Call of the Wilds

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Call of the Wilds Page 6

by Неизвестный

  Gently he moved the hair from her neck, and his warm breath raised goose bumps before he grazed his lips over her nape and nipped it lightly. Before she could beg for more, he worked his fingers up her neck and into her hairline, scratching, then kneading her scalp. She leaned back into his hands and closed her eyes, melting like wax in the sun. It felt so good. Each stimulated follicle stood at attention.

  “I think I could fall asleep.” Not!

  “Good. Just relax. I’ll wake you if Ralf gets up.”

  All too soon, his large hands traveled down her neck and moved across her shoulders and down her rib cage. No, there would be no sleeping as long as he touched her. He rubbed circles on her lower back. Tense muscles unwound under his hands. She wanted more. Every part of her ached for his touch.

  “Is it getting warm in here?”

  “It’s just your blood circulating.” He chuckled.

  She wasn’t so sure. Her body felt alive and on fire. It was almost better than sex—almost.

  “Ohh.” He found a sore spot, but, like magic, it healed under his hands.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. Well, yes, but—”

  “I’ll stop.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she cried out. “It would be cruel and unusual punishment if you stopped now.”

  “Sweetheart, I haven’t even started yet,” he murmured in her ear, his hands dangerously close to her breasts.

  Oh, my God. She gripped his thighs and arched back against him.

  He shuddered. She heard a sharp intake of breath, and he pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Maybe you should rest now. I don’t want to hurt you,” he said tightly.

  Yes, yes! Hurt me!

  “You promised me more,” she insisted.

  A second later, he brushed the hair from her neck, and she felt the heady sensation of his lips against her skin, kissing and nibbling. Shivers ran down her spine. The breath caught in her throat. Who knew the spot behind her ear could be so sensitive? One hand held her hair back and the other rested on her shoulder while he traced her ear with his tongue, then sucked the lobe into his mouth. If she had been standing, she would have collapsed in a puddle at his feet. He worked his way around her jawbone, and she twisted her head to claim his lips.

  Nothing could have prepared her for the breathless wonder of their first kiss—sweet and gentle. It was everything she imagined and more. She increased the pressure and parted her lips in invitation, shocked at her own eager response. With a sensuous movement, he slipped his tongue past her lips and explored the recesses of her mouth. He swept across her teeth, and she sucked on his tongue. His growl vibrated against her mouth, and his hand closed over her breast.

  She gasped and tensed like a frightened child. What was wrong with her? She wanted this.

  He pulled back, his face white. “I’m sorry. I just—” He looked so chastened, like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  She had a quick pang of misery. Her mouth opened with a small whimper, then shut again. “It’s not you.” Her fear of being hurt spoiled a precious moment between them and made her bitter. Damn Jude for bringing it all back. She wouldn’t let him. She had to let it go once and for all.

  “I feel like a complete dog.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong.” Time to fess up. He shared a part of himself with her, and she needed to do the same.

  “I don’t know what I was thinking. It won’t happen again.”

  “Yes, I want it to happen again. I’m not playing games.” She had to make him understand, or they’d be over before they got started. “I have a tough time letting go and trusting people.”

  “You can trust me,” he assured her.

  She spoke softly as if saying the words aloud might conjure up her attacker. “I was assaulted, physically hurt.”

  “God, Karin, I’m so sorry. If I’d known, I never would have touched you.” He started to hug her, then stopped. “I shouldn’t have touched you anyway.”

  “I don’t like to talk about it.”

  “I’m glad you confided in me.” He cupped her chin and turned her head. “Look at me.” His jaw tightened, and a vein throbbed in his neck. “Did it happen in Black Wolf?”

  “No, it happened before I moved here. In the city. My neighborhood sucked, but I felt safe enough to do extra shifts at the vet clinic. I needed the money to open my own practice.” She tensed. Just talking about it gave her a nasty, creepy feeling. “One night I came home late. I was at the door looking for my key, and a man grabbed me from behind. He pressed a knife to my throat and dragged me into the alley.” A cold chill ran down her spine. “Lucky for me someone heard me scream and called the police. He got my purse, and I got a scar and some cracked ribs.”

