A Merger by Marriage

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A Merger by Marriage Page 11

by Cat Schield

  As she was exiting her suite, her gaze fell on the files Scarlett had given her. She hadn’t decided what to tell JT yet. He’d been through so much already. But she didn’t want to go behind his back on something as serious as his father stealing another man’s identity. Leaving JT’s file on her home office desk, she slipped Preston’s and the one containing information on Charity Rimes into her briefcase and exited the suite.


  “You look gorgeous.” Impatient for a last minute alone with her, JT linked his fingers with Violet’s and tugged her toward the stairs. They had fifteen minutes until their guests were due to arrive.

  “Is it silly that I’m nervous?” With her free hand, she smoothed her skirt and tugged at her neckline.

  “Yes.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Everyone here tonight will be a friend. And I’ll be at your side the entire evening.”

  To his gratification, she looked reassured. “And you’re sure I look okay?”

  “You’re perfect.” He wasn’t accustomed to her lack of confidence and wondered how someone as beautiful and charming as Violet could doubt herself.

  “Because the dress is three years old.”

  “It looks brand-new.”

  “That’s because it is. I’ve never worn it.”

  The subtleties of a woman’s mind when it came to fashion were lost on JT. “Let’s go have a glass of champagne. I want to make a toast.”

  He led her outside to the pool deck. Because of the number of guests who would be coming, they’d opted to open the living room’s glass walls so people could enjoy the night air. Tiny white lights decorated the palm trees and shrubs, adding a festive air. A bottle of champagne and two flutes awaited them in the outdoor seating area.

  JT popped the cork and poured the sparkling liquid. He handed one to Violet and cleared his throat.

  “To you. Thank you for marrying me. It’s been a long time since anyone has acted in my best interests instead of their own. Your optimism and knack for thinking outside the box have enabled me to shake loose the cobwebs and let in the sunlight. No matter what happens a month from now, I am ready for whatever the future brings.”

  The toast was awkward and sappy, but Violet didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes remained riveted on him as he spoke. Her faith had given him wings. His father could throw every vile trick in the book his way and JT would let it all roll off him. It was impossible to convey the depth of his appreciation for all Violet had given him.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that,” Violet told him, clinking her glass to his. “And I hope I can continue to make good things happen for you.”

  “All I need is for you—”

  “There’s the couple of the hour,” a man announced from the living room. It was Brent. He’d flown in from Charlotte earlier that day and was staying at Titanium.

  Fighting back a sigh at the interruption, JT towed his wife to greet his cousin. After introductions were made, JT caught a subtle nod of approval from Brent and relaxed. His cousin’s opinion mattered. Everyone else could go to hell.

  Shortly after Brent’s arrival, the floodgates opened and guests began to pour in. In addition to family and friends, they’d invited many business associates from Las Vegas.

  Waitstaff circled with glasses of champagne and fancy hors d’oeuvres. With the help of her catering manager, Violet had organized the party within a week and the entire evening flowed without a hitch. And with each hour that passed, JT found himself a little more enthralled with his wife.

  She charmed everyone with her quick laugh and positive outlook. He was glad the evening called for them to navigate the room as a couple, because he couldn’t bring himself to move more than an arm’s length away.

  The floral scent she wore made his head spin with shameless thoughts of what he intended to do with her later. He had a hard time keeping his hands off her bare arms.

  “You’ve been monopolizing your wife the whole evening,” Scarlett complained, tugging Violet away. “Harper and I need a couple minutes with her.”

  JT continued to move about the room, but what little enjoyment he’d had in the evening had been leached away the second Violet had gone. More than anything he wished everyone would just go home.

  After what seemed like hours, but had been no more than fifteen minutes, Violet returned to him.

  “I missed you,” he murmured, after welcoming her with a quick kiss.

  By the end of the night, he accepted that he was the luckiest man in the world. As they stood in the doorway and bid the last of their guests goodbye, JT became aware of a raging need to have her all to himself. The instant she closed the front door and let out an enormous sigh of relief, he lifted her onto his shoulder and headed upstairs.

  At first she was too startled to protest, but she’d rediscovered her voice by the time he reached the second floor.

  “Have you lost your mind? There are still things to clean up and I need to thank the caterer. Put me down.”

  “She left twenty minutes ago. You and I are all alone.” He deposited her on the king-size bed in the master suite. “Finally.”

  “We’ve been alone these last four days,” she reminded him, sliding his shirt buttons free.

  He tugged the thin strap off her shoulder and buried his face in her neck. Her scent had been driving him crazy all night. It reminded him of two days ago when he’d...

  JT’s brain short-circuited. Her busy hands had unfastened his zipper and slipped inside his pants to cup him. He groaned, his erection growing impossibly hard beneath her clever touch.

  “Slow down,” he commanded, snagging her wrists and pinning them onto the pillows above her head. “We have all night.”

  “But I need you now.” She slowly gyrated her hips in the way she knew made him crazy. “And we’re both ready. Why can’t you just go with it?”

