Call of the Wilds

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Call of the Wilds Page 15

by Неизвестный

  “Saw him where?”

  “At his house.”

  “What were you doing at his house?” He didn’t like where this was going.

  “I uh.” she stammered lamely.

  “Karin, you really need to stay out of this.”

  “I should have listened to you.”

  “Well, did he tell you any more than he told me?” Shit, did he have to pry every word out of her?

  “He was with a woman,” she said bitterly. “I’m surprised he showed up at your office at all.”

  He wanted to shout with joy, but he kept a straight face. That son of a bitch had another woman. He’d been right about him all along. Things turned out okay after all. Karin looked like she’d been crying, but it wasn’t from grief. Now she knew what kind of man Malcolm really was. All the better to appreciate him. Yep, everything had worked out for the best.

  “A local woman?”

  “I don’t think so. She said she just got into town.”

  “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. I always knew he played around,” he added with unconcealed contempt. “I thought I had a lead on the wolf for you, but this puts us back to square one. I’m sorry.” He stood and pulled her up from her chair. “I think you need a hug.”

  She let him hold her for a second, then moved away.

  “I’ll stop by later to see how you’re doing. I want to talk to Glenn, see if he can tell me anything else.”

  “I have an errand later. I’ll stop by your office before I go home.”

  “Okay.” He kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry. It’ll all work out.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  She felt better after Frank left. It was just like before—before Malcolm came into her life. Whenever she needed someone to talk to, she called Frank. There was nothing he could do or say, but he was a comforting presence for her, someone she could always turn to. Right now she just needed a sympathetic ear, and even though she couldn’t tell Frank everything, it still felt good to lean on him. She had no one else.

  Malcolm had played her, and she fell for it. She wasn’t the first woman to be lied to by the man she loved. Somehow, she would get through this. She had no choice.

  Her belly gurgled again. After Frank left, her queasy stomach protested and the greasy eggs came back up. Nausea might be normal, and she knew she could live with it, but she had other questions and she wanted to start prenatal care and vitamins. She had to be both mother and father to this baby, and she wanted to make sure her child had a good start. This morning, she’d picked an OB/GYN from the Macon phonebook, and the doctor squeezed her into the schedule.

  * * * *

  Dr. Lyndale Clark had been a good choice—pleasant, professional, and reassuring.

  “We’ll do an ultrasound now.”

  “Do I really need it today?”

  “I like to do one early on to make sure everything is okay, plus I can measure the fetus and give you a good estimate of the due date.”

  A technician came in and applied gel. Then Dr. Clark moved the transducer over Karin’s abdomen. Images formed on the video screen, and when she got a clear shot, she freeze-framed the picture and took measurements.

  “I’d say three months.”

  It took a minute before the doctor’s words sunk in. “I’ve only just missed my period.”

  “Oh, your last one probably wasn’t a real period. Sometimes women bleed in the first month or two. It’s probably nothing. The exam and the ultrasound are both fine.”

  “I’m pretty sure I had a real period.”

  “I don’t think so. If you bleed again, call me. I’ll want to see you right away.” She put something on Karin’s stomach. “Listen, this is your baby’s heartbeat. The Doppler instrument amplifies it.”

  Her baby’s heartbeat. She couldn’t believe it. It made everything so real. If only she had Malcolm here to share it with her, her life would be perfect. She resolved to stop feeling sorry for herself and put him out of her mind. She’d concentrate on the baby and enjoy every minute of her pregnancy.

  She left with a bottle of vitamins and the first picture of her baby. The euphoria wore off as soon as she walked out the door. Shell shocked, she sat on the ATV and looked at the ultrasound image. It didn’t lie. She started crying. There must be something wrong with the baby. She heard of a disorder that caused rapid growth in the prenatal period. Maybe she should go back in and talk to the doctor again. No, it was very rare, and Dr. Clark would think she was crazy. Next month, she’d be far enough along for an amniocentesis. In the meantime she would take good care of herself and find whatever she could on the Internet.