  She pulled down the neckline of her sweatshirt, revealing the scar. “I’ll be back. That’s what he told me before he took off. The police never caught him, and I didn’t like being afraid all the time so I took the job here. I just want to get my life back together.”

  He traced the ridged line of flesh under her collarbone. “Bastard! If I caught him, he wouldn’t get off as easy as Jude did.” His eyes turned black and rings of amber fire circled his pupils.

  “Please, I just want to forget about it,” she said, alarmed by his angry stare. She expected to see pity on his face, not violence.

  The fire in his eyes vanished like two candles had been snuffed out. “Don’t be afraid of me, Karin. No matter what, I’ll never hurt you.”

  She ignored a prickle of apprehension. “I know.” She would not transfer her fears and preconceived notions to Malcolm. Categorizing him was futile. He was like no one else she’d ever met. If she didn’t go beyond her safe zone, she might lose her chance for something special. She didn’t want to be a woman who had a what might have been in her past. She’d never forgive herself. She kissed him and for a few seconds his lips rested warm and soft on hers, then he pulled back.

  “Karin, you don’t have to prove anything to me.”

  “I think I do. I need to prove how much I want to kiss you.”

  “And I want you to kiss me, but only when you’re ready.”

  She pressed into his body, looked into his eyes. “I’m ready,” she murmured, her mouth close to his.

  He was ready too. She felt the hard ridge of his cock pressed against her back.

  He traced the outline of her lips with the point of his tongue and then pushed inside. His tongue circled hers until she captured it and sucked delicately. His hands were in her hair, cupping her face, caressing her cheek. When they drew back to catch a breath, he nipped her lower lip.

  They touched foreheads. He kissed her eyes, her nose, and then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.

  She did trust him and felt safe with him at her back, her bottom nestled against his groin. His body molded against hers so perfectly. She put her hands over his and slid them under her sweatshirt, stopping just above her waist.

  “Touch me.” She hoped she didn’t sound as needy as she felt.

  “I want to—” His voice caught. “But, if you want me to stop, I will. Just say the word.”

  His fingers branded her with heat. The thought of his rough hands on her bare breasts made her squirm with nervous anticipation. She willed him to go further, but instinctively she knew he wouldn’t, not unless she gave him permission, so she drew his hands up to her breasts.

  His groan vibrated in her ear as his calloused hands cupped her breasts and stroked them gently. She felt the physical strength and naked desire behind his gentle touch. His erection pressed against her back, showing her he was just as turned on. Knowing he restrained himself to give her control made her want him even more. He’d stop if she asked, but could she? The building could go up in smoke, and she wouldn’t be able to tear herself from his arms. She had zero resistance left. All rational thought disappeared when this man came near her.

  His palms wer
e big and warm on her breasts. They firmed in his hands, and her nipples ached from neglect.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “God, no.” He gave her all this control and then took it away with his touch. “Don’t stop.”

  His light caress tantalized her and excited a desire for more. She let out a long breath.

  “Are you okay?” He nuzzled her hair.

  “Mmm. Yes”

  His thumbs circled her nipples, teased them until they hardened to stiff peaks. She whimpered and pushed her breasts against his hands.

  “More, Malcolm.”

  “You’re killing me,” he uttered harshly.

  He pinched her nipples between his fingers, and the sensation went right to her pussy. Moisture pooled at the juncture between her legs. She gasped and squeezed her thighs together to soothe the ache.

  Every time she squirmed between his legs and made contact with his growing erection, he sucked in a breath. God, she wanted to reach around, unzip those tight jeans and slip her hand inside to relieve his torturous hunger. Mostly she just wanted to touch him, to caress the silky skin of his cock and feel his arousal. She just wasn’t there yet, still too worried about what he would think of her. But, if he kept touching her like this, soon she wouldn’t be able to hold back. His soothing whispers in her ear inflamed her as much as his hands on her body. The low rumble of his voice flowed through her like brandy. She felt feverish.