  Because he’d been going with it for four days and had yet to learn all he wanted to about pleasing her. Their chemistry was so explosive. He’d never been with anyone like her. Eager, passionate, sexy as hell. She could look at him from across the room and he’d want her. His obsession grew worse every day. It interfered with his ability to focus at work and distracted him from the purpose of their marriage in the first place: gaining the stock he needed to oust his father.

  “You want me to go with it?” he asked, rolling off the bed so he could strip off his shirt, pants and underwear.

  “Very much.” She watched him with greedy eyes as she got to her knees and stripped off her fancy cocktail dress. Clad in a strapless bra and silk bikini underwear, she waited for him in the middle of the bed, her hands on her hips in brazen challenge.

  “Very well.” His smile acknowledged that if she wanted to play, he could too. “Turn and face the headboard.”

  Surprise and uncertainty flickered in her eyes for a moment, but after a short hesitation she did as he asked. Peering at him over her shoulder, she asked, “Like this?”

  “Just like that.”

  He moved onto the bed and came up behind her. Her beautiful back was a feature he’d not had much opportunity to explore these past few days and it was worth his attention. The first thing he did was pop the catch on her bra so he could appreciate her delicate spine without hindrance.

  The elastic that held the bra in place had created indentations on her skin. He bent his head and kissed the marks while drawing his fingertips along her narrow shoulders. She quivered beneath his light touch and her breath hissed out in a long sigh.

  Little by little she relaxed as his fingers explored the contours of her shoulder blades, lightly massaged her nape and drifted down her arms. As he sucked on the place where her neck and shoulder came together, she leaned back against him and savored the prod of his erection against her butt.

t’s nice,” she murmured, arms straight at her sides, palms resting on his thighs. “But what can I do for you?”

  “Enjoy this. That’s all I ask.”

  Violet didn’t ask what this was. She was feeling lazy and aroused. Her skin was delighted to receive all the consideration JT was lavishing on it. Despite the insistent throbbing between her thighs, she hoped he’d treat her entire body to the same attention to detail.

  “You have a beautiful back. I love the dimples right here.” He pointed out the particular spot with a soft caress.

  “You know there’s a whole ’nother side of me that would love some attention.”

  He kissed her neck. “Such as?”

  “My breasts.”

  Following her command, he grazed his palms up her sides. She caught her breath as his long fingers stroked across her sensitive nipples, and exhaled as he swallowed her fullness in his hands.



  “Where else would you like me to touch you?”

  She sucked her lower lip between her teeth and bit down as his hands moved over her abdomen and caressed the tops of her thighs. She rotated her hips as the ache built deep in her loins. Undulating waves of longing pulsed through her.


  Shaking with need, she snagged his strong hands and urged them toward her mound. He’d knelt with his knees on either side of hers. Now, he nudged her thighs apart, spreading her legs wide, opening her. She gulped at the brush of cool air against her tender flesh. Anticipation of his possession aroused her still more until she thought she’d go mad with longing.

  “JT, this is not fair.”

  “What’s not fair?”

  He turned her face toward him and rubbed his lips over hers, mingling their breath, but not giving her the satisfaction of his tongue. She wanted a deep, penetrating kiss. Something to momentarily take her mind off the painful throbbing at her core.

  “You aren’t taking advantage of having me in this position.”

  “No?” He nipped at her neck. “What should I be doing?”

  She wagged her hips, rubbing herself against his erection. He groaned. At last his fingers slid into the cleft between her thighs. She almost cried out at the pleasure.

  “You’re so hot,” he muttered, his tone guttural and low. “It makes me crazy how wet you get.”

  “Show me.” She bent forward at the waist and let her hands fall to the mattress.

  From between his teeth came a savage curse. JT seized her hips and in one swift move plunged into her. The position offered Violet a whole new range of sensation and she released a soft “oh” of surprise.

  JT kissed her back. “Are you okay?”

  “Wonderful. Perfect.” She sucked in a breath and laughed. “In fact, it’s fabulous. Keep going.”

  Snorting his amusement, JT began rocking against her. Faster than Violet would have imagined, she felt an orgasm rising to meet her. And when JT reached between her thighs and plucked at the knot of nerves, she went off like a rocket.


  JT picked up his pace and continued to fondle her. To Violet’s intense shock, she didn’t settle to earth on a golden cloud like normal, but felt another pulse of pleasure stab her. She quaked as her second climax roared through her.

  Before she had a chance to marvel at the wonder of it all, JT dove into her hard two more times and was claimed by his own release. He collapsed onto her back, his chest vibrating with laughter.

  Catching her around the waist, he shifted his weight and rolled them onto the mattress. They landed in a tangle of limbs. JT pushed himself up so he could peer into her face. He had to brush her hair away from her eyes before he could meet her gaze.

  “Did you just come twice?” he demanded in amazement.

  She grinned. “I believe I did.”

  “You are the most incredible woman I’ve ever been with.”