  She headed back to Black Wolf and Frank’s office wishing she could confide in him. She wanted to share her picture with someone, but Frank wouldn’t welcome the news, and right now, the last thing she needed was a fight with him. She needed to see a friendly face, someone she could trust not to lie to her.

  The drive back seemed longer. Glad to finally reach the lockup, she got out and stretched her legs.

  She greeted Frank’s secretary and waited while Trudy called him.

  Frank came out to greet her immediately. “Karin, you should have called me. I would have waited and taken you to lunch.”

  “Oh, I already ate.”

  “You have to start eating better. You look like hell,” he chided her.

  “Thanks a lot.”

  “I’m not kidding. You have more bags under your eyes than the luggage compartment on a 747. I know you’re not sleeping.”

  “It’s this business with the wolf.” It felt good to have someone so concerned about her, even if it was the wrong someone.

  “You gotta put it to rest. Come in the back, and I’ll make you a cuppa joe.”

  She didn’t want coffee, just the friendship. He looked so sympathetic, just what she needed. She followed him into the connecting apartment.

  The small living room had a backcountry rustic feeling. The wool plaids were more campy than campsite but clean and comfortable, like Frank himself. The hunting mementos put her off, but she brushed it aside. She knew he hunted.

  “Make yourself at home. It’s more comfortable than the office. Coffee or tea?”

  “Just water please.” He disappeared, and she heard the sound of cabinets opening.

  It felt strange being here, but everything about the last twenty-four hours had been strange. She made herself comfortable on the couch.

  When she looked up, Frank stood there with two steaming mugs in his hands. He set them down on the camp footlocker in front of the sofa.

  “Here. This will do you good.” He sat beside her and handed her one of the mugs.

  “What is it?” She sniffed.

  “Exactly what you need.”

  “It’s too early to drink.”

  “Do you think I’m trying to get you drunk?” He laughed. “It’s just tea and a little honey. Good for what ails ya.”


  He clinked her mug. “Drink up.”

  She sipped it slowly as her drink cooled. “Not bad.”

  “Okay, now what’s keeping you up at night besides worrying about our missing wolf?” He took a chair opposite.

  “I’m worried about the pack. This is bound to affect them.” She couldn’t tell him what really bothered her.

  “As far as I know, there’s been no talk of delisting, and anyone who takes it on themselves to thin out the pack will have me to deal with.” He patted her shoulder. “There’s no point worrying about it. If we don’t find the wolf, things will settle down on their own. Either way, the pack will be fine. You need to start thinking about yourself.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “I know I’m right. Let me worry about the wolves. I’ll take care of everything, and once you accept we’re a good fit, I can take care of you too.”

  “Frank, I don’t—”

  “I’m not rushing you, but it’s not good for a woman to be alone out here. You’re a sittin
g duck for some asshole to take advantage of you.”

  “Frank, I don’t want to talk about this now.” She put her cup down and made a move to rise.

  “Here. Let me refill that for you.” He grabbed for the mug and retreated into the kitchen before she could argue.

  Maybe she shouldn’t have come. He might read too much into her visit. If she left now, she could head off the conversation. Unfortunately, her body wouldn’t cooperate when she tried to stand. Warm, tingly sensations started in her toes and worked their way up her legs. She hardly noticed when Frank replaced her mug with a full one and sat down beside her.

  “I don’t mean to be a nag. It’s been a rough time for you, and I just want to help.”

  “You’re a good friend.” Her brain whirled in ever decreasing circles. “I just.”

  “What?” He gave her a funny look. “Do you feel all right?”

  “Ohh…I feel a bit dizzy…” The room spun, and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

  He put an arm around her. “No sleep and no food, no wonder you’re dizzy.” She tried to tell him she was okay, but nothing came out.

