right. Okay, Shayna-girl, pull it together. My daughter is absolutely right, it’ll be fine. Of course, she doesn’t know the history between these two, or that my new boyfriend spent an arm and a leg to get a flight to go move his friend, who, by the way, they used to share women. And while they were at it, occasionally, they did things with each other. Sigh. I like to think I’m a progressive, modern woman, but I’m not really sure I feel like I can compare to the history they have with each other.

  Grabbing my favorite teal wrap out of my closet, I put it on over my standard black leggings and black cami. It’ll have to do for tonight. I can’t go getting all dressed up for his friend to come to my house for dinner. I want to be presentable without looking like I’m trying too hard.

  Going back into my kitchen to check on dinner, I scoop Kitty up on the way. She’s spent most of the day weaving in and out between my feet, as she tends to do when I’m nervous. Stroking her soft fur, she cuddles into me, and I walk into the kitchen only to shake my head at how ridiculous I’m being. I’m making a roasted chicken for goodness sake. Everything is on timer right now, the table is set, and there is absolutely no reason for me to be walking around fussing.

  After pouring myself a glass of wine, I walk back into my living room to settle on the couch with my kindle. Kitty curls up into a little ball on my lap, so I keep stroking her with my left hand while holding my kindle with my right. When I need to lean forward for my wine, Kitty saunters off my lap to jump up and settle on the top of the couch over my head. Ha-ha, this is normal for us. Pulling the throw that’s right next to her off the back of the couch, I relax with my story and get swept away.

  By the time the front door bell rings, I’m centered again, and excited to meet Elijah. Skipping up to the front door, I open it to my handsome man. He immediately scoops me up to press a kiss to my lips before setting me back on my feet. Smiling down at me, he takes a step to the side and turns to the man who is still hovering in the doorway. And if he’s not the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Precious, I’d like you to meet Elijah, Eli, for short. Eli, meet Shayna-girl,” he introduces us.

  Eli steps into the door with his hand outstretched and a hesitant smile on his face. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too, Eli. Coop has told me so much about you. Please, come in.” He shakes my hand with the just the right amount of pressure. Not like he thinks I’m some little meek and mild thing, but also not crushing me like I’m a man his size. He’s as gorgeous as Cooper, but in a different way. I know there’s only two years between them, but where Coop looks like he’s ready to take on the world, Eli looks like the world has already spit him out.

  Not being able to help myself, I wrap my arm through his and pull him toward the kitchen. “What can I get you to drink, Eli? I have a bottle of wine open for me or I keep a case of beer in the fridge for Coop. I also have water and Diet Coke, if you’d prefer.”

  “Oh, whatever’s the least amount of trouble,” he says.

  Coming to a stop, I turn to look up at him. “Eli, Coop is your best friend. I know we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from here on out. And I hope it’s not just if I come to his house, which I’ve never done, yet, by the way.” I glare back behind me to roll my eyes at Coop before looking back to Eli. “I’m hoping that you’ll feel comfortable enough to come over here and hang out with us, too. So what’ll be easiest for me is to know what you drink so I can keep it on hand.”

  “In that case, I’m not much of a wine drinker,
but I’d love a beer,” he says with a big, beautiful smile.

  After walking us the rest of the way into the kitchen, I leave him right inside the door to grab beer for him and Coop. As I hand Eli his, I say, “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  “No, Shay, it sure wasn’t.”


  When Eli calls Shayna, Shay, for some reason it makes my heart flip-flop in my chest. My girl had picked up on his discomfort and handled him perfectly. It’s always taken him a long time to adjust to new people, but his nicknaming her immediately let me know everything was going to work out just fine.

  “Shay, you’re gonna go with Shay?” I ask Eli.

  “Well, I’m not calling her precious, cause eww, what are you thinking? And Shayna-girl is too cutesy for such a lovely lady. But I’m not gonna be excluded from the pet name thing since we’re obviously all three gonna have to be best friends.”

  “I like it, lovey,” Shayna says. Again, wrapping her arm though Eli’s, and this time dragging him into the dining room. She stops at the seat she wants him to sit in, pointing at the chair next to it at the head of the table and tells me, “You sit there tonight, sweets.”

  It’s not my usual spot, but this is her house so it’s her show. I sit down, and she smiles at me sweetly while brushing her hand over my shoulder to go back into the kitchen.

  Eli yells after her, “Do you need help, Shay?”

  Rolling my eyes, I look over at him and mouth, “Suck up.”

  She yells back, “You’re so sweet, lovey. No, I’ve got it. I’ll be right there.” Eli starts laughing while I pretend to gag myself. It’s not that I wouldn’t have offered to help her myself, but laying the food out on the table is something she enjoys. Although, she has no problem with help taking the dishes back into the kitchen and cleaning up.


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