  His words were sweet music to her ears. She’d never had a man appreciate her lovemaking the way JT did. And the feeling was mutual. He made her feel like a goddess. It was heady stuff for a girl who’d too often been self-conscious in bed.

  “It’s only because you’re such a wonderful lover.”

  He sobered. “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” She couldn’t imagine what she’d said to make him look so unhappy.

  “Downplay how terrific you are.”

  She squirmed a little beneath his intense regard. “I get uncomfortable when anyone says nice things about me.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I guess I don’t always believe that I deserve it.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  She lifted one shoulder and let it fall. “Ever since I was three, I knew my father didn’t want to have anything to do with me. I thought that was my fault.”

  “But you know it wasn’t.”

  It was easier to talk about her insecurities when she was staring at his chin. His outraged expression made her feel even worse. “These days, sure. But it hurt for a long time and I forged some armor that I wear when I’m feeling vulnerable.”

  “You don’t need to wear it around me.”

  He kissed her with reverent gentleness, endeavoring to heal her hurts with tenderness. Violet’s chest ached. Falling deep in love with him was so easy when he offered her his support like this. But she couldn’t help but be saddened by the fact that he wouldn’t let her help him in kind.

  In the calm after their earlier passion, JT and Violet snuggled in his big bed, their hands offering comfort and connection, their lips meeting in affection. They exchanged no words. The union of their bodies was an effortless way to communicate.

  Violet didn’t return to the problem of how to broach the subject of his father’s possible identity theft until almost five in the morning. JT lay on his stomach beside her, hands buried under the pillow, his features softened by sleep. She reclined on her side, head propped in her hand and watched him. Memories of their lovemaking moved through her nerves like a breeze through a weeping willow. Her hormones stirred lazily in response.

  Too wide awake to sleep and knowing she’d be tempted to rouse JT if she kept staring at all his naked glory, Violet slipped from the bed and put on a robe. The moratorium regarding her skinny-dipping had been lifted and she padded downstairs. Earlier, their hasty retreat to the bedroom meant that the living room’s glass walls had not been closed. Nor had the lights been turned off anywhere. Violet moved through the various rooms and left a trail of darkness in her wake.

  The warm night air pressed against her skin as she stripped off the robe and used the stairs to enter the pool. Despite the water’s comfortable temperature, she shivered. Swimming had always been both a way to exercise and a method for sorting through whatever problems she was having.

  She’d been on both her high school and college swim teams. Maybe she hadn’t been the fastest competitor, but driven by a fierce desire to catch her father’s attention, she’d worked harder than most. All in vain, of course, because it wasn’t as if he’d ever attended a meet. Eventually she’d accepted that their lack of a relationship was her father’s loss not hers, and she’d learned a valuable lesson in loyalty. Never would she let anyone down. If she gave her word, she would move heaven and earth to keep it.

  Which brought her to the file on Preston Rhodes. Tomorrow she would show JT what it contained. With the stockholder meeting approaching and his father still holding all the cards, if they had the chance to discredit him, they needed to take it. But was JT ready to destroy the last member of his immediate family?

  Violet left the pool and grabbed a quick shower in the pool house before returning to the master suite. Dropping the damp towel on the floor, she climbed naked between the sheets. Convinced she’d left and returned withou
t waking JT, she was surprised when his arms snaked around her waist, drawing her firmly against his side.

  With his face buried in the crook of her neck, he murmured, “You smell like chlorine.”

  “Impossible. I showered before coming back here.”

  “It’s barely detectible, but there.” He pressed his lips against the pulse in her throat. “I wouldn’t have thought you’d have enough energy for a swim. I guess I’ll have to do better at wearing you out.”

  She laughed at the sting of his nip. “I didn’t swim. I waded. It isn’t always about burning off excess energy. Sometimes it just feels good to hang out and enjoy the scenery.”

  “Is that what you were doing tonight? Enjoying the scenery?”

  “And thinking.”

  “About what?”

  She hesitated, unsure she wanted to disrupt JT’s good mood. “About the upcoming stockholders’ meeting and the shares we still need.”

  JT stopped kissing her neck and lay very still. “I don’t want you worrying about that. This is my battle to fight, you’ve done enough.”

  “This is my fight, too.” Although she was certain he was merely trying to protect her, Violet bristled. “Don’t shut me out. I can help.”

  “My father. My problem.”

  “We’re married. Our problem.”

  “It’s a paper marriage.”

  “Don’t do that,” she told him, an ache building in her throat. “Don’t shut me out.”

  He heaved a sigh and rolled away from her, coming to rest on his back. She pursued him across the mattress, sitting up so she could peer down at his face. His eyes remained hard, but his hand scooped her hip, thumb moving rhythmically against her waist.

  “You never stop pushing, do you?”

  She set her left hand on his chest. His grandmother’s ring snared the dawning light drifting in through the open window. They both stared at it.

  At long last she asked, her voice scarcely rising about a whisper, “Do you want me to?”

  They both knew what she wanted to know. Did she take off the ring and walk away from the marriage? Or did she stay and did they both commit to making their relationship grow and strengthen?


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