  “You can’t drive home like this. It’s best if you lie down for a while.” Butterflies twirled in her stomach, a sensation of weightlessness as he lifted her. “Don’t worry. I’m going to take good care of you.” Frank’s face loomed over hers. “I’m going to put you to bed.” He sounded very far away through the roar in her ears.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Frank couldn’t take his eyes off her. Watching her sleep, the dark blue of the wool coverlet contrasting against her skin and honey-colored hair, rendered him motionless. She looked like an angel, and he forgave her for all her rash indiscretions and foolish choices. He should be pissed she only came to him after her lover dumped her, but she was young, and Malcolm took advantage of her. She had to learn the hard way, but she’d finally realized her mistake and came to him. She knew a good thing when she saw it. Lucky for her, he had a forgiving nature. Now she was exactly where she belonged, in his bed, and he planned to take good care of her in every way. But right now she needed sleep.

  The mattress sank under his weight as he sat beside her, anxious to begin the delicious task of undressing her. He unbuttoned her shirt slowly revealing a plain white cotton bra. When she moved in, he’d buy her fancy underwear for his eyes only.

  Her eyes were closed, her breathing regular. He couldn’t resist touching her when her breasts were free from confinement. Her skin felt extraordinary, like satin under his fingers. Her dusky nipples hardened, and it was all he could do to keep from going further.

  She had a beautiful body. He couldn’t wait until she belonged to him completely, but he didn’t want her this way. No, he wanted her fully conscious and participating when he took her for the first time. He saw the way she responded to Connor, and she would accept him just as eagerly. It would be even better because they were meant to be together. They’d both waited too long for this. It was Connor’s fault. He thought he was a real ladies’ man. Well, he could have his new piece of ass. Karin was off-limits to him now.

  If Malcolm had any thoughts of getting Karin back, he would find another way to get rid of him. He still had Malcolm’s clothes and a witness, the best kind of witness—a dead one. Losing Glenn had been a blessing in disguise, even though he knew he’d never find another deputy like him. Hell, even in death, Glenn had his back. He’d make a perfect witness against Malcolm—one who could never be questioned. Too bad his loyalty cost him his life, but he would have one hell of a memorial service. The town would never forget him.

  He smiled down at the unconscious woman in his bed. It had been a long time since he had a woman, and never one as pretty as Karin. He wanted her the first minute he laid eyes on her. He sat in the rocker and watched her sleep, hoping she wouldn’t be out the whole night. Before too long, the creak and sway of the rocking chair lulled him to sleep.

  * * * *

  Consciousness returned to Karin with a ringing phone that threatened to split her head open. Light filtered in through the blinds and hurt her eyes. She threw an arm over her face.


  The expletive startled her, and she cried out. Where was she?

  She’d been dreaming of Malcolm, but she saw Frank’s face looking down at her. She tried to lift her head, and white-hot pain blinded her. She groaned and lay back down.

  “Relax, baby.” She felt Frank’s warm hand squeeze her shoulder as he sat beside her.

  “Where am I?” she muttered.

  “You passed out, and I brought you in here to lie down. Looks like we both fell asleep. It’s morning.”

  The ringing started again and didn’t stop this time. Waves of agony beat against the back of her eyelids. When she tried to focus, everything went blurry, and she saw double.

  “Damn it to hell!” He withdrew, and the bed shifted as his weight came off it. “I have to get that.”

  She sighed with relief when the ringing stopped. Frank spoke to the caller in low tones and returned in a few minutes.

  “I need to get to work. Where are my clothes?” Karin pulled the covers up to her neck, embarrassed by her nakedness. She shook her head as she watched two Franks holster their pistols and smile at her. They both looked blurry.

