Writing Our Love

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Writing Our Love Page 12

by Sammi Cee


  I’m not sure what Shayna’s up to, and I’m no less confused than I was when I got up to come get some water, but I’m certainly not gonna stop whatever she has in mind.

  “So, I’m going to ask you questions and if you’re honest, not just with me, but with yourself, you’ll be rewarded,” she says.

  “Ok.” I’m already so distracted by the feel of her soft skin under my hands, and her breasts swaying slightly as she situates herself. My woman has the most amazing body. I was concerned after Jeannie’s attacks on her size that she would grow modest with me and hide herself, but she has been just as free being naked in my presence after that as she had been before. Her comfort in her own skin is part of what I find so incredibly sexy about her. My cock begins to thicken, and I hope this question and answer is going to be quick.

  As I lean in to suck one of her pink tipped nipples between my lips, she leans back and gently swats me on the nose. “No, no, no, we haven’t started yet. No rewards without answers.” She knows firsthand that I can happily suck on her nipples for hours, so I can’t even pretend I was doing it just for her. But she also doesn’t realize how ragged her breathing becomes and how she clenches her legs around me is part of the appeal.

  “Okay, ask away.”

  “We’ll start easy. You’ve always said that Eli is the most important person in the world to you now that your fathers passed, correct?”

  That’s easy, yet, does need clarification. “Yes, and outside of you now. I love you, too, my precious-girl.” Her eyes mist over as she pulls back to gaze into mine. With a smile, she leans forward and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “I believe you’re telling the truth. The kiss was just a bonus for loving me; I’ll start giving you your rewards now for honesty.” She wraps one hand around my half-hard cock. Giving it a gentle squeeze, she says, “If you want me to stroke it, answer me this, why have you always said Eli’s your best friend, but never once have you said he’s like a brother?”

  Huh, I’ve never even thought about it. Could it be because we’ve shared women and occasional quick hand-job? Closing my eyes, for the millionth time since earlier on the couch, I allow the years I’ve known Elijah to play through my head. Lying in bed earlier, while Shayna and Eli slept, I watched them and felt so conflicted. All I could think was that I couldn’t handle losing my best girl and my best guy, and that’s when it hits me—my best guy.

  My eyes fly open to see Shayna’s knowing smile already beaming at me. “There you go, sweets. You just figured it out, didn’t ya?” Without me even saying a word, her small hand begins to stroke up and down my shaft. “Good honey, very good. Do you want to keep playing?”

  “Yes.” Do I? I’m not sure, this revelation about my feelings for Eli is almost overwhelming, but Shayna’s firm stroke and compassionate smile are easing what could easily turn into panic.

  “I need you to say it, Cooper. Not for me, but for you. I need you to say it out loud.”

  “I care about Elijah and…and not like a brother.”

  “The whole truth Coop, I need the whole truth if you want more of a reward.”

  “I…Shit…I think I’m in love with Elijah, too.” All of a sudden I’m worried I’ll lose Shayna, I blurt, “But not more than you, Shayna. I love you both.”

  “Shhh, sweets. I know that. I wasn’t even worried about that for a second.” Shayna leans in to nip gently at my bottom lip before rising up to reach behind me and grab something off the table. When she settles back onto her spot, she says, “Reward time,” while holding up a condom. She rips open the packet and tasks herself with sliding it down my length before scooting up higher on my thighs and rubbing my chest.

  I feel like I should be confused right now, but I’m not. There’s something so incredibly hot about the woman I love using my dick against me to make me confess my deepest truth about the man I love. “Okay, sweets. Next question, what’re you gonna do about your feelings for Eli?”

  “I don’t know, honestly.” She stops the motion of her hands and tilts her head back, regarding me curiously.

  “What do you mean, you don’t know?”

  “Shayna, Eli’s not even gay. And then there’s you. And how will that work even if he does somehow have feelings for me? I can’t exactly date you both.”

  “Aww, sorry Coop. No reward for that answer. And I was so looking forward to riding you.” She sighs, shaking her head in disappointment. “Okay, let’s try this so we can get back on track here.” She’s subtly moving her hips and barely rubbing my dick against her clit. Her breathing is beginning to come a little shallower, and I know she’s not unaffected by this game she’s playing. In fact, I’m pretty sure I could pull her onto my dick right now without protest.