  “I love to touch you. You feel so good.” His warm breath caressed her ear while his fingers rolled and tugged at her nipples. Desire grew until the throbbing between her legs demanded attention. Her chest heaved with her labored breathing, and she moaned thickly.

  “Tell me what you want.” His voice sounded as strained as hers.

  “Please, I need…” He made her feel so needy, but embarrassment held her back. She didn’t know how to ask him for what she wanted.

  “It’s okay,” he murmured. His right hand slid down to the waistband of her sweatpants and stopped as if waiting for permission.


  His hand slid over the hot bare skin of her belly and then lower.

  “Spread your legs, sweetheart.”

  She stiffened and whimpered, partly in fear, but mostly in frustration.

  “Relax, sweetheart, I won’t hurt you.” He played at the edge of her damp triangle, running his fingers through her curls until her breath grew ragged and the raw ache between her thighs made her writhe against him.

  God, he made her feel so alive. She needed more. She gave him free rein over her pleasure and relaxed her legs to give him access. Gently, he fondled her sex and explored her slick folds. Shameless, she ground her pussy against his hand.

  His breathing grew heavier as he stroked her. “You’re so wet,” he growled in her ear. “So damn responsive.”

  Pleasure and need coursed through her. She gasped when he slipped one finger inside her, then a second. His other hand applied pressure to her lower abdomen, anchoring her, and she rocked against his fingers. Heat radiated outward from her core. Her inner muscles quivered around his fingers.

  “I want you. I wish it was my cock buried inside you.”

  She heard him through the roaring in her ears and could only moan in response.

  “Would you like that? To feel me buried inside you?” His thrusts became harder and deeper. With his other hand, he rubbed circles around her swollen nub and drew little whimpers from her throat.

  “Yes.” Her voice was hoarse. His words sent her reeling. She hung on the edge of a precipice, and just the slightest nudge would send her over. Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it one second more, he curved his fingers and pressed a spot inside her that took her breath away. Guttural sounds came from the back of her throat. When his calloused thumb settled on her clit, the heavenly sensation hit her hard, and she shattered in his arms, screaming his name over and over.

  * * * *

  Karin’s cries set off an explosion of heat and longing that brought him to the edge. He almost came in his pants like some inexperienced young whelp. He wanted her so bad he didn’t hear Ralf’s whimpers until Karin slipped from his arms.

  “Is he okay?” His voice sounded strained even to his own ears.

  Karin scooted back on her knees, smiling. “He’s fine, I’m fine.” She looked down at the bulging erection showing clearly through his jeans. “The only one not fine is you.”

  He pulled her close and hugged her so tight he was afraid he might crush a few bones.

  “Hey, I’m not going anywhere,” she said with unconcealed affection. Her lips were like velvet brushing across his cheek.

  “But we are,” he murmured regretfully. He wished he could savor this for a little while longer and not just because he hadn’t been satisfied. Karin made him feel things he hadn’t felt in years. Having someone trust him so completely was an extraordinary feeling—and an incredible responsibility. He would never hurt her and part of keeping her safe was getting out of here before someone discovered her harboring another wolf. And Quick Draw would not be happy if he showed up in the morning and found them together. The sheriff could be a formidable enemy. Karin had enough on her plate.

  “Hey, it’s okay, baby,” she whispered against his mouth. “I know you need to leave, but we have all the time in the world.”

  If only it were true. He had started something he couldn’t finish. It would only bring them both heartache. He claimed her lips for a last kiss, and she shattered him with the hunger and passion she radiated. She gave herself so freely. He drank her in, and she quenched a deep thirst inside him.

  Ralf made a few impatient yips. “To be continued.” Karin slipped out of his arms to disconnect the IV. “Duty calls.”

  “Are you sure he’ll be okay?”