  “They’re hanging in the closet, but you’re in no shape to be going anywhere.” He sat on the bed and brushed the hair back from her face. “I want you to stay in bed today. I appreciate how hard you try to be independent, but you don’t need to anymore. Let me do the worrying for you. I have to go out now, take care of some business. It’s the downside of living where you work. Once we’re married, I’ll get us a nice little house in town, and you won’t be bothered with this crap.” He bent to kiss her forehead. “I’ll get you a glass of water and then you can go back to sleep. I want you nice and rested when I get back.”

  “I’m not thirsty. I just want to sleep.” She closed her eyes and feigned a tiredness she really didn’t feel.

  “Good girl.” He tucked the blanket around her and planted a kiss on her head like an obedient child. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

  As soon as the door shut behind him, she sat up and tried to clear her head. Did he really believe she would marry him? She tried desperately to remember what happened last night. Had she encouraged him? She drew a blank. Surely she’d remember something that important. She recalled coming to the office and drinking tea. What the hell did he give her? She must have passed out, but for how long? Jesus, she was naked in his bed. Humiliation overwhelmed her.

  She had to get out of here. Brushing aside the fear and dizziness, she sat up and turned so her legs hung off the bed. Testing their stability, she tried to stand up—and slid to the floor.

  She sat, leaning against the bed, and waited for the nausea to pass.

  * * * *

  “Sheriff, is everything all right?”

  “I have to take care of some business, Trudy. I don’t know how long I’ll be.”

  “There’s trouble, isn’t there? That boy on the phone sounded upset.”

  “Nothing for you to worry about. Just hold down the fort.”

  “Is there anything you want done while you’re out?”

  “Well, there is one thing you can do for me.” He thought over his words. He wanted to put it delicately. Hell, why not just tell her the truth? They would all know soon enough anyway.

  “Karin spent the night. She’s exhausted, and I don’t want her disturbed.”

  “Oh, my!” Her eyes got round as saucers. “Well of course. I’ll make sure she’s not bothered.”

  Smiling to himself, he wondered how long it would be before everyone in town knew Karin had spent the night with him.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Malcolm paced the width of the great room while Ralf stared at him accusingly. He couldn’t erase the image of Karin’s stricken face from his mind. Guilt weighed heavily on him.

  “Why are you so upset?”
Sable came down from the loft where she had spent the night alone in his bed. “It’s better for her to find out about us now before she thinks she has any claim on you.”

  Too late, he realized Karin already had a claim on him. When she ran from him, and he knew he’d never see her again, it hit him like a ton of bricks—he loved her. From the very first, they had a physical attraction, a connection so strong he couldn’t stay away from her. But it was more than sex. When they were together, she made him feel emotions he thought he’d lost forever. They talked and laughed and something as simple as sharing a meal became special. He’d shown her parts of himself no one else had ever seen, and she still wanted him. He started to believe she might even accept him if she knew the truth. A life together didn’t seem so out of reach. It was now. Whatever miniscule chance they might have had, disappeared the moment Sable walked down those steps.

  No matter what happened, he never meant it to end like this. He handled the situation badly. She trusted him, and now she felt betrayed, and he couldn’t make it right. He should have stuck to uncomplicated one-night stands. Love hurt too much and being entrusted with a woman’s heart and soul was more responsibility than he was capable of.

  How could he tell her the truth now? Even if he wanted to, he had to think of Sable. At worst, he’d be putting her life in danger, and at best, would be forcing her to befriend a woman she hated. He didn’t blame Sable. In her mind, there was no question they belonged together. She felt a connection that eluded him.

  Sable laid a hand on his arm. “Now there’s no reason to hide our feelings.”

  “There’s every reason to hide.” He shook off her hand, and the hurt on her face sent another stab of guilt to his heart. He hurt everyone he cared about.

  He cupped her chin tenderly and lifted her face so he could look in her eyes. He would not cause Sable any more pain. She’d suffered enough. “I don’t ever want anything to happen to you. I’ve kept a low profile for fifteen years, and it kept me alive. If anyone finds out about us, you’ll be in danger. I won’t risk your life.”


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