  Instead I say, “Okay, what’s the next question. I’ll try to answer it.”

  “Right now, what’s your deepest fantasy?”

  Without thinking, I say the first thing that comes to mind. “To watch you ride Eli’s dick like you’re about to ride mine.”

  Shayna’s smile turns devilish as she says, “Right answer. Mine too.” Then she’s slamming her mouth onto mine, and her pussy onto my dick. It’s like everything is happening at warp speed because I also hear a gasp. Opening my eyes, I see Eli standing in the entryway looking shocked.

  He’s didn’t put his jeans back on, so I can see how hard he is from the tent in his boxers. I have no idea how long he’s been standing there or what he’s heard, but I do know how much I’ve always loved performing for him. And now that I know how into it Shayna is, too, I wrap my arms around her waist and haul her up with me as I come to a standing position without breaking contact between us. Setting her ass on the edge of the table, I pummel into her. My eyes darting between her arched body and Eli. She must have heard him enter as well because her neck is at an angle to be able to fix her eyes on him; she writhes on the table before me while panting for me to go harder, to go faster.

  She comes with a shudder faster than I’ve ever seen her get off before and pushes me out of her before I can find my release.


  Oh my God, what have I done? I woke up on a bed in only my boxers and t-shirt. I don’t even remembering making it off the couch, but between crying over Jeannie’s treatment of me—and if I’m honest with myself, I was more crying because with her gone, I felt like my chance to reconnect with my family was slipping away—and the mind-blowing orgasm I experienced with Cooper’s dick pushed up against mine, I was drained.

  Hearing talking from the other room, I decided to face Coop and Shayna right away. Coop was all I’d had in the world for years, and Shayna had come to mean just as much to me. If I were being honest with myself further, I’d admit she’d come to mean more to me than she should as my best friend’s lady. As I went to slip on my jeans, I’d seen Coop’s still laying crumpled up on the floor. Figuring that he must only be in his boxers, too, I dropped my jeans back on the ground and went in search of them.

  I heard them before I saw them, and their conversation unnerved me for a minute. Coop was telling Shayna that I wasn’t gay and that he couldn’t exactly date us both. Which I guess was kinda true, I mean, I’m not gay or I never thought I was, but with Coop, everything’s always been different with Coop. I’ve always admired the flex of his muscles, the bulk of his body. Making him proud has been my number one priority outside of winning my family back for years. When he smiles at me, no matter how hard life sucks, I feel like everything’s going to be okay.

  But he’s right, even if I did want to date Coop, he’s got Shayna. I began to turn around to go back and get dressed when her next question stopped me. I couldn’t contain my curiosity and had to know Coop’s answer, so instead of walking away, I moved farther down the hall and into the room. What happened next left me reeling. Shayna in all her naked glory sitting astride Coop, him telling her that he wanted to see her ride me, her agreeing as she slammed her body onto his, it was too much. But when they both fixed
their eyes on me, it suddenly became not enough.

  I stood mesmerized as Coop picked her up, his cock still imbedded in her pussy, and planted her on the table to hammer into her. This was the second time I’d seen them have sex, and the second time I was amazed at how he drove into her. It was like he was possessed and couldn’t get enough. Coop had never been like that in the past when we took women to bed with us. He’d always been so calm and gentle; I was the one who pounded into them without any real thought of how they felt. However, Coop doesn’t do it like he doesn’t care about Shay, it’s more like he’s so hungry for her he can’t control himself.

  But now, what have I done? Shay’s eyes are on me while Coop slides in and out of her. And Coop is well aware I’m here, but as soon as Shay comes, she’s pushing Coop away. Is she leaving? Is she upset?

  I’m once again unnerved with how her eyes are trained on me and she’s moving closer. I have no idea what to expect in this moment. Shay stops in front of me and stands on her toes to lick across my parted lips before wrapping both arms around my neck. With a soft smile, she begins to rub the nape of my neck. I’ve seen her do this so many times to Coop before and always wondered how it would feel to be the recipient of such a gentle, reassuring touch. Earlier, when she’d done it, I’d felt fresh tears well up in my eyes from the peace her touch provided. “Eli?” she whispers.