  “Are you questioning my credentials too?” She smiled to take the sting out of the words. “He’ll be fine. Just keep him quiet.”

  “How can I ever thank you?”

  “Oh, I’ll think of something.” She smiled and threw dressings and antibiotics in a bag. “Don’t worry if he’s groggy. Put him to bed. Chances are he’ll go right back to sleep. Just water for twenty-four hours, then feed him a bland diet, plain white rice with chicken or boiled hamburger. Follow the directions on the meds. The stitches will dissolve on their own.”

  “Don’t worry, doc.” He gathered Ralf to his chest, blankets and all. “I’ll take good care of him.” He leaned over for a kiss.

  “And I’ll take good care of you. If you don’t want to bring him back, I’ll make a house call.” She winked and blew him a kiss.

  Chapter Ten

  After several hours of tossing, turning, and staring at the ceiling, Karin finally gave up. Visions of Malcolm filled her head. Was he thinking about her as well? Too keyed up after what they shared earlier, she realized she’d never fall asleep. It was then her eyes closed, and she drifted off. Her dreams took over, and this time she welcomed them.

  She slept in the nude. Shivering, she reached for the covers, but they weren’t there. When she opened her eyes, she saw Malcolm standing there, clutching the blanket and watching her. The lust in his eyes inspired her to raise her knees and then let them fall apart. She reached between her thighs and played with her pubic hair. Tugging the light brown curls sent quivers racing through her. She traced her outer lips with an index finger and let it slip past her damp folds.

  Malcolm’s eyes were glued to her pussy.

  She raised her hips and inserted another finger.

  “Yes, sweetheart, just like that,” he groaned. “Just imagine it’s me fucking you.”

  She closed her eyes and pumped her fingers in and out, in and out. With her other hand, she found her swollen clit and brushed it with her thumb. Lost in pleasure, she almost forgot her audience.

  “I want to see you come,” he muttered hoarsely.

  She circled the sensitive nub, rubbed harder until the heat in her belly grew. A wave of tension followed and her mus
cles contracted.

  She cried out and lifted her arms to welcome him into her bed and breathed in his warm, moist male scent. He lowered his naked body over hers, guided his thick cock to her entrance and, in one thrust, filled her completely. A soft moan escaped her. This was what she’d been waiting for. She lifted her hips to meet his, and they moved in rhythmic harmony. He increased the tempo, and she answered in wild abandon. She peaked quickly and screamed against his throat while soul-shattering spasms shook her body.

  He rode the waves of her ecstasy and, groaning, shuddered with his own wild release.

  She woke in a sweat, wishing it were real. If she wrote down her dream, it would be an erotic bestseller.

  After a cold shower, Karin drove to the refuge still in a haze of post-orgasmic bliss. Truly, Malcolm was the man of her dreams, erotic dreams. She’d never known anyone like him. A man so sexy, he took her to cloud nine with just his hands and lips. What would it be like to really have him inside her, his bare skin pressed against hers, so close they would almost be one? She let out a frustrated sigh.

  Could she satisfy a man like that? She wanted to try. She imagined herself wild and wicked, acting the shameless wanton for him. Like the wolves in her pack, they connected on some primal level. She’d felt it from day one. Now they had taken things a step further, and it would be impossible to see him without wanting to taste and touch.

  Lost in daydreams, it was a wonder she made it to the refuge in one piece. She parked the Mule and headed for the enclosure. The big alpha didn’t come running like he usually did. She spotted him lying next to Lyka and concern turned to understanding. If they were expecting, then he was right where he belonged.

  She took a few more steps, caught her foot in a hole, and twisted her ankle as she fell—into a mushy pile of wolf scat. Swallowing hard, she tried not to vomit from the pain. The wolves rose to their feet. They came closer, sniffing the air. Bo licked her legs and nibbled gently, grooming her.

  Great. I’m now officially one of the pack, but I refuse to reciprocate. At least no one will see me like this.


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