  My eyes flick from her lips to her eyes to Coop standing behind her regarding us with curiosity and lust in his eyes. Refocusing on Shay, I whisper back, “Yes?”

  “Will you kiss me? I’ve been dying to know what your lips on mine will feel like.”

  Glancing once more at Coop, he smiles and tips his head encouragingly. I’m not sure what we’re doing or if we’ll all regret it, but I can’t resist the opportunity she’s giving me, staring her in the eyes, I finish lowering my lips to hers as her eye lids flutter shut. And I sink my lips into the softness of hers, such unbelievable softness. I’m almost scared to do more than press our lips together because honestly, this would be enough, more than I ever dared hope for. When Shay parts her lips and flicks her tongue across mine, I sigh. Not being able to control myself now that I’m finally getting a taste of her, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her up tighter against me, allowing my tongue to invade hers and bathe in the warmth of her mouth.

  After mere moments of bliss, Shay pulls back, nipping my bottom lip lightly as she goes. “Do you trust me?” Again glancing from her to Coop, I look back at her and nod after receiving another smile of encouragement from him. Shay backs up a little and pushes my t-shirt up off my stomach and tucks it under my arms to hold. As her fingers stroke over my scar, I begin to shake at how tenderly she traces over it. “Thank God, you’re okay. I could have lost you without ever having known what I’m missing.” Then she bends at the waist and her lips follow the path of her fingers. She presses her lips firmly, almost reverently, to the most hideous part of my body.

  Before I can totally process Shay’s reaction, she drops to her knees before me. I allow my shirt to fall from under my arms back down to cover my belly as she’s pulling my boxers down. My dick immediately becomes impossibly hard. Her eyes lock with mine, and I can’t look away as her tongue peeks out of her mouth just enough to lick the drop of pre-cum off the head of my cock. Her moan as she sucks her tongue back into her mouth is echoed by Coop’s as he moves closer to us while discarding the condom.

  “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispers.

  Shayna’s eyes are still on me, searching my face as she gently asks me, “Is this okay?”

  I can only nod before watching her tongue sneak back out and begin to tease around the head of my dick. On a groan, I look up from her tongue on me to feel Coop’s teeth bite into the juncture between my neck and shoulder on one of the marks he left on me earlier. It’s then I realize that I saw those same marks all over Shay’s tits and thighs as she walked toward me. Another thing I’ve never seen Coop do before.

  Licking over the spot he’s pulling his teeth from, he nuzzles into the side of my neck while he works his way to my ear. I hear him whisper, “Is this okay, too?”

  My eyes dart down to where Shay has stopped her work on my cock to watch us, and with her kind eyes on me, and Coop’s warm breath bathing my cheek, I finally speak, “God, yes. Please, Coop.”

  We all groan as Shay finally, finally sucks my cock into her mouth to where her hand is wrapped around the base, and Coop’s mouth descends onto mine. Kissing me deeply over and over again, our tongues entwining, I give over to his dominance. Resting in the knowledge that with Coop, I have nothing to prove and nothing to fear. He’s seen me at my lowest point and held my hand every step of the way as I built myself back up.

  My senses are overwhelmed, but I’ve never felt so comfortable. I rub one hand through Shay’s hair as she continues to suck me and stroke me toward release. I feel Coop’s hand touching mine as he also trails a hand through her hair. Neither of us pushing her, but rather letting her know how much we care about her. For me, it’s how much I appreciate her allowing me to be with them in this way. My other arm hangs to my side, but Coop’s arm is brushing mine as our hands grip together. We’ve metaphorically held each other’s hands for years, but this is the first time that our fingers are intertwined together.

  It suddenly occurs to me that Coop hasn’t come yet; but as I break from our kiss to ask if he wants me to take care of him, I see that Shay has her hand working him at the same pace. Coop’s eyes follow mine, and it’s all it takes for both of us. I tap Shay’s head, and she hums while increasing her pressure. Her hum makes Coop shoot up like a fountain which makes me surge into Shay’s mouth, both of us leaning against each other, panting heavily while we try to catch our breath.

  Once I’m coherent enough to notice what’s going on, Coop is pulling Shay up to stand squished between us. He kisses first her temple, and then mine before chuckling and saying, “Well, I guess we should have a talk.”

  Before my nervousness can kick in, Shayna starts to giggle, rising on her tiptoes to kiss us both on the cheek one at a time, then she turns to leave the room. “Can we do it in bed?”



  I walk into my room and climb right into the middle of my bed. The guys come shuffling in after me since they both stopped to put their boxers back on. Elijah looks terrified while Cooper is apparently finding the whole thing amusing. Sitting crossed legged in the middle of my bed with my butt up by the headboard, I pat spots on both sides of me. “Come on boys, let’s talk.”

  Eli approaches the bed hesitantly, but offers me a tentative smile as he climbs on to sit on one side of me. Coop waits until Eli is sitting before running to bounce onto the bed on his ass. He lets out a joyful, “Whoop!” as his body settles into place.

  It’s enough to break the tension surrounding Eli, and he reaches over to push on Coop’s arm. “You’re such a big kid, you dork.”

  “What can I say? I’m a fun guy,” Coop deadpans. Eli and I crack up while Coop smirks at us.

  Nonchalantly, Coop reaches out to place his big paws on my knees. “Precious, you know it’s gonna be hard for us to have a serious conversation while you’re spread open showing us the holy land.”

  “Oh Coop, how silly of me,” I say while batting my lashes at him.

  “Ahhh, I see what’s going on here,” he says back as he squints his eyes at me.

  “Wait. What am I missing?” Eli asks.

  “It’s a trick, man. It’s female trickery. She’s trying to lead the conversation her way by giving us a glimpse of the great reward. The pot at the end of the rainbow, if you will.”

  Eli drops his head and his shoulders begin to shake as Coop and I smile at each other. When Eli has control of himself, he looks up and asks, “Are you two always this goofy?”

  At the same time, Coop and I reply with an emphatic, “Yes!”

  “What have I gotten myself into?” he huffs out.

Suddenly, the conversation is serious, and it’s time for us to talk this through. “What do you guys want out of this? Both of you.”

  Eli looks back and forth between me and Coop before saying, “Maybe I should let you two talk first.”

  Coop answers, “No, I think we both have an idea of where we stand. It would take knowing how you feel for us to really talk it out any further. If you need some time to think, we don’t have to talk about it right now.”

  Patting Eli’s knee, I tell him, “No one is trying to force you into anything, Eli. And if this isn’t something you ever want to happen again. It’s fine. But…well, just so you know. It’s not something I’m opposed to.”

  Before I can pull my hand back, Eli grabs it and starts stroking the inside of my wrist. “I don’t know what that means,” he mutters while staring at his fingers.

  I glance to Coop for guidance, and he tips his head at me. Knowing that I’m the one who pushed this, I inhale for strength and exhale the truth. “Lovey, since the moment I met Coop I knew he was special. But even before I met you, I knew that you were, too. And from before I met you, I knew that the connection between you and Coop was…more. I don’t know how to explain it really. I don’t know if it’s the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about you.” At this point, Eli shifts around to peek up at Coop, who smiles at him warmly. The smile that’s reserved for only me and Eli.

  Continuing on, I say, “Or maybe it was the smile he’d get when he’d told me you’d called, the one like he has right now. Whatever it was, I knew how important you were to him, so I wanted to make sure that we got along, too. But Eli, it was never hard for me to do that.”

  And now his head tilts around to look at me. “It wasn’t?”

  Leaning over to where his hand is holding my wrist on my leg, I kiss the back of it. “No, lovey. It sure wasn’t. From the minute you walked through my front door, I felt an affinity for you. At first I thought maybe it was like a younger brother feeling.” Eli blanches so I hurry to continue, “No, no, don’t worry. That thought lasted about ten seconds. I wouldn’t call noticing how your ass looked in certain jeans exactly a family feeling. Besides, the little touches that you and Coop share, the way you finish each other’s stories, and know what you’re each thinking. Yeah, those things appealed to a whole other side of me. The side that couldn’t stop thinking about the things Cooper had shared with me about your times together in the past